Uprooting from hometown.

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Uprooting from hometown.

Post by lexi2828 »

Me - 12/28/2000 7:18 AM / birthplace: Charleston, South Carolina (currently residing before moving next month)

Husband - 09/19/1995 7:08 AM / birthplace: Red Lion, York County, Pennsylvania (currently residing in Charleston, SC before moving)

Me, my husband and our newborn are moving to Orange, Texas temporarily with his side of the family with the goal of getting our finances straight/paying off debt and then hopefully move back to my hometown (where we are currently leaving from)

This Texas move is supposedly taking place in a few weeks, around Mid-December. Anywhere around or after the 19th. I’m not fond of this plan to move, although it is inevitable and I am desperate to know how will this go for us.
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Re: Uprooting from hometown.

Post by Jim Eshelman »

First, Charleston is interesting because both of you have Sun rising there, yours 1°36' below Ascendant, his 0°20' below, giving you both the chance to express your identity there; but he also has Saturn about 5° from Descendant so there will always be a sense of burden and difficulty for him there. (Not as much as if he were exactly on the Saturn line further west, up the middle of Alabama.)

For Orange, TX, your Sun-Mercury rotates to a different angle - they're both on EP (quite closely). This is quite good by itself, giving you such traits as ego-strength, ability to stand in the limelight as a distinguished "particular somebody," plus practical life skills. His chart is decisively better for Orange, with Saturn (still foreground) pulled farther away from the angle and Jupiter about 4° from IC. He should be able to prosper there if he relies on working hard and blends prudence with luck (Jupiter and Saturn both foreground with Jupiter much stronger).

Your birthday is coming up, of course. Your new solar return for Orange shows a positive year with Venus within a degree of Ascendant and square Uranus. This occurs December 28 at 10:04 AM CST: Wherever you are at that minute will imprint the whole of your year. (Moon aspects both Jupiter and Saturn, which are in aspect late December, reiterating the theme of gain through labor.) - If you want to enhance the sense of happiness even more, you can take a short trip to somewhere exactly on the Venus rising line, which is the green line in the picture below.
Venus rising.png
I think you will not be happy there for long, so anything you can do to add to happiness and prosperity (such as travelling a few hours for your birthday) is recommended. When you relocate - specifically, when you change geographic latitude - you can acquire new location-specific aspects called parans that describe you and your experiences at that latitude. For Orange, you have the following parans, which I take to be toxic, emotionally rough, perhaps affecting your health. (Were it not for Jupiter being the most angular natal planet, I'd suggest not going; but I'm estimating that, for a short while, this will be tolerable at worst and meeting your financial goals at best. Here are your parans for Orange:

Jupiter-Uranus sq 0°45'
Mars-Neptune square 0°15'
Moon-Saturn square 0°17''

You already have the Mars-Neptune as an ecliptical aspect, but this paran makes it stronger.

Your husband also acquires location-specific parans in Orange:

Moon-Uranus opposition 0°02'
Moon-Mars square 0°43'
Jupiter-Pluto conjunction 0°49'

These are less clear to me. The Moon-Mars certainly suggests proneness to infection etc. and irritability ("inflammation" in whatever form). The others are mixed, though. Moon-Uranus means a lot of change, stimulated curiosities, etc. Jupiter-Pluto means dramatic shifts in economic and prestige well-being (theoretically this could be either good or bad, though it's usually good; and his local Jupiter biases it toward good). Again, I think it might be sound for a few months, not as a permanent relocation; and he should be mindful of the inflammatory tendencies.
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Re: Uprooting from hometown.

Post by lexi2828 »

Thanks Jim!
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Re: Uprooting from hometown.

Post by lexi2828 »

Hey Jim, you predicted proneness to infection for my husband and he caught a respiratory chest infection recently and passed it to us. But we’re all feeling better now. Other things you have said came true since moving here, that I don’t feel comfortable discussing on the forum. I am
Inboxing you the other details but I also had a few questions along with it, hope to chat soon!
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Re: Uprooting from hometown.

Post by Jim Eshelman »

I'll take a look when I get time. I try not to handle things off-public (since this is an educational forum) but I entirely understand this is sometimes needed.

I'm sorry you were all feeling bad and glad to hear that you're better now :)
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Re: Uprooting from hometown.

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Lexi, I read the other and I can answer you here discreetly.

As I tried to make clear above (but in a supportive, encouraging way) is that the Texas location was never going to be ideal for you, but perhaps would be a temporary stop-over to meet your short-term recovery needs.

Charleston is pretty good for you and, as mentioned above, will always be some sort of burden for your mate.

Ignoring the western third of the U.S. for the moment (you haven't seemed inclined to go that far), your strongest areas are your Sun lines. One Sun line goes right through the area you're in (but has other difficulties already discussed). The other cuts right across the North Carolina coast. You'd be stronger at the coast than inland, though you still get some of that self-directing, self-actualizing Sun inland a bit.

Your partner has Sun rising closer to Charlotte than the coast. It's really cool that you both can have broadly similar self-expression in roughly the same area - his being strongest inland (more the longitude of Greensboro than Charlotte, but they're close) and you having it strongest right at the coast. But he also has more Saturn the farther inland he goes - always some sense of burden and hard conditions. He gets away from that as he inches east.

He also has Jupiter lines through Texas. Not quite where you are now, so I don't know if that will m meet your circumstances. For example (in case anything comes up), he has Jupiter on IC at the longitude of Austin (due north-south of Austin). He has another Jupiter line on the diagonal from east of Laredo to Abilene. Again, if something comes up that would motivate moving farther west for your time in Texas, perhaps this can be encouraging.

You still have a strong Moon-Jupiter direction carrying through the rest of this year which seems to signal your prosperity and your family's well-being. There are struggles (Pluto transiting your Mars all year often strains in the sense of overwork or stress). Your partner has a Sun-Uranus progression building over the next two years, so he'll be increasingly ready to make bold, unexpected moves and perhaps head in a now-unexpected direction that opens him up (especially by next year) - so you probably don't know all the conditions yet that will shape the next few years of your life. He currently has Neptune crossing his angles so he's going to seem a bit lost - at his best, he won't have all his best psychological resources that you're used to him having. This will turn around in another year.

So all that looks like this year will be hard - it's the "dig in" year you thought it would be. (BTW were you able to take the short trip I recommended for your birthday? I'm guessing not.) This year seems rough - and next year (or late this year), things start opening up and going your way.

Over the next few months (peaking around the first of May), you approach one of the most important developmental stages in adult life, your Saturn return. That is, Saturn finishes one complete orbit since you were born. This is a "coming of age" period. Most people at least some hardship in it, though not always everything is hard. About seven years ago, you made decisions about what your autonomous adult like would look like, but you weren't yet really an adult: They were a "first draft." The definitions, structures, and mental framing you put in placer then may have seemed to have a lot of room for you to grow, but you've grown enough that they now will feel restrictive, constrictive, suffocating. You need to confront those things and make new decisions big enough to support your growth for the next seven-to-thirty years. Many people go through a reversal in life priorities at this stage and the few years after: If they made choices to be more free-spirited and exploring at 18-21, now they feel they need to "settle down" and build more safety. If they made safe choices that seemed conscientious and responsible, they tend now to feel they need to break out of those boundaries. In any case, you're right in the middle of all of this coming to a head so you can witness it more carefully as you pass through it.
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Re: Uprooting from hometown.

Post by lexi2828 »

Thanks Jim!
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Re: Uprooting from hometown.

Post by lexi2828 »

So we’re contemplating moving back to Charleston from Orange in late April or anytime in May. But I realized in me and our daughter’s April lunar returns Pluto/Mars opposition is transiting the 9th house along with other aspects I felt wary about. Is this a time to avoid long distance travel? And if so when do you recommend a safe time this year to leave or see us actually see us leaving. I do prefer to move back before June, but if long distance travel isn’t favorable before that I don’t mind a later date.

Also is transit Mars conjunct my daughter’s natal Mars in 8th house something to worry about in late April? 11/7/2024 8:31 AM Charleston SC
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Re: Uprooting from hometown.

Post by Jim Eshelman »

lexi2828 wrote: Sun Mar 02, 2025 8:07 am ...in me and our daughter’s April lunar returns Pluto/Mars opposition is transiting the 9th house along with other aspects I felt wary about. Is this a time to avoid long distance travel?
Ignore houses in solar and lunar returns. What's important about the "house" position of the Mars-Pluto opposition in your April 21 lunar return is that it's away from the angles, close to a cadent cusp, and therefore of no real importance.

The strongest transiting planet in that chart is Uranus 4°30' from Ascendant, indicating a change (such as a move). The strongest natal planet is your Jupiter 1°21' from Ascendant, which is quite good, although natal Saturn is also angular (3°31'): Jupiter outranks Saturn, so it's more good than bad, but I'm sure you won't be surprised at Saturn themes like labor, delays, a thousand practical things that need managing, etc. Transiting Uranus conjoins your Saturn very closely, breaking up existing fixed conditions - again, likely showing the move itself (and perhaps some resistance or foot-dragging as it all happens). The closest aspect of planets near the angles is transiting Mars opposite natal Jupiter (0°07' mundanely, but also close ecliptically) which usually just means it's an expensive time but also adds a lot of enthusiasm.
And if so when do you recommend a safe time this year to leave or see us actually see us leaving. I do prefer to move back before June, but if long distance travel isn’t favorable before that I don’t mind a later date.
This lunar is pretty good for that as mentioned. I'll have to spend some time to take a more serious look.
Also is transit Mars conjunct my daughter’s natal Mars in 8th house something to worry about in late April? 11/7/2024 8:31 AM Charleston SC
Mars has made this aspect to every one of our charts every year and a half of our lives (and made oppositions and squares in between). There is nothing serious (in the sense of deadly or deeply worrisome) just from this transit. Mars conjunct Mars by transit usually is a time of expending great energy (which, at her age, more likely means crying rather than carrying boxes <g>). If other chart factors pile on, it could be a time with a few more cuts and bruises, or a time of anger or upset if that's how she's actually feeling about things. Mostly it's just a lot of energy expended, maybe some fussing and fuming.

Of course, it never hurts to take extra care when you know a "more cuts and bruises" aspect is coming along.

Her April 20 lunar return has the Mars conjunction with her Mars very weakly placed. The strongest factor is natal Mercury 1°15' from Descendant, enhancing her curiosity and need for heightened mental and communication activity. (In other words, her information needs are enhanced for a couple of weeks.) She has plenty of Uranus, too. If she were a little older, I'd think she might really be stimulated by exposure to new or interesting things.
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Re: Uprooting from hometown.

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Looking at your chart for that general period, I'm a little concerned about the time right around May 1. Transiting Mars opposes your Neptune and, soon after, your Moon. Emotions are easier to get out of hand, maybe we feel a little more persecuted or sensitive to what people say or do - we simply aren't at our stable best. This occurs with your ongoing Pluto transit square your Mars, which is active most of the year. I'd move past that, no earlier than the 8th - in fact, on May 8, Sun squares your Uranus, a great day for a move. I'm not sure how long the drive takes, but between the 9th and 13th, Venus aspects your Ascendant, then Sun, then Mercury, and Sun squares your Venus, which might be a great "welcome home" present from the heavens. Around the 15th-16th, Sun conjoins your Saturn: I usually experience this as body dragging, too tired, everything being just a little bit harder (which makes sense with this timetable, too). Those might be useful timing for you.

Your May 3 demi-lunar goes along with the idea of using the first half of May (but probably not until the 8th). Your Jupiter and Pluto are both really strong in Charlotte - good for a return and new start. (And you have a bit of Uranus, as discussed before.)

Your May 18 lunar return for Charleston is anxiety producing. It won't be a particularly pleasant two weeks following, since Saturn and Neptune are conjoined on angles. While things up until this time show a lot of movement, change, shaking loose old conditions, etc. - suggesting the move - the May 18 chart is probably one of your less pleasant of the year. The main suggestion is to plan as best you can, think of contingencies, plan for a couple of things falling through the cracks or going wrong, make sure your medical coverage is solid (that's an extreme, but it's good to be prepared). Your daughter's lunar return has the same planets angular, so these matters affect her.

I understand that you may want to second-guess the timing to avoid this. Your daughter's May lunar has her Jupiter on Midheaven, plus Jupiter opposite her Venus, in Orange - a much better chart. I can easily argue she should still be in Orange for May 17. Your May 18 lunar also has Jupiter stronger than anything else, and is a much better chart than for SC. If you want to consider a later travel period, let me know and we can look at it.
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Re: Uprooting from hometown.

Post by lexi2828 »

One of the reasons for us planning to leave in May is the esthetic’s 𝘱𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘭 exam (which expires after June 3rd) which is currently booked for May 12th, which happens to take place in Columbia, SC. (2 hrs from Charleston) The only other days available to reschedule in May as of now would be the 6, 7, 13, 14, 19, 20, 21, 27, 28 & then on June 3rd there’s an opening as well.

I have up until March 2026 to complete the 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘰𝘳𝘺 exam (which takes place in Charleston) so i’m not quite in a rush to complete that one, but it would be nice to get that out the way upon the same time of completing the 𝘱𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘭, if possible. (although I don’t have the scheduling dates for the 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘰𝘳𝘺, there’s usually always going to be an opening within the month)

And of course, the other reason being that Texas was only suppose to be a temporary stop over for us to get back on our feet (& spend time with my in-laws who we haven’t seen in years) We just thought (since we ultimately want to be in Charleston) was to aim the move around the time of my exam(s) so we could minimize amount of trips back and forth with our little one. Now that you mention our May lunar returns, we wouldn’t necessarily mind staying only a bit longer in Orange if it wasn’t for the other ‘obligations’ at hand.

As you know by my recent post, although I have a ‘love’ esthetics, it isn't 100% fulfilling for me as I desire to be in a more meaningful career. But I would like to knock those exams out & have it as a backup option since I’ve came this far with it. But if this move is absolutely 100% not recommended within this timeframe I’m wondering if I should just completely put esthetics behind me.

Also, we just started looking into Charlotte. If we do decide to relocate there, it would be probably be a few years, but it’s definitely in consideration now.
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Re: Uprooting from hometown.

Post by lexi2828 »

If we were to leave around May 8-13th, is there a suitable date for test taking and is there aspects contributing to me gaining licensure within that month?
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