Transits by Eris viewtopic.php?t=239&p=37110#p37110
Transits by Haumea viewtopic.php?p=64393#p64393
Transits by Pluto viewtopic.php?t=239&p=1616#p1617
Transits by Neptune viewtopic.php?t=239&p=1616#p1619
Transits by Uranus viewtopic.php?t=239&p=1616#p1620
Transits by Saturn viewtopic.php?t=239&p=1616#p1621
Transits by Jupiter viewtopic.php?t=239&p=1616#p1622
It is recommended that only the conjunction (0°), opposition (180°), and square (90°) – and, to a lesser extent, the semi-square (45°) and sesqui-square (135°) – be considered between a transiting planet and a planet in the birth chart. Under normal circumstances, an orb of no more than 1° should be allowed, with maximum concentration of the effect centered at the time the aspect is exact, and at other times, within the 1° period, when faster planets reinforce and trigger the effect with their own transiting aspects. If transits are measured entirely in the Sidereal Zodiac, there will be no need to delete accrued precession in order to get the most accurate measurement.
Within the context of Sidereal Solar and Lunar Returns (“Solunars”), wider orbs are appropriate for conjunctions, oppositions, and squares occurring in the immediate foreground; that is, proximate to the angles of the return. Usually, a 3-5° orb is allowed in those circumstances.
Outer Planet Transits - interpretation resources
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
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- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
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- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Pluto transits
PLUTO aspecting Natal MOON
PRINCIPLE: Transforms patterns of (and need to get free of others' judgements regarding) instinctive adaptations, habitual emotional responses, and social mask. Being atypical, anomic, outsider, and unbeholden to social conventions. Atypical emotional responses (reactivity). Significantly alters (strains or disrupts) relations with mother figures.
OBSERVED: Powerful emotional changes break loose deep psychological content (rousing then purging: may be psychologically renewing). Rebellion, need to break away (shifts in closest relationships or domestic conditions reflecting inner turbulence or priority shifts). A refreshing sense of liberty and new control over one's life. Separation, severance. [Revised 1/26/23]
DETAILS: Powerful emotional changes. Psychological purging: rousing then cleansing long-stored emotional tensions. Though possibly uncomfortable at the time (perhaps inclining one to be more compulsive or reactive), the usual result is a refreshing sense of liberty and new control over your life. Freedom is very important to you now, showing in rebellion or an urge to "get away from it all." Relationships and domestic circumstances go through major changes reflecting your inner turmoil and priority shifts. An excellent time for psychotherapy or any other conscious delving into your psychological roots. [Revised 3/11/22]
[Anecdote: This aspect totally rewrote my emotional life - both at the time, and because of what it set in motion. The two-year passage included the death of the woman who had been my guru for 25 years, my inheriting responsibility for her line and reorienting my life accordingly, and specific events that set in motion a complete relationship overhaul and my eventual bonding with the love of my life. Not to be taken lightly! <g> t PL - 90 - r MO]
[FAGAN: "...the urge to escape to freedom dominates the mood... often finds the native a fugitive from justice, or from enemy units - fearful of every knock on the door. Or he may be animated by a desire to escape from the tyranny of the parental home, his schoolteachers, his wife, his creditors, his tormentors, or from the wrath of the church. He may decide to retire from business or give up the world and enter a cloister: there to seek privacy, protection, and seclusion."]
PLUTO aspecting Natal SUN
OBSERVED: Self-redefinition. Separation from old elements of your life. Awareness turns inward, perceiving selfhood more directly and reverently. Old doors close as new ones open. Requires alone time to get acquainted with transformed identity and goals.
DETAILS: Your total experience of yourself, of who you are, is changing, evolving, perhaps bringing significant outer changes in the structure of your life as well. New phases begin while others are brought to a close. Major goals become even more major, and near a climax. A dominating, inconsiderate side of you may emerge as you pay, for a while, less attention to what others feel, think, and say than to what you inwardly know to be true. Of primary importance, though, is your increasingly in-turned self-awareness, and clearer perception of your inner identity, goals, and life-purposes. Old illusions cannot be maintained as easily as before, so this "recreation of self" may demand some hard confrontation of reality.
STATS: This is the most common transit at the inauguration of non-incumbent U.S. Presidents, and of incumbents and non-incumbents, and nearly the most common for the inaugurations of all Presidents. (It didn't show up for any of the 9 who inherited the Presidency.)
[FAGAN: "...has a disintegrating effect. It appears to break up the existing order of things, dislodging the native from the comfort and security of his former existence, leaving him alone, isolated, and often friendless and frequently obliged to live among strangers."]
PLUTO aspecting Natal MERCURY
OBSERVED: Transformation of ideas. Opinions independent and unusual. Revolution in thinking style. Curiosity intensified. Willing to confront shortsighted concepts, you achieve deep understanding, or alienate others through confrontation.
DETAILS: Your opinions - in fact your whole way of thinking - undergo considerable change. In a revolt against lazy, prosaic thinking, your acute, penetrating detective's mind peers more deeply and observes less naively. Others may feel alienated by your impatience and willingness to confront shortsighted concepts, almost obsessively demanding answers where previously you have had none. Thinking along independent or bizarre lines, you may achieve a newly profound understanding of truth.
[FAGAN: "...tends to make the native, for the time being, antisocial and a rebel against the existing order of society."]
PLUTO aspecting Natal VENUS
OBSERVED: Transformation of close relationships. Forming dramatic, important, intimate pairings; terminating existing ones; and/or major changes in existing ones. Emotional tension, intensity of feeling. Shift in esthetics.
DETAILS: Your relationships and attitudes toward relating undergo substantial change. Often this takes form in separations from old friends, partners, family, etc., or suddenly forming new relationships. Figuratively, this is divorce, elopement - or both at once! Whether in bonding or separation, your need for love is great. Contacts must be intense to be satisfying. Sexual needs may change markedly. Existing relationships that you keep (as well as your wardrobe and sense of aesthetics) are certain to go through considerable reformation.
[FAGAN: "Friendships are in danger of being sundered... one's children often desert the shelter of the parental home to seek a job or get married, leaving an aching void in one's heart... responsible for great loneliness with an intense desire to fill the gap."]
PLUTO aspecting Natal MARS
OBSERVED: Desire to live and act unhampered by others' expectations or control. Prioritizing one's own needs and wishes. Disobedient, willful, eccentric (aggressive, angry). Feral energies surge (sexually demanding). Rousing and purging old resentments. Energy blocks or logjams (often from resisting control; health crises requiring medical attention often erupt).
DETAILS: Energy rages in you: If unexpressed, it can bottle up causing ill temper, physical armoring, or health problems. Positive outlets are easy to find, as ambitions and energies to satisfy them are intensified. Disobedient, cantankerous, not easy on personal relationships, placing a primary emphasis on "me first." Unresolved anger and resentment roused can find healthy completion. Potentially intimidating, difficult, considering yourself above others' control or censor: be conscious of their sensitivities while giving generous rein to your newly formidable power. [Revised 12/6/21]
[Anecdote: Donald Bradley died. t PL - 90 - r MA]
[Anecdote: Burt Bacharach for his daughter's suicide. t PL - 90 - r MA]
[Anecdote: My left eye cornea transplant (2 days before exact). t PL - 90 - s MA]
[Anecdote: Veronica slipped, fell, and broke her toe. t PL - 45 - r MA 23', t SA sq r MA 19']
[FAGAN: "There can hardly be a more dynamic configuration... under its impact the dormant fighting qualities are lashed into fury, and the native finds himself engaged in a series of violent conflicts."]
PLUTO aspecting Natal JUPITER
PRINCIPLE: Enhances, strains, restructures, or disrupts ambition, prosperity (finances), social standing, and esteem. If necessary, operates outside conventional social codes to separate or distinguish oneself. Willing to stand at odds with society or tribal expectations.
OBSERVED: Major shifts in status, finances, rank, or reputation. Significant shifts in career or life-direction (usually positive). Being more in charge of one’s personal affairs. Possible alienation through superiority. [Revised 3/20/22]
DETAILS: Your career, finances, ethics, philosophy, and perhaps reputation undergo major transformation and redefinition. A professional turning point is likely, such as promotion or a career shift. These are probably positive changes, though both coronations and dethronements may occur. A separation at this time is the expected source of your gains (such as an inheritance, or advance brought about by leaving a previous position). In the end, you likely will find yourself "running your own show" more independently, feeling less bound by others' rules. You may develop a "Holier than thou" attitude that distances others. Legal confrontations are possible. However, the general tone is likely one of success and enhanced power and esteem. (Revised 2/10/22)
[FAGAN: "Provided it is not afflicted... promises money through a bereavement or through the separation or removal of another... kings have succeeded to the throne while sons have inherited their fathers' estates... benefits through succession, wills, and bequests. Sometimes this transit brings increased status and responsibility, but not necessarily promotion or increase of pay, due to vacancies by a national emergency... Nevertheless the native gets a certain satisfaction in knowing that he is in control and therefore he can organize the work according to his own ideas; and not those of another..."]
PLUTO aspecting Natal SATURN
OBSERVED: Breaking down old structures and outmoded patterns. Security may seem threatened as stable resources are challenged. Chance to restructure the basis of life more dynamically. Work-oriented, obstinate; benefits from play and social sharing.
DETAILS: Though generally difficult, this pair is great for concentrated effort. Both its difficult and productive sides result from shouldering obligations by oneself and the breakdown of old, outgrown patterns. (Breakdown can lead to breakthrough!) Security may seem threatened as established, inflexible elements of your life are challenged. Financial strain or other loss is possible, and a sense of invaded territory, if you stubbornly cling to the status quo in the face of your evolution. Outmoded behavior and attitudes can be discarded if you are willing to redesign the basis of your personality. Feelings of isolation vanish if you open yourself to others' experience of life. Give yourself more play time right now - the change will do you and those you love a world of good! [Edited 9/16/20]
[FAGAN: "...disgrace and ruin..."]
PLUTO aspecting Natal URANUS
PRINCIPLE: Transformative renewal: Powerful inner demand for change, individualism, reformation, and shedding others' expectations. Willing to be atypical, an outsider, unbeholden to convention. Intensified excitement (strain, disruption).
OBSERVED: Metamorphosis. Life changes. Independence is asserted. Deep psychological transformations may free or unlock substantial inner resources. Evolutionary, rebellious. Signals a new, larger scope to one’s vision of life and the world. [Revised 3/20/22]
THEORETICAL CONSTRUCT: Dramatically intensifies inner pressures towards change and, especially, to assert one's individuality and live as an individual. Excitement builds (about life, invention, creation) along with one's willingness to be an outsider, unbeholden to others' conventions or expectations. Strain and struggle if one's changing behavior or direction runs contrary to those who expect consistency and continuity. [1/24/23]
DETAILS: A personal Renaissance is in process, remolding your experience of your world and your place in it. This period of transformation and change hinges on newly asserted independence or rebelliousness. During the two years of this aspect, you increasingly perceive the difference between your own values and those arbitrary standards by which other people would have you live. Any major changes in your physical environment reflect psychological changes and broadened vision. Your personal form of genius can manifest now as you move ever closer to fulfilling your life and way of being with diminishing concern for other people's wishes. [Edited 1/24/232]
[Anecdote: Thomas Jefferson for the adoption of the Declaration of Independence that he wrote. t PL - 0 - r UR 9']
PLUTO aspecting Natal NEPTUNE
OBSERVED: Beliefs, biases, prejudices, illusionary attitudes, and personal myths are challenged. Confrontation with a new reality. Renovation of philosophical and cultural attitudes.
DETAILS: Biases, prejudices, and illusions are challenged and personal philosophy renovated in a broad-reaching transformation of your belief system. Your underlying existential views are reformulated now, as you recognize how much you have outgrown your previous model of reality. Interest in mysticism may flowers at such a time. Psychological constructs and attitudes are challenged, leaving you questioning for a time your previous ideas of what is true. As old veils shimmer and fade, anxiety is best eased by direct confrontation of your emerging new reality. Long buried secrets and personal skeletons see the light of day and appear not nearly so awful as you have long thought. Renew your reality with enthusiasm and a sense of adventure! [Edited 6/11/21]
PLUTO aspecting Natal PLUTO
OBSERVED: Private, deeply personal, introspective. Time to deeply examine the quality of your life and redesign any part that does not meet your desires. Need to let go of attachments that are not contributing to you. Thoughts center on life's meaning and purpose.
DETAILS: Private, deeply personal. Introspection pays large dividends. It's time to review the direction your life is moving. Thoughts center on the meaning of life and your own life purpose. Some healthy "closet cleaning" is worthwhile in several areas: By letting go of things no longer useful, you free energy and attention for vital new elements to enter your life. It is important right now to examine how much control you have over your life and in what ways. Seriously confront your circumstances. Examine how closely they match the way you want your life to be. Self-honesty now has profound long-range benefits. [Edited 3/11/22]
STATS: This is one common transit at the inauguration of non-incumbent U.S. Presidents.
PLUTO aspecting Natal HAUMEA
(No observations so far.)
PLUTO aspecting Natal ERIS
[Anecdote: Pluto exactly opposed my Eris Oct 1974, Apr & Sep '75, with a near-approach in April '76. Broadly, this was the period that transplanted me from Indiana (where I was born and had lived my whole life) to California - to decisively start what I've come to understand as my real life. In October '74, my first wife and I moved to Indianapolis, I got an astrology writing job there, circumstances went through several small steps leading to my moving to California in June '75. My wife visited me in September and we decided to divorce (so I guess this period was the one bracketing the process of our separation and divorce, too). Within a couple of months, I significantly settled into what would be my life for decades to come.]
PRINCIPLE: Transforms (intensifies, strains, or disrupts) the conditions of one's life. Requiring that you be atypical, free of others’ arbitrary codes, willing to be an outsider or solitary, and less beholden to other people's conventions. - Feeling greater necessity to meet one's own authenticity and solitude needs.
OBSERVED: Transformation. Life-purpose gains new clarity. You assume more power over your life. May feel alienated from an irrational society. Reputation, rank, career and other outer tokens of identity change. Capable of unprecedented contribution.
DETAILS: A dramatic transformation occurs in your life. Your innermost sense of who you are and why you are on this planet is the focus of this reconstruction. Career changes are possible, as your life-purpose assumes a new subjective clarity. It may seem some force much greater than yourself is moving you, remolding your life, as the only thing that could ever really be called you takes a guiding hand in your destiny. You are more resistant to others' arbitrary rules and expectations. Difficult confrontations with authority is possible as you assume more power over your affairs. Possibly feeling alienated from an irrational society, your reputation, rank and other outer tokens of your identity in the community change. Almost certain to come under others' scrutiny, you stand capable of unprecedented achievement and contribution.
PRINCIPLE: Transforms (intensifies, strains, or disrupts) the conditions of one's life. Requiring that you be atypical, free of others’ arbitrary codes, willing to be an outsider or solitary, and less beholden to other people's conventions. - Feeling greater necessity to meet one's own authenticity and solitude needs.
OBSERVED: Changes in environment or family relationships. Substantial psychological changes. Private, reflective, freer from others' opinions. You stand close enough to touch the essence of yourself if only you will! Benefit from self-exploration techniques.
DETAILS: The roots of your identity experience a profound transformation. This may show superficially in major changes in your domestic environment or family relationships, with anything from remodeling your home to critical events involving your parents. These events are but metaphors of the substantial psychological changes occurring within you. More private and introspective, more independent of others' opinions and attitudes, you stand close enough to touch an inner essence of yourself if only you will. As old illusions and false securities fall aside, you benefit greatly from self-exploration techniques (meditation, psychotherapy, etc.). Extreme, inappropriate reactions are clues that you are resisting the breakup of your old self-definition. Relax. This disintegration, mild or severe, can be the gateway to a renewed, resurrected sense of self.
PRINCIPLE: Transforms (intensifies, strains, or disrupts) the conditions of one's life. Requiring that you be atypical, free of others’ arbitrary codes, willing to be an outsider or solitary, and less beholden to other people's conventions. - Feeling greater necessity to meet one's own authenticity and solitude needs.
OBSERVED: Self-discovery; liberation from inherited attitudes. Existential recognition of yourself as monarch of your inner universe. Rebellious, uncooperative; a need to be free of others’ arbitrary values. Important spiritual experiences possible.
DETAILS: This is a milestone period of your life. You are altering the basis of your social identity, changing the way you display or represent yourself to others, claiming liberation from inherited attitudes never truly your own. You are now learning fundamental things about yourself not previously suspected. An urge toward self-discovery is aflame within you. Your existential recognition of yourself as an individual, sole monarch of your inner universe, may inspire rebellious, uncooperative behavior, a sense of alienation from the herd, and an uncompromising need to be free of other people's arbitrary rules, considerations, and values. Despite this sense of inner isolation, you may find yourself with an almost embarrassing charisma or capacity to affect others. Important spiritual experiences are distinctly possible now.
PRINCIPLE: Transforms (intensifies, strains, or disrupts) the conditions of one's life. Requiring that you be atypical, free of others’ arbitrary codes, willing to be an outsider or solitary, and less beholden to other people's conventions. - Feeling greater necessity to meet one's own authenticity and solitude needs.
OBSERVED: Dramatic changes, particularly in close relationships. Turbulent self-examination through projection. Issues handled by direct confrontation. Emphasis on competitive, separative aspects of relating; but a profound alliance is now possible.
DETAILS: Dramatic changes now occur in the most personal areas of your life, particularly in intimate relationships. You are overhauling your attitudes about relating in an inner struggle to break free of old patterns, though possibly by manifesting their most difficult, incompatible elements in a current relationship. Whether you choose this route, you seem now to require a passionate intensity from any pair bonds. Interpersonal issues are handled by direct confrontation. Separation is probable if an existing relationship is not flexible enough to adapt while strong enough to contain the full force of your turbulent self-examination through projection. You seem to emphasize the competitive, separative aspects of relating; but a profound alliance is now possible in any relationship based on commitment and high regard for both people’s feelings, as well as individual rights.
PRINCIPLE: Transforms patterns of (and need to get free of others' judgements regarding) instinctive adaptations, habitual emotional responses, and social mask. Being atypical, anomic, outsider, and unbeholden to social conventions. Atypical emotional responses (reactivity). Significantly alters (strains or disrupts) relations with mother figures.
OBSERVED: Powerful emotional changes break loose deep psychological content (rousing then purging: may be psychologically renewing). Rebellion, need to break away (shifts in closest relationships or domestic conditions reflecting inner turbulence or priority shifts). A refreshing sense of liberty and new control over one's life. Separation, severance. [Revised 1/26/23]
DETAILS: Powerful emotional changes. Psychological purging: rousing then cleansing long-stored emotional tensions. Though possibly uncomfortable at the time (perhaps inclining one to be more compulsive or reactive), the usual result is a refreshing sense of liberty and new control over your life. Freedom is very important to you now, showing in rebellion or an urge to "get away from it all." Relationships and domestic circumstances go through major changes reflecting your inner turmoil and priority shifts. An excellent time for psychotherapy or any other conscious delving into your psychological roots. [Revised 3/11/22]
[Anecdote: This aspect totally rewrote my emotional life - both at the time, and because of what it set in motion. The two-year passage included the death of the woman who had been my guru for 25 years, my inheriting responsibility for her line and reorienting my life accordingly, and specific events that set in motion a complete relationship overhaul and my eventual bonding with the love of my life. Not to be taken lightly! <g> t PL - 90 - r MO]
[FAGAN: "...the urge to escape to freedom dominates the mood... often finds the native a fugitive from justice, or from enemy units - fearful of every knock on the door. Or he may be animated by a desire to escape from the tyranny of the parental home, his schoolteachers, his wife, his creditors, his tormentors, or from the wrath of the church. He may decide to retire from business or give up the world and enter a cloister: there to seek privacy, protection, and seclusion."]
PLUTO aspecting Natal SUN
OBSERVED: Self-redefinition. Separation from old elements of your life. Awareness turns inward, perceiving selfhood more directly and reverently. Old doors close as new ones open. Requires alone time to get acquainted with transformed identity and goals.
DETAILS: Your total experience of yourself, of who you are, is changing, evolving, perhaps bringing significant outer changes in the structure of your life as well. New phases begin while others are brought to a close. Major goals become even more major, and near a climax. A dominating, inconsiderate side of you may emerge as you pay, for a while, less attention to what others feel, think, and say than to what you inwardly know to be true. Of primary importance, though, is your increasingly in-turned self-awareness, and clearer perception of your inner identity, goals, and life-purposes. Old illusions cannot be maintained as easily as before, so this "recreation of self" may demand some hard confrontation of reality.
STATS: This is the most common transit at the inauguration of non-incumbent U.S. Presidents, and of incumbents and non-incumbents, and nearly the most common for the inaugurations of all Presidents. (It didn't show up for any of the 9 who inherited the Presidency.)
[FAGAN: "...has a disintegrating effect. It appears to break up the existing order of things, dislodging the native from the comfort and security of his former existence, leaving him alone, isolated, and often friendless and frequently obliged to live among strangers."]
PLUTO aspecting Natal MERCURY
OBSERVED: Transformation of ideas. Opinions independent and unusual. Revolution in thinking style. Curiosity intensified. Willing to confront shortsighted concepts, you achieve deep understanding, or alienate others through confrontation.
DETAILS: Your opinions - in fact your whole way of thinking - undergo considerable change. In a revolt against lazy, prosaic thinking, your acute, penetrating detective's mind peers more deeply and observes less naively. Others may feel alienated by your impatience and willingness to confront shortsighted concepts, almost obsessively demanding answers where previously you have had none. Thinking along independent or bizarre lines, you may achieve a newly profound understanding of truth.
[FAGAN: "...tends to make the native, for the time being, antisocial and a rebel against the existing order of society."]
PLUTO aspecting Natal VENUS
OBSERVED: Transformation of close relationships. Forming dramatic, important, intimate pairings; terminating existing ones; and/or major changes in existing ones. Emotional tension, intensity of feeling. Shift in esthetics.
DETAILS: Your relationships and attitudes toward relating undergo substantial change. Often this takes form in separations from old friends, partners, family, etc., or suddenly forming new relationships. Figuratively, this is divorce, elopement - or both at once! Whether in bonding or separation, your need for love is great. Contacts must be intense to be satisfying. Sexual needs may change markedly. Existing relationships that you keep (as well as your wardrobe and sense of aesthetics) are certain to go through considerable reformation.
[FAGAN: "Friendships are in danger of being sundered... one's children often desert the shelter of the parental home to seek a job or get married, leaving an aching void in one's heart... responsible for great loneliness with an intense desire to fill the gap."]
PLUTO aspecting Natal MARS
OBSERVED: Desire to live and act unhampered by others' expectations or control. Prioritizing one's own needs and wishes. Disobedient, willful, eccentric (aggressive, angry). Feral energies surge (sexually demanding). Rousing and purging old resentments. Energy blocks or logjams (often from resisting control; health crises requiring medical attention often erupt).
DETAILS: Energy rages in you: If unexpressed, it can bottle up causing ill temper, physical armoring, or health problems. Positive outlets are easy to find, as ambitions and energies to satisfy them are intensified. Disobedient, cantankerous, not easy on personal relationships, placing a primary emphasis on "me first." Unresolved anger and resentment roused can find healthy completion. Potentially intimidating, difficult, considering yourself above others' control or censor: be conscious of their sensitivities while giving generous rein to your newly formidable power. [Revised 12/6/21]
[Anecdote: Donald Bradley died. t PL - 90 - r MA]
[Anecdote: Burt Bacharach for his daughter's suicide. t PL - 90 - r MA]
[Anecdote: My left eye cornea transplant (2 days before exact). t PL - 90 - s MA]
[Anecdote: Veronica slipped, fell, and broke her toe. t PL - 45 - r MA 23', t SA sq r MA 19']
[FAGAN: "There can hardly be a more dynamic configuration... under its impact the dormant fighting qualities are lashed into fury, and the native finds himself engaged in a series of violent conflicts."]
PLUTO aspecting Natal JUPITER
PRINCIPLE: Enhances, strains, restructures, or disrupts ambition, prosperity (finances), social standing, and esteem. If necessary, operates outside conventional social codes to separate or distinguish oneself. Willing to stand at odds with society or tribal expectations.
OBSERVED: Major shifts in status, finances, rank, or reputation. Significant shifts in career or life-direction (usually positive). Being more in charge of one’s personal affairs. Possible alienation through superiority. [Revised 3/20/22]
DETAILS: Your career, finances, ethics, philosophy, and perhaps reputation undergo major transformation and redefinition. A professional turning point is likely, such as promotion or a career shift. These are probably positive changes, though both coronations and dethronements may occur. A separation at this time is the expected source of your gains (such as an inheritance, or advance brought about by leaving a previous position). In the end, you likely will find yourself "running your own show" more independently, feeling less bound by others' rules. You may develop a "Holier than thou" attitude that distances others. Legal confrontations are possible. However, the general tone is likely one of success and enhanced power and esteem. (Revised 2/10/22)
[FAGAN: "Provided it is not afflicted... promises money through a bereavement or through the separation or removal of another... kings have succeeded to the throne while sons have inherited their fathers' estates... benefits through succession, wills, and bequests. Sometimes this transit brings increased status and responsibility, but not necessarily promotion or increase of pay, due to vacancies by a national emergency... Nevertheless the native gets a certain satisfaction in knowing that he is in control and therefore he can organize the work according to his own ideas; and not those of another..."]
PLUTO aspecting Natal SATURN
OBSERVED: Breaking down old structures and outmoded patterns. Security may seem threatened as stable resources are challenged. Chance to restructure the basis of life more dynamically. Work-oriented, obstinate; benefits from play and social sharing.
DETAILS: Though generally difficult, this pair is great for concentrated effort. Both its difficult and productive sides result from shouldering obligations by oneself and the breakdown of old, outgrown patterns. (Breakdown can lead to breakthrough!) Security may seem threatened as established, inflexible elements of your life are challenged. Financial strain or other loss is possible, and a sense of invaded territory, if you stubbornly cling to the status quo in the face of your evolution. Outmoded behavior and attitudes can be discarded if you are willing to redesign the basis of your personality. Feelings of isolation vanish if you open yourself to others' experience of life. Give yourself more play time right now - the change will do you and those you love a world of good! [Edited 9/16/20]
[FAGAN: "...disgrace and ruin..."]
PLUTO aspecting Natal URANUS
PRINCIPLE: Transformative renewal: Powerful inner demand for change, individualism, reformation, and shedding others' expectations. Willing to be atypical, an outsider, unbeholden to convention. Intensified excitement (strain, disruption).
OBSERVED: Metamorphosis. Life changes. Independence is asserted. Deep psychological transformations may free or unlock substantial inner resources. Evolutionary, rebellious. Signals a new, larger scope to one’s vision of life and the world. [Revised 3/20/22]
THEORETICAL CONSTRUCT: Dramatically intensifies inner pressures towards change and, especially, to assert one's individuality and live as an individual. Excitement builds (about life, invention, creation) along with one's willingness to be an outsider, unbeholden to others' conventions or expectations. Strain and struggle if one's changing behavior or direction runs contrary to those who expect consistency and continuity. [1/24/23]
DETAILS: A personal Renaissance is in process, remolding your experience of your world and your place in it. This period of transformation and change hinges on newly asserted independence or rebelliousness. During the two years of this aspect, you increasingly perceive the difference between your own values and those arbitrary standards by which other people would have you live. Any major changes in your physical environment reflect psychological changes and broadened vision. Your personal form of genius can manifest now as you move ever closer to fulfilling your life and way of being with diminishing concern for other people's wishes. [Edited 1/24/232]
[Anecdote: Thomas Jefferson for the adoption of the Declaration of Independence that he wrote. t PL - 0 - r UR 9']
PLUTO aspecting Natal NEPTUNE
OBSERVED: Beliefs, biases, prejudices, illusionary attitudes, and personal myths are challenged. Confrontation with a new reality. Renovation of philosophical and cultural attitudes.
DETAILS: Biases, prejudices, and illusions are challenged and personal philosophy renovated in a broad-reaching transformation of your belief system. Your underlying existential views are reformulated now, as you recognize how much you have outgrown your previous model of reality. Interest in mysticism may flowers at such a time. Psychological constructs and attitudes are challenged, leaving you questioning for a time your previous ideas of what is true. As old veils shimmer and fade, anxiety is best eased by direct confrontation of your emerging new reality. Long buried secrets and personal skeletons see the light of day and appear not nearly so awful as you have long thought. Renew your reality with enthusiasm and a sense of adventure! [Edited 6/11/21]
PLUTO aspecting Natal PLUTO
OBSERVED: Private, deeply personal, introspective. Time to deeply examine the quality of your life and redesign any part that does not meet your desires. Need to let go of attachments that are not contributing to you. Thoughts center on life's meaning and purpose.
DETAILS: Private, deeply personal. Introspection pays large dividends. It's time to review the direction your life is moving. Thoughts center on the meaning of life and your own life purpose. Some healthy "closet cleaning" is worthwhile in several areas: By letting go of things no longer useful, you free energy and attention for vital new elements to enter your life. It is important right now to examine how much control you have over your life and in what ways. Seriously confront your circumstances. Examine how closely they match the way you want your life to be. Self-honesty now has profound long-range benefits. [Edited 3/11/22]
STATS: This is one common transit at the inauguration of non-incumbent U.S. Presidents.
PLUTO aspecting Natal HAUMEA
(No observations so far.)
PLUTO aspecting Natal ERIS
[Anecdote: Pluto exactly opposed my Eris Oct 1974, Apr & Sep '75, with a near-approach in April '76. Broadly, this was the period that transplanted me from Indiana (where I was born and had lived my whole life) to California - to decisively start what I've come to understand as my real life. In October '74, my first wife and I moved to Indianapolis, I got an astrology writing job there, circumstances went through several small steps leading to my moving to California in June '75. My wife visited me in September and we decided to divorce (so I guess this period was the one bracketing the process of our separation and divorce, too). Within a couple of months, I significantly settled into what would be my life for decades to come.]
PRINCIPLE: Transforms (intensifies, strains, or disrupts) the conditions of one's life. Requiring that you be atypical, free of others’ arbitrary codes, willing to be an outsider or solitary, and less beholden to other people's conventions. - Feeling greater necessity to meet one's own authenticity and solitude needs.
OBSERVED: Transformation. Life-purpose gains new clarity. You assume more power over your life. May feel alienated from an irrational society. Reputation, rank, career and other outer tokens of identity change. Capable of unprecedented contribution.
DETAILS: A dramatic transformation occurs in your life. Your innermost sense of who you are and why you are on this planet is the focus of this reconstruction. Career changes are possible, as your life-purpose assumes a new subjective clarity. It may seem some force much greater than yourself is moving you, remolding your life, as the only thing that could ever really be called you takes a guiding hand in your destiny. You are more resistant to others' arbitrary rules and expectations. Difficult confrontations with authority is possible as you assume more power over your affairs. Possibly feeling alienated from an irrational society, your reputation, rank and other outer tokens of your identity in the community change. Almost certain to come under others' scrutiny, you stand capable of unprecedented achievement and contribution.
PRINCIPLE: Transforms (intensifies, strains, or disrupts) the conditions of one's life. Requiring that you be atypical, free of others’ arbitrary codes, willing to be an outsider or solitary, and less beholden to other people's conventions. - Feeling greater necessity to meet one's own authenticity and solitude needs.
OBSERVED: Changes in environment or family relationships. Substantial psychological changes. Private, reflective, freer from others' opinions. You stand close enough to touch the essence of yourself if only you will! Benefit from self-exploration techniques.
DETAILS: The roots of your identity experience a profound transformation. This may show superficially in major changes in your domestic environment or family relationships, with anything from remodeling your home to critical events involving your parents. These events are but metaphors of the substantial psychological changes occurring within you. More private and introspective, more independent of others' opinions and attitudes, you stand close enough to touch an inner essence of yourself if only you will. As old illusions and false securities fall aside, you benefit greatly from self-exploration techniques (meditation, psychotherapy, etc.). Extreme, inappropriate reactions are clues that you are resisting the breakup of your old self-definition. Relax. This disintegration, mild or severe, can be the gateway to a renewed, resurrected sense of self.
PRINCIPLE: Transforms (intensifies, strains, or disrupts) the conditions of one's life. Requiring that you be atypical, free of others’ arbitrary codes, willing to be an outsider or solitary, and less beholden to other people's conventions. - Feeling greater necessity to meet one's own authenticity and solitude needs.
OBSERVED: Self-discovery; liberation from inherited attitudes. Existential recognition of yourself as monarch of your inner universe. Rebellious, uncooperative; a need to be free of others’ arbitrary values. Important spiritual experiences possible.
DETAILS: This is a milestone period of your life. You are altering the basis of your social identity, changing the way you display or represent yourself to others, claiming liberation from inherited attitudes never truly your own. You are now learning fundamental things about yourself not previously suspected. An urge toward self-discovery is aflame within you. Your existential recognition of yourself as an individual, sole monarch of your inner universe, may inspire rebellious, uncooperative behavior, a sense of alienation from the herd, and an uncompromising need to be free of other people's arbitrary rules, considerations, and values. Despite this sense of inner isolation, you may find yourself with an almost embarrassing charisma or capacity to affect others. Important spiritual experiences are distinctly possible now.
PRINCIPLE: Transforms (intensifies, strains, or disrupts) the conditions of one's life. Requiring that you be atypical, free of others’ arbitrary codes, willing to be an outsider or solitary, and less beholden to other people's conventions. - Feeling greater necessity to meet one's own authenticity and solitude needs.
OBSERVED: Dramatic changes, particularly in close relationships. Turbulent self-examination through projection. Issues handled by direct confrontation. Emphasis on competitive, separative aspects of relating; but a profound alliance is now possible.
DETAILS: Dramatic changes now occur in the most personal areas of your life, particularly in intimate relationships. You are overhauling your attitudes about relating in an inner struggle to break free of old patterns, though possibly by manifesting their most difficult, incompatible elements in a current relationship. Whether you choose this route, you seem now to require a passionate intensity from any pair bonds. Interpersonal issues are handled by direct confrontation. Separation is probable if an existing relationship is not flexible enough to adapt while strong enough to contain the full force of your turbulent self-examination through projection. You seem to emphasize the competitive, separative aspects of relating; but a profound alliance is now possible in any relationship based on commitment and high regard for both people’s feelings, as well as individual rights.
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19392
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Neptune transits
NEPTUNE aspecting Natal MOON
PRINCIPLE: Sensitizes, distorts, confuses, and disorients, magnifying disproportionately emotional responses and instinctive adaptations to physical, psychological, and social environments. Public personality (social mask) linked to fantasy and illusion. Idealization or disillusionment of relations with mother figures or the public.
OBSERVED: Feeling vulnerable, weakened, exposed, or frail (introverted). Sensitive, moody. Echoing emotions of others around you: Exaggerated responsiveness (extreme empathy) for good or bad. Security needs magnified. Material efficiency reduced. Good for aesthetics, meditation, reflection, worship, imagination, constructive unreasonableness. [Updated 12/8/22]
DETAILS: Your sensitivity is enhanced considerably for a time, your emotional reactions or responsiveness more extreme. Positively, this can mean elation, ecstasy, esthetic wonder; alternately, melancholy, moodiness, feeling low, extreme reactions. Your biochemistry and the emotional quality of your environment strongly influence this pendulum. With your sensitized body, the purer your diet, the less extreme your moods. Drugs (including alcohol and caffeine) may exaggerate your responses. Highly suggestible, you absorb the emotional quality of people around you; so look for the most joyous, enthusiastic companions you can find, avoiding the despondent and complaining. Security needs are magnified; you are more vulnerable to rejection. Keeping your spirits high, you are capable of much creativity, even inspiration. Mystical or religious interests arise as your intuition is enhanced. By consciously, consistently comparing your intuitions to physical reality, you develop a keener, surer trust of your feelings and impressions.
[Anecdote: Donald Bradley died of cancer. t Ur -135- r MO, t NE - 90 - r MO, t JU - 0- r MO]
[FAGAN: "...the native finds himself caught up in a torrent of emotions, such as are occasioned at political meetings, sports matches, musical festivals, entertainment, parties, traveling, religious rites, funerals, and the like; or by a noisy and excited crowd of visitors or children. Such occasions may be enjoyable, dramatic, embarrassing, or even tragic. In extreme cases, the emotional state may develop into one of intense passion and frenzy."]
NEPTUNE aspecting Natal SUN
OBSERVED: New realities offer to replace familiar ones, leaving confusion about identity, career, and life-direction. One’s prejudices are dramatized. Energy drain, fatigue. Ecstatic highs and despondent lows. Sensitive, aesthetic, introspective.
DETAILS: Long-held ideas about who you are and where you are headed seem less certain, more nebulous. Confusion temporarily reigns regarding identity, self-image, professional goals, and life-direction. Ego development is a gradual, rhythmic process of establishing, then dispersing and changing, one’s identity: your present stage marks a partial dissolving of your ego-structure to let a larger self-picture eventually emerge. Doubts, inferiority feelings, moodiness, introverted self-consciousness, feeling misunderstood or unfairly treated may all occur. Most of your responses are exaggerated, and negatives more easily catch your attention. Solve problems through simplification, not adding more factors to the equation. Enhanced sensitivity sponsors creativity. An interest in metaphysics or philosophy nourishes the soul at this vulnerable time. You can now create a powerful new reality if you focus your will on the task. Remember: the only difference between fantasy and vision is whether you intend a thing will really happen! [Edited 2/4/17]
STATS: This is the most common transit at the inauguration U.S. Presidents. Several of them, though, are Vice Presidents who inherited the presidency from a deceased or resigned incumbent. (But there were also James Monroe and one of FDR's terms.)
NEPTUNE aspecting Natal MERCURY
PRINCIPLE: Distorts, confuses, disorients, or exaggerates one's thoughts, communications, and relationship to information and learning. Magnified (enchanted) curiosities linked to fantasy.
OBSERVED: Imagination and sensation boggle the intellect. Fantasy blurs with fact. Communication and perceptual confusion from acutely sensitive senses. Judgment errors, poor logic, misplaced emphasis, easily misunderstood. Imaginative, intuitive, creative. [Edited 6/7/21]
DETAILS: Your sensory and extrasensory perceptions are very sensitized. The normal division between the intellectual and imaginative parts of your brain is weakened so that rational and nonrational thoughts intermix somewhat indiscriminately. This may result in confusion, as imagination and sensation overwhelm the mind, a misplaced emphasis being your current key to most miscues. In one sense your mind is acutely clear right now; but its perceptions are mostly not of the physical reality in which you normally operate, being more symbolic and mythic in nature; i.e., your perceptions have the quality of dreams. It is important, therefore, that you attentively discriminate fact from fantasy in your practical activities, especially contracts and other paperwork. Prolonged concentration may require more effort. Misjudgment, logical errors and distractions are more common than usual. Realize that the whimsical, the creative, the intuitive and conceptual are where you shine now much more than the practical. Triple-check all practical matters and all important communications; then profit from the advantages of this freer access to right-brain consciousness.
STATS: No U.S. President has ever been inaugurated with this aspect.
[FAGAN: "It may possibly awaken an interest in fiction, the drama, and the world of make-believe in general."]
NEPTUNE aspecting Natal VENUS
OBSERVED: Marked aesthetics, idealism, romance. Strong emotions. Pursuit of unreachable or unavailable love goals. Emphasizes the beautiful in people and things; possible romantic letdown. Blissfully naïve. Pleasure of the senses.
DETAILS: Romantic idealism fills you. Your temperament leans toward the emotional and sentimental. The beautiful in people and things catches (and holds) your attention, with all the advantages and problems that can bring. Positively, your heightened esthetic sense is attuned to the world's beauty, fueling your soul with wonders if only you pay attention. Imagery captivates. You are open to fresh levels of sensual delight. More of a problem is a sometimes undue naïve confidence in people's innate goodness, wearing blinders to their faults, particularly in romance (possible romantic disappointment). You pursue an unreachable love object (e.g., involvement with someone already romantically committed; spiritual devotion, seeking a "wedding with God;" having an exalted ideal for a lover that cannot be met, etc.). Yet, in your quest is pleasure. You are more vulnerable to disappointment and more emotional; but the basic tone of the time is enjoyable, even Utopian.
[FAGAN: "The native is in danger of forming a compromising alliance with one who is already married and has dependents or otherwise unable to marry... In some cases this transit has caused the native to renounce the world and transfer affections to a religious ideal or vision."]
NEPTUNE aspecting Natal MARS
OBSERVED: Aggressions become dramatic and imaginative; but also covert, maybe manipulative. Aggressively indulgent in personal fantasies; energetically responsive to sensation. Chemical over-sensitivity. Low energy. Energy expended on dreams, ideals; or wasted on mirages. Ardent idealism.
DETAILS: Emotions and desires become dominant. Your aggressive, passionate side expresses itself with increased subjectivity, imagination, pleasure-seeking, dramatic emotion, and illusion. This may be unbalancing, but also can be used positively. You expend your energies toward dreams and ideals - or toward mirages, thus dispersing your resources. With so much energy directed inward, your vitality and resistance to infection can drop. Your aggressions and way of expressing anger become more dramatic, maybe more manipulative, perhaps fueled by an exaggerated sense of the infallibility of your opinions. However, by keeping your vanity in check and consciously acknowledging the validity of others' viewpoints, this can be a pleasantly indulgent time of increased enjoyment, pursuing your pleasures aggressively. Uniting inspiration with careful planning, you can direct energies toward achieving long-held dreams. Fantasies can be realized, and discouraging self-doubts dispersed, simply by staying aware of the difference between physical reality and the fertile, flexible universe within you. [Edited 2/4/17]
[FAGAN: "...the native is inclined to attack negatively... as by a sit-down or hunger strike... Like a sacrificial victim of yore, helpless and powerless, he waits immolation to the gods. Occasionally he enjoys the sensation... revealing a streak of masochistic psychology."]
NEPTUNE aspecting Natal JUPITER
OBSERVED: High hopes, optimism. Moral guidelines stretched. "Wheelin’ and dealin'." Financial or professional embarrassment possible (misrepresentation?); maybe smudged reputation. Strong desire to be accepted by others. Love of drama, ritual, philosophy.
DETAILS: Ideals and outlook run the gamut from optimism to disillusionment and back. This period (when expectations are high and dreams seem readily within your grasp) needs an outrigging of pragmatic realism to get the most from it. That is, your exaggerated optimism about your fantasies neither says you can, nor that you cannot, realize them now, merely that you feel you can. Finances, reputation, and career factors draw your attention. In particular, there is a chance of financial or professional embarrassment. Misrepresentation and dishonesty can occur: either others taking advantage of your optimism, willingness to speculate, and naïve trust, or your own ethics being stretched a bit. Innocently, others seem to vampirize your resources. To avoid these problems, emphasize a practical, realistic view in all economic and business matters, compromising neither generosity, integrity, nor caution. The purpose of this time is to sensitize you more to what most religions call the higher virtues, to humanitarian interests and compassion, perhaps with an increased fondness of philosophy, spiritual aspiration, and ritual - shifting your focus for a time away from some mundane concerns.
[FAGAN: "...perhaps the most humiliating... one tends to be allured by the call of a different way of life not approved of by society... in succumbing one is obliged to forfeit one's status, surrender one's position, and abandon one's birthright and frequently one's inheritance. Thus ostracized one may be so reduced in circumstances as to pledge all one's possessions and live in a state of near penury."]
NEPTUNE aspecting Natal SATURN
OBSERVED: Emotionally difficult. Life's "givens" seem unreliable. Magnified self-preservation needs. Capable of hard work in pursuit of an ideal if basic insecurities are first mastered. Good time to "loosen up," relax, learn trust (surrender to other people's will).
DETAILS: A difficult transit. Anxiety and self-doubts hold your attention. Its virtue can be in loosening rigid, tense behaviors. The basic principle is a dissolving the rigid, the established and tightly held. Accordingly, security, especially financial, may feel threatened. You may doubt your ability to survive autonomously (exaggerated self-preservation concerns). Many of the "givens" in your life feel threatened or seem to vanish. The point now is not that you are about to lose everything important to you (as sometimes it may seem), but that you need to loosen your tenacious hold on these things: You are more likely to hold onto what you can let go. At its worse, it indicates worry, suspicion, and despondency. Keep clearly in mind that objectively things are not as bad as they seem, that you are now predisposed to exaggerate the negative. Your preconceived, fixed notions are all that hold you back. In fact, hard work now can be most effectively applied to attaining your goals. This is a good time to loosen up, relax, and adopt less rigid attitudes and opinions. [Edited 12/29/23]
[Anecdote: Dominique Strauss-Kahn arrested in NYC for sexual assault. t NE - 180 - r SA]
[Anecdote: Centered on a period of financial insecurity, withering resources from several angles, recurring worry, continuing to plug away at inspired / visionary projects, vulnerability and attack. (t. NE was also -135- r. Sun during some of this.) d NE - 135 - r SA]
[Anecdote: Exact day (0') of last pass was my left eye cornea transplant. t NE - 135 - r SA]
[FAGAN: "...perhaps the most unsavory of them all. The native is apprehensive lest his enemies plot to encompass his ruin by exposing his acts or follies and he is often in a constant state of terror lest his private life be exposed. Ignominy, defeat, arrest are common under this transit, but it frequently happens that one's fears are more imaginary than actual."]
NEPTUNE aspecting Natal URANUS
OBSERVED: Altered views of reality stimulate important inner changes. A temptation or dream inspires you to take a leap, make changes, maybe overhaul your whole life. Wanderlust, exotic ideas, ingenuity, new perspectives. Fantasy in confrontation with reality.
DETAILS: Before you lies a temptation, a lure, a dream – and you have the power, creativity, and daring to pursue it! Whatever this desire, you are willing to make substantial changes in your life to achieve it. Your attitudes are shifting. Novel perspectives emerge. Wanderlust moves you. Your hunches seem more squarely on the mark. Many people "take the leap" to achieve a long-held dream at times like this, only to discover (a) it was not what they wanted after all, and (b) by taking that leap they have nonetheless landed squarely into a desirable new situation they had not anticipated. Metaphysics, the occult and other unorthodox interests likely occupy your thoughts. Your altered views of reality stimulate important inner changes, exciting dreams of emancipation. Fantasy, fiction, and unreality stand in confrontation with reality and naked truth. Be sure of your grounding, and then act with courage! [Edited 10/24/19]
STATS: This is one of the most common transits at the inauguration of U.S. Presidents if incumbents and non-incumbents are both considered (but not as common when only non-incumbents are counted), and one of the most common for all Presidential inaugurations.
NEPTUNE aspecting Natal NEPTUNE
OBSERVED: Security issues emphasized. Inner reorganization is the chief priority now. Psychic (and even physical) energies are diverted to subconsciousness, often leaving little energy for practical, material concerns. Introverted, passive. Physical reality seems unfamiliar, uncertain.
DETAILS: Practical, material affairs require more clear-sighted, concentrated vigilance right now if they are to continue running without mishap. This is a period when most of your psychological energy is pulled inward, to the subconscious. The chief priority right now is an inner reorganization of the subtle levels of your psyche. These shifts, though not dramatically visible now, will begin clearly showing their results in your life over the next few months and years. Accordingly, keeping your mind on practical concerns of everyday physical reality may take more effort; hence the tendency for some things to "go wrong" from neglect. Security issues are emphasized now in relationships, finances, or other areas of your life. Though subjective realms of your mind are most active, the energy is mostly introverted, so even creativity and extroverted imagination may require extra effort. The best use of these months is for meditation or prolonged reflection on your life and attitudes. Simply set aside more private, quiet time. Arrange for material things to take care of themselves as much as possible. Do not attempt major expansions. Direct your energies inward, where they now most easily flow, to achieve a more profound understanding of yourself and deeper security in the charted course of your life.
NEPTUNE aspecting Natal PLUTO
OBSERVED: Deep-rooted psychological evolution. Changes occur in your basic views of life, purpose, and reality (may not be outwardly visible). Introverted, restructuring attitudes. Existential confrontation. Spiritual growth.
DETAILS: A deep-rooted psychological evolution occurs. These changes in your window on life and basic philosophical orientation take place under the surface, perhaps not immediately visible to you or those around you. In reflective moments you will begin to notice that you are thinking about things much differently than before, that even the physical details of the world look different. At other times you may simply feel withdrawn, uneasy, "not all there," distracted. Quiet, introspective self-examination is fruitful as you silently restructure attitudes and priorities to initiate a new era of your life. (Edited 1/29/24)
[Anecdote: Winnie Ruth Judd committed her murders with this mundane transit 0°01' and foreground in her new SLR. t Ne -90- r Pl]
Anecdote: Kamala Harris had this transit 0°04' wide, precisely on her PSSR angles for accepting the VP nomination.
STATS: This is one of the most common transits at the inauguration of non-incumbent U.S. Presidents; of incumbents + non-incumbents; and of all Presidential inaugurations.
NEPTUNE aspecting Natal HAUMEA
(No observations so far.)
NEPTUNE aspecting Natal ERIS
[Anecdote: Transiting Neptune exactly squared my Eris in Jan/Jul/Nov 1988 - all contained in that one year. I was doing two main things. The lesser, was I was establishing my law practice and still working part time for an attorney in the Valley while not quite having my wheels under me. The second was that I was creating a magical order, writing its rituals and teachings as fast as I could to be ready for a launch early the next year.]
PRINCIPLE: Feeling greater necessity to meet one's own reality-forging and absorption needs. Dissolves, distorts, or confuses boundaries, definitions, and concrete forms of the conditions of one's life. Sensitizes, disorients, distorts, confuses, or exaggerates conditions creating a state of increasing uncertainty. Increased idealization or fantasy about one's life or conditions.
OBSERVED: Identity and life direction confused, uncertain. Easier to dream than to transform dreams into reality. Need to apply imagination in successful, functional ways: Practical matters require focused, conscious attention.
DETAILS: Dreams of possibilities float seductively before you. Your imagination and potential for creativity are enhanced. Applying these abilities in some practical, accomplishing, self-expressive way is the primary challenge of this period. Your sense of personal identity and life direction seem confused and uncertain. It seems easier to dream than to transform dreams into pragmatic reality; to expect others to do things for you rather than regard yourself as responsible for your own life and fortune. Practical matters require focused, conscious attention now, especially career. Some public embarrassment is possible, bruising self-esteem. Advances are best made in exploring your own subjective reality through art, fantasy, meditation, psychotherapy. This too requires personal discipline. Realize that your reactions are now more extreme, more romantic, than usual.
PRINCIPLE: Feeling greater necessity to meet one's own reality-forging and absorption needs. Dissolves, distorts, or confuses boundaries, definitions, and concrete forms of the conditions of one's life. Sensitizes, disorients, distorts, confuses, or exaggerates conditions creating a state of increasing uncertainty. Increased idealization or fantasy about one's life or conditions.
OBSERVED: Chance to explore your psychological roots. Matters rise to consciousness involving early life. If not confronted: possible childish behavior, dependence, increased security needs, despair. Emotions may interfere with practical affairs.
DETAILS: This is a chief opportunity to explore the psychological basis of your mind. Fundamental matters rise to consciousness, especially involving parents and early life. When faced, these grant insight into your motivations and actions. You may choose, however, not to face them, giving these irrational, emotional parts of you temporary dominance. Some clues that you are not taking best advantage of the time are childish behavior, dependence, increased security needs, feelings of despair or hopelessness. Frustration can result from emotions and prejudices getting in the way of practical affairs. Introversion is natural, since the emphasis is rightly on self-exploration and reencountering your past; but balance this by opening more to your intimates, sharing your realizations. Ground your inner work with practical action to make a sound, permanent difference in your life.
PRINCIPLE: Feeling greater necessity to meet one's own reality-forging and absorption needs. Dissolves, distorts, or confuses boundaries, definitions, and concrete forms of the conditions of one's life. Sensitizes, disorients, distorts, confuses, or exaggerates conditions creating a state of increasing uncertainty. Increased idealization or fantasy about one's life or conditions.
OBSERVED: Shift in self-image and outer personality. Self-doubt while discovering a more powerful, sensitive you. Increased sensitivity requires refinement of habits. More responsive to emotional stimuli and prone to dramatize feelings. Spiritual, religious, artistic. [Tweaked 1/20/23]
DETAILS: Your mind, body, and emotions are especially sensitive now, requiring a delicacy or refinement in your habits. Particularly, you are more responsive to emotional stimuli and prone to dramatize situations. Any addictive tendency will be emphasized right now; and all chemicals may affect you more strongly. Primarily your self-image and the "act" you play, the way you seek to present yourself to others, is shifting. For a time you may be confused about who you are, especially if you have lost yourself in your own illusions. Underneath your self-veiling, however, is a more powerful, sensitive, alive you than you perhaps have ever known. Now is the time to discover it! Self-assurance and confidence may waver, but are renewed many times over once the simple truths about oneself are confronted. Spiritual, religious and artistic matters are encouraged; but make a point of anchoring yourself in practical reality.
PRINCIPLE: Feeling greater necessity to meet one's own reality-forging and absorption needs. Dissolves, distorts, or confuses boundaries, definitions, and concrete forms of the conditions of one's life. Sensitizes, disorients, distorts, confuses, or exaggerates conditions creating a state of increasing uncertainty. Increased idealization or fantasy about one's life or conditions.
OBSERVED: Quest for something meaningful (probably involves close relationships). Either dissolving rigid views that separate you from others, thus new intimacy; or your prejudices are dramatized and trigger struggles. Sensitive, vulnerable. Possibly confused relationships, frustration, dependency, and unrealistic views. Worry or anxiety over others (caretaking others). [Modified 2/2/25]
DETAILS: Looking for something: A sensitive, vulnerable part of you is on a quest for something precious and uniquely meaningful to you. Most likely this search for a Holy Grail centers around intimate relationships, especially romantic ones. New truths about yourself are now learned best through others. Confusion confounds relationship. Present task: to dissolve rigid views and ego-supporting opinions that have separated you from others previously. To the extent you do this, a richer intimacy is discovered. Otherwise, your prejudices are dramatized and become the issues around which relationships struggle. Possibilities include deception in relationship, frustration, self-doubt, undue dependence by you or another and unrealistic idealization of each other; or a magical awakening to a profound sense of union. [Edited 2/3/25]
PRINCIPLE: Sensitizes, distorts, confuses, and disorients, magnifying disproportionately emotional responses and instinctive adaptations to physical, psychological, and social environments. Public personality (social mask) linked to fantasy and illusion. Idealization or disillusionment of relations with mother figures or the public.
OBSERVED: Feeling vulnerable, weakened, exposed, or frail (introverted). Sensitive, moody. Echoing emotions of others around you: Exaggerated responsiveness (extreme empathy) for good or bad. Security needs magnified. Material efficiency reduced. Good for aesthetics, meditation, reflection, worship, imagination, constructive unreasonableness. [Updated 12/8/22]
DETAILS: Your sensitivity is enhanced considerably for a time, your emotional reactions or responsiveness more extreme. Positively, this can mean elation, ecstasy, esthetic wonder; alternately, melancholy, moodiness, feeling low, extreme reactions. Your biochemistry and the emotional quality of your environment strongly influence this pendulum. With your sensitized body, the purer your diet, the less extreme your moods. Drugs (including alcohol and caffeine) may exaggerate your responses. Highly suggestible, you absorb the emotional quality of people around you; so look for the most joyous, enthusiastic companions you can find, avoiding the despondent and complaining. Security needs are magnified; you are more vulnerable to rejection. Keeping your spirits high, you are capable of much creativity, even inspiration. Mystical or religious interests arise as your intuition is enhanced. By consciously, consistently comparing your intuitions to physical reality, you develop a keener, surer trust of your feelings and impressions.
[Anecdote: Donald Bradley died of cancer. t Ur -135- r MO, t NE - 90 - r MO, t JU - 0- r MO]
[FAGAN: "...the native finds himself caught up in a torrent of emotions, such as are occasioned at political meetings, sports matches, musical festivals, entertainment, parties, traveling, religious rites, funerals, and the like; or by a noisy and excited crowd of visitors or children. Such occasions may be enjoyable, dramatic, embarrassing, or even tragic. In extreme cases, the emotional state may develop into one of intense passion and frenzy."]
NEPTUNE aspecting Natal SUN
OBSERVED: New realities offer to replace familiar ones, leaving confusion about identity, career, and life-direction. One’s prejudices are dramatized. Energy drain, fatigue. Ecstatic highs and despondent lows. Sensitive, aesthetic, introspective.
DETAILS: Long-held ideas about who you are and where you are headed seem less certain, more nebulous. Confusion temporarily reigns regarding identity, self-image, professional goals, and life-direction. Ego development is a gradual, rhythmic process of establishing, then dispersing and changing, one’s identity: your present stage marks a partial dissolving of your ego-structure to let a larger self-picture eventually emerge. Doubts, inferiority feelings, moodiness, introverted self-consciousness, feeling misunderstood or unfairly treated may all occur. Most of your responses are exaggerated, and negatives more easily catch your attention. Solve problems through simplification, not adding more factors to the equation. Enhanced sensitivity sponsors creativity. An interest in metaphysics or philosophy nourishes the soul at this vulnerable time. You can now create a powerful new reality if you focus your will on the task. Remember: the only difference between fantasy and vision is whether you intend a thing will really happen! [Edited 2/4/17]
STATS: This is the most common transit at the inauguration U.S. Presidents. Several of them, though, are Vice Presidents who inherited the presidency from a deceased or resigned incumbent. (But there were also James Monroe and one of FDR's terms.)
NEPTUNE aspecting Natal MERCURY
PRINCIPLE: Distorts, confuses, disorients, or exaggerates one's thoughts, communications, and relationship to information and learning. Magnified (enchanted) curiosities linked to fantasy.
OBSERVED: Imagination and sensation boggle the intellect. Fantasy blurs with fact. Communication and perceptual confusion from acutely sensitive senses. Judgment errors, poor logic, misplaced emphasis, easily misunderstood. Imaginative, intuitive, creative. [Edited 6/7/21]
DETAILS: Your sensory and extrasensory perceptions are very sensitized. The normal division between the intellectual and imaginative parts of your brain is weakened so that rational and nonrational thoughts intermix somewhat indiscriminately. This may result in confusion, as imagination and sensation overwhelm the mind, a misplaced emphasis being your current key to most miscues. In one sense your mind is acutely clear right now; but its perceptions are mostly not of the physical reality in which you normally operate, being more symbolic and mythic in nature; i.e., your perceptions have the quality of dreams. It is important, therefore, that you attentively discriminate fact from fantasy in your practical activities, especially contracts and other paperwork. Prolonged concentration may require more effort. Misjudgment, logical errors and distractions are more common than usual. Realize that the whimsical, the creative, the intuitive and conceptual are where you shine now much more than the practical. Triple-check all practical matters and all important communications; then profit from the advantages of this freer access to right-brain consciousness.
STATS: No U.S. President has ever been inaugurated with this aspect.
[FAGAN: "It may possibly awaken an interest in fiction, the drama, and the world of make-believe in general."]
NEPTUNE aspecting Natal VENUS
OBSERVED: Marked aesthetics, idealism, romance. Strong emotions. Pursuit of unreachable or unavailable love goals. Emphasizes the beautiful in people and things; possible romantic letdown. Blissfully naïve. Pleasure of the senses.
DETAILS: Romantic idealism fills you. Your temperament leans toward the emotional and sentimental. The beautiful in people and things catches (and holds) your attention, with all the advantages and problems that can bring. Positively, your heightened esthetic sense is attuned to the world's beauty, fueling your soul with wonders if only you pay attention. Imagery captivates. You are open to fresh levels of sensual delight. More of a problem is a sometimes undue naïve confidence in people's innate goodness, wearing blinders to their faults, particularly in romance (possible romantic disappointment). You pursue an unreachable love object (e.g., involvement with someone already romantically committed; spiritual devotion, seeking a "wedding with God;" having an exalted ideal for a lover that cannot be met, etc.). Yet, in your quest is pleasure. You are more vulnerable to disappointment and more emotional; but the basic tone of the time is enjoyable, even Utopian.
[FAGAN: "The native is in danger of forming a compromising alliance with one who is already married and has dependents or otherwise unable to marry... In some cases this transit has caused the native to renounce the world and transfer affections to a religious ideal or vision."]
NEPTUNE aspecting Natal MARS
OBSERVED: Aggressions become dramatic and imaginative; but also covert, maybe manipulative. Aggressively indulgent in personal fantasies; energetically responsive to sensation. Chemical over-sensitivity. Low energy. Energy expended on dreams, ideals; or wasted on mirages. Ardent idealism.
DETAILS: Emotions and desires become dominant. Your aggressive, passionate side expresses itself with increased subjectivity, imagination, pleasure-seeking, dramatic emotion, and illusion. This may be unbalancing, but also can be used positively. You expend your energies toward dreams and ideals - or toward mirages, thus dispersing your resources. With so much energy directed inward, your vitality and resistance to infection can drop. Your aggressions and way of expressing anger become more dramatic, maybe more manipulative, perhaps fueled by an exaggerated sense of the infallibility of your opinions. However, by keeping your vanity in check and consciously acknowledging the validity of others' viewpoints, this can be a pleasantly indulgent time of increased enjoyment, pursuing your pleasures aggressively. Uniting inspiration with careful planning, you can direct energies toward achieving long-held dreams. Fantasies can be realized, and discouraging self-doubts dispersed, simply by staying aware of the difference between physical reality and the fertile, flexible universe within you. [Edited 2/4/17]
[FAGAN: "...the native is inclined to attack negatively... as by a sit-down or hunger strike... Like a sacrificial victim of yore, helpless and powerless, he waits immolation to the gods. Occasionally he enjoys the sensation... revealing a streak of masochistic psychology."]
NEPTUNE aspecting Natal JUPITER
OBSERVED: High hopes, optimism. Moral guidelines stretched. "Wheelin’ and dealin'." Financial or professional embarrassment possible (misrepresentation?); maybe smudged reputation. Strong desire to be accepted by others. Love of drama, ritual, philosophy.
DETAILS: Ideals and outlook run the gamut from optimism to disillusionment and back. This period (when expectations are high and dreams seem readily within your grasp) needs an outrigging of pragmatic realism to get the most from it. That is, your exaggerated optimism about your fantasies neither says you can, nor that you cannot, realize them now, merely that you feel you can. Finances, reputation, and career factors draw your attention. In particular, there is a chance of financial or professional embarrassment. Misrepresentation and dishonesty can occur: either others taking advantage of your optimism, willingness to speculate, and naïve trust, or your own ethics being stretched a bit. Innocently, others seem to vampirize your resources. To avoid these problems, emphasize a practical, realistic view in all economic and business matters, compromising neither generosity, integrity, nor caution. The purpose of this time is to sensitize you more to what most religions call the higher virtues, to humanitarian interests and compassion, perhaps with an increased fondness of philosophy, spiritual aspiration, and ritual - shifting your focus for a time away from some mundane concerns.
[FAGAN: "...perhaps the most humiliating... one tends to be allured by the call of a different way of life not approved of by society... in succumbing one is obliged to forfeit one's status, surrender one's position, and abandon one's birthright and frequently one's inheritance. Thus ostracized one may be so reduced in circumstances as to pledge all one's possessions and live in a state of near penury."]
NEPTUNE aspecting Natal SATURN
OBSERVED: Emotionally difficult. Life's "givens" seem unreliable. Magnified self-preservation needs. Capable of hard work in pursuit of an ideal if basic insecurities are first mastered. Good time to "loosen up," relax, learn trust (surrender to other people's will).
DETAILS: A difficult transit. Anxiety and self-doubts hold your attention. Its virtue can be in loosening rigid, tense behaviors. The basic principle is a dissolving the rigid, the established and tightly held. Accordingly, security, especially financial, may feel threatened. You may doubt your ability to survive autonomously (exaggerated self-preservation concerns). Many of the "givens" in your life feel threatened or seem to vanish. The point now is not that you are about to lose everything important to you (as sometimes it may seem), but that you need to loosen your tenacious hold on these things: You are more likely to hold onto what you can let go. At its worse, it indicates worry, suspicion, and despondency. Keep clearly in mind that objectively things are not as bad as they seem, that you are now predisposed to exaggerate the negative. Your preconceived, fixed notions are all that hold you back. In fact, hard work now can be most effectively applied to attaining your goals. This is a good time to loosen up, relax, and adopt less rigid attitudes and opinions. [Edited 12/29/23]
[Anecdote: Dominique Strauss-Kahn arrested in NYC for sexual assault. t NE - 180 - r SA]
[Anecdote: Centered on a period of financial insecurity, withering resources from several angles, recurring worry, continuing to plug away at inspired / visionary projects, vulnerability and attack. (t. NE was also -135- r. Sun during some of this.) d NE - 135 - r SA]
[Anecdote: Exact day (0') of last pass was my left eye cornea transplant. t NE - 135 - r SA]
[FAGAN: "...perhaps the most unsavory of them all. The native is apprehensive lest his enemies plot to encompass his ruin by exposing his acts or follies and he is often in a constant state of terror lest his private life be exposed. Ignominy, defeat, arrest are common under this transit, but it frequently happens that one's fears are more imaginary than actual."]
NEPTUNE aspecting Natal URANUS
OBSERVED: Altered views of reality stimulate important inner changes. A temptation or dream inspires you to take a leap, make changes, maybe overhaul your whole life. Wanderlust, exotic ideas, ingenuity, new perspectives. Fantasy in confrontation with reality.
DETAILS: Before you lies a temptation, a lure, a dream – and you have the power, creativity, and daring to pursue it! Whatever this desire, you are willing to make substantial changes in your life to achieve it. Your attitudes are shifting. Novel perspectives emerge. Wanderlust moves you. Your hunches seem more squarely on the mark. Many people "take the leap" to achieve a long-held dream at times like this, only to discover (a) it was not what they wanted after all, and (b) by taking that leap they have nonetheless landed squarely into a desirable new situation they had not anticipated. Metaphysics, the occult and other unorthodox interests likely occupy your thoughts. Your altered views of reality stimulate important inner changes, exciting dreams of emancipation. Fantasy, fiction, and unreality stand in confrontation with reality and naked truth. Be sure of your grounding, and then act with courage! [Edited 10/24/19]
STATS: This is one of the most common transits at the inauguration of U.S. Presidents if incumbents and non-incumbents are both considered (but not as common when only non-incumbents are counted), and one of the most common for all Presidential inaugurations.
NEPTUNE aspecting Natal NEPTUNE
OBSERVED: Security issues emphasized. Inner reorganization is the chief priority now. Psychic (and even physical) energies are diverted to subconsciousness, often leaving little energy for practical, material concerns. Introverted, passive. Physical reality seems unfamiliar, uncertain.
DETAILS: Practical, material affairs require more clear-sighted, concentrated vigilance right now if they are to continue running without mishap. This is a period when most of your psychological energy is pulled inward, to the subconscious. The chief priority right now is an inner reorganization of the subtle levels of your psyche. These shifts, though not dramatically visible now, will begin clearly showing their results in your life over the next few months and years. Accordingly, keeping your mind on practical concerns of everyday physical reality may take more effort; hence the tendency for some things to "go wrong" from neglect. Security issues are emphasized now in relationships, finances, or other areas of your life. Though subjective realms of your mind are most active, the energy is mostly introverted, so even creativity and extroverted imagination may require extra effort. The best use of these months is for meditation or prolonged reflection on your life and attitudes. Simply set aside more private, quiet time. Arrange for material things to take care of themselves as much as possible. Do not attempt major expansions. Direct your energies inward, where they now most easily flow, to achieve a more profound understanding of yourself and deeper security in the charted course of your life.
NEPTUNE aspecting Natal PLUTO
OBSERVED: Deep-rooted psychological evolution. Changes occur in your basic views of life, purpose, and reality (may not be outwardly visible). Introverted, restructuring attitudes. Existential confrontation. Spiritual growth.
DETAILS: A deep-rooted psychological evolution occurs. These changes in your window on life and basic philosophical orientation take place under the surface, perhaps not immediately visible to you or those around you. In reflective moments you will begin to notice that you are thinking about things much differently than before, that even the physical details of the world look different. At other times you may simply feel withdrawn, uneasy, "not all there," distracted. Quiet, introspective self-examination is fruitful as you silently restructure attitudes and priorities to initiate a new era of your life. (Edited 1/29/24)
[Anecdote: Winnie Ruth Judd committed her murders with this mundane transit 0°01' and foreground in her new SLR. t Ne -90- r Pl]
Anecdote: Kamala Harris had this transit 0°04' wide, precisely on her PSSR angles for accepting the VP nomination.
STATS: This is one of the most common transits at the inauguration of non-incumbent U.S. Presidents; of incumbents + non-incumbents; and of all Presidential inaugurations.
NEPTUNE aspecting Natal HAUMEA
(No observations so far.)
NEPTUNE aspecting Natal ERIS
[Anecdote: Transiting Neptune exactly squared my Eris in Jan/Jul/Nov 1988 - all contained in that one year. I was doing two main things. The lesser, was I was establishing my law practice and still working part time for an attorney in the Valley while not quite having my wheels under me. The second was that I was creating a magical order, writing its rituals and teachings as fast as I could to be ready for a launch early the next year.]
PRINCIPLE: Feeling greater necessity to meet one's own reality-forging and absorption needs. Dissolves, distorts, or confuses boundaries, definitions, and concrete forms of the conditions of one's life. Sensitizes, disorients, distorts, confuses, or exaggerates conditions creating a state of increasing uncertainty. Increased idealization or fantasy about one's life or conditions.
OBSERVED: Identity and life direction confused, uncertain. Easier to dream than to transform dreams into reality. Need to apply imagination in successful, functional ways: Practical matters require focused, conscious attention.
DETAILS: Dreams of possibilities float seductively before you. Your imagination and potential for creativity are enhanced. Applying these abilities in some practical, accomplishing, self-expressive way is the primary challenge of this period. Your sense of personal identity and life direction seem confused and uncertain. It seems easier to dream than to transform dreams into pragmatic reality; to expect others to do things for you rather than regard yourself as responsible for your own life and fortune. Practical matters require focused, conscious attention now, especially career. Some public embarrassment is possible, bruising self-esteem. Advances are best made in exploring your own subjective reality through art, fantasy, meditation, psychotherapy. This too requires personal discipline. Realize that your reactions are now more extreme, more romantic, than usual.
PRINCIPLE: Feeling greater necessity to meet one's own reality-forging and absorption needs. Dissolves, distorts, or confuses boundaries, definitions, and concrete forms of the conditions of one's life. Sensitizes, disorients, distorts, confuses, or exaggerates conditions creating a state of increasing uncertainty. Increased idealization or fantasy about one's life or conditions.
OBSERVED: Chance to explore your psychological roots. Matters rise to consciousness involving early life. If not confronted: possible childish behavior, dependence, increased security needs, despair. Emotions may interfere with practical affairs.
DETAILS: This is a chief opportunity to explore the psychological basis of your mind. Fundamental matters rise to consciousness, especially involving parents and early life. When faced, these grant insight into your motivations and actions. You may choose, however, not to face them, giving these irrational, emotional parts of you temporary dominance. Some clues that you are not taking best advantage of the time are childish behavior, dependence, increased security needs, feelings of despair or hopelessness. Frustration can result from emotions and prejudices getting in the way of practical affairs. Introversion is natural, since the emphasis is rightly on self-exploration and reencountering your past; but balance this by opening more to your intimates, sharing your realizations. Ground your inner work with practical action to make a sound, permanent difference in your life.
PRINCIPLE: Feeling greater necessity to meet one's own reality-forging and absorption needs. Dissolves, distorts, or confuses boundaries, definitions, and concrete forms of the conditions of one's life. Sensitizes, disorients, distorts, confuses, or exaggerates conditions creating a state of increasing uncertainty. Increased idealization or fantasy about one's life or conditions.
OBSERVED: Shift in self-image and outer personality. Self-doubt while discovering a more powerful, sensitive you. Increased sensitivity requires refinement of habits. More responsive to emotional stimuli and prone to dramatize feelings. Spiritual, religious, artistic. [Tweaked 1/20/23]
DETAILS: Your mind, body, and emotions are especially sensitive now, requiring a delicacy or refinement in your habits. Particularly, you are more responsive to emotional stimuli and prone to dramatize situations. Any addictive tendency will be emphasized right now; and all chemicals may affect you more strongly. Primarily your self-image and the "act" you play, the way you seek to present yourself to others, is shifting. For a time you may be confused about who you are, especially if you have lost yourself in your own illusions. Underneath your self-veiling, however, is a more powerful, sensitive, alive you than you perhaps have ever known. Now is the time to discover it! Self-assurance and confidence may waver, but are renewed many times over once the simple truths about oneself are confronted. Spiritual, religious and artistic matters are encouraged; but make a point of anchoring yourself in practical reality.
PRINCIPLE: Feeling greater necessity to meet one's own reality-forging and absorption needs. Dissolves, distorts, or confuses boundaries, definitions, and concrete forms of the conditions of one's life. Sensitizes, disorients, distorts, confuses, or exaggerates conditions creating a state of increasing uncertainty. Increased idealization or fantasy about one's life or conditions.
OBSERVED: Quest for something meaningful (probably involves close relationships). Either dissolving rigid views that separate you from others, thus new intimacy; or your prejudices are dramatized and trigger struggles. Sensitive, vulnerable. Possibly confused relationships, frustration, dependency, and unrealistic views. Worry or anxiety over others (caretaking others). [Modified 2/2/25]
DETAILS: Looking for something: A sensitive, vulnerable part of you is on a quest for something precious and uniquely meaningful to you. Most likely this search for a Holy Grail centers around intimate relationships, especially romantic ones. New truths about yourself are now learned best through others. Confusion confounds relationship. Present task: to dissolve rigid views and ego-supporting opinions that have separated you from others previously. To the extent you do this, a richer intimacy is discovered. Otherwise, your prejudices are dramatized and become the issues around which relationships struggle. Possibilities include deception in relationship, frustration, self-doubt, undue dependence by you or another and unrealistic idealization of each other; or a magical awakening to a profound sense of union. [Edited 2/3/25]
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19392
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Uranus transits
URANUS aspecting Natal SUN
OBSERVED: Self-expressive, progressive, maybe rebellious. Creativity, ingenuity. Love of freedom; intolerance of authority. Life seems more interesting, exciting. Tension, if self-renewal is resisted.
DETAILS: A new lease on life is in store for you! Your self-perspective and sense of life-purpose are clarified and your vital creative spirit awakened. Professional limelight, and even advance, is possible, as others become aware of your talents. Freedom (from anything that has previously held you back) becomes very important to you now, which may lead to rebelliousness or intolerance of authority. Individuality runs more strongly in you than cooperation. Relationships thrive, though, if based on excitement, color, and renewal of aliveness. Tension or obstinacy is a signal that you are resisting appropriate change. Do not let old habits and ways of viewing yourself hold back the originality, creativity, and thrill of life which is natural to you.
[FAGAN: "...rarely fail to prove a most eventful, exciting, and colorful period... he comes before the public, often becoming famous overnight in some capacity or other. Radical changes are made in his ménage... travel and adventure in foreign lands."]
URANUS aspecting Natal MOON
OBSERVED: Refreshing changes, renewed interest in life. Emotional (sexual) liberation. Lifestyle overhaul. Popularity; maybe a shift in intimate relationships. Inquisitive, curious; new interests.
DETAILS: Emotional vitality and popularity are renewed as old emotional and domestic patterns go through major change. New freedom needs rise in you, demanding that narrow attitudes and reactions be discarded. Emotional and relationship issues are clarified. A sexual awakening is likely. Thrill, excitement, and aliveness indicate that you are riding well this wave of awakening; while tension and temperament reflect your resistance to letting go of the past. Others may view your behavior as erratic, as you "try on" new ways of being and acting. Intimate relationships shift as your lifestyle changes. Inquisitive, curious and original, you are captivated by new areas of exploration, and now view life with a freshness rarely before possible for you.
[Anecdote: Donald Bradley died of cancer. t Ur -135- r MO, t NE - 90 - r MO, t JU - 0- r MO]
[FAGAN: "...generally betokens removals, changes of residence, traveling, the search for adventure, novelty... Unless Uranus is seriously afflicted by the malefics its transits usually prove exciting, interesting, worthwhile, successful, also freshening... changes of residence, repeated travelling, and a rather unsettled but exciting time generally."]
URANUS aspecting Natal MERCURY
OBSERVED: A very mental period. Key realizations, enlightenment; flood of ideas. Mind open to new concepts; opinions change. Practical or technical discoveries. Possible dispersion of interests.
DETAILS: During this acutely mental time, your mind is awakened to a wide range of new concepts and subject areas, and a flood of new ideas. Both creative and a little eccentric in your views, unhesitant to change your mind on long-held opinions, you overthrow the rigidity of standard belief. Your mental originality has a practical, technical quality. New discoveries are important in key areas of your life and work. Variety of interests can, however, lead to dispersion of energy. Major gambles should be avoided as your "revelations" display a nearly religious obstinacy, sometimes unrealistic. Yet in your toppling of personal idols a new mental freedom emerges, a species of intellectual enlightenment, opening the way to a more powerful, fulfilled life. [Edited 9/16/20]
[FAGAN: "...a wonderful experience. It awakens the mind to exciting and entirely new intellectual interests. One's first introduction to such subjects as radiology, hypnotism, psychoanalysis, archaeology... may have occurred under such a transit, but only if the native found their study exciting and novel. Many were first introduced to astrology itself under such a transit..."]
URANUS aspecting Natal VENUS
PRINCIPLE: Unshackles, awakens, stimulates, and renews one's love nature, social and romantic pleasure needs (reinventing pleasure styles), and love of beauty and harmony, freeing them from structure, inhibition, or restraint.
OBSERVED: Renewal and excitement in love, friendship, pleasure, beauty. Flirtatious, experimental, shedding inhibitions or constraint. Life seems more fun (travel, other pleasure from novelty or freedom). Sudden love: new "zing" in an old relationship or starting a new one. (Emotional tension, relationship changes.) [Revised 1/20/23]
NOTES: If everyone's feelings are not dealt with responsibly and sensitively, this can cause emotional tension, strife, and separation. [Revised 1/20/23]
[Anecdote: During a year or so of Uranus transiting natal Venus-Neptune, Marion had increased restlessness for travel and tended to get away for a few days (by herself or with me) when this came to a return angle. t UR - 0 - r VE, -180- r NE]
[FAGAN: "...a revolution in the domestic circle is likely... sometimes under fantastic circumstances. New attachments influence the native's career. Even if he is a confirmed bachelor he may find himself leading his bride-to-be to the altar... the quest for novelty is ever pressing. Sometimes there is an unexpected addition to the family."]
URANUS aspecting Natal MARS
OBSERVED: Restless, rebellious, abrupt, taking risks. Need for "elbow room." Industrious, enterprising. Awakens passions and sense of sexual adventure. Obstinate; forces issues.
DETAILS: Restless and active, you now experience an accelerated need to push past old limits. Activities involving individual will and energy are more important to you now, especially if physical and granting new freedom to plot your own course. For instance, in your work you are highly industrious and enterprising, capable of major accomplishment through sheer effort and clear-sighted evaluation. Sexual intensification is likely, as part of your awakened physicality (though you are probably in no mood to "settle down"). Rebellious, mischievous, taking more risks, and prone to abrupt outbursts of passion or anger, you do well to guard against accidents (particularly with other's feelings). Turn your adventurous energies toward a formidable constructive accomplishment. [Edited 12/22/20]
[FAGAN: "...prone to becoming more daring and venturesome than is his custom, much to the surprise of the onlooker... his courage will rise to the occasion. Should Uranus be accompanied by the transiting benefics his enterprise will meet with success, but should it be configured by the transiting malefics it may end in catastrophe."]
URANUS aspecting Natal JUPITER
OBSERVED: Awakens the best in you! Sudden changes in fortune, probably for the better. Oriented to success and progress. Point of view, ethics, and values are reexamined. Watch out for undue ego.
DETAILS: This awakens the best in you! An innate sense of specialness or fortune descends on your life as your finances, career orientation, ethics, and beliefs are reorganized. Generally a progressive, success-oriented period with some sudden change in fortune - probably in your favor. A time of considerable thought, it also brings philosophical and intellectual reconsiderations, a shift in your point of view on life. You restate to yourself your values, ethics, and key beliefs. Professional (and perhaps educational) goals are reexamined, your attitudes toward prosperity reshaped, liberating you from prior barriers to advance and self-betterment.
[FAGAN: "...unexpected events may bring a complete change of status... Should the radical Jupiter be well placed and supported by the benefics the change of status will be to the native's advantage, otherwise it may be unfortunate. Such unexpected events may accrue consequent on removals, travel, residence in foreign lands, political changes..."]
URANUS aspecting Natal SATURN
OBSERVED: Stability vs. change. Current patterns are challenged. Security may be threatened. Tension. Either shaking material foundation and personal rigidities; or relaxing, releasing rigid concepts and freely accepting growth. Autonomous, uncooperative.
DETAILS: Established patterns are challenged. A tug-of-war arises in you over (a) clinging to familiar surroundings and ways of doing things, and (b) a need for change, freedom, and establishing new life trends. Initially this demand for change may seem to come from your environment. A little self-examination, however, will show you this need to alter your life stemming from some dissatisfaction within yourself, where you have outgrown current circumstances. At its worst, this tense time threatens security, evoking stubbornness and uncooperative behavior. Experienced consciously, however, it loosens rigid concepts, freeing you from limiting attitudes and circumstances. A willing acceptance of new ways now insures greater security and stability later. [Edited 9/16/20]
[FAGAN: "...could be fraught with dire consequences. It suggests a tragedy or calamity afflicting the native suddenly, perhaps as the result of natural causes or phenomena or perhaps the consequences of a revolt, revolution."]
URANUS aspecting Natal URANUS
OBSERVED: Turning point: looking for more in life than you have found so far. Marked individualism. Disruptive if you resist change; exhilarating if you go for it! Some tension, moodiness.
DETAILS: This is one of the chief decision points (and probably turning points) of your life. Your way of looking at things is shifting, your attitudes changing, pushing you toward important life changes. Mostly, you are more aware of anything that is seemingly holding you back or keeping you from pursuing what you want in life. A sense of "There's gotta be more to life than this!" may fuel a breakaway streak of accelerated individualism. Initially this may manifest as tension, a nagging dissatisfaction, and snappier temper. Some part of your being that you previously have neglected is struggling for birth. Consciously recognizing this need for a new degree of self-expression frees you to pursue your personal destiny with a renewed sense of excitement, adventure, and fulfillment.
URANUS aspecting Natal NEPTUNE
OBSERVED: Losing yourself in new interests and ideas (innovative or alternative). Pursuing new fantasies refreshes and renews your sense of the future. Altered point of view, escape to exotic settings or situations, freedom from old dependencies. Clarity supplants illusion (inspiration, insight). Strange transitional emotional states while adjusting to new realities. [Rewritten 1/20/23]
NOTES: Few of these changes will be visible to people around you, but your world will look and feel different to you. In some fashion, truth cuts through clouds of obscurity, broadening your consciousness. [Revised 1/20/23]
[Anecdote: During a year or two of Uranus transiting natal Venus-Neptune, Marion had increased restlessness for travel and tended to get away for a few days (by herself or with me) when this came to a return angle. t UR - 0 - r VE, -180- r NE]
URANUS aspecting Natal PLUTO
PRINCIPLE: Awakens, renews, or liberates from inhibition or restraint an inner necessity to be singularly oneself, withdraw from or dismiss herd expectations, or be singled out from the collective somehow.
OBSERVED: Life-change (radical transformation). Need to find one's own unique way by freshly re-examining priorities and choices. Introspective, perhaps more solitary. New depth and scope of self-perspective may trigger a rebirth or unleashing newly discovered talent. Deeply personal, anti-authoritarian, often disruptive. [Revised 7/27/24]
DETAILS: Your life is primed for dramatic transformations. Primarily and ideally, these are transformations of consciousness, though marked changes in your environment also are likely, reflecting or anticipating the inner changes. Priorities and perspectives shift. Life issues and new thought patterns may seem so personal that you think no one else could understand them. You may find yourself wanting more time alone to privately reevaluate life conditions and explore the increasingly available contents of your subconscious. Disruptive if you resist the change. Signals much introspective self-confrontation as the basis for your more powerfully redesigning your life circumstances. [Modified 9/14/24]
STATS: No U.S. President has ever been inaugurated with this aspect.
URANUS aspecting Natal HAUMEA
(No observations so far.)
URANUS aspecting Natal ERIS
[Anecdote: Uranus opposed my Eris in Dec 1969 and Feb & Sep '70. I had been studying astrology for a while. In about Feb 1970 I got pointed toward American Astrologer and learned that this guy named Cyril Fagan had just died (and I started reading his really intriguing, smart-sounding article reprints). By July 1970 I was corresponding with Bradley. Somewhere in the middle, a local hairdresser gave me a decade's worth of American Astrology back issues. So I guess the main point of this transit was my introduction to and commitment to Sidereal astrology!]
[Anecdote: Uranus squared my Eris in Feb, June, and December 1990. I was going strong in my law practice, the new order I'd founded was going strong, I concluded a significant step of my spiritual training (reached 3=8 after almost 7 years at 2=9) - which means that I shifted to being deeply invested in new Mercury themes and Qabbalah in particular (graduating from that stage the month after the last path). Everything else was continuing smoothly without abrupt starts or stops, so I guess the time was primarily about my 3=8 period. - One thought: I was especially caught up that year in the q'lippah of Hod, excessive cleverness amounting to dishonesty, fueled especially by the selective disclosure behavior essential to my law practice. This ethical behavior began settling into my personal life in less ethical ways. (I got really good at it.) It was the only stage in my A.'.A.'. training where I tried to cheat my way out of an assigned task, and that being one of the most banal and simple of tasks.]
[Anecdote: Uranus conjoined my Eris in April and November 2013 and January 2014. Pearls of Wisdom was finished near the beginning, then came out in August 2013. I spent this entire time rewriting the order's rituals - revising models of language to communicate at more simultaneous layers - in preparation for a new 22-year cycle beginning spring 2014. It was pretty revolutionary. Everything else was ongoing (no other dramatic changes until late in 2014 after this was past). - In an attempt to summarize, these three passes all had a lot to do with revolutionary shifts in my thought; perhaps the commonality is that, in all cases, it wasn't just a new intellectual interest so much as entering a substantially different world requiring modelling of ideas and the language models that express them. (The conjunction was indeed specifically apply the structure of language, and remolding the approach to shaping language to accomplish specific things.)]
PRINCIPLE: Unshackles, awakens, stimulates, and renews. Frees the conditions of one's life from structure, inhibition, or restraint. - Feeling greater necessity to meet one's own freedom and renewal needs.
OBSERVED: Need for freedom. Emphasizing your individuality. Basic truths of your identity emerge. Changes in career, status, goals. You need to be more your own boss now. (Possible crisis involving authority.) Tension shows where you are resisting appropriate changes, while enthusiasm signals you are likely on the right track.
DETAILS: A need for personal freedom. Your individuality is emphasized. Fundamental inner truths about your core identity emerge. How you identify yourself to the world changes, especially in areas of career, social status and life-direction. Sudden professional advancement may occur, or a complete change of vocation. If you have been stubbornly barking up the wrong tree, you may experience a personal crisis involving authority and your integrity with agreements and responsibility. You need to be your own boss now, governing your life more single-handedly than before. Tension shows you are resisting appropriate changes, while excitement and enthusiasm signal that you are probably on the right track. [Mild editing 7/26/24]
PRINCIPLE: Unshackles, awakens, stimulates, and renews. Frees the conditions of one's life from structure, inhibition, or restraint. - Feeling greater necessity to meet one's own freedom and renewal needs.
OBSERVED: Inner restlessness prompts lifestyle shifts. Changes in home and domestic matters (maybe a move). Important shifts occur inside you. Self-discovery. Possible disruption, separation. A need to refresh close, family conditions or connections.
DETAILS: Inner restlessness prompts you to make major shifts in your lifestyle. Changes in your physical environment, particularly home and domestic situation, are common with this transit. Even a total geographic relocation is possible. These outer, environmental "moves" are reflections of more important shifts occurring within you. This is a time of self-exploration and important psychological changes. It may seem that if you do not willingly make shifts in point-of-view, life keeps nudging you toward them. Some possible events are remodeling the home, sudden changes regarding property and domestic patterns, turning points in relationships with parents, and the need to clean up and refresh intimate relationships with those you live with. Sometimes this means disruption and separation. The key, though, is self-discovery and the freedom that comes from devotion to personal truths.
PRINCIPLE: Unshackles, awakens, stimulates, and renews. Frees the conditions of one's life from structure, inhibition, or restraint. - Feeling greater necessity to meet one's own freedom and renewal needs.
OBSERVED: Progressive, stimulating, innovative. Resets your life course. Awakens you to truths about who you are. Relationships change, freedom needs increase. Tension if you resist change; but excitement and renewal reward being true to your inventive instincts.
DETAILS: Personal freedom and change are now keynotes of your life. You are less tolerant of anything or anyone that restricts you or holds you down (or back). In particular, relationships change, as freedom of thought and act become more important to you than cooperation or alliance. Tension and temperament signal that you are resisting the natural flow of change and trying to hold onto outgrown dependencies; whereas excitement and renewed wonder, excitement, and joy are rewards of trusting your instincts, embracing needed change, and pursuing anew the mystery of who you are. A brisk, no-nonsense freshness and simplicity clarifies solutions to life's problems previously obscured by complexity and outgrown thinking. Self-exploration and insightful discoveries are likely. Progressive, stimulating, this period resets your life-course and awakens important truths about who you are. [Edited 5/6/22]
PRINCIPLE: Unshackles, awakens, stimulates, and renews. Frees the conditions of one's life from structure, inhibition, or restraint. - Feeling greater necessity to meet one's own freedom and renewal needs.
OBSERVED: Changes in relationships, which now require more attention and energy. Exciting new relationships are possible; while existing ones demand to be redesigned. Separations are possible, though a strong bond will be renewed if both people are willing to rework it. Dependency and possessiveness do not work. Self-reliance and room for creative invention is the keynote.
DETALS: Your relationships and relating patterns now go through important changes. This is especially true of close personal relationships, which now demand (and get) much more of your attention and energy. New relationships are possible, based on excitement, spontaneity, and freedom. Existing partnerships demand work and reinvention. Though separations are possible, a strong, committed relationship will be renewed if both are willing to review, redefine, and restructure it. Individual freedom is the keynote now, especially in paired situations. Dependency and possessiveness simply do not work. Your relationship ideals may come face first against a very different practical reality. [Rewritten 5/6/22]
OBSERVED: Self-expressive, progressive, maybe rebellious. Creativity, ingenuity. Love of freedom; intolerance of authority. Life seems more interesting, exciting. Tension, if self-renewal is resisted.
DETAILS: A new lease on life is in store for you! Your self-perspective and sense of life-purpose are clarified and your vital creative spirit awakened. Professional limelight, and even advance, is possible, as others become aware of your talents. Freedom (from anything that has previously held you back) becomes very important to you now, which may lead to rebelliousness or intolerance of authority. Individuality runs more strongly in you than cooperation. Relationships thrive, though, if based on excitement, color, and renewal of aliveness. Tension or obstinacy is a signal that you are resisting appropriate change. Do not let old habits and ways of viewing yourself hold back the originality, creativity, and thrill of life which is natural to you.
[FAGAN: "...rarely fail to prove a most eventful, exciting, and colorful period... he comes before the public, often becoming famous overnight in some capacity or other. Radical changes are made in his ménage... travel and adventure in foreign lands."]
URANUS aspecting Natal MOON
OBSERVED: Refreshing changes, renewed interest in life. Emotional (sexual) liberation. Lifestyle overhaul. Popularity; maybe a shift in intimate relationships. Inquisitive, curious; new interests.
DETAILS: Emotional vitality and popularity are renewed as old emotional and domestic patterns go through major change. New freedom needs rise in you, demanding that narrow attitudes and reactions be discarded. Emotional and relationship issues are clarified. A sexual awakening is likely. Thrill, excitement, and aliveness indicate that you are riding well this wave of awakening; while tension and temperament reflect your resistance to letting go of the past. Others may view your behavior as erratic, as you "try on" new ways of being and acting. Intimate relationships shift as your lifestyle changes. Inquisitive, curious and original, you are captivated by new areas of exploration, and now view life with a freshness rarely before possible for you.
[Anecdote: Donald Bradley died of cancer. t Ur -135- r MO, t NE - 90 - r MO, t JU - 0- r MO]
[FAGAN: "...generally betokens removals, changes of residence, traveling, the search for adventure, novelty... Unless Uranus is seriously afflicted by the malefics its transits usually prove exciting, interesting, worthwhile, successful, also freshening... changes of residence, repeated travelling, and a rather unsettled but exciting time generally."]
URANUS aspecting Natal MERCURY
OBSERVED: A very mental period. Key realizations, enlightenment; flood of ideas. Mind open to new concepts; opinions change. Practical or technical discoveries. Possible dispersion of interests.
DETAILS: During this acutely mental time, your mind is awakened to a wide range of new concepts and subject areas, and a flood of new ideas. Both creative and a little eccentric in your views, unhesitant to change your mind on long-held opinions, you overthrow the rigidity of standard belief. Your mental originality has a practical, technical quality. New discoveries are important in key areas of your life and work. Variety of interests can, however, lead to dispersion of energy. Major gambles should be avoided as your "revelations" display a nearly religious obstinacy, sometimes unrealistic. Yet in your toppling of personal idols a new mental freedom emerges, a species of intellectual enlightenment, opening the way to a more powerful, fulfilled life. [Edited 9/16/20]
[FAGAN: "...a wonderful experience. It awakens the mind to exciting and entirely new intellectual interests. One's first introduction to such subjects as radiology, hypnotism, psychoanalysis, archaeology... may have occurred under such a transit, but only if the native found their study exciting and novel. Many were first introduced to astrology itself under such a transit..."]
URANUS aspecting Natal VENUS
PRINCIPLE: Unshackles, awakens, stimulates, and renews one's love nature, social and romantic pleasure needs (reinventing pleasure styles), and love of beauty and harmony, freeing them from structure, inhibition, or restraint.
OBSERVED: Renewal and excitement in love, friendship, pleasure, beauty. Flirtatious, experimental, shedding inhibitions or constraint. Life seems more fun (travel, other pleasure from novelty or freedom). Sudden love: new "zing" in an old relationship or starting a new one. (Emotional tension, relationship changes.) [Revised 1/20/23]
NOTES: If everyone's feelings are not dealt with responsibly and sensitively, this can cause emotional tension, strife, and separation. [Revised 1/20/23]
[Anecdote: During a year or so of Uranus transiting natal Venus-Neptune, Marion had increased restlessness for travel and tended to get away for a few days (by herself or with me) when this came to a return angle. t UR - 0 - r VE, -180- r NE]
[FAGAN: "...a revolution in the domestic circle is likely... sometimes under fantastic circumstances. New attachments influence the native's career. Even if he is a confirmed bachelor he may find himself leading his bride-to-be to the altar... the quest for novelty is ever pressing. Sometimes there is an unexpected addition to the family."]
URANUS aspecting Natal MARS
OBSERVED: Restless, rebellious, abrupt, taking risks. Need for "elbow room." Industrious, enterprising. Awakens passions and sense of sexual adventure. Obstinate; forces issues.
DETAILS: Restless and active, you now experience an accelerated need to push past old limits. Activities involving individual will and energy are more important to you now, especially if physical and granting new freedom to plot your own course. For instance, in your work you are highly industrious and enterprising, capable of major accomplishment through sheer effort and clear-sighted evaluation. Sexual intensification is likely, as part of your awakened physicality (though you are probably in no mood to "settle down"). Rebellious, mischievous, taking more risks, and prone to abrupt outbursts of passion or anger, you do well to guard against accidents (particularly with other's feelings). Turn your adventurous energies toward a formidable constructive accomplishment. [Edited 12/22/20]
[FAGAN: "...prone to becoming more daring and venturesome than is his custom, much to the surprise of the onlooker... his courage will rise to the occasion. Should Uranus be accompanied by the transiting benefics his enterprise will meet with success, but should it be configured by the transiting malefics it may end in catastrophe."]
URANUS aspecting Natal JUPITER
OBSERVED: Awakens the best in you! Sudden changes in fortune, probably for the better. Oriented to success and progress. Point of view, ethics, and values are reexamined. Watch out for undue ego.
DETAILS: This awakens the best in you! An innate sense of specialness or fortune descends on your life as your finances, career orientation, ethics, and beliefs are reorganized. Generally a progressive, success-oriented period with some sudden change in fortune - probably in your favor. A time of considerable thought, it also brings philosophical and intellectual reconsiderations, a shift in your point of view on life. You restate to yourself your values, ethics, and key beliefs. Professional (and perhaps educational) goals are reexamined, your attitudes toward prosperity reshaped, liberating you from prior barriers to advance and self-betterment.
[FAGAN: "...unexpected events may bring a complete change of status... Should the radical Jupiter be well placed and supported by the benefics the change of status will be to the native's advantage, otherwise it may be unfortunate. Such unexpected events may accrue consequent on removals, travel, residence in foreign lands, political changes..."]
URANUS aspecting Natal SATURN
OBSERVED: Stability vs. change. Current patterns are challenged. Security may be threatened. Tension. Either shaking material foundation and personal rigidities; or relaxing, releasing rigid concepts and freely accepting growth. Autonomous, uncooperative.
DETAILS: Established patterns are challenged. A tug-of-war arises in you over (a) clinging to familiar surroundings and ways of doing things, and (b) a need for change, freedom, and establishing new life trends. Initially this demand for change may seem to come from your environment. A little self-examination, however, will show you this need to alter your life stemming from some dissatisfaction within yourself, where you have outgrown current circumstances. At its worst, this tense time threatens security, evoking stubbornness and uncooperative behavior. Experienced consciously, however, it loosens rigid concepts, freeing you from limiting attitudes and circumstances. A willing acceptance of new ways now insures greater security and stability later. [Edited 9/16/20]
[FAGAN: "...could be fraught with dire consequences. It suggests a tragedy or calamity afflicting the native suddenly, perhaps as the result of natural causes or phenomena or perhaps the consequences of a revolt, revolution."]
URANUS aspecting Natal URANUS
OBSERVED: Turning point: looking for more in life than you have found so far. Marked individualism. Disruptive if you resist change; exhilarating if you go for it! Some tension, moodiness.
DETAILS: This is one of the chief decision points (and probably turning points) of your life. Your way of looking at things is shifting, your attitudes changing, pushing you toward important life changes. Mostly, you are more aware of anything that is seemingly holding you back or keeping you from pursuing what you want in life. A sense of "There's gotta be more to life than this!" may fuel a breakaway streak of accelerated individualism. Initially this may manifest as tension, a nagging dissatisfaction, and snappier temper. Some part of your being that you previously have neglected is struggling for birth. Consciously recognizing this need for a new degree of self-expression frees you to pursue your personal destiny with a renewed sense of excitement, adventure, and fulfillment.
URANUS aspecting Natal NEPTUNE
OBSERVED: Losing yourself in new interests and ideas (innovative or alternative). Pursuing new fantasies refreshes and renews your sense of the future. Altered point of view, escape to exotic settings or situations, freedom from old dependencies. Clarity supplants illusion (inspiration, insight). Strange transitional emotional states while adjusting to new realities. [Rewritten 1/20/23]
NOTES: Few of these changes will be visible to people around you, but your world will look and feel different to you. In some fashion, truth cuts through clouds of obscurity, broadening your consciousness. [Revised 1/20/23]
[Anecdote: During a year or two of Uranus transiting natal Venus-Neptune, Marion had increased restlessness for travel and tended to get away for a few days (by herself or with me) when this came to a return angle. t UR - 0 - r VE, -180- r NE]
URANUS aspecting Natal PLUTO
PRINCIPLE: Awakens, renews, or liberates from inhibition or restraint an inner necessity to be singularly oneself, withdraw from or dismiss herd expectations, or be singled out from the collective somehow.
OBSERVED: Life-change (radical transformation). Need to find one's own unique way by freshly re-examining priorities and choices. Introspective, perhaps more solitary. New depth and scope of self-perspective may trigger a rebirth or unleashing newly discovered talent. Deeply personal, anti-authoritarian, often disruptive. [Revised 7/27/24]
DETAILS: Your life is primed for dramatic transformations. Primarily and ideally, these are transformations of consciousness, though marked changes in your environment also are likely, reflecting or anticipating the inner changes. Priorities and perspectives shift. Life issues and new thought patterns may seem so personal that you think no one else could understand them. You may find yourself wanting more time alone to privately reevaluate life conditions and explore the increasingly available contents of your subconscious. Disruptive if you resist the change. Signals much introspective self-confrontation as the basis for your more powerfully redesigning your life circumstances. [Modified 9/14/24]
STATS: No U.S. President has ever been inaugurated with this aspect.
URANUS aspecting Natal HAUMEA
(No observations so far.)
URANUS aspecting Natal ERIS
[Anecdote: Uranus opposed my Eris in Dec 1969 and Feb & Sep '70. I had been studying astrology for a while. In about Feb 1970 I got pointed toward American Astrologer and learned that this guy named Cyril Fagan had just died (and I started reading his really intriguing, smart-sounding article reprints). By July 1970 I was corresponding with Bradley. Somewhere in the middle, a local hairdresser gave me a decade's worth of American Astrology back issues. So I guess the main point of this transit was my introduction to and commitment to Sidereal astrology!]
[Anecdote: Uranus squared my Eris in Feb, June, and December 1990. I was going strong in my law practice, the new order I'd founded was going strong, I concluded a significant step of my spiritual training (reached 3=8 after almost 7 years at 2=9) - which means that I shifted to being deeply invested in new Mercury themes and Qabbalah in particular (graduating from that stage the month after the last path). Everything else was continuing smoothly without abrupt starts or stops, so I guess the time was primarily about my 3=8 period. - One thought: I was especially caught up that year in the q'lippah of Hod, excessive cleverness amounting to dishonesty, fueled especially by the selective disclosure behavior essential to my law practice. This ethical behavior began settling into my personal life in less ethical ways. (I got really good at it.) It was the only stage in my A.'.A.'. training where I tried to cheat my way out of an assigned task, and that being one of the most banal and simple of tasks.]
[Anecdote: Uranus conjoined my Eris in April and November 2013 and January 2014. Pearls of Wisdom was finished near the beginning, then came out in August 2013. I spent this entire time rewriting the order's rituals - revising models of language to communicate at more simultaneous layers - in preparation for a new 22-year cycle beginning spring 2014. It was pretty revolutionary. Everything else was ongoing (no other dramatic changes until late in 2014 after this was past). - In an attempt to summarize, these three passes all had a lot to do with revolutionary shifts in my thought; perhaps the commonality is that, in all cases, it wasn't just a new intellectual interest so much as entering a substantially different world requiring modelling of ideas and the language models that express them. (The conjunction was indeed specifically apply the structure of language, and remolding the approach to shaping language to accomplish specific things.)]
PRINCIPLE: Unshackles, awakens, stimulates, and renews. Frees the conditions of one's life from structure, inhibition, or restraint. - Feeling greater necessity to meet one's own freedom and renewal needs.
OBSERVED: Need for freedom. Emphasizing your individuality. Basic truths of your identity emerge. Changes in career, status, goals. You need to be more your own boss now. (Possible crisis involving authority.) Tension shows where you are resisting appropriate changes, while enthusiasm signals you are likely on the right track.
DETAILS: A need for personal freedom. Your individuality is emphasized. Fundamental inner truths about your core identity emerge. How you identify yourself to the world changes, especially in areas of career, social status and life-direction. Sudden professional advancement may occur, or a complete change of vocation. If you have been stubbornly barking up the wrong tree, you may experience a personal crisis involving authority and your integrity with agreements and responsibility. You need to be your own boss now, governing your life more single-handedly than before. Tension shows you are resisting appropriate changes, while excitement and enthusiasm signal that you are probably on the right track. [Mild editing 7/26/24]
PRINCIPLE: Unshackles, awakens, stimulates, and renews. Frees the conditions of one's life from structure, inhibition, or restraint. - Feeling greater necessity to meet one's own freedom and renewal needs.
OBSERVED: Inner restlessness prompts lifestyle shifts. Changes in home and domestic matters (maybe a move). Important shifts occur inside you. Self-discovery. Possible disruption, separation. A need to refresh close, family conditions or connections.
DETAILS: Inner restlessness prompts you to make major shifts in your lifestyle. Changes in your physical environment, particularly home and domestic situation, are common with this transit. Even a total geographic relocation is possible. These outer, environmental "moves" are reflections of more important shifts occurring within you. This is a time of self-exploration and important psychological changes. It may seem that if you do not willingly make shifts in point-of-view, life keeps nudging you toward them. Some possible events are remodeling the home, sudden changes regarding property and domestic patterns, turning points in relationships with parents, and the need to clean up and refresh intimate relationships with those you live with. Sometimes this means disruption and separation. The key, though, is self-discovery and the freedom that comes from devotion to personal truths.
PRINCIPLE: Unshackles, awakens, stimulates, and renews. Frees the conditions of one's life from structure, inhibition, or restraint. - Feeling greater necessity to meet one's own freedom and renewal needs.
OBSERVED: Progressive, stimulating, innovative. Resets your life course. Awakens you to truths about who you are. Relationships change, freedom needs increase. Tension if you resist change; but excitement and renewal reward being true to your inventive instincts.
DETAILS: Personal freedom and change are now keynotes of your life. You are less tolerant of anything or anyone that restricts you or holds you down (or back). In particular, relationships change, as freedom of thought and act become more important to you than cooperation or alliance. Tension and temperament signal that you are resisting the natural flow of change and trying to hold onto outgrown dependencies; whereas excitement and renewed wonder, excitement, and joy are rewards of trusting your instincts, embracing needed change, and pursuing anew the mystery of who you are. A brisk, no-nonsense freshness and simplicity clarifies solutions to life's problems previously obscured by complexity and outgrown thinking. Self-exploration and insightful discoveries are likely. Progressive, stimulating, this period resets your life-course and awakens important truths about who you are. [Edited 5/6/22]
PRINCIPLE: Unshackles, awakens, stimulates, and renews. Frees the conditions of one's life from structure, inhibition, or restraint. - Feeling greater necessity to meet one's own freedom and renewal needs.
OBSERVED: Changes in relationships, which now require more attention and energy. Exciting new relationships are possible; while existing ones demand to be redesigned. Separations are possible, though a strong bond will be renewed if both people are willing to rework it. Dependency and possessiveness do not work. Self-reliance and room for creative invention is the keynote.
DETALS: Your relationships and relating patterns now go through important changes. This is especially true of close personal relationships, which now demand (and get) much more of your attention and energy. New relationships are possible, based on excitement, spontaneity, and freedom. Existing partnerships demand work and reinvention. Though separations are possible, a strong, committed relationship will be renewed if both are willing to review, redefine, and restructure it. Individual freedom is the keynote now, especially in paired situations. Dependency and possessiveness simply do not work. Your relationship ideals may come face first against a very different practical reality. [Rewritten 5/6/22]
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19392
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Saturn transits
SATURN aspecting Natal MOON
PRINCIPLE: Structures and inhibits emotional and instinctive responses and social, psychological, or environmental adaptation and flexibility. Feeling inadequate emotionally, socially, psychologically, or in survival (with over-compensations). Limits relationship with mother figures or the public.
OBSERVED: Practical matters do better than emotional ones. Somber, distant, cautious; separation from nurturing; wounded pride, loss, feeling misunderstood. Security needs increase. Others seem unsympathetic.
DETAILS: A strong incentive to achievement and determined hard work. Emotional matters are likely more difficult, however. Practical concerns are easier to handle than those of the heart. You feel more vulnerable than usual, and more responsive to harsh, demanding, unsupportive facets of your environment. Emotionally cautious, preferring the safety of seclusion to the exposure of participation, you dwell too easily on negative thoughts. Security is very important to you at this time. Deep, genuine feelings are more easily withheld or masked. Nurture needs are greater than at other times, but you may be less willing to accept this kind of support. Look, consciously and attentively, for the warm, caring, giving side of people to balance your temporarily narrowed window on others. The protection and certainty of a proper "nest" can be especially comforting now, and free your carefully warded feelings for your pleasure and others'.
[Anecdote: Hitler's death by suicide. t SA -180- r MO]
[FAGAN: "Very unfortunate... failure and serious frustrations and losses... afflicts the mind with despondency, gloom,. melancholy, anxiety, unpopularity, and ill will."]
SATURN aspecting Natal SUN
OBSERVED: Difficult but developmental. Reorganization of the way you control and structure your world. Blocked ego-expression, strained vitality. Discouragement, feeling unappreciated. Inner strengths summoned to meet increased demands.
DETAILS: A major developmental stage is reached, requiring redefinition in those life areas where you reach out into the world to control, regulate, or accomplish. Chiefly, you now confront those structures and laws that you have created, or with which you have surrounded yourself, whereby you define yours and others' power. As your ego-strength has grown, you have stretched beyond definitions you previously set, and may now find yourself feeling undervalued and unappreciated, in need of encouragement, recognition, and acknowledgement. Life's practical demands may seem more pressing, particularly financially. Vitality may drop. These difficult but developmental pressures – a natural result of how you have previously structured your sense of identity – are incentives to mobilize the fullest extent of your power and present capabilities, pushing past previous self-definitions. Yielding to the frustration makes this a time of tension, slowed advance, strained health; but approached with courage and determination, it results in achievement and a substantial gain in personal strength.
[Anecdote: My chart for Marion's ankle surgery (exact the day before as we were deeply involved in prep, then the day of). Really just a lot to do, a lot to manage, and the undesirable conditions. - t SA -135- r SU]
[L.H. observations: "Health and vitality affected? Check. - But there is also a sense that my star is not prominent at the moment, like the world is maybe weary of my particular way of being for a while. I’m not winning favor. I’m not pleasing bosses. I feel 'tolerated' just feels like my Sun is not allowed to shine right now."]
[FAGAN: " of the worst transits that can occur... like a canker it slowly corrupts and destroys everything... it slowly destroys the creativity of the native, bringing to the surface his less agreeable qualities. Losing his assuredness and self-confidence, everything goes amiss with him; and no longer master of himself, he forfeits the confidence and respect of others. If employed, he is in danger of being passed over, reduced in rank, or dismissed... his constitution suffers grievously; or else, others more promising are promoted over his head. In extreme cases there is a tendency to sink into the residuum... it is advisable to see that the body is well nourished..."]
SATURN aspecting Natal MERCURY
OBSERVED: Mental, communication, and commercial matters demand thoroughness and careful attention to thrive. Feeling unheard, criticized, discouraged. Methodical, logical, skeptical; great for detailed mental labor, organizing data.
DETAILS: Communication and mental and commercial matters require careful attention from you now to keep running smoothly. Particularly, communication barriers arise. Your own subtle criticism of your ideas is somehow passed to others. You may feel unheard, that your best ideas of the hour are ignored. If so, look attentively at how you communicate, at whether you are speaking with a clear intention that others will be interested. Discouragement and frustrated mental states may slow your enthusiasm, as you take yourself and your ideas very seriously (and think nobody else does?). Remind yourself how to laugh, especially at your own idiosyncrasies. Actually, your methodical, skeptical mind is better able to organize and format information now than at most other times. Assiduous effort at detail work can thrive. Expose your ideas to your own astute critical sense first, and then display them with confidence.
STATS: No U.S. President has ever been inaugurated with this aspect.
[FAGAN: "...not a happy transit. For the young, it presages an uphill struggle to master the school curriculum, tedious and dreary hours of study, unsympathetic instructors, difficulty in assimilating knowledge, ponderous delivery, mental obtuseness, distaste for one's environment, nd ill-success at examinations. But it does give an interest in philosophy, born of doubt and struggle. To the mature, business lags and begins to pall, competitors lead the field, and temptation protrudes its ugly head. It is adverse for business generally and for all Mercurian pursuits."]
SATURN aspecting Natal VENUS
OBSERVED: Needing more security in love. Pleasure limited. Feeling alone, excluded, neglected; or pleasure in new emotional commitments. Love and pleasure may = duty and devotion. Vanity concerns.
DETAILS: An increased desire for secure affection and a narrowing of your range of social and romantic contacts probably takes one of two forms: (a) settling into a close, solid relationship with a bias toward commitment; or (b) feeling isolated, shy, alone, left "out of the game," and perhaps self-conscious about your appearance. The latter is likely if you maintain walls of self-doubt and caution about your affections; the former if your increased self-interest with your own pleasure needs coexists with a warm, open approach. This applies to all love relationships, including those with children, parents, and friends, as well as romantic bonds. Relationships are put to a serious test, their quality determining the outcome: many separations and disappointments occur, but also many weddings! Love and pleasure seem identified with duty and devotion. Caring for loved ones tends to be immensely satisfying. (Modified 7/26/20)
[Anecdote: My eyelid got an infection and swelled up quite large and inflamed (dark red purple) when this was nearly exact and rotated to SQ angles. It was primarily ugly, slightly unpleasant, and ran the risk of losing the special contact lens. "Vanity concerns" hits about the right intensity level. t SA -90- r VE on SQ angles.]
[FAGAN: "...friends disappoint or turn adverse, the native feels deserted, invitations are refused, engagements are broken, holidays fall below expectations, and the native appears friendless."]
SATURN aspecting Natal MARS
OBSERVED: Fighting one's limits. Struggle, conflict of wills. Poor for competition. Industrious, accomplishment possible (but against stern odds). Possible injury, confidence loss, sexual constraints. [Modified 6/9/21]
DETAILS: Potentially high accomplishment, but probably against heavy odds. The fighter in you butts heads with elements of restriction and control, both in your environment and within yourself. Your independent, spirited, creative will seeks to express itself freely and chafes at any bit placed upon it. Clear-headed evaluation works best. Where blind struggle and impulsive action fail (perhaps reinforcing a sense of inadequacy), careful planning and realistic appraisal may win the day. Few competitive ventures thrive now: Work should be done for its own sake. Exercise caution regarding physical health and well-being. Endurance is considerable, but psychological pressures and the constant tendency to drive oneself may deplete physical resources. Consideration for others' rights and feelings is vitally important now: It wins you support in your battle with your own personal limits.
[Anecdote: Veronica broke her toe. t SA -90- r MA 27', on the angles of nearly every available predictive chart.]
BRADLEY: "pain from outside, either physical or psychological, such as from actual accidents, discomfort through the reactivation of an old ailment, or the cruelty of somebody in the native's ken."
[FAGAN: "Unfavorable for all martial pursuits, the native makes little headway should he be serving in the armed forces, nor is he any more fortunate in sports or contests... in the handling of tools and mechanical appliances he meets with many mishaps. For the time being, it tends to make the native cowardly and fearful and, in extreme cases, even vindictive and brutish, especially to women and children."]
SATURN aspecting Natal JUPITER
OBSERVED: Practical matters demand attention. Business-oriented, building for the future. Interruption in one's sense of prosperity (possibly minor). Either damage to income, prestige, reputation; or accomplishment and pleasure in a job well done. Gains are slow, well earned.
DETAILS: Practical matters dominate your attention, especially finances, property, investments, and business. Depending on the general state of things in your life, this period will manifest in one of two ways: (a) damage to personal income, prestige, reputation, or rank; or (b) a new stabilization of the practical foundation of your life, and a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment for a job well done. Concern is focused on your material assets; but, while at least a brief interruption in your cash flow or sense of prosperity is likely, severe financial problems are not necessarily in store. Exercise economy! Business matters occupy more of your attention. Your organizational, administrative, or managerial skills likely will be required. Gains are now well earned, solid, unspectacular, and more valuable as a foundation for the future than for immediate fortune.
[Anecdote: Gerald Ford when Pres. Nixon resigned and he became president. t SA -180- r JU]
[FAGAN: "...unfortunate... signifies the ebb of the wave of prosperity... the native discovers that he is living beyond his means, is unable to meet all his commitments, and is forced to make rather drastic retrenchments. It is under such a transit that the native is declared a bankrupt, civil bills are served, and the bailiffs seize the furniture... belts must be tightened and the economy axe applied."]
SATURN aspecting Natal SATURN
OBSERVED: Major time of self-redefinition. Reviewing the past, clearing deadwood. Confronting and remolding one's limits, ambitions, and self-directed destiny. Maturing, becoming more whole. Tension, moodiness. Achievement possible; changes almost certain.
DETAILS: A most important reevaluation period, reorienting your ambitions and self-directed destiny. New achievement is possible. Key changes are almost certain. Your primary task now is to become substantially more aware of that which differentiates you and your destiny from all others, to find or clarify your own unique position in the world. Your ego has become bigger, greater, and sounder in recent years, effectively dominating more of the world, and that maturation must be integrated into your total personality. A sense that "There's gotta be more to life than this" provides incentive for you to clear deadwood and move beyond previous life-structures. Tension, moodiness, and being difficult to live with are "growing pains." Introspection and reflection on your past is useful now in confronting and redefining your sense of your own limits. [Modified 8/6/2021]
SATURN aspecting Natal URANUS
OBSERVED: Restrictions vs. desire for freedom. Voluntarily accepting new limits or (more likely) rebelling against them. Tension. Perhaps intolerant, touchy, uncooperative, obstinate. Seek liberty through self-discipline and clear intention. [Tweaked 1/18/24]
DETAILS: Your independence and desire to run your own life autonomously grow stronger, and you become more conscious of anything that restricts your freedom. Reasonable action would be to recognize, evaluate, and remove the barriers, or to accept them as natural to the way you have constructed your life. You may, though, simply rebel against them, intolerant of any restriction to your will and resistant to compromise or cooperation. The latter response affirms your autonomy but may alienate others. A profound lesson is available: that true liberty is, paradoxically, nearly always gained through discipline and self-governance. [Modified 3/1/20]
[Anecdote: While successfully dieting, losing significant weight, hit several days of wanting to rebel against it, sabotage it with exactly the wrong choices, etc. My only defense was knowing that I was the person responsible for putting the restrictions in place originally. Still wanted to rebel against them. Also fairly bored. t SA -90- r UR]
[Anecdote: Woman broke her ankle (also t Uranus sq r Saturn) beginning weeks of "can't get up and go anywhere" bed-bound while the transit is still in orb. Transit was Aquarius-Leo the ankle signs. t SA -180- r UR]
[FAGAN: "Removals, journeys, or new undertakings initiated by the native are likely to prove disappointing and unproductive."]
SATURN aspecting Natal NEPTUNE
OBSERVED: Things seem worse than they really are as one grasps for security and certainty (anxiety and negativity about uncertainty). Disillusionment (reality challenges one's fictions). Troubled mental states include frustration, haunting by personal demons, feeling one has no options. Psychological and physical depletion (wasting). The object of one's anxiety may not be objectively real or may amount to nothing in the end. Grounded ideals and dreams, if sound, can be made more real and secure. [Revised 2/9/24]
DETAILS: Dreams and ideals now become grounded. If well-formed and realistic, they become sounder and steps are taken to manifest them as concrete reality. Otherwise, be prepared for some healthy disillusionment, freeing your imaginative energies for more practical ends. Either way, certainty is a theme of your thinking and wishing patterns right now. Your ideas of what is real, "how things are," "what is going to be," are keenly focused by your wishes, and tend to be rigid. This trait bestows a powerful ability to focus on a goal; and yet taken to its extreme, it also may limit your awareness of problem-solving options available to you, possibly leading to the emergence of some private demons to haunt you: troubled mental states, frustration, suspicion, and despondency. Instead of tightening your attachment to preconceived ideas, why not make full use of your ability to make practical goals a physical reality?
STATS: No U.S. President has ever been inaugurated with this aspect.
[Anecdote: Bordered on getting sick for several days, psychological and physical energy diminished. Learned that a close friend had been hospitalized & developed pneumonia in hospital. t SA -135- s NE]
[Anecdote: Accumulating wear-and-tear from a week of very long workdays, sleep deprivation, reduced resources of various kind (while the transit approached exact at end of the week). t SA -0- r NE.]
[Observation: Lance observed that inauthenticity hurts: Fictions about life are confronted and assaulted by contrary evidence with consequent psychological pain.]
[Further Lance observations: Nightmarish anxiety that resolves itself. Usually involves some form of nightmare-like anxiety. Definitely disillusionment. If there are fantasies that aren't serving one, they take a hit from reality. Beyond this, there can just be events that cause deep anxiety.]
[FAGAN: "Associated with deaths, funerals, graveyards, and the like, it tends to morbidity, the macabre, and the lugubrious, and gives rise to sadness and melancholy."]
SATURN aspecting Natal PLUTO
OBSERVED: Hardening. Separation or distance. Tremendous effort possible (and required). Takes on much responsibility if it is self-originated; but resists control and challenges rules or expectation enforced by others. Communication needs conscious attention. [Revised 2/11/23]
DETAILS: Your need for autonomous individuality increases: You defend your rights to self-govern, challenging rules and expectations that others try to enforce on you. Separating, distancing (closeness is a lesser priority). Division of power is the major issue in relationships. Rebellion against authority, if taken too far, leads to run-ins with employers or the law. Your independent self-sufficiency can sustain much constructive effort and impressive amounts of work. Provided it is self-originated, you tend to take on increased responsibility. [Refined 12/4/23]
[FAGAN: "...unless the conduct is law-abiding... the native may find himself serving terms of imprisonment or otherwise have his freedom drastically curtailed."]
SATURN aspecting Natal HAUMEA
(No observations so far.)
SATURN aspecting Natal ERIS
[Anecdote: Saturn opposed my Eris three times between 12/1980 and 8/1981. This included the first six months or so of my relocation to San Diego and working at Astro Computing Services. I'm not clear what the relevance might be.]
[Anecdote: Saturn squared my Eris three times in 1989, from January through October. This was the year that my law practice began to thrive, a year I was entangled in and becoming uncomfortable with O.T.O. politics, and the first strong, establishing, stabilizing year of Temple of Thelema. I'm unclear what the specific relevance of this transit was, though both the law practice and T.'.O.'.T.'. required work, steady hand, stabilizing and patient steps, etc. (Not sure how Eris gets in the middle of this.)]
[Anecdote: Saturn conjoined my Eris 3/10/1997. AK and I had separated a few months earlier. It was a low point, not sure where a lot of things would go.]
[Anecdote: Saturn squared my Eris three times between 8/2003 and 4/2004. Work was stable at WMG. My relationship with my teacher and mentor of several decades took a large bruise that never fully healed, though she nonetheless appointed me her successor. (She died a month after the last pass.) Almost reluctantly, and rising out of a lot or self-dismantling, I attained a Saturn-related stage of initiation near the last pass.]
PRINCIPLE: Structures, limits, and inhibits (frustrates) the conditions of one's life. Sense of inadequacy or restriction. Feeling greater necessity to more powerfully or effectively meet survival and other materialistic needs.
OBSERVED: Identity/authority issues dominate. You learn much about who you are, what is important to you, and how you handle power. Demands increase; basic needs are accented. You have only yourself to rely on! Learn how big you can stretch. May signal career peak, professional maturity; or, if you have built poorly, a setback.
DETAILS: Identity and authority issues are extremely important now. That is, you stand to learn much about who you are, what is important to you, and how you handle power and respond to other people's power. Practical demands seem to increase; daily survival needs are emphasized; and in numerous ways it becomes increasingly apparent that you have only yourself to rely on. Now is the time to learn how big you can stretch, how willing you are to take on more responsibility and thus authority. Often this signals a career peak when well-executed plans pay rewarding dividends of achievement. Others recognize your professional maturity. If you have built poorly, however, it may signal a serious setback or downfall. Professional and practical matters have more priority than personal ones for the time being. Work and self-discipline carry their own virtue.
PRINCIPLE: Structures, limits, and inhibits (frustrates) the conditions of one's life. Sense of inadequacy or restriction. Feeling greater necessity to more powerfully or effectively meet survival and other materialistic needs.
OBSERVED: Get your feet squarely under you! You are laying a foundation for the future. Long-range goals depend on how well you prepare now. Security and property issues are important now. Family relationships can be strained. You assume new self-reliance, and encourage it in your dependents.
DETAILS: This is a time to pause and make sure you have your feet squarely under you. You now are establishing a foundation on which, over the next several years, you will build toward a new plateau of achievement. How these long-range goals mature depends much on how you prepare now. Careful, conservative plans bear succulent fruit later. Security issues are more important to you now, including finances, personal property, and, particularly, your home. Intimate relationships may become strained (especially with parents and spouse). You may feel somewhat cut off from the love and other support you would like from others. Traditional roles are being rewritten in your life, with authority and responsibility being redistributed in your close relationships. That is, you assume new self-reliance in some areas, and encourage it in those who have been dependent on you in others.
PRINCIPLE: Structures, limits, and inhibits (frustrates) the conditions of one's life. Sense of inadequacy or restriction. Feeling greater necessity to more powerfully or effectively meet survival and other materialistic needs.
OBSERVED: Maturing self-sufficiency. Pressures build; demands increase. Gains from work, discipline, aloof self-examination. You can take charge of life-areas where you have felt not in control. "Getting your act together." Loose ends seem naggingly obvious; so finish projects and commitments, weed out the clutter in your life.
DETAILS: Personal pressures build, as responsibilities and practical demands increase. Gains are now made through work, self-discipline, and examining your life with aloof, almost callous, detachment. These gains include the ferreting out of many weak spots in your character, and the chance to take control of life areas where you previously have felt a victim or otherwise not in control. In short, this is a superb time to "get your act together!" Unfinished projects and commitments should be completed; in fact, loose ends of your life seem naggingly obvious now, from unfiled stacks of papers to unmet obligations. You may find yourself undertaking a serious "house-cleaning," weeding out the details and items which clutter your life. Priorities are forced as practical demands increase. You may feel alone, cut off from others' support for a while, in this important time of maturing self-sufficiency.
[Anecdote: A man for his mother's funeral. t SA -90- r MC]
PRINCIPLE: Structures, limits, and inhibits (frustrates) the conditions of one's life. Sense of inadequacy or restriction. Feeling greater necessity to more powerfully or effectively meet survival and other materialistic needs.
OBSERVED: Relationships require extra attention. Incompatibility or unwillingness to cooperate. Accumulated grievances raise their heads. Be willing to drop barriers between yourself and others. Solid relationships are not taxed as badly as shaky ones. Committed partnerships can be secured.
DETAILS: Personal relationships, and partnerships or alliance of all types, now require extra attention. Areas of incompatibility or unwillingness to cooperate are emphasized. Accumulated grievances may raise their heads. What is being highlighted is your own unwillingness to drop barriers between yourself and others; that is, ego stubbornness. Solid, secure relationships are not taxed as severely as shaky ones, especially if both parties are satisfied with their established routine patterns. In fact, strong commitment now can be established or secured, especially if you share a work-bond or major goal that you are both pursuing.
[Anecdote: Got sick exact transit day, after holding it off for weeks. Low energy for about a month, lots of three viruses rampant around me, then on the exact day flu-like symptoms (especially bronchial) accelerated and I awoke feeling quite bad (but not compared to what others have felt this season). Same day, on a planned family matter, my wife left town for a week. t SA -180- L WP-a]
PRINCIPLE: Structures and inhibits emotional and instinctive responses and social, psychological, or environmental adaptation and flexibility. Feeling inadequate emotionally, socially, psychologically, or in survival (with over-compensations). Limits relationship with mother figures or the public.
OBSERVED: Practical matters do better than emotional ones. Somber, distant, cautious; separation from nurturing; wounded pride, loss, feeling misunderstood. Security needs increase. Others seem unsympathetic.
DETAILS: A strong incentive to achievement and determined hard work. Emotional matters are likely more difficult, however. Practical concerns are easier to handle than those of the heart. You feel more vulnerable than usual, and more responsive to harsh, demanding, unsupportive facets of your environment. Emotionally cautious, preferring the safety of seclusion to the exposure of participation, you dwell too easily on negative thoughts. Security is very important to you at this time. Deep, genuine feelings are more easily withheld or masked. Nurture needs are greater than at other times, but you may be less willing to accept this kind of support. Look, consciously and attentively, for the warm, caring, giving side of people to balance your temporarily narrowed window on others. The protection and certainty of a proper "nest" can be especially comforting now, and free your carefully warded feelings for your pleasure and others'.
[Anecdote: Hitler's death by suicide. t SA -180- r MO]
[FAGAN: "Very unfortunate... failure and serious frustrations and losses... afflicts the mind with despondency, gloom,. melancholy, anxiety, unpopularity, and ill will."]
SATURN aspecting Natal SUN
OBSERVED: Difficult but developmental. Reorganization of the way you control and structure your world. Blocked ego-expression, strained vitality. Discouragement, feeling unappreciated. Inner strengths summoned to meet increased demands.
DETAILS: A major developmental stage is reached, requiring redefinition in those life areas where you reach out into the world to control, regulate, or accomplish. Chiefly, you now confront those structures and laws that you have created, or with which you have surrounded yourself, whereby you define yours and others' power. As your ego-strength has grown, you have stretched beyond definitions you previously set, and may now find yourself feeling undervalued and unappreciated, in need of encouragement, recognition, and acknowledgement. Life's practical demands may seem more pressing, particularly financially. Vitality may drop. These difficult but developmental pressures – a natural result of how you have previously structured your sense of identity – are incentives to mobilize the fullest extent of your power and present capabilities, pushing past previous self-definitions. Yielding to the frustration makes this a time of tension, slowed advance, strained health; but approached with courage and determination, it results in achievement and a substantial gain in personal strength.
[Anecdote: My chart for Marion's ankle surgery (exact the day before as we were deeply involved in prep, then the day of). Really just a lot to do, a lot to manage, and the undesirable conditions. - t SA -135- r SU]
[L.H. observations: "Health and vitality affected? Check. - But there is also a sense that my star is not prominent at the moment, like the world is maybe weary of my particular way of being for a while. I’m not winning favor. I’m not pleasing bosses. I feel 'tolerated' just feels like my Sun is not allowed to shine right now."]
[FAGAN: " of the worst transits that can occur... like a canker it slowly corrupts and destroys everything... it slowly destroys the creativity of the native, bringing to the surface his less agreeable qualities. Losing his assuredness and self-confidence, everything goes amiss with him; and no longer master of himself, he forfeits the confidence and respect of others. If employed, he is in danger of being passed over, reduced in rank, or dismissed... his constitution suffers grievously; or else, others more promising are promoted over his head. In extreme cases there is a tendency to sink into the residuum... it is advisable to see that the body is well nourished..."]
SATURN aspecting Natal MERCURY
OBSERVED: Mental, communication, and commercial matters demand thoroughness and careful attention to thrive. Feeling unheard, criticized, discouraged. Methodical, logical, skeptical; great for detailed mental labor, organizing data.
DETAILS: Communication and mental and commercial matters require careful attention from you now to keep running smoothly. Particularly, communication barriers arise. Your own subtle criticism of your ideas is somehow passed to others. You may feel unheard, that your best ideas of the hour are ignored. If so, look attentively at how you communicate, at whether you are speaking with a clear intention that others will be interested. Discouragement and frustrated mental states may slow your enthusiasm, as you take yourself and your ideas very seriously (and think nobody else does?). Remind yourself how to laugh, especially at your own idiosyncrasies. Actually, your methodical, skeptical mind is better able to organize and format information now than at most other times. Assiduous effort at detail work can thrive. Expose your ideas to your own astute critical sense first, and then display them with confidence.
STATS: No U.S. President has ever been inaugurated with this aspect.
[FAGAN: "...not a happy transit. For the young, it presages an uphill struggle to master the school curriculum, tedious and dreary hours of study, unsympathetic instructors, difficulty in assimilating knowledge, ponderous delivery, mental obtuseness, distaste for one's environment, nd ill-success at examinations. But it does give an interest in philosophy, born of doubt and struggle. To the mature, business lags and begins to pall, competitors lead the field, and temptation protrudes its ugly head. It is adverse for business generally and for all Mercurian pursuits."]
SATURN aspecting Natal VENUS
OBSERVED: Needing more security in love. Pleasure limited. Feeling alone, excluded, neglected; or pleasure in new emotional commitments. Love and pleasure may = duty and devotion. Vanity concerns.
DETAILS: An increased desire for secure affection and a narrowing of your range of social and romantic contacts probably takes one of two forms: (a) settling into a close, solid relationship with a bias toward commitment; or (b) feeling isolated, shy, alone, left "out of the game," and perhaps self-conscious about your appearance. The latter is likely if you maintain walls of self-doubt and caution about your affections; the former if your increased self-interest with your own pleasure needs coexists with a warm, open approach. This applies to all love relationships, including those with children, parents, and friends, as well as romantic bonds. Relationships are put to a serious test, their quality determining the outcome: many separations and disappointments occur, but also many weddings! Love and pleasure seem identified with duty and devotion. Caring for loved ones tends to be immensely satisfying. (Modified 7/26/20)
[Anecdote: My eyelid got an infection and swelled up quite large and inflamed (dark red purple) when this was nearly exact and rotated to SQ angles. It was primarily ugly, slightly unpleasant, and ran the risk of losing the special contact lens. "Vanity concerns" hits about the right intensity level. t SA -90- r VE on SQ angles.]
[FAGAN: "...friends disappoint or turn adverse, the native feels deserted, invitations are refused, engagements are broken, holidays fall below expectations, and the native appears friendless."]
SATURN aspecting Natal MARS
OBSERVED: Fighting one's limits. Struggle, conflict of wills. Poor for competition. Industrious, accomplishment possible (but against stern odds). Possible injury, confidence loss, sexual constraints. [Modified 6/9/21]
DETAILS: Potentially high accomplishment, but probably against heavy odds. The fighter in you butts heads with elements of restriction and control, both in your environment and within yourself. Your independent, spirited, creative will seeks to express itself freely and chafes at any bit placed upon it. Clear-headed evaluation works best. Where blind struggle and impulsive action fail (perhaps reinforcing a sense of inadequacy), careful planning and realistic appraisal may win the day. Few competitive ventures thrive now: Work should be done for its own sake. Exercise caution regarding physical health and well-being. Endurance is considerable, but psychological pressures and the constant tendency to drive oneself may deplete physical resources. Consideration for others' rights and feelings is vitally important now: It wins you support in your battle with your own personal limits.
[Anecdote: Veronica broke her toe. t SA -90- r MA 27', on the angles of nearly every available predictive chart.]
BRADLEY: "pain from outside, either physical or psychological, such as from actual accidents, discomfort through the reactivation of an old ailment, or the cruelty of somebody in the native's ken."
[FAGAN: "Unfavorable for all martial pursuits, the native makes little headway should he be serving in the armed forces, nor is he any more fortunate in sports or contests... in the handling of tools and mechanical appliances he meets with many mishaps. For the time being, it tends to make the native cowardly and fearful and, in extreme cases, even vindictive and brutish, especially to women and children."]
SATURN aspecting Natal JUPITER
OBSERVED: Practical matters demand attention. Business-oriented, building for the future. Interruption in one's sense of prosperity (possibly minor). Either damage to income, prestige, reputation; or accomplishment and pleasure in a job well done. Gains are slow, well earned.
DETAILS: Practical matters dominate your attention, especially finances, property, investments, and business. Depending on the general state of things in your life, this period will manifest in one of two ways: (a) damage to personal income, prestige, reputation, or rank; or (b) a new stabilization of the practical foundation of your life, and a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment for a job well done. Concern is focused on your material assets; but, while at least a brief interruption in your cash flow or sense of prosperity is likely, severe financial problems are not necessarily in store. Exercise economy! Business matters occupy more of your attention. Your organizational, administrative, or managerial skills likely will be required. Gains are now well earned, solid, unspectacular, and more valuable as a foundation for the future than for immediate fortune.
[Anecdote: Gerald Ford when Pres. Nixon resigned and he became president. t SA -180- r JU]
[FAGAN: "...unfortunate... signifies the ebb of the wave of prosperity... the native discovers that he is living beyond his means, is unable to meet all his commitments, and is forced to make rather drastic retrenchments. It is under such a transit that the native is declared a bankrupt, civil bills are served, and the bailiffs seize the furniture... belts must be tightened and the economy axe applied."]
SATURN aspecting Natal SATURN
OBSERVED: Major time of self-redefinition. Reviewing the past, clearing deadwood. Confronting and remolding one's limits, ambitions, and self-directed destiny. Maturing, becoming more whole. Tension, moodiness. Achievement possible; changes almost certain.
DETAILS: A most important reevaluation period, reorienting your ambitions and self-directed destiny. New achievement is possible. Key changes are almost certain. Your primary task now is to become substantially more aware of that which differentiates you and your destiny from all others, to find or clarify your own unique position in the world. Your ego has become bigger, greater, and sounder in recent years, effectively dominating more of the world, and that maturation must be integrated into your total personality. A sense that "There's gotta be more to life than this" provides incentive for you to clear deadwood and move beyond previous life-structures. Tension, moodiness, and being difficult to live with are "growing pains." Introspection and reflection on your past is useful now in confronting and redefining your sense of your own limits. [Modified 8/6/2021]
SATURN aspecting Natal URANUS
OBSERVED: Restrictions vs. desire for freedom. Voluntarily accepting new limits or (more likely) rebelling against them. Tension. Perhaps intolerant, touchy, uncooperative, obstinate. Seek liberty through self-discipline and clear intention. [Tweaked 1/18/24]
DETAILS: Your independence and desire to run your own life autonomously grow stronger, and you become more conscious of anything that restricts your freedom. Reasonable action would be to recognize, evaluate, and remove the barriers, or to accept them as natural to the way you have constructed your life. You may, though, simply rebel against them, intolerant of any restriction to your will and resistant to compromise or cooperation. The latter response affirms your autonomy but may alienate others. A profound lesson is available: that true liberty is, paradoxically, nearly always gained through discipline and self-governance. [Modified 3/1/20]
[Anecdote: While successfully dieting, losing significant weight, hit several days of wanting to rebel against it, sabotage it with exactly the wrong choices, etc. My only defense was knowing that I was the person responsible for putting the restrictions in place originally. Still wanted to rebel against them. Also fairly bored. t SA -90- r UR]
[Anecdote: Woman broke her ankle (also t Uranus sq r Saturn) beginning weeks of "can't get up and go anywhere" bed-bound while the transit is still in orb. Transit was Aquarius-Leo the ankle signs. t SA -180- r UR]
[FAGAN: "Removals, journeys, or new undertakings initiated by the native are likely to prove disappointing and unproductive."]
SATURN aspecting Natal NEPTUNE
OBSERVED: Things seem worse than they really are as one grasps for security and certainty (anxiety and negativity about uncertainty). Disillusionment (reality challenges one's fictions). Troubled mental states include frustration, haunting by personal demons, feeling one has no options. Psychological and physical depletion (wasting). The object of one's anxiety may not be objectively real or may amount to nothing in the end. Grounded ideals and dreams, if sound, can be made more real and secure. [Revised 2/9/24]
DETAILS: Dreams and ideals now become grounded. If well-formed and realistic, they become sounder and steps are taken to manifest them as concrete reality. Otherwise, be prepared for some healthy disillusionment, freeing your imaginative energies for more practical ends. Either way, certainty is a theme of your thinking and wishing patterns right now. Your ideas of what is real, "how things are," "what is going to be," are keenly focused by your wishes, and tend to be rigid. This trait bestows a powerful ability to focus on a goal; and yet taken to its extreme, it also may limit your awareness of problem-solving options available to you, possibly leading to the emergence of some private demons to haunt you: troubled mental states, frustration, suspicion, and despondency. Instead of tightening your attachment to preconceived ideas, why not make full use of your ability to make practical goals a physical reality?
STATS: No U.S. President has ever been inaugurated with this aspect.
[Anecdote: Bordered on getting sick for several days, psychological and physical energy diminished. Learned that a close friend had been hospitalized & developed pneumonia in hospital. t SA -135- s NE]
[Anecdote: Accumulating wear-and-tear from a week of very long workdays, sleep deprivation, reduced resources of various kind (while the transit approached exact at end of the week). t SA -0- r NE.]
[Observation: Lance observed that inauthenticity hurts: Fictions about life are confronted and assaulted by contrary evidence with consequent psychological pain.]
[Further Lance observations: Nightmarish anxiety that resolves itself. Usually involves some form of nightmare-like anxiety. Definitely disillusionment. If there are fantasies that aren't serving one, they take a hit from reality. Beyond this, there can just be events that cause deep anxiety.]
[FAGAN: "Associated with deaths, funerals, graveyards, and the like, it tends to morbidity, the macabre, and the lugubrious, and gives rise to sadness and melancholy."]
SATURN aspecting Natal PLUTO
OBSERVED: Hardening. Separation or distance. Tremendous effort possible (and required). Takes on much responsibility if it is self-originated; but resists control and challenges rules or expectation enforced by others. Communication needs conscious attention. [Revised 2/11/23]
DETAILS: Your need for autonomous individuality increases: You defend your rights to self-govern, challenging rules and expectations that others try to enforce on you. Separating, distancing (closeness is a lesser priority). Division of power is the major issue in relationships. Rebellion against authority, if taken too far, leads to run-ins with employers or the law. Your independent self-sufficiency can sustain much constructive effort and impressive amounts of work. Provided it is self-originated, you tend to take on increased responsibility. [Refined 12/4/23]
[FAGAN: "...unless the conduct is law-abiding... the native may find himself serving terms of imprisonment or otherwise have his freedom drastically curtailed."]
SATURN aspecting Natal HAUMEA
(No observations so far.)
SATURN aspecting Natal ERIS
[Anecdote: Saturn opposed my Eris three times between 12/1980 and 8/1981. This included the first six months or so of my relocation to San Diego and working at Astro Computing Services. I'm not clear what the relevance might be.]
[Anecdote: Saturn squared my Eris three times in 1989, from January through October. This was the year that my law practice began to thrive, a year I was entangled in and becoming uncomfortable with O.T.O. politics, and the first strong, establishing, stabilizing year of Temple of Thelema. I'm unclear what the specific relevance of this transit was, though both the law practice and T.'.O.'.T.'. required work, steady hand, stabilizing and patient steps, etc. (Not sure how Eris gets in the middle of this.)]
[Anecdote: Saturn conjoined my Eris 3/10/1997. AK and I had separated a few months earlier. It was a low point, not sure where a lot of things would go.]
[Anecdote: Saturn squared my Eris three times between 8/2003 and 4/2004. Work was stable at WMG. My relationship with my teacher and mentor of several decades took a large bruise that never fully healed, though she nonetheless appointed me her successor. (She died a month after the last pass.) Almost reluctantly, and rising out of a lot or self-dismantling, I attained a Saturn-related stage of initiation near the last pass.]
PRINCIPLE: Structures, limits, and inhibits (frustrates) the conditions of one's life. Sense of inadequacy or restriction. Feeling greater necessity to more powerfully or effectively meet survival and other materialistic needs.
OBSERVED: Identity/authority issues dominate. You learn much about who you are, what is important to you, and how you handle power. Demands increase; basic needs are accented. You have only yourself to rely on! Learn how big you can stretch. May signal career peak, professional maturity; or, if you have built poorly, a setback.
DETAILS: Identity and authority issues are extremely important now. That is, you stand to learn much about who you are, what is important to you, and how you handle power and respond to other people's power. Practical demands seem to increase; daily survival needs are emphasized; and in numerous ways it becomes increasingly apparent that you have only yourself to rely on. Now is the time to learn how big you can stretch, how willing you are to take on more responsibility and thus authority. Often this signals a career peak when well-executed plans pay rewarding dividends of achievement. Others recognize your professional maturity. If you have built poorly, however, it may signal a serious setback or downfall. Professional and practical matters have more priority than personal ones for the time being. Work and self-discipline carry their own virtue.
PRINCIPLE: Structures, limits, and inhibits (frustrates) the conditions of one's life. Sense of inadequacy or restriction. Feeling greater necessity to more powerfully or effectively meet survival and other materialistic needs.
OBSERVED: Get your feet squarely under you! You are laying a foundation for the future. Long-range goals depend on how well you prepare now. Security and property issues are important now. Family relationships can be strained. You assume new self-reliance, and encourage it in your dependents.
DETAILS: This is a time to pause and make sure you have your feet squarely under you. You now are establishing a foundation on which, over the next several years, you will build toward a new plateau of achievement. How these long-range goals mature depends much on how you prepare now. Careful, conservative plans bear succulent fruit later. Security issues are more important to you now, including finances, personal property, and, particularly, your home. Intimate relationships may become strained (especially with parents and spouse). You may feel somewhat cut off from the love and other support you would like from others. Traditional roles are being rewritten in your life, with authority and responsibility being redistributed in your close relationships. That is, you assume new self-reliance in some areas, and encourage it in those who have been dependent on you in others.
PRINCIPLE: Structures, limits, and inhibits (frustrates) the conditions of one's life. Sense of inadequacy or restriction. Feeling greater necessity to more powerfully or effectively meet survival and other materialistic needs.
OBSERVED: Maturing self-sufficiency. Pressures build; demands increase. Gains from work, discipline, aloof self-examination. You can take charge of life-areas where you have felt not in control. "Getting your act together." Loose ends seem naggingly obvious; so finish projects and commitments, weed out the clutter in your life.
DETAILS: Personal pressures build, as responsibilities and practical demands increase. Gains are now made through work, self-discipline, and examining your life with aloof, almost callous, detachment. These gains include the ferreting out of many weak spots in your character, and the chance to take control of life areas where you previously have felt a victim or otherwise not in control. In short, this is a superb time to "get your act together!" Unfinished projects and commitments should be completed; in fact, loose ends of your life seem naggingly obvious now, from unfiled stacks of papers to unmet obligations. You may find yourself undertaking a serious "house-cleaning," weeding out the details and items which clutter your life. Priorities are forced as practical demands increase. You may feel alone, cut off from others' support for a while, in this important time of maturing self-sufficiency.
[Anecdote: A man for his mother's funeral. t SA -90- r MC]
PRINCIPLE: Structures, limits, and inhibits (frustrates) the conditions of one's life. Sense of inadequacy or restriction. Feeling greater necessity to more powerfully or effectively meet survival and other materialistic needs.
OBSERVED: Relationships require extra attention. Incompatibility or unwillingness to cooperate. Accumulated grievances raise their heads. Be willing to drop barriers between yourself and others. Solid relationships are not taxed as badly as shaky ones. Committed partnerships can be secured.
DETAILS: Personal relationships, and partnerships or alliance of all types, now require extra attention. Areas of incompatibility or unwillingness to cooperate are emphasized. Accumulated grievances may raise their heads. What is being highlighted is your own unwillingness to drop barriers between yourself and others; that is, ego stubbornness. Solid, secure relationships are not taxed as severely as shaky ones, especially if both parties are satisfied with their established routine patterns. In fact, strong commitment now can be established or secured, especially if you share a work-bond or major goal that you are both pursuing.
[Anecdote: Got sick exact transit day, after holding it off for weeks. Low energy for about a month, lots of three viruses rampant around me, then on the exact day flu-like symptoms (especially bronchial) accelerated and I awoke feeling quite bad (but not compared to what others have felt this season). Same day, on a planned family matter, my wife left town for a week. t SA -180- L WP-a]
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19392
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Jupiter transits
JUPITER aspecting Natal MOON
PRINCIPLE: Enhances and instills confidence in one's instincts and emotional responses. Successful, easy adaptation to social, psychological, and physical habitats. Quality relationships with mother figures or the public.
OBSERVED: Happiness, social, celebratory, possibly indulgent. Center of attention. Much emotion; probably joyful, maybe moodiness or tension-release through tears. Responding to quality. Sense of well-being.
DETAILS: Feelings rise near to the surface. Usually this marks a happy time with cause for celebration. However, if you have been under much stress, it initially brings a release of tension, perhaps free-flowing tears and general emotion. Let this have its play, clearing the field for some especially happy days and weeks. Your sense of well-being is high. More self-assured, socially outgoing, and congenial, you probably find your environment and emotional climate supportive, pleasing, and rewarding. Hospitality and other opportunities are warmly extended. Self-indulgence is possible, especially in diet. Responding to quality, your mind is occupied with philosophic matters. Don't let self-righteousness spoil this chance for good comradeship! [Revised 10/31/22]
[Anecdote: Pres. Obama's chart for favorable SCOTUS decision on Obamacare health care legislation. t JU -0- r MO]
[Anecdote: 2022 trip to Memphis with wife and two friends. Excellent, delightful week. Transit covered entire week, peaked at the peak of the week, tapered as things ran down. t JU -180- p MO.]
[Anecdote: Donald Bradley died of cancer. t Ur -135- r MO, t NE - 90 - r MO, t JU - 0- r MO]
[FAGAN: "An excellent configuration, the native will be in the best of form, genial and expansive. Doors will be thrown open... will be warmly received and gather a crowd... In most of his undertakings, he will succeed, and, if ailing, his health will show marked improvement."]
JUPITER aspecting Natal SUN
PRINCIPLE: Enhances self-confidence, purpose, vitality, and general well-being. Ego needs are met and flourish (self-value, pride, distinction). Elevates attitudes toward authority (one's own and others').
OBSERVED: Self-improvement, esteem, easing of problems, opportunity for advance. General good feelings, sense of prosperity. Leisure-minded, indulgent. Sense of importance; perhaps arrogant, self-righteous.
DETAILS: Most people experience this as one of the best of times for self-improvement (socially, financially, etc.), increased esteem, the easing of problems, and greater peace of mind. Luck is on your side in the form of opportunities and receiving special (positive) attention. Possible promotion. Weddings and engagements occur, reflecting a celebrant, popular, status-shifting mood. Mostly, you simply feel good! You probably incline toward leisure, relaxation, and "taking the easy way out." Money is spent more freely. Difficulties are easily resolved; but in your dislike of problems, do not avoid confronting them. You display an aura of personal authority, and a renewed sense of importance. Beware arrogance and ego.
[Anecdote: Extreme, extended indulgence (immoderation) in food & other pleasures (something that didn't show with several other Jupiter transits in the weeks preceding). t. JU -135- r. SU. t. JU -90- p. MA. (And, of course, p. MA -135- r. SU.)]
[Anecdote: Opportunity to "shine," received significant appreciation for technical insight that surprised and pleased someone. Definitely a day of "looking good." Health issue (ongoing for several months) showed distinctive signs of the last stage of clearing, freeing me back to activities that hadn't been feasible; and discovered a home treatment that started accelerating the last main stage of healing. t. JU -180- p. SU (on SNQ2 MC-IC).]
[FAGAN: "...represents the divine physician, the restorer of health, sanity, self-respect, personal dignity, and is altogether a salubrious transit..."]
JUPITER aspecting Natal MERCURY
OBSERVED: Your mind and ideas are well received, appreciated, and probably profitable (making a good impression). Advantageous for thought, travel, commerce, or communication (or arrogant opinionation). Promote yourself!
DETAILS: A generally fortunate period, especially for mental, travel, or communication activities. Your confidence increases in these areas: you acquire new certainty about your ideas and plans. Excessive confidence may lead to the chief problem of this transit: cocksure obstinacy and arrogant opinionation; so remember that you have an ear for successful ideas right now too, not just a voice or pen for them. Others applaud, respect, and encourage your proposals and mental products. Studies and exams go smoothly. Scholarships may be won. Interest grows in academics and philosophical or religious interests. Ideas for commerce and promotion prosper as your assurance, peace of mind, and enhanced business instinct work together well. [Revised 10/21/23]
STATS: "Chess champions won their titles and leaped into prominence... read simply as 'mentation honored' (Bradley)
[FAGAN: "...the native's business progresses in all directions and many wise and lucrative decisions are made. Youths find that they pass their examinations with facility, and adults find that their discussion, writings, and the like attract favorable attention. Interest is evinced in philosophical or religious subjects and the native becomes ambitious for positions of distinction, and the academic life begins to holds its allure for him."]
JUPITER aspecting Natal VENUS
OBSERVED: Social, pleasure-oriented. Romance and other love matters go well. Popularity and attractiveness increase. Possibly special occasion: engagement, wedding, birth, etc.
DETAILS: Pleasure is now the keynote of your life. Your interest in sharing good times and good feelings with others is strong. You simply enjoy people more, and give yourself more opportunity to be with them. Discovering a new confidence and certainty in your feelings, you find love and friendship both more important now, and easier to find. Romance prospers, as do other love matters. Your attractiveness and openness become especially apparent to others. Popularity increases. Special social occasions, such as engagements, weddings, and births, tend to happen at times like this. Pursuit of pleasure leans toward the immoderate. Only if you are in a situation where it is impossible to be with others will this transit likely bring the discomfort of loneliness.
[Anecdote: Return of much-loved mate after a week away, very nice homecoming. t JU -90- s VE]
STATS: " contestant winners... 'appearance honored' (Bradley)
[FAGAN: "...the native is rich in his friends and is happy among them; and keeps adding to their number. Many doors are opened to him, and he will be seen gracing many social functions, weddings, and the like. This will be one of his popular periods and it frequently happens that the native... becomes engaged or gets married... or becomes a father."]
JUPITER aspecting Natal MARS
PRINCIPLE: Enhances and instills confidence in one's feelings of strength and ability to take strong action, exercise power, and behave aggressively. Power needs feel satisfied. These areas flourish as sources of self-esteem and pride.
OBSERVED: Competitive advantage (feeling "I won!"). Enterprising, confident. Energy, enthusiasm (immoderation, self-will). Excellence in physical, competitive, or other aggressive matters (sex, sports, war, business). [Rewritten 8/2/24]
NOTES: Business activities tend to succeed: earning power is enhanced (you can compete professionally more effectively). Filled with energy and enthusiasm, self-assured and enterprising, delighting in victory. Enhanced confidence and sureness (maybe "coming on too strong"). Bold indulgence, immoderation. Endurance is strong. Health improves (unless you severely over-extend yourself in your newfound feelings of strength). [Rewritten 8/2/24]
[Anecdote: Extreme, extended indulgence (immoderation) in food and other pleasures. t JU -135- r SU. t JU -90- p MA. (And, of course, p MA -135- r SU.)]
[Anecdote: After difficulties getting treatment for an eyelid infection that was dragging me down a couple of weeks, I started on the corrective medicine the day this was exact. t JU -135- r MA.]
[FAGAN: "...the native's struggle for money may meet with some measure of success... a favorable time to enlist in the armed services, undertake physical culture and muscle building, purchase automobiles, and become involved in all mechanical and constructive pursuits."]
JUPITER aspecting Natal JUPITER
OBSERVED: Advance in prestige, self-assurance, and feeling good. Contagious confidence and optimism. Key decisions are made with advantage. Reorientation or forward nudge in career, finances, personal growth, or purpose. []Tweaked 7/27/24
DETAILS: A turning point in matters of career, personal growth, finance, and purpose. Probably fortunate, opening opportunities. Nonetheless, the chief issue is your inner reorientation regarding success and prosperity. Key decisions now made set the trend for the next few years. Business matters go forward smoothly. Investments look promising (but pay off later). Some advance in status, prestige, or esteem. Most importantly, you display an increased sense of well-being, a contagious self-assurance, confidence, and optimism. (Modified 7/27/24)
[Anecdote: On a recent pass, the most obvious characteristic was an upsweep in optimism in a relaxed way not felt for months, especially about resolving financial circumstances (following some practical steps in the turn-around plan). t JU -135- r JU, Ur.]
[FAGAN: "...a most fortunate token... Generally it presages heightened status, increased prestige, honors, promotion, self-assurance, and a replenished purse... the native is much in demand and is quite the man of affairs, full of optimism, instilling confidence in others."]
JUPITER aspecting Natal SATURN
PRINCIPLE: Enhances and instills confidence in survival and material security (security needs are met, supplanting insecurity; confidence supplants feeling inadequate). Eases areas of regret or guilt (consoling one's buried darkness). Confident one can form, build, conserve, and retain. Work flourishes as a source of self-value and pride. Supports paternal and social authority and other traditional structures.
OBSERVED: Slate wiped clean (especially financial or emotional debts or duties), easing worries, granting some peace. Old practical or emotional ties released with a sense that their time is past. Opportunity for new foundations, increased security, stable gains, earned rewards.
DETAILS: Easing worries, fears, and doubts. Setting your mind at peace for a time (perhaps due to easing financial concerns). As with the return of the prodigal, the slate is wiped clear in some life area, relieving emotional stress and allowing a clean start. Now is the time to establish a new foundation (especially economic). Stable gains, slow and steady advance. No wondrous, unexpected rewards, but rather genuinely earned rewards. Hard work and stable investments (especially real estate) prove worthwhile and build to a solid return later. The emphasis is on assuming greater responsibility and settling into a more comfortable security for yourself and those who count on you. [Revised 7/16/23]
[Anecdote: During 2 months of a slow Jupiter opposite r Saturn, work demands were severely increased but (a) work became more pleasurable the closer the aspect got and (b) there was significant extra income from the extra hours worked. t. JU -180- r. SA]
[Anecdote: Alleviation of 'background' anxieties, relief of concerns, in work environment (concentrated on the day of the transit). t JU -135- s SA]
[Anecdote: A woman in genuine but not dire economic need was notified of a new job. t JU -0- r SA crossing MC as she was notified.]
[Anecdote: A woman was put on life-support in an induced coma to stabilize a high-risk medical condition. t JU -45- r SA]
[Anecdote: Leaned that a friend, feared possibly dead, was alive and recovering from difficult times. t JU -135- s SA.]
[Anecdote: Under "gain from loss," Lyndon Johnson had t Ju -0- r Sa 0°05' for JFK's assassination.]
[FAGAN: "...worst fears assuaged... forebodings vanishing... for the nonce, his habitual pessimism giving place to smiles. Should he be in debt, a friend in need may defray it; should he be harassed in the office or in the home, he will know contentment, albeit temporary; should he be ailing or in pain, his discomfiture will be alleviated. Under such a transit the native sometimes moves into a more comfortable and comparatively more luxurious home than the one he is vacating. Squalor yields place to salubrity..."]
JUPITER aspecting Natal URANUS
OBSERVED: Your originality is applauded and encouraged. Gain or forward progress through new ideas. One's personal sense of uniqueness is exalted (inflated ego?). Restless dissatisfaction (boredom) desiring broader horizons. [Revised 7/28/24]
DETAILS: Others encourage your creativity, originality, and innovativeness. Increased prosperity, status, and esteem from new ideas, inventions, or discoveries. An inner restless dissatisfaction inspires you to make progressive alterations in your circumstances; to reach further than you have previously reached, regardless of obvious risks, to improve the quality of your life and broaden horizons. You gain renewed confidence in the part of you that demands to be unique, progressive, and free. Technological advances become more important to you. A sudden change may occur in your financial situation. [Revised 7/28/24]
[FAGAN: "Successful traveling, release from confinement, escape to prosperity, success with schemes and inventions... Unexpectedly the native makes money by speculation, gambling, football pools... Explorers, excavators, research students... will find their labors crowned with success..."]
JUPITER aspecting Natal NEPTUNE
OBSERVED: Clean start emotionally, maybe financially. Anxiety eased, release from debts or doubts. Things seem much better than they really are. Abundant dreams (might not come true). Religious, philosophical, or ceremonial interests. [Revised 2/9/23]
DETAILS: This signals a fresh start. Emotionally, the slate is wiped clean and anxieties relieved in some key area of concern. We all carry some uncomfortable feelings around with us; and now many of your old demons and bugaboos are dispelled. Peace of mind is restored. This "second chance" may manifest in other areas, too, such as finances and reputation where embarrassing difficulties may be eased. Religious, philosophical, or ceremonial interests are strong now. Finding new security in your personal worldview or belief system, becoming more solid in your opinions, you seem intolerant of intellectual snobs and "know-it- alls" (be careful not to become one). Though plans made now may be premature, faith is strong and your ideals and dreams soar. [Edited 4/24/23]
[Anecdote: After a few weeks of anxiety over our cat's health got some good news (ruling out the worst half of what could be wrong) that relaxed anxiety. t JU -135- r NE.]
[FAGAN: "One's honor and reputation are usually vindicated... those who have been kept out of office, suppressed, or mistrusted come, at last, into their own, and are given an opportunity to prove their worth. For those in captivity, it promises release and a fresh start in life away from the carping criticism of their tormentors... affords a release from debts and immediate pecuniary embarrassments. Not a few at this time find in the religious life a hope, joy, and restoration of their amour-propre hitherto denied them, and conversions are frequent."]
JUPITER aspecting Natal PLUTO
PRINCIPLE: Instills confidence in one's ability to withdraw from compliance to herd expectations and live on one's own terms. Solitude and authenticity needs are met (comfort with isolation).
OBSERVED: Gain from separation or loss. Energies are freed from old entanglements for new applications. Unwanted ties or commitments dissolved. Turning point. Rewards for authenticity or willingness to stand aside from herd expectations.
DETAILS: Gain by separation takes innumerable forms. Most likely, something in your life has been drawing heavily on your time, energy, and psychological and emotional resources, but no longer contributing to you. Whatever this is, you separate from it now, freeing that tremendous investment of energy for other uses. Specific examples range from jobs to relationships, from memberships to opinionated viewpoints. Strained relationships may benefit from a furlough. Inheritance is possible. The actual event does not matter much, as it occurs spontaneously, a natural result of the flow of your life. What does matter is that you recognize the positive energy release and consciously direct it where you want it. [Updated 11/15/22]
[Anecdote: Much needed vacation - a "necessary get away." t JU -90- r PL]
[FAGAN: "To the ill-concealed joy of the native... often frees the native from an unwanted marriage partner or other person who fettered his freedom or who stood in his way of promotion or self-expression. It often brings gain by a death but not necessarily financial... hampering attachments are dissolved... jobs and membership of organizations are often relinquished."]
JUPITER aspecting Natal HAUMEA
(No observations so far.)
JUPITER aspecting Natal ERIS
[Anecdote: I think this was the extensive clearing and reordering of things a few hours before it was exact, something along the lines of "resolving chaos." t JU -45- s ER]
[Anecdote: Perhaps no effect; it was, however, the day my employer published a software tool I wrote that takes a tedious, complex, error-prone task (that we do a lot) and reduces it to a single mouse-click. t JU -135- s ER]
[Anecdote: Jupiter conjoined my Eris 9/1/69, almost the exact day I started high school.]
[Anecdote: Jupiter opposed my Eris three times between 12/1980 and 8/81. These were the early months of my employment as Director of Publications at Astro Computer Services (and thus relocated to San Diego).]
[Anecdote: Jupiter opposed my Eris three times between 11/92 and 7/93. During this time, I undertook the most important concentrated retreat-like work in my spiritual life and concurrently collaborated with an out of state friend to try to conceive a child (we failed).]
PRINCIPLE: Improves the conditions of one's life so that they better meet one's needs. instills confidence. Conditions flourishes, enhancing confidence, self-value, and pride. - Feeling greater necessity to meet one's own ambition needs (needs for superiority, assimilation and growth, achievement, success, recognition, exhibition, and esteem).
OBSERVED: A high point. Progress, especially in profession. At its best: respect, recognition, gain, elevation, advantage, confidence. Advance comes more readily. You feel good about yourself and your accomplishments. Beware arrogance and inflated ego. Generally, the road looks pretty smooth, encouraging your ambitions.
DETAILS: A high point of your life! At its best, this signals esteem, respect, recognition, honor, material gain, elevation, advantage, opportunities, and confidence. Even if less spectacular than that, expect some significant progress, especially in your professional life. You feel good about yourself and what you have accomplished. Even if you haven't reached the final goal at which you are aiming, this is a good time to notice how far you really have come. Beware, however, the arrogance and inflated ego that can arise if you feel under-acknowledged by others. Generally, the road looks pretty smooth for the time being, encouraging your ambitions and desire for achievement. Advance comes more readily now than at other times. Use this period of refreshment to establish quality groundwork for your later efforts.
PRINCIPLE: Improves the conditions of one's life so that they better meet one's needs. instills confidence. Conditions flourishes, enhancing confidence, self-value, and pride. - Feeling greater necessity to meet one's own ambition needs (needs for superiority, assimilation and growth, achievement, success, recognition, exhibition, and esteem).
OBSERVED: Private life-elements are now your chief sources of pleasure and refreshment, especially home and those who share it. New value found in the traditions that form the foundation of your mental, emotional, and spiritual development. Possibly improving your home, making promising investments or growth in family size.
DETAILS: Very personal, private elements in your life are now your chief sources of pleasure and refreshment. This may show especially through your home and those with whom you share it (close friends, family, etc.). Encouragement to go forward and expand yourself more effectively in the world now comes from appreciating the joys and advantages of what you already have. You find value in the history and traditions which form the earliest foundation of your mental, emotional, and spiritual development. Some typical events of this time might be improving or enlarging your home, making promising investments (especially in real estate or items dug from the earth), or growth in the size of your family.
PRINCIPLE: Improves the conditions of one's life so that they better meet one's needs. instills confidence. Conditions flourishes, enhancing confidence, self-value, and pride. - Feeling greater necessity to meet one's own ambition needs (needs for superiority, assimilation and growth, achievement, success, recognition, exhibition, and esteem).
OBSERVED: Feeling especially good about yourself. Advantage from others' good will. Enhanced social image, self-esteem, and opportunities. Self-improvement, refreshment, and recharging. Interests in philosophical, religious, spiritual and/or professional and financial ideas. Beware misplaced superiority and self-righteousness.
DETAILS: This can be a time of feeling especially good about yourself and reaping much advantage from others' increased good will and support. Enhanced social image, increased respect and esteem, opportunities and gifts. Feeling reasonably secure in your present situation, you reach out to improve yourself by some means. Philosophical, religious, and spiritual matters may hold your attention, as can professional and financial ideas. Guard against arrogance and a misplaced sense of superiority or self-righteousness. Avoid trusting an overly-nebulous sense of "luck." This can well be a period of refreshment and recharging to carry you confidently forward for some time to come. [Edited 6/10/12]
PRINCIPLE: Improves the conditions of one's life so that they better meet one's needs. instills confidence. Conditions flourishes, enhancing confidence, self-value, and pride. - Feeling greater necessity to meet one's own ambition needs (needs for superiority, assimilation and growth, achievement, success, recognition, exhibition, and esteem).
OBSERVED: Increased respect. You are gregarious, good-natured, inclined to cooperation. Sound relationships bring pleasure and comfort; while in strained ones, a pause in the conflict is likely. Do not let this lull you into ill-founded security, however. Why not use the current climate to tackle the problems?
DETAILS: Esteem and respect increase from people around you. This includes both those who are close to you, and more casual friends and associates. Your social circle expands. You appear gregarious and good-natured, naturally inclined to conciliation rather than conflict. Sound personal relationships shine at their best, a source of pleasure and comfort to you. In strained relationships, a pause in the conflict is likely for the time being. Do not let this hiatus lull you into ill-founded security that the problems have been resolved, however. They must be directly confronted later if not now; so why not take advantage of the current climate to tackle them?
PRINCIPLE: Enhances and instills confidence in one's instincts and emotional responses. Successful, easy adaptation to social, psychological, and physical habitats. Quality relationships with mother figures or the public.
OBSERVED: Happiness, social, celebratory, possibly indulgent. Center of attention. Much emotion; probably joyful, maybe moodiness or tension-release through tears. Responding to quality. Sense of well-being.
DETAILS: Feelings rise near to the surface. Usually this marks a happy time with cause for celebration. However, if you have been under much stress, it initially brings a release of tension, perhaps free-flowing tears and general emotion. Let this have its play, clearing the field for some especially happy days and weeks. Your sense of well-being is high. More self-assured, socially outgoing, and congenial, you probably find your environment and emotional climate supportive, pleasing, and rewarding. Hospitality and other opportunities are warmly extended. Self-indulgence is possible, especially in diet. Responding to quality, your mind is occupied with philosophic matters. Don't let self-righteousness spoil this chance for good comradeship! [Revised 10/31/22]
[Anecdote: Pres. Obama's chart for favorable SCOTUS decision on Obamacare health care legislation. t JU -0- r MO]
[Anecdote: 2022 trip to Memphis with wife and two friends. Excellent, delightful week. Transit covered entire week, peaked at the peak of the week, tapered as things ran down. t JU -180- p MO.]
[Anecdote: Donald Bradley died of cancer. t Ur -135- r MO, t NE - 90 - r MO, t JU - 0- r MO]
[FAGAN: "An excellent configuration, the native will be in the best of form, genial and expansive. Doors will be thrown open... will be warmly received and gather a crowd... In most of his undertakings, he will succeed, and, if ailing, his health will show marked improvement."]
JUPITER aspecting Natal SUN
PRINCIPLE: Enhances self-confidence, purpose, vitality, and general well-being. Ego needs are met and flourish (self-value, pride, distinction). Elevates attitudes toward authority (one's own and others').
OBSERVED: Self-improvement, esteem, easing of problems, opportunity for advance. General good feelings, sense of prosperity. Leisure-minded, indulgent. Sense of importance; perhaps arrogant, self-righteous.
DETAILS: Most people experience this as one of the best of times for self-improvement (socially, financially, etc.), increased esteem, the easing of problems, and greater peace of mind. Luck is on your side in the form of opportunities and receiving special (positive) attention. Possible promotion. Weddings and engagements occur, reflecting a celebrant, popular, status-shifting mood. Mostly, you simply feel good! You probably incline toward leisure, relaxation, and "taking the easy way out." Money is spent more freely. Difficulties are easily resolved; but in your dislike of problems, do not avoid confronting them. You display an aura of personal authority, and a renewed sense of importance. Beware arrogance and ego.
[Anecdote: Extreme, extended indulgence (immoderation) in food & other pleasures (something that didn't show with several other Jupiter transits in the weeks preceding). t. JU -135- r. SU. t. JU -90- p. MA. (And, of course, p. MA -135- r. SU.)]
[Anecdote: Opportunity to "shine," received significant appreciation for technical insight that surprised and pleased someone. Definitely a day of "looking good." Health issue (ongoing for several months) showed distinctive signs of the last stage of clearing, freeing me back to activities that hadn't been feasible; and discovered a home treatment that started accelerating the last main stage of healing. t. JU -180- p. SU (on SNQ2 MC-IC).]
[FAGAN: "...represents the divine physician, the restorer of health, sanity, self-respect, personal dignity, and is altogether a salubrious transit..."]
JUPITER aspecting Natal MERCURY
OBSERVED: Your mind and ideas are well received, appreciated, and probably profitable (making a good impression). Advantageous for thought, travel, commerce, or communication (or arrogant opinionation). Promote yourself!
DETAILS: A generally fortunate period, especially for mental, travel, or communication activities. Your confidence increases in these areas: you acquire new certainty about your ideas and plans. Excessive confidence may lead to the chief problem of this transit: cocksure obstinacy and arrogant opinionation; so remember that you have an ear for successful ideas right now too, not just a voice or pen for them. Others applaud, respect, and encourage your proposals and mental products. Studies and exams go smoothly. Scholarships may be won. Interest grows in academics and philosophical or religious interests. Ideas for commerce and promotion prosper as your assurance, peace of mind, and enhanced business instinct work together well. [Revised 10/21/23]
STATS: "Chess champions won their titles and leaped into prominence... read simply as 'mentation honored' (Bradley)
[FAGAN: "...the native's business progresses in all directions and many wise and lucrative decisions are made. Youths find that they pass their examinations with facility, and adults find that their discussion, writings, and the like attract favorable attention. Interest is evinced in philosophical or religious subjects and the native becomes ambitious for positions of distinction, and the academic life begins to holds its allure for him."]
JUPITER aspecting Natal VENUS
OBSERVED: Social, pleasure-oriented. Romance and other love matters go well. Popularity and attractiveness increase. Possibly special occasion: engagement, wedding, birth, etc.
DETAILS: Pleasure is now the keynote of your life. Your interest in sharing good times and good feelings with others is strong. You simply enjoy people more, and give yourself more opportunity to be with them. Discovering a new confidence and certainty in your feelings, you find love and friendship both more important now, and easier to find. Romance prospers, as do other love matters. Your attractiveness and openness become especially apparent to others. Popularity increases. Special social occasions, such as engagements, weddings, and births, tend to happen at times like this. Pursuit of pleasure leans toward the immoderate. Only if you are in a situation where it is impossible to be with others will this transit likely bring the discomfort of loneliness.
[Anecdote: Return of much-loved mate after a week away, very nice homecoming. t JU -90- s VE]
STATS: " contestant winners... 'appearance honored' (Bradley)
[FAGAN: "...the native is rich in his friends and is happy among them; and keeps adding to their number. Many doors are opened to him, and he will be seen gracing many social functions, weddings, and the like. This will be one of his popular periods and it frequently happens that the native... becomes engaged or gets married... or becomes a father."]
JUPITER aspecting Natal MARS
PRINCIPLE: Enhances and instills confidence in one's feelings of strength and ability to take strong action, exercise power, and behave aggressively. Power needs feel satisfied. These areas flourish as sources of self-esteem and pride.
OBSERVED: Competitive advantage (feeling "I won!"). Enterprising, confident. Energy, enthusiasm (immoderation, self-will). Excellence in physical, competitive, or other aggressive matters (sex, sports, war, business). [Rewritten 8/2/24]
NOTES: Business activities tend to succeed: earning power is enhanced (you can compete professionally more effectively). Filled with energy and enthusiasm, self-assured and enterprising, delighting in victory. Enhanced confidence and sureness (maybe "coming on too strong"). Bold indulgence, immoderation. Endurance is strong. Health improves (unless you severely over-extend yourself in your newfound feelings of strength). [Rewritten 8/2/24]
[Anecdote: Extreme, extended indulgence (immoderation) in food and other pleasures. t JU -135- r SU. t JU -90- p MA. (And, of course, p MA -135- r SU.)]
[Anecdote: After difficulties getting treatment for an eyelid infection that was dragging me down a couple of weeks, I started on the corrective medicine the day this was exact. t JU -135- r MA.]
[FAGAN: "...the native's struggle for money may meet with some measure of success... a favorable time to enlist in the armed services, undertake physical culture and muscle building, purchase automobiles, and become involved in all mechanical and constructive pursuits."]
JUPITER aspecting Natal JUPITER
OBSERVED: Advance in prestige, self-assurance, and feeling good. Contagious confidence and optimism. Key decisions are made with advantage. Reorientation or forward nudge in career, finances, personal growth, or purpose. []Tweaked 7/27/24
DETAILS: A turning point in matters of career, personal growth, finance, and purpose. Probably fortunate, opening opportunities. Nonetheless, the chief issue is your inner reorientation regarding success and prosperity. Key decisions now made set the trend for the next few years. Business matters go forward smoothly. Investments look promising (but pay off later). Some advance in status, prestige, or esteem. Most importantly, you display an increased sense of well-being, a contagious self-assurance, confidence, and optimism. (Modified 7/27/24)
[Anecdote: On a recent pass, the most obvious characteristic was an upsweep in optimism in a relaxed way not felt for months, especially about resolving financial circumstances (following some practical steps in the turn-around plan). t JU -135- r JU, Ur.]
[FAGAN: "...a most fortunate token... Generally it presages heightened status, increased prestige, honors, promotion, self-assurance, and a replenished purse... the native is much in demand and is quite the man of affairs, full of optimism, instilling confidence in others."]
JUPITER aspecting Natal SATURN
PRINCIPLE: Enhances and instills confidence in survival and material security (security needs are met, supplanting insecurity; confidence supplants feeling inadequate). Eases areas of regret or guilt (consoling one's buried darkness). Confident one can form, build, conserve, and retain. Work flourishes as a source of self-value and pride. Supports paternal and social authority and other traditional structures.
OBSERVED: Slate wiped clean (especially financial or emotional debts or duties), easing worries, granting some peace. Old practical or emotional ties released with a sense that their time is past. Opportunity for new foundations, increased security, stable gains, earned rewards.
DETAILS: Easing worries, fears, and doubts. Setting your mind at peace for a time (perhaps due to easing financial concerns). As with the return of the prodigal, the slate is wiped clear in some life area, relieving emotional stress and allowing a clean start. Now is the time to establish a new foundation (especially economic). Stable gains, slow and steady advance. No wondrous, unexpected rewards, but rather genuinely earned rewards. Hard work and stable investments (especially real estate) prove worthwhile and build to a solid return later. The emphasis is on assuming greater responsibility and settling into a more comfortable security for yourself and those who count on you. [Revised 7/16/23]
[Anecdote: During 2 months of a slow Jupiter opposite r Saturn, work demands were severely increased but (a) work became more pleasurable the closer the aspect got and (b) there was significant extra income from the extra hours worked. t. JU -180- r. SA]
[Anecdote: Alleviation of 'background' anxieties, relief of concerns, in work environment (concentrated on the day of the transit). t JU -135- s SA]
[Anecdote: A woman in genuine but not dire economic need was notified of a new job. t JU -0- r SA crossing MC as she was notified.]
[Anecdote: A woman was put on life-support in an induced coma to stabilize a high-risk medical condition. t JU -45- r SA]
[Anecdote: Leaned that a friend, feared possibly dead, was alive and recovering from difficult times. t JU -135- s SA.]
[Anecdote: Under "gain from loss," Lyndon Johnson had t Ju -0- r Sa 0°05' for JFK's assassination.]
[FAGAN: "...worst fears assuaged... forebodings vanishing... for the nonce, his habitual pessimism giving place to smiles. Should he be in debt, a friend in need may defray it; should he be harassed in the office or in the home, he will know contentment, albeit temporary; should he be ailing or in pain, his discomfiture will be alleviated. Under such a transit the native sometimes moves into a more comfortable and comparatively more luxurious home than the one he is vacating. Squalor yields place to salubrity..."]
JUPITER aspecting Natal URANUS
OBSERVED: Your originality is applauded and encouraged. Gain or forward progress through new ideas. One's personal sense of uniqueness is exalted (inflated ego?). Restless dissatisfaction (boredom) desiring broader horizons. [Revised 7/28/24]
DETAILS: Others encourage your creativity, originality, and innovativeness. Increased prosperity, status, and esteem from new ideas, inventions, or discoveries. An inner restless dissatisfaction inspires you to make progressive alterations in your circumstances; to reach further than you have previously reached, regardless of obvious risks, to improve the quality of your life and broaden horizons. You gain renewed confidence in the part of you that demands to be unique, progressive, and free. Technological advances become more important to you. A sudden change may occur in your financial situation. [Revised 7/28/24]
[FAGAN: "Successful traveling, release from confinement, escape to prosperity, success with schemes and inventions... Unexpectedly the native makes money by speculation, gambling, football pools... Explorers, excavators, research students... will find their labors crowned with success..."]
JUPITER aspecting Natal NEPTUNE
OBSERVED: Clean start emotionally, maybe financially. Anxiety eased, release from debts or doubts. Things seem much better than they really are. Abundant dreams (might not come true). Religious, philosophical, or ceremonial interests. [Revised 2/9/23]
DETAILS: This signals a fresh start. Emotionally, the slate is wiped clean and anxieties relieved in some key area of concern. We all carry some uncomfortable feelings around with us; and now many of your old demons and bugaboos are dispelled. Peace of mind is restored. This "second chance" may manifest in other areas, too, such as finances and reputation where embarrassing difficulties may be eased. Religious, philosophical, or ceremonial interests are strong now. Finding new security in your personal worldview or belief system, becoming more solid in your opinions, you seem intolerant of intellectual snobs and "know-it- alls" (be careful not to become one). Though plans made now may be premature, faith is strong and your ideals and dreams soar. [Edited 4/24/23]
[Anecdote: After a few weeks of anxiety over our cat's health got some good news (ruling out the worst half of what could be wrong) that relaxed anxiety. t JU -135- r NE.]
[FAGAN: "One's honor and reputation are usually vindicated... those who have been kept out of office, suppressed, or mistrusted come, at last, into their own, and are given an opportunity to prove their worth. For those in captivity, it promises release and a fresh start in life away from the carping criticism of their tormentors... affords a release from debts and immediate pecuniary embarrassments. Not a few at this time find in the religious life a hope, joy, and restoration of their amour-propre hitherto denied them, and conversions are frequent."]
JUPITER aspecting Natal PLUTO
PRINCIPLE: Instills confidence in one's ability to withdraw from compliance to herd expectations and live on one's own terms. Solitude and authenticity needs are met (comfort with isolation).
OBSERVED: Gain from separation or loss. Energies are freed from old entanglements for new applications. Unwanted ties or commitments dissolved. Turning point. Rewards for authenticity or willingness to stand aside from herd expectations.
DETAILS: Gain by separation takes innumerable forms. Most likely, something in your life has been drawing heavily on your time, energy, and psychological and emotional resources, but no longer contributing to you. Whatever this is, you separate from it now, freeing that tremendous investment of energy for other uses. Specific examples range from jobs to relationships, from memberships to opinionated viewpoints. Strained relationships may benefit from a furlough. Inheritance is possible. The actual event does not matter much, as it occurs spontaneously, a natural result of the flow of your life. What does matter is that you recognize the positive energy release and consciously direct it where you want it. [Updated 11/15/22]
[Anecdote: Much needed vacation - a "necessary get away." t JU -90- r PL]
[FAGAN: "To the ill-concealed joy of the native... often frees the native from an unwanted marriage partner or other person who fettered his freedom or who stood in his way of promotion or self-expression. It often brings gain by a death but not necessarily financial... hampering attachments are dissolved... jobs and membership of organizations are often relinquished."]
JUPITER aspecting Natal HAUMEA
(No observations so far.)
JUPITER aspecting Natal ERIS
[Anecdote: I think this was the extensive clearing and reordering of things a few hours before it was exact, something along the lines of "resolving chaos." t JU -45- s ER]
[Anecdote: Perhaps no effect; it was, however, the day my employer published a software tool I wrote that takes a tedious, complex, error-prone task (that we do a lot) and reduces it to a single mouse-click. t JU -135- s ER]
[Anecdote: Jupiter conjoined my Eris 9/1/69, almost the exact day I started high school.]
[Anecdote: Jupiter opposed my Eris three times between 12/1980 and 8/81. These were the early months of my employment as Director of Publications at Astro Computer Services (and thus relocated to San Diego).]
[Anecdote: Jupiter opposed my Eris three times between 11/92 and 7/93. During this time, I undertook the most important concentrated retreat-like work in my spiritual life and concurrently collaborated with an out of state friend to try to conceive a child (we failed).]
PRINCIPLE: Improves the conditions of one's life so that they better meet one's needs. instills confidence. Conditions flourishes, enhancing confidence, self-value, and pride. - Feeling greater necessity to meet one's own ambition needs (needs for superiority, assimilation and growth, achievement, success, recognition, exhibition, and esteem).
OBSERVED: A high point. Progress, especially in profession. At its best: respect, recognition, gain, elevation, advantage, confidence. Advance comes more readily. You feel good about yourself and your accomplishments. Beware arrogance and inflated ego. Generally, the road looks pretty smooth, encouraging your ambitions.
DETAILS: A high point of your life! At its best, this signals esteem, respect, recognition, honor, material gain, elevation, advantage, opportunities, and confidence. Even if less spectacular than that, expect some significant progress, especially in your professional life. You feel good about yourself and what you have accomplished. Even if you haven't reached the final goal at which you are aiming, this is a good time to notice how far you really have come. Beware, however, the arrogance and inflated ego that can arise if you feel under-acknowledged by others. Generally, the road looks pretty smooth for the time being, encouraging your ambitions and desire for achievement. Advance comes more readily now than at other times. Use this period of refreshment to establish quality groundwork for your later efforts.
PRINCIPLE: Improves the conditions of one's life so that they better meet one's needs. instills confidence. Conditions flourishes, enhancing confidence, self-value, and pride. - Feeling greater necessity to meet one's own ambition needs (needs for superiority, assimilation and growth, achievement, success, recognition, exhibition, and esteem).
OBSERVED: Private life-elements are now your chief sources of pleasure and refreshment, especially home and those who share it. New value found in the traditions that form the foundation of your mental, emotional, and spiritual development. Possibly improving your home, making promising investments or growth in family size.
DETAILS: Very personal, private elements in your life are now your chief sources of pleasure and refreshment. This may show especially through your home and those with whom you share it (close friends, family, etc.). Encouragement to go forward and expand yourself more effectively in the world now comes from appreciating the joys and advantages of what you already have. You find value in the history and traditions which form the earliest foundation of your mental, emotional, and spiritual development. Some typical events of this time might be improving or enlarging your home, making promising investments (especially in real estate or items dug from the earth), or growth in the size of your family.
PRINCIPLE: Improves the conditions of one's life so that they better meet one's needs. instills confidence. Conditions flourishes, enhancing confidence, self-value, and pride. - Feeling greater necessity to meet one's own ambition needs (needs for superiority, assimilation and growth, achievement, success, recognition, exhibition, and esteem).
OBSERVED: Feeling especially good about yourself. Advantage from others' good will. Enhanced social image, self-esteem, and opportunities. Self-improvement, refreshment, and recharging. Interests in philosophical, religious, spiritual and/or professional and financial ideas. Beware misplaced superiority and self-righteousness.
DETAILS: This can be a time of feeling especially good about yourself and reaping much advantage from others' increased good will and support. Enhanced social image, increased respect and esteem, opportunities and gifts. Feeling reasonably secure in your present situation, you reach out to improve yourself by some means. Philosophical, religious, and spiritual matters may hold your attention, as can professional and financial ideas. Guard against arrogance and a misplaced sense of superiority or self-righteousness. Avoid trusting an overly-nebulous sense of "luck." This can well be a period of refreshment and recharging to carry you confidently forward for some time to come. [Edited 6/10/12]
PRINCIPLE: Improves the conditions of one's life so that they better meet one's needs. instills confidence. Conditions flourishes, enhancing confidence, self-value, and pride. - Feeling greater necessity to meet one's own ambition needs (needs for superiority, assimilation and growth, achievement, success, recognition, exhibition, and esteem).
OBSERVED: Increased respect. You are gregarious, good-natured, inclined to cooperation. Sound relationships bring pleasure and comfort; while in strained ones, a pause in the conflict is likely. Do not let this lull you into ill-founded security, however. Why not use the current climate to tackle the problems?
DETAILS: Esteem and respect increase from people around you. This includes both those who are close to you, and more casual friends and associates. Your social circle expands. You appear gregarious and good-natured, naturally inclined to conciliation rather than conflict. Sound personal relationships shine at their best, a source of pleasure and comfort to you. In strained relationships, a pause in the conflict is likely for the time being. Do not let this hiatus lull you into ill-founded security that the problems have been resolved, however. They must be directly confronted later if not now; so why not take advantage of the current climate to tackle them?
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19392
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Eris transits
ERIS aspecting Natal SUN
[Anecdote: t Eris op. my natal Sun was in partile orb 1984-1998, with exact aspects early 1988 to 2/1993. All these dates bound significant, easily identifiable periods in my life. The aspect was partile and especially highlighted in the events of 12/9/87.]
ERIS aspecting Natal MOON
(No observations to date.)
ERIS aspecting Natal MERCURY
(No observations to date.)
ERIS aspecting Natal VENUS
[Anecdote: t ERIS was octile my natal Venus-Pluto from 1960 to 1974. This wasn't a period I'd normally associate with my Ve-Pl development since it covered my entire childhood and up until soon after I left home (and immediately before my first wedding). The 22 partile aspects occurred between 5/64 (end of 3rd grade)] and 1/70 (mid-freshman year), not a clearly defined period to my mind. To be more specific, Er-Ve exact aspects occurred 5/64 to 1/69 and Er-Pl transits 5/65-1/70.]
ERIS aspecting Natal MARS
[Anecdote: Exact 0°00' Eris square my Mars. (The whole transit lasts 2013-2027, but I focused on a day it was exact.) The effect is quite simple to describe: There is enormous chaos (what I might have previously called a Mercury day on steroids) that is drawing from me two types of Mars involvement: Either (1) moving very rapidly, very aggressively into challenges, getting strong results fast and under great time pressure for no-warning problems; or (2) having to work not to lose my temper from the pressure, especially in managing situations with insufficient data (often interwoven complexity). This description would have fit any of several events that happened today if they came up alone, but mostly I've been juggling at least three at once. - In short: chaos (knotted data) in the environment engages and draws forth my Mars (in positive, negative, or "who can tell which" ways).]
[Anecdote: on the next exact 0°00' Eris square my Mars, this was almost exactly the same thing within a 24-hour period. A sense of mounting chaos, things seeming to get out of control and multiply rapidly (like a Mercury day on steroids), drawing from me either (1) moving rapidly and aggressively into challenges, charging into the fray under great time pressure for last-minute matters, or (2) having to work not to lose my temper at those causing the chaos, put my foot down, be careful not to throw bricks. The effect is quite consistent.
[Anecdote: Transiting Sun octiled the square of SSR Eris to natal Mars: These were the only transits exact on the day. After a wonderful, pleasant start, my wife broke three bones in one ankle and one bone in the other foot. Not sure if this was the descriptive aspect, but it was the only thing exact on the day.
ERIS aspecting Natal JUPITER
[Anecdote: t Eris co. r Jupiter for the period during which her mother, grandfather, and best friend died (which also involved her in estate details, some change of wealth). Unsure if this was involved, but worth noting to compare to later examples.]
ERIS aspecting Natal SATURN
[Anecdote: LBJ for JFK's assassination / becoming president. t ER -0- r Sa 0°09', but also t Jupiter -0- r Saturn 0°05']
ERIS aspecting Natal URANUS
[Anecdote: A friend's wife for the birth of a son she is adopting. t ER -180- r UR 0°23']
ERIS aspecting Natal NEPTUNE
(No observations to date.)
ERIS aspecting Natal PLUTO
[Anecdote: t ERIS was octile my natal Venus-Pluto from 1960 to 1974. This wasn't a period I'd normally associate with my Ve-Pl development since it covered my entire childhood and up until soon after I left home (and immediately before my first wedding). The 22 partile aspects occurred between 5/64 (end of 3rd grade)] and 1/70 (mid-freshman year), not a clearly defined period to my mind. To be more specific, Er-Ve exact aspects occurred 5/64 to 1/69 and Er-Pl transits 5/65-1/70.]
ERIS aspecting Natal HAUMEA
(No observations so far.)
ERIS aspecting Natal ERIS
[Anecdote: Gave lecture at Venice bookstore and we were taken by surprise by the setup - no separation from the main store, small space, lots of distractions, no podium, just a few chairs to sit and converse. I was atypically thrown, felt I had a hard time getting traction on the talk until about halfway through. Was having bad allergic reactions (skin flaring up), so took a Benadryl soon before starting and this probably contributed to the effect. - My first impression was that this wasn't enough "chaos" to count for the transit, though, on reflection, I realized that I an never thrown giving a talk in almost any circumstances. t ER -0- s ER]
(No observations to date.)
(No observations to date.)
(No observations to date.)
[Anecdote: A friend for birth of son he is adopting. t ERI -90- r MC 0°23']
[Anecdote: t Eris op. my natal Sun was in partile orb 1984-1998, with exact aspects early 1988 to 2/1993. All these dates bound significant, easily identifiable periods in my life. The aspect was partile and especially highlighted in the events of 12/9/87.]
ERIS aspecting Natal MOON
(No observations to date.)
ERIS aspecting Natal MERCURY
(No observations to date.)
ERIS aspecting Natal VENUS
[Anecdote: t ERIS was octile my natal Venus-Pluto from 1960 to 1974. This wasn't a period I'd normally associate with my Ve-Pl development since it covered my entire childhood and up until soon after I left home (and immediately before my first wedding). The 22 partile aspects occurred between 5/64 (end of 3rd grade)] and 1/70 (mid-freshman year), not a clearly defined period to my mind. To be more specific, Er-Ve exact aspects occurred 5/64 to 1/69 and Er-Pl transits 5/65-1/70.]
ERIS aspecting Natal MARS
[Anecdote: Exact 0°00' Eris square my Mars. (The whole transit lasts 2013-2027, but I focused on a day it was exact.) The effect is quite simple to describe: There is enormous chaos (what I might have previously called a Mercury day on steroids) that is drawing from me two types of Mars involvement: Either (1) moving very rapidly, very aggressively into challenges, getting strong results fast and under great time pressure for no-warning problems; or (2) having to work not to lose my temper from the pressure, especially in managing situations with insufficient data (often interwoven complexity). This description would have fit any of several events that happened today if they came up alone, but mostly I've been juggling at least three at once. - In short: chaos (knotted data) in the environment engages and draws forth my Mars (in positive, negative, or "who can tell which" ways).]
[Anecdote: on the next exact 0°00' Eris square my Mars, this was almost exactly the same thing within a 24-hour period. A sense of mounting chaos, things seeming to get out of control and multiply rapidly (like a Mercury day on steroids), drawing from me either (1) moving rapidly and aggressively into challenges, charging into the fray under great time pressure for last-minute matters, or (2) having to work not to lose my temper at those causing the chaos, put my foot down, be careful not to throw bricks. The effect is quite consistent.
[Anecdote: Transiting Sun octiled the square of SSR Eris to natal Mars: These were the only transits exact on the day. After a wonderful, pleasant start, my wife broke three bones in one ankle and one bone in the other foot. Not sure if this was the descriptive aspect, but it was the only thing exact on the day.
ERIS aspecting Natal JUPITER
[Anecdote: t Eris co. r Jupiter for the period during which her mother, grandfather, and best friend died (which also involved her in estate details, some change of wealth). Unsure if this was involved, but worth noting to compare to later examples.]
ERIS aspecting Natal SATURN
[Anecdote: LBJ for JFK's assassination / becoming president. t ER -0- r Sa 0°09', but also t Jupiter -0- r Saturn 0°05']
ERIS aspecting Natal URANUS
[Anecdote: A friend's wife for the birth of a son she is adopting. t ER -180- r UR 0°23']
ERIS aspecting Natal NEPTUNE
(No observations to date.)
ERIS aspecting Natal PLUTO
[Anecdote: t ERIS was octile my natal Venus-Pluto from 1960 to 1974. This wasn't a period I'd normally associate with my Ve-Pl development since it covered my entire childhood and up until soon after I left home (and immediately before my first wedding). The 22 partile aspects occurred between 5/64 (end of 3rd grade)] and 1/70 (mid-freshman year), not a clearly defined period to my mind. To be more specific, Er-Ve exact aspects occurred 5/64 to 1/69 and Er-Pl transits 5/65-1/70.]
ERIS aspecting Natal HAUMEA
(No observations so far.)
ERIS aspecting Natal ERIS
[Anecdote: Gave lecture at Venice bookstore and we were taken by surprise by the setup - no separation from the main store, small space, lots of distractions, no podium, just a few chairs to sit and converse. I was atypically thrown, felt I had a hard time getting traction on the talk until about halfway through. Was having bad allergic reactions (skin flaring up), so took a Benadryl soon before starting and this probably contributed to the effect. - My first impression was that this wasn't enough "chaos" to count for the transit, though, on reflection, I realized that I an never thrown giving a talk in almost any circumstances. t ER -0- s ER]
(No observations to date.)
(No observations to date.)
(No observations to date.)
[Anecdote: A friend for birth of son he is adopting. t ERI -90- r MC 0°23']
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19392
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Haumea transits
HAUMEA aspecting Natal SUN
[Anecdotes" Haumea's exact conjunctions with my Sun occurred in Dec 2009, Feb & Sep '10, Apr & Sep '11, and a near-touch in Jul 2012. Most areas of my life were stable and already established - well settled into my new job several years, engaged to Marion, Solunars and the Order on solid footing, our deep-dive into our wine adventure (with training, credentials, travel) - but these years were marked by an extremely prolific outpouring of books including Visions & Voices written in 2010 and released in 2011, the vastly revised and deluxe-published 776 1/2 in 2010, and Pearls of Wisdom written in 2012 and released in '13. I think the mix of stable romantic happiness, extremely prolific creation mark the period and specific times. All sound very much like Taurus themes.]
HAUMEA aspecting Natal MOON
[Anecdotes: Haumea opposed my Moon exactly in October 1983, January and October '84, August '85, and July '86, being in close orb all the intervening time. I had come back to LA from San Diego at the start of '83 and was trying my hand at my first independent business (which failed), working miscellaneous jobs that eventually stepped up to my next career. It was an accelerating period in O.T.O. politics, including being chartered for an LA lodge, building it strongly, becoming elected to the international governing body, being asked to stand for world head (and thankfully losing), and continuing through finalizing my karma with the organization by seeing it restored to its traditional constitution. All of this was precedent to the very significant events - affecting many areas of life - that began in 1987.][/size]
HAUMEA aspecting Natal MERCURY
(No observations to date.)
HAUMEA aspecting Natal VENUS
(No observations to date.)
HAUMEA aspecting Natal MARS
[Anecdotes: Haumea nearly reached square to my Mars in Feb 2016, then made exact aspects in Nov 2016, Apr & Oct 2017, June '18, and Jul '19. I can't separate these times from the Trump era, beginning with my passionate support for Hillary Clinton and the future she implied in 2016 and my uninterrupted ferocity at the travesty of Trump in the other years. Perhaps other examples will make the particular target clearer, but mixing ideas of passion with my own Mars feelings and behavior is quite clear for the whole period. - At work, we were just coming off a remodeling project, my much-loved office administrator retired and things were then in flux and reinvention for a while (only feel unstable for a short while). - Our marriage occurred in this time but not that close to any exact hits.]
HAUMEA aspecting Natal JUPITER
[Anecdotes: Haumea exactly squared my Jupiter-Uranus in Dec 2020, March and Oct-Nov '21, May & Sep '22. This was all during the Covid-19 era, including the month Marion and I first contracted it (12/20) through the time I let my team back to the office a year ahead of everyone else to take on major projects and generally settle back into the new world. - There was a "here is the new world" feel that fits these planets, but I doubt that was unique to me. Besides changing the broader work environment and somewhat enhancing my status, I'm not sure what should characterize this time that would be different from most other people. Omne of these dates was our first trip to Memphis; another was our trip to Chicago, which I enjoyed but was a bigger deal for Marion.]
HAUMEA aspecting Natal SATURN
(No observations to date.)
HAUMEA aspecting Natal URANUS
[Anecdotes: Haumea exactly squared my Jupiter-Uranus in Dec 2020, March and Oct-Nov '21, May & Sep '22. This was all during the Covid-19 era, including the month Marion and I first contracted it (12/20) through the time I let my team back to the office a year ahead of everyone else to take on major projects and generally settle back into the new world. - There was a "here is the new world" feel that fits these planets, but I doubt that was unique to me. Besides changing the broader work environment and somewhat enhancing my status, I'm not sure what should characterize this time that would be different from most other people. Omne of these dates was our first trip to Memphis; another was our trip to Chicago, which I enjoyed but was a bigger deal for Marion.]
HAUMEA aspecting Natal NEPTUNE
[Anecdote: Haumea conjoined my Neptune exactly in Dec 2018, Mar & Oct '19, and May & Sep '20. I laugh as I start to write that this was a vague and hard to bound or describe period (Neptune!). There continued to be involvement in the Trump resistance and strong support for his defeat (and the candidates who brought it about) in '20. May 2020 is memorable for our feeling antsy and taking to the road two months into the Covid-19 crisis to head to the splendor of Big Sur (abandoned from lock-down). We also made positive use of the time by creating online gatherings to give people a sense of connection built around wine events and reached the peak of our wine business, Senior Director (not sure if that's connected or not).]
HAUMEA aspecting Natal PLUTO
(No observations to date.)
HAUMEA aspecting Natal HAUMEA
(No observations to date.)
HAUMEA aspecting Natal ERIS
[Anecdote: Haumea exactly opposed my Eris Nov 2001, Mar & Sep '02, and May & Aug '03. The period began when the company I worked for folded (tech bubble burst), I was mostly unemployed during this time, and - perhaps most importantly - I went back to school for the first time in 25 years to get certifications (to do what I'd been doing for years but couldn't prove). This led to my getting part-time work for a nonprofit in the homelessness sector and then - in 8/03, the last exact pass - starting in seriously in my new IT career at Warner Music Group.]
(No observations to date.)
(No observations to date.)
[Anecdotes: Haumea was in partile conjunction with my Asc and EP in late 1987 (!) then exactly crossed them in Oct-Nov 1988, Jan-Feb and Sep-Oct '89, Apr & Jul-Aug '90, with a near touch in June '91. This was the extraordinarily strong period of years of building and starting Temple of Thelema and my law practice, breakthrough strides in my personal spiritual work (much of my very long 2=9 period, then 3=8 in early '90), nearly the entire time of my active role in F.L.O., my trip to Australia and New Zealand. It was fully the eruption and fulfillment of everything seeded in the slightly earlier Haumea-Moon transit and marked a distinctive period that, in several ways, was concluded near the end of '91 with new conditions beginning in '92.]
(No observations to date.)
[Anecdotes" Haumea's exact conjunctions with my Sun occurred in Dec 2009, Feb & Sep '10, Apr & Sep '11, and a near-touch in Jul 2012. Most areas of my life were stable and already established - well settled into my new job several years, engaged to Marion, Solunars and the Order on solid footing, our deep-dive into our wine adventure (with training, credentials, travel) - but these years were marked by an extremely prolific outpouring of books including Visions & Voices written in 2010 and released in 2011, the vastly revised and deluxe-published 776 1/2 in 2010, and Pearls of Wisdom written in 2012 and released in '13. I think the mix of stable romantic happiness, extremely prolific creation mark the period and specific times. All sound very much like Taurus themes.]
HAUMEA aspecting Natal MOON
[Anecdotes: Haumea opposed my Moon exactly in October 1983, January and October '84, August '85, and July '86, being in close orb all the intervening time. I had come back to LA from San Diego at the start of '83 and was trying my hand at my first independent business (which failed), working miscellaneous jobs that eventually stepped up to my next career. It was an accelerating period in O.T.O. politics, including being chartered for an LA lodge, building it strongly, becoming elected to the international governing body, being asked to stand for world head (and thankfully losing), and continuing through finalizing my karma with the organization by seeing it restored to its traditional constitution. All of this was precedent to the very significant events - affecting many areas of life - that began in 1987.][/size]
HAUMEA aspecting Natal MERCURY
(No observations to date.)
HAUMEA aspecting Natal VENUS
(No observations to date.)
HAUMEA aspecting Natal MARS
[Anecdotes: Haumea nearly reached square to my Mars in Feb 2016, then made exact aspects in Nov 2016, Apr & Oct 2017, June '18, and Jul '19. I can't separate these times from the Trump era, beginning with my passionate support for Hillary Clinton and the future she implied in 2016 and my uninterrupted ferocity at the travesty of Trump in the other years. Perhaps other examples will make the particular target clearer, but mixing ideas of passion with my own Mars feelings and behavior is quite clear for the whole period. - At work, we were just coming off a remodeling project, my much-loved office administrator retired and things were then in flux and reinvention for a while (only feel unstable for a short while). - Our marriage occurred in this time but not that close to any exact hits.]
HAUMEA aspecting Natal JUPITER
[Anecdotes: Haumea exactly squared my Jupiter-Uranus in Dec 2020, March and Oct-Nov '21, May & Sep '22. This was all during the Covid-19 era, including the month Marion and I first contracted it (12/20) through the time I let my team back to the office a year ahead of everyone else to take on major projects and generally settle back into the new world. - There was a "here is the new world" feel that fits these planets, but I doubt that was unique to me. Besides changing the broader work environment and somewhat enhancing my status, I'm not sure what should characterize this time that would be different from most other people. Omne of these dates was our first trip to Memphis; another was our trip to Chicago, which I enjoyed but was a bigger deal for Marion.]
HAUMEA aspecting Natal SATURN
(No observations to date.)
HAUMEA aspecting Natal URANUS
[Anecdotes: Haumea exactly squared my Jupiter-Uranus in Dec 2020, March and Oct-Nov '21, May & Sep '22. This was all during the Covid-19 era, including the month Marion and I first contracted it (12/20) through the time I let my team back to the office a year ahead of everyone else to take on major projects and generally settle back into the new world. - There was a "here is the new world" feel that fits these planets, but I doubt that was unique to me. Besides changing the broader work environment and somewhat enhancing my status, I'm not sure what should characterize this time that would be different from most other people. Omne of these dates was our first trip to Memphis; another was our trip to Chicago, which I enjoyed but was a bigger deal for Marion.]
HAUMEA aspecting Natal NEPTUNE
[Anecdote: Haumea conjoined my Neptune exactly in Dec 2018, Mar & Oct '19, and May & Sep '20. I laugh as I start to write that this was a vague and hard to bound or describe period (Neptune!). There continued to be involvement in the Trump resistance and strong support for his defeat (and the candidates who brought it about) in '20. May 2020 is memorable for our feeling antsy and taking to the road two months into the Covid-19 crisis to head to the splendor of Big Sur (abandoned from lock-down). We also made positive use of the time by creating online gatherings to give people a sense of connection built around wine events and reached the peak of our wine business, Senior Director (not sure if that's connected or not).]
HAUMEA aspecting Natal PLUTO
(No observations to date.)
HAUMEA aspecting Natal HAUMEA
(No observations to date.)
HAUMEA aspecting Natal ERIS
[Anecdote: Haumea exactly opposed my Eris Nov 2001, Mar & Sep '02, and May & Aug '03. The period began when the company I worked for folded (tech bubble burst), I was mostly unemployed during this time, and - perhaps most importantly - I went back to school for the first time in 25 years to get certifications (to do what I'd been doing for years but couldn't prove). This led to my getting part-time work for a nonprofit in the homelessness sector and then - in 8/03, the last exact pass - starting in seriously in my new IT career at Warner Music Group.]
(No observations to date.)
(No observations to date.)
[Anecdotes: Haumea was in partile conjunction with my Asc and EP in late 1987 (!) then exactly crossed them in Oct-Nov 1988, Jan-Feb and Sep-Oct '89, Apr & Jul-Aug '90, with a near touch in June '91. This was the extraordinarily strong period of years of building and starting Temple of Thelema and my law practice, breakthrough strides in my personal spiritual work (much of my very long 2=9 period, then 3=8 in early '90), nearly the entire time of my active role in F.L.O., my trip to Australia and New Zealand. It was fully the eruption and fulfillment of everything seeded in the slightly earlier Haumea-Moon transit and marked a distinctive period that, in several ways, was concluded near the end of '91 with new conditions beginning in '92.]
(No observations to date.)
Jim Eshelman