Angular Uranus Project

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Angular Uranus Project

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Welcome to the Angular Uranus discussion project, which will run May 16 - June 5-, 2021 (and then will remain around in case people want to revisit it in the future). Please gather your list of Uranus Angular people (especially those you know personally) and join us.

NOTE: I will be on the road for nearly all of this time and not able to respond or interact except spottily. Nonetheless, please dive ahead and share your insights on Uranus angular and I'll catch up and join the conversation later.

CRITERA: Planets within 7° of major angles (Asc-Dsc, MC-IC) and 2° of minor angles (Zenith-Nadir, EP-WP). Ideally (i.e., if you can), please assess proximity to horizon and meridian in prime vertical longitude, squares to MC and Asc in longitude, and RA contact to EP and WP in right ascension.

Here is the primary Angular Uranus interpretive resource on the forum:

We may also want to compare to Sun in Aquarius for ideas to check against our Angular Uranus examples:

My current concise summary of Angular Uranus reads:
Strongly individualistic, independent, going their own way. Needs freedom & breathing room (physical, intellectual) and frequent renewal (through new interests & experiences, shedding inhibitions, shaking loose stale conditions). Responds strongly to the new, unexpected, thrilling, colorful, exciting. Pragmatic realist anchored by naked truth. Clownish, fun. Prefers disclosure over mystery.
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Re: Angular Uranus Project

Post by Jim Eshelman »

People active on this forum with Uranus angular include:
  • Arena
  • Danica
  • Lance
  • Parto
To these we can add the great Siderealist Donald A. Bradley, the great friend of Sidereal astrology Joanne Stonnell (Clancy), and significant innovative, breakout, brilliant Tropical astrologers Jayj Jacobs and Tony Joseph (both regrettably long gone).

The ten U.S. Presidents with this are, in many cases, some of the most progressive, but by no means invariably. Of the rest, they were mostly figures of enormous impact (but, again, not invariably). Some astrologers have begun linking Uranus angular with horrible murderers, but the list below (to which Hitler, with Uranus rising more widely, is often added) is not large compared to other lists studied (I'd say their distinction is more in the shock of their acts more than murderous side). There is clearly sexual liberalism plus some significant names below where this has resulted in crime and scandal. There are few in entertainment below, but the high-impact genius of Mozart, Gaga, and Spector stands out.

Some famous people with Uranus angular:
  • Queen Elizabeth I, King George III, Pres. John Adams, Pres. Martin Van Buren, Pres. Franklin Pierce, Pres. Rutherford B. Hayes, Pres. Theodore Roosevelt, Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt, Pres. Dwight D. Eisenhower, Pres. Ronald Reagan, Pres. Barack Obama, Pres. Joseph Biden
  • Charles Manson, William Heirens, Fritz Haarmann, Ian Brady, Myra Hindley. John Wayne Gacey. Add Timothy McVeigh, Adolf Eichmann.
  • Bill Cosby, Phil Spector, Prince Andrew (Hugh Hefner)
  • Wolfgang A. Mozart, Lady Gaga, Carl G. Jung, Anne Frank, Bettie Page
Besides the forum members and outstanding astrologers listed above, I have a surprisingly small list of other people I knew/know sufficiently well with Uranus angular by the above criteria, obnly 12 others (three of whom are also astrologers). I'll recheck everything against these examples. None of my examples are family members or people comparably close. The seven women on the list that are part of my sexual history consist of two that I spent a week with while travelling plus five that were single-occasion partners (even though I knew most of them for years): This may be a comment on me, though I suspect (based on other Uranus angular examples) that it is descriptive of their free, opportunistic, and uninhibited sexual patterns.
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Re: Angular Uranus Project

Post by Jim Eshelman »

I suppose I should take a few minutes to scan individual angles as I have with the other planets, but I don't want to dwell on this too much.

Most my 14 Uranus rising examples are clear examples of people living "out of bounds," sometimes surprising (often shocking!) others, though this is not invariable. (Where it isn't as evident, I think the people are better at keeping their actions "out of the newspapers" as, e.g., Prince Andrew was for a long time.) Most seem quite willing to be seen and known for this "breakout" behavior. I also find stark examples of Uranus setting who, by behavior, quite openly declare "I am sooooo different," including Mozart, Lady Gaga, Hugh Hefner, and (in a "here comes something new!" sense) Queen Elizabeth I and Barack Obama, plus some personal cases, so I'd consider that basic to their character. However quite a few of Uranus setting people also were seen as quiet, "behaved," a little boring (even though they really weren't!), including U.S. presidents like Pierce, Eisenhower, and Biden, so there does seem to be a sense of "rolling in back" and being less obvious for about half of them.

Only four of my examples have Uranus on MC, and they don't have anything obviously in common. Oh, wait, there is a sense of "striving to have a voice," including one woman whose behavior was marked by trying to get others to recognize her contribution, Anne Frank who is best known for just trying to give voice to her experience, and a man who, knowing he was dying, took strong steps to see that his original contributions survived him. (I don't know if murderer William Heirens had any of this in him.) It may be too general and observation and based on too few examples, but I mention since it seems evident at the moment. My three Uranus on IC examples have nothing obvious in common.

My four Uranus on EP examples all have a sense of launching themselves on the world to grab attention and bring something different (two are Bettie Page and Phil Spector). In contrast, my three Uranus on WP examples do seem to have gone out of their way not to be too visible in their unorthodoxy (i.e., seemed very straight-laced, but I happen to know they weren't). This is the first angular pole where Uranus clearly behaves in opposite ways (in terms of visibility) on opposite poles.

I also only have three on the the Zenith - all into offbeat things, but you have to really know them to think them offbeat personalities, and all haver a sense of wanting to "control the territory" around them. I see nothing in common with my three Uranus on Nadir examples.

Most examples on my list, then are Uranus on Ascendant-Descendant. I have proportionately few of the others.
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Re: Angular Uranus Project

Post by Jim Eshelman »

As long as I'm breaking down the angles, for Uranus we have Garth Allen's published interpretations of the planet on each angle - the only planet where we have these. I reproduced his longer descriptions at viewtopic.php?f=15&t=42#p214 - here are "trimmed" quotes. (He had Uranus rising closely and an Aquarian Moon.)

Uranus on Asc: ...breakup of the family pattern in early childhood... senses his own differences from the throng... knows instinctively that he is a unique creation in time and space and is able to view things impersonally when he wishes to really understand them. Disliking all control by and obligation to others... tends to reap a reputation for unreliability by often venting his inborn protest against servitude by failure to be depended upon when most needed.

Uranus on Dsc: ...basically opportunistic, possessing what is called an overwhelming personality... "a way about him" that commands respect and to step aside to let him go his way when he's ready... forever seeks psychological reassurance of his own uniqueness and respectability, in his mate, in intimate friends and in general public opinion. Keeping marital and social life separate... does not suffer the pangs of conscience for disloyalty or infidelity... while faithful in his fashion to wife or friend or boss, he has a maddening knack for rationalizing any situation which finds him impeachable... Aloofness from intimacy can too easily resolve itself into chronic cynicism...

Uranus on MC: There is something Messianic about [them]... the first thing it signifies is that the native is the hub around which the lives of many others revolve, sometimes precariously. The key endowment is: Immunity from the fear of others' power. A saint to some, a sinner to others, and a conversation piece to all, he is so realistic that he can hardly be cowed by a display of splendor and omnipotency, being ever alive to the fact that the human animal remains just that despite the fluff and brass... often makes for a One Man Show in politics or the arts. To underlings he may seem too exacting, fanatical and sharp-spoken... ride[s] roughshod over what are considered the most sacred of institutions, because... he can without qualms sacrifice his own emotional biases for the sake of anything he believes to be the truth or otherwise worth-while... squirms under second-billing... readily resigns from any endeavor in which he is not given a free hand to do what he thinks best... apt to be thought of as an unstable job or contract-jumper. His idea of success is to become the very symbol itself of whatever he champions in society. His mission in life comes before everything else.

Uranus on IC: ...apt to delight in playing a Prodigal Son role in life as though fearful of losing self-identity by living and behaving exactly as mamma, the preacher and the teacher demand he live and behave... seems never to do or be the sort his kinfolk expect. One of the most powerful discoveries he might make around coming of age is that he is the political black sheep or emotional mutant of the family, the one among his kindred who can't seem to follow suit or fill the mold for which heredity and social pressures had him slated... constantly making discoveries about himself through his relatives, especially his parents, for the filial scene is a spasmodic source of surprises, shocks and conceptual revolutions. His greatest happiness, however, comes from the realization that his parents still love him despite his contrariness. No matter how dark the path or severe the storm, he can always find renewed hope and reaffirmation of affection at home, even though he probably struck out away from the family hearth at an earlier than usual age.
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Re: Angular Uranus Project

Post by Pollux »

Jim Eshelman wrote: Sun May 16, 2021 11:42 am
Uranus on Asc: ...breakup of the family pattern in early childhood... senses his own differences from the throng... knows instinctively that he is a unique creation in time and space and is able to view things impersonally when he wishes to really understand them. Disliking all control by and obligation to others... tends to reap a reputation for unreliability by often venting his inborn protest against servitude by failure to be depended upon when most needed.
I have a good friend with this aspect, and have witnessed 2 marked effects of Uranus/ASC personally. Uranus is within 5 degrees of the Ascendant.

Is able to view things impersonally when he wishes to really understand them.

I was pleasantly surprised when (let's call them A) A suddenly sent me a link to the astrology of moon signs, and wanted to find out more. This was from a person who seemed resistant to the nuances of astrology, having made a disaparaging remark about it - but also bizarrely open to it, since I would sometimes receive links to general sun sign astrology from them with a 'This looks so interesting!' remark. However Uranus is also opposite to a tightly angular Moon on the DSC in their chart, so maybe I was just witnessing that odd mix of congeniality and affection (from wanting someone to talk to) and sudden distance of Moon/Uranus.

I was naturally delighted and immediately sent her my own interpretation of her chart, and a computer-generated natal chart report - to which, in typical Uranian style, they started to question every part of my interpretation and report, attacking what seemed to them contradicting accounts in certain passages of the report ('How can I be passive when I am independent?'). After having read the natal chart report, they proceeded to remark that they weren't fully convinced, and that it was not wise to rely on a computer generated report, stating that they would have known themselves more thoroughly then a mere report. Which is true, but also not quite right - but everyone is entitled to their own opinion, however, so I did not correct A :lol:

Tends to reap a reputation for unreliability by often venting his inborn protest against servitude by failure to be depended upon when needed most.

I have lost count of the number of times that A has suddenly decided not to meet up at the last minute, on several outings. This, after repeated warnings, and even an angry outburst from me, has still not stopped her from doing so.
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Re: Angular Uranus Project

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Was reading this: recently made a large move and was hit with the unconscious (vertex) iteration of Uranus energy again. What I think I've actually seen better described in my INFP personality type is me considering my own ideals and values, imagining an ideal world, emotion searching and creative outlets with branding- uniquely Uranus energy. Basically moved to Montana and I didn't fit in my bartending job... good thing I like to camp.

Though as the grass grows red and green out here I've stumbled into another job might find a ranch to help and stay at.
Side note 80k$ education is a joke the pay decrease from the bar to the cannabis shop is shocking.(2$, 1$ if I don't suck and those tips are still nice).

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Re: Angular Uranus Project

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Alpaca, good to hear from you! - Where in Montana are you living? Transiting Pluto squares your MC these days, so I'/m not surprised you've made some very significant shifts.
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Re: Angular Uranus Project

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Big Sky. More specifically Gallatin Gateway (Gallatin Rd) MT. Camping is going to happen on a road called Taylor Fork. Never made so much money potentially and at the same time not had something stable to stay.

I'm getting by.. getting high.. (already got )..some strange
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Re: Angular Uranus Project

Post by Jim Eshelman »

(Getting off the thread topic, but to close the loop...)

Big Sky primarily emphasizes your Mercury, which is on Eastpoint and - especially - your Pluto which is 0°26' from Ascendant. You're always had the Moon-Pluto emphasis, but this is one of the spots in the world where your Pluto is totally front row, center seat. And you've moved there just as transiting Pluto squares your Midheaven.

This surely brings (among other things) an "outsider" or isolation theme in addition to reinventing your life. - Perhaps this is my own projection, but I know I'd feel pretty alien / outcast / outsider in Montana, so I find myself suspecting you do as well.
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Re: Angular Uranus Project

Post by Soft Alpaca »

Definitely layers of other planets as well. I feel like I don't fit in EVERYWHERE I go, however on 77 Aspen drive in Town center Big Sky I found a family run cannabis shop and I immediately fit in. Also what are your opinions on the chart if move for towards say the flat-head and crow rez (I don't nearly stand out on rez as I do anywhere else, not to spend my nights but to find a place to hang when I have off).

Also to loop this back into topic I think we should talk about how angular Pluto differences from Uranus. Pluto is definitely more self focused where Uranus self focus is used a bit differently (think about the ties to medicine in cannabis and
about how the industry helps me but how I can evolve myself to help adjust society).
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Re: Angular Uranus Project

Post by Jim Eshelman »

The chart will stay about the same for the entire region. If you move nearer to a different city/town open a thread on that and I'll be happy to take a look.

You can take up the Pluto discussion in the Angular Pluto Project thread here. Sounds like a worthy distinction, there is so much similarity and so much difference in Uranus vs. Pluto.

I think the difference in principle is in the need that each fulfills in us. Uranus in our soul needs freedom - not the Saturnian "I'm going to live my life my own damn way" kind of independence, but the, "there is SO MUCH SPACE and possibility here, so many things to explore, so much always outside my current awareness" sort - and to be frequently renewed (refreshed and made to feel new). Pluto's strongest needs are authenticity and isolation, the isolation serving many purposes but probably especially to affirm the existential certainty that we are each just an isolated point in immeasurable space and diversity and to single us out by space and psychological climate en route to doing it socially. This may make Pluto the most acute anti-Moon in the set (it just occurs to me).
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Re: Angular Uranus Project

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I'm not saying that I can't see the difference between the two however when looking at Capricorn we use Autonomy, Uranus we use independence , Pluto we use social outlier. I am equally all three but I feel like we as a community could do a better job in separating these close meanings just a bit further, and many people likely blend the three including myself.

I think Uranus lies at a place where it sees Independence as the change to birth private thought, changing the thought collective, and therefore enlightening society. This opposes Leo and Sagittarius ideals who believe the king or overseer are the makers, something I largely find wrong. Also on the Moon Pluto connection I entirely agree (I think it also makes the already strong comparison in fixed signs of my leo moon to further blend into my Uranus energy).
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Re: Angular Uranus Project

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Soft Alpaca wrote: Thu Jun 16, 2022 8:24 am I'm not saying that I can't see the difference between the two however when looking at Capricorn we use Autonomy, Uranus we use independence , Pluto we use social outlier. I am equally all three but I feel like we as a community could do a better job in separating these close meanings just a bit further, and many people likely blend the three including myself.
I agree with you completely.

Now, I'm not worried that some words apply interchangeably with more than one astrological factor - that the obviously martial words "energy" and "strength" can apply equally to Sun (and, especially, to Moon-Sun aspects), or that "survival" is as suitable to Mars as Saturn. Still, these come from different motives, different specifics. Mercury is as active of Mars but it's a different kind of activity. Moon and Venus are equally tender, Moon and Neptune similarly vulnerable.

But we can certainly fine-tune this in a way that reflects underlying needs and motives better. Lately I've been using "independence" more for Saturn because it specifically contrasts Saturn to the opposing lunar idea of dependence. Saturn and Uranus are a great study in this, probably something that should be a standard training question for astrology student, because so many words apply exactly as well to one as to the other - even though their underlying natures of restriction vs. freedom are essentially opposite. (How does this happen? Probably because the combination and interplay of freedom and restriction is necessary for real independence, or something like that.)

I touched on these distinctions above (and it took me a day to realize that your answer came in after I did that, not just before. Of all the kinds of independence, Saturn (the survival need) is mostly, "I'm going to live my life my own damn way, stop interfering!" Uranus (the freedom and renewal needs, the same thing that will have an animal chew off a leg to get out of a trap) is "there is SO MUCH SPACE," meaning physical and metaphysical and conceptual and intellectual and emotional space. Freedom to Saturn is making its own survival decisions (with quite a willingness to be bound or attached, often using definition and boundary to accomplish this); to Uranus, it is a feeling of being unbounded with new things to experience everywhere, the surging feeling of our nervous system adapting to previously undetected things.

In contrast, Pluto is just, "leave me alone," the real motive being to be what one inherently is without other people trying to say it should be different or {bonk} with it somehow. It's the authenticity need. Whereas Moon is our natural adaptation to our physical, psychological, and social environment, Pluto is revulsed by the idea that it should have to adapt itself to those environments. (It's not averse to physical adaptation, but revulsed at being expected to adapt to social or psychological expectations.)
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Re: Angular Uranus Project

Post by Soft Alpaca »

Thanks Jim and I know we have touched on most of this all before but adding the moon into the conversation I think was necessary for me to grasp the whole picture (instead of being awed by it).

I'm aiming at working at a cannabis shop up here in Big Sky (I can post more in my bio once the badge comes through 🤞). I was made to leave my other job because of Pluto and Saturn reasons. I think I am coming into this job fresh (as this is my first legal cannabis work) but also ready to renewed and unbound by the endless potential of terpene studies as my culinary education (and my clear cooking advantage is spice knowledge) is ready to help me tap into a whole new career.
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Re: Angular Uranus Project

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How are the floods in your area. Are you at risk?
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Re: Angular Uranus Project

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Haha of course but I'm also sitting next to an active volcano, sleeping in my truck, and have just got bad news I'm hoping I can catch a emergency flight back to PA for an untimely funeral (funny how I get on here and the heavy news hits no correlation just funny lol).
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Re: Angular Uranus Project

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Re: Angular Uranus Project

Post by Arena »


I believe angular Uranus makes us courageous and more ready than most people to take risks or walk into new things without having to know or guess the outcome. The unknown does not trigger any fear response as it does for so many people.

There is also a very strong reform critic in many of us, wanting to change things.

Perhaps for people with Uranus on WP or Dsc it means we have many relationships. For people with Uranus on IC, they probably move frequently, experience many homes during their lifetime and if it's close to the MC they probably come across to the public as very unique and maybe influence the masses with their uniqueness and bravery. Perhaps they change jobs/careers a lot. Not necessarily though... they may also just be very progressive in their careers and experience variety. Björk has Uranus and Pluto on her MC.
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Re: Angular Uranus Project

Post by Jim Eshelman »

I have completed the reworking of Uranus foreground. It is quite substantially rewritten. The full treatment, which I encourage you to check, is here:

I wanted to use "unconventional" as one of the three keywords, but I've settled into a pattern of all nouns and there isn't a nominal form of the word. ("Unconvention" could be coined but is a bit weird - not that Uranians would weirdness.)

I settled on: Individuality, Freedom, Renewal

Here is the (much rewritten) summary:
Unconventional, independent, individualistic, going their own way. Needs breathing room (physical, mental, moral, sexual, social) and frequent renewal (new interests and experiences, shed inhibitions, shaking off stale conditions). Delights in exploration, learns fast. Frank, blunt, candid (may soften disdain with humor). Views people impersonally (few filters). Prefers disclosure over mystery. Electrifying entertainers.
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Re: Angular Uranus Project

Post by Danica »

Jim Eshelman wrote: Sat Jun 25, 2022 5:12 pm
I settled on: Individuality, Freedom, Renewal

Here is the (much rewritten) summary:
Unconventional, independent, individualistic, going their own way. Needs breathing room (physical, mental, moral, sexual, social) and frequent renewal (new interests and experiences, shed inhibitions, shaking off stale conditions). Delights in exploration, learns fast. Frank, blunt, candid (may soften disdain with humor). Views people impersonally (few filters). Prefers disclosure over mystery. Electrifying entertainers.
Just a brief reflection, from an Uranus-rising native's p.o.v.:

I find this summary excellent. The only term that may be not exactly-fitting is "individuality" - it's a cultural and contextual matter, of how the word is spontaneously (by subconscious mind, below the conscious level of thinking about it) perceived by the reader, and what seems to me to be the situation at current time is: it indicates an isolatedness, hints toward the separation-aspect of it within the wider meaning-framework; "uniqueness" seems to me a more adequate term, for it conveys both the difference-aspect and the interconnectedness-aspect (an analogy imagery: star among stars; i.e. Regulus is Regulus, and uniquely only itself, Altair is Altair, etc., each star is uniquely its individual being, and each is what it is not otherwise but within the context of the interconnectedness of all there is in the time-space continuum; to emphasize any one of these two mutually dependent sides of the "equation" leans toward losing the balanced scope of the phenomenon of "an individual star existing" ...).
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Re: Angular Uranus Project

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Danica wrote: Sun Jun 26, 2022 5:23 pm The only term that may be not exactly-fitting is "individuality" - it's a cultural and contextual matter, of how the word is spontaneously (by subconscious mind, below the conscious level of thinking about it) perceived by the reader, and what seems to me to be the situation at current time is: it indicates an isolatedness, hints toward the separation-aspect of it within the wider meaning-framework; "uniqueness" seems to me a more adequate term, for it conveys both the difference-aspect and the interconnectedness-aspect (an analogy imagery: star among stars; i.e. Regulus is Regulus, and uniquely only itself, Altair is Altair, etc., each star is uniquely its individual being, and each is what it is not otherwise but within the context of the interconnectedness of all there is in the time-space continuum; to emphasize any one of these two mutually dependent sides of the "equation" leans toward losing the balanced scope of the phenomenon of "an individual star existing" ...).
Thanks for the feedback and adding to the thread. :)

One of several reasons for picking it was because Uranus is inherently anti-collective. That is, it experiences itself in relation to the collective (I think that's the same sort of thing we see in Aquarius' easy comprehension of the larger frame of reference, or larger context, and how things within it are inherently connected) but - in contrast to Neptune - Uranus is not part of the context. It's a thing set apart.

I don't see Uranus as interconnected. I do see Uranus' mind capable of interconnecting other things around the Uranian. It's that awkward, idea-shaving explanation when Tropicalists try to equate Uranus to 11th house ("friends") ideas: I'll accept Uranus as "this is the group I'm in," but not as "I am part of this group." I agree it fits the "star among stars" idea, but only because the first use of star is clearly only in the company of the other stars, not (in the moment of this perception) part of the same thing. Uranus fulfills a Hadit (individualizing) experience in the presence of Nuit (the whole), not a Nuit experience itself.

I wouldn't go so far as to say isolated (a Pluto word) because Uranus very much seems to have the "exist within the larger context" idea. But I do intend the idea of it being distinct from that context, not the Neptune idea of being submerged in it. (Uranus is emerged vs. Neptune submerged.)

I nearly used unique, then discarded it because it means "there is only one of them," or "one of a kind," which isn't the same as saying "is willing to be different from other people around him/her" (for which I picked unconventional, not following others' conventions).

Tropicalists (because of their 11th house correspondence) often label Uranus as a social planet. I don't - I lump it with the individualizing, separating planets like Saturn and Pluto. Uranus analogizes to the experience of birth, and birth is very much an experience of separating.

I shied away from independent because I want to affirm that as a primary Saturn word, a direct contrast to the dependency idea of Moon. "Freedom" is the cheap and easy synonym, but (maybe nudged by the Alpaca above) I wanted to distinguish the idea more clearly.

At least... these are the ideas I intended to communicate.
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Re: Angular Uranus Project

Post by Soft Alpaca »

May I down right suggest (and I do apply this to myself even if it may be more unconscious or rather more innate- like breathing something I don't think about) that we are Idiosyncratic. idiosyncrasies
Simple we choose to be this way; Uranus directly acknowledges being [part] of the universe (process rational pantheism) but also sets the native as its own individual {universe}; it's a paradox.

I simply meld into my environment at times but I noticed it's not always around people, I could sit down in a forest clearing at dinner with grizzlies, sometimes I literally loose myself in some sense (I have these seizures that aren't granny and like a part of my brain gets turned off)..just thinking that like my breathing can get switched off at night that this could be also turned off subconsciously..
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Re: Angular Uranus Project

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Soft Alpaca wrote: Mon Jun 27, 2022 12:20 am May I down right suggest (and I do apply this to myself even if it may be more unconscious or rather more innate- like breathing something I don't think about) that we are Idiosyncratic.
Sure, I think the word fits. I'm not sure most people would immediately pick up its subtleties (it's not a word in everyday use). Do you think the meaning you want to convey is different from the following early statement in the full Uranus interp?
Unconventional, sometimes provocative, controversial, or peculiar, rarely staying "in bounds" of others' expectations. (They can still surprise you even after years of familiarity.)
Jim Eshelman
Soft Alpaca
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Re: Angular Uranus Project

Post by Soft Alpaca »

No (just lost my apartment last today because I said dumb white people in front of my all white roommate last night) he was physically shaking it upset him so bad (the context was me complaining about people wanting to redirect the Mississippi into the mid west and was not trying to insult him directly by saying dumb Midwesterner with him in the room). Mind you I was not talking to him but myself (and I'm also part white) and he knew this. I'd say I'm unconsciously provocative for damn sure.
No i'm not homeless.. you just can't smell the roses as well as you can through a teepee door..
Soft Alpaca
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Re: Angular Uranus Project

Post by Soft Alpaca »

A long time later a reflection an answer on why I chose the word idiosyncratic is due to its definition a simultaneous blend of for humors, angular Sun and Jupiter can both be uniquely invidudal or radiant but so can Uranus can be uniquely unique another more palpable articulation would be a conundrum, as provocative sometimes especially in american common vernacular have an overtly heavy emphasis on the sexualizition behind the word.

Oddly enough my mom has Uranus exalted and conjuction to her moon and in hard aspect to mars(Sc). My brother has a mars uranus Conjuction in its Domicile (Aq) both claim to have a aphantasia, I have a Uranus angular (neither of theirs are) and for what it's worth connected at least in novien to an Exalted mars(Cp), and I have the opposite hyperphantasia. My other sibling is share with the same mom, has Mars and Moon conjuction closer within a degree of the Moon to the antivertex and that is trine to mars closer to the moon and square to the I.C. closer to Uranus. She also has hyperphantasia (if i could post her art I would, but think psychedelic fair folk and saturated nature scapes) but an angular (loosely) Neptune that causes far diffrent mental health issues and a far deeper connection to arts
(my mother is artistic as is my brother but they long consider it something else akin to crafty and smart, until they open up with themselves). In this sense all other angular Uranus folks I've met (with or without planetary connections) over those who only have planetary aspects, are more likely to call themselves artistic.
No i'm not homeless.. you just can't smell the roses as well as you can through a teepee door..
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