JAE SLRs and Demi-SLRs 2024-25

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JAE SLRs and Demi-SLRs 2024-25

Post by Jim Eshelman »

It's time to start gathering the data on the new year that begins in two and a half months. (Today is the start of "mop-up" for me, a reminder that the current SSR will be picking up speed heading for the finish line.) At present, I expect to have my 2024 SSR in Roggen, Colorado (and will edit this post if that changes). LATER 10/12/24: The final location is 40N10'01" 104W25'01". Everything below is corrected for that. The chart illustration is below.

The return occurs October 10, 2024, 2:53:18 AM MDT

VENUS = 14
Benefic = 17, Malefic = 0
Change = 9
Dignity = 0, Indignity = 0, Spotlight = 0

r Venus on N -0°01'
t Venus on IC +0°00'

t Uranus on Z +0°18'

r Pluto on Asc +3°45'
r Mercury on IC +9°32'

r Venus-Pluto sq 0°13'
t Uranus op r Venus 0°19'
t Uranus sq r Pluto 0°32'

t Mars sq r Pluto 0°15' p
t Venus-Mars sq 1°47' p

r Jupiter-Neptune sq 0°05' M
t Pluto op r Uranus 0°08' M
t Mercury-Mars sq 0°24'
r Uranus-Neptune sq 0°29' M
t Pluto op r Jupiter 0°33' M
t Pluto sq r Neptune 0°37' M

Though I don't think it's likely significant, the Vertex is 22°49' Sagittarius, placing natal Sun 0°21' from Northpoint.

Last year's projects were studying the extent to which demi-lunars nest within the SLR as true sub-sets (they don't: they are completely independent charts that, however, act concurrently) and the proportionate importance of two locations when one travels (or returns home) during the term of a return (both remain valid: it does seem that the original location has some priority, perhaps 50% stronger, though both are operative).

For the 2024-25 year, my main SLR project should be confirming or disproving the value of PVP aspects in lunar returns.

JAE SSR 2024.png

PSSR Mercury-Eris op 1/24/25
PSSR Moon sq r Sun 1/30/25
PSSR Mercury enters LIBRA 2/6/25
PSSR Moon-Sun sq 2/8/25
SQ Mercury-Eris op 2/20/25
SQ Moon sq r Sun 2/28/25
SQ Mercury enters LIBRA 3/8/25
SQ Moon-Sun sq 3/11/25
PSSR Moon op s Mars 3/16/25
PSSR Moon-Mars op 3/22/25
SQ Moon op s Mars 4/25/25
SQ Moon-Mars op 5/3/25
PSSR Moon op r Mars 6/21/25
PSSR Moon sq s Mercury 6/30/25
PSSR Moon-Eris sq 7/13/25
PSSR Moon enter CAPRICORN 7/14/25
PSSR Moon-Mercury sq 8/5/25
SQ Moon co r Mars 8/24/25
SQ Moon sq s Mercury 9/4/25
SQ Moon-Eris sq 9/21/25
SQ Moon enter CAPRICORN 9/23/25
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Demi-SLR 3/13/25

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Mar 13, 2025, 9:01:57 PM PDT, home
MARS = 9
Malefic = 12, Benefic = 5
Dignity = 8, Indignity = 5
Spotlight = 5, Change = 3
NAT = 21, Trans = 4

Impressions: A harsh chart from transiting Mars near MC exactly square my Sun. This may just be hyper-busy (like the last few weeks with this transit). More broadly, it is likely the climax of the weeks of transiting Mars and SQ/PSSR Moon converging on each other and my natal Sun. The chart is worrisome also because of the deep background aspects: It is essentially the day of Saturn's exact transiting conjunction to my Moon; Sun joins Saturn to intensify this; the combination, thus, also includes a partile Full Moon (a lunar eclipse!), which is usually climactic; and they fall in the remote background where, classically, such aspects signify a health threat. With this configuration and a foreground Mars exactly aspecting my Sun, classic solunar interpretation would indeed suggest a health threat (perhaps cardiac, though my heart 'numbers' are all excellent at the moment). - All the rest of the negativity comes from me (natal planets). - Nonetheless, the malefic-benefic balance is a mix, and dignity slightly outweighs indignity. - I was considering flying to Salt Lake City to lighten the load on this one, but that's not possible now. - If I were to interpret this return as a natal chart, it would describe a fiercely driven, surprisingly ingenious workaholic.

25°32' Leo-Aqu - 12th/6th cusp
27°13' Aqu - t Saturn - H6 1°30'
27°24' Leo - t Moon - H12 1°51'
27°24' Aqu - r Moon - H6 2°28'
28°44' Aqu - t Sun - H6 3°16'

r Jupiter MC -6°24'
r Uranus MC -6°10'

r Mars IC -2°04'
r Sun Asc +2°46'
r Neptune EP-a +0°55'
t Mars MC +3°00'

t Mars sq r Sun 0°14' M
r Jupiter-Uranus co 0°14' M
r Uranus-Neptune sq 0°32' M
r Jupiter-Neptune sq 0°47' M

r Mars-Neptune sq 2°25'

PVP Aspects
t Uranus sq r Neptune 0°09'
t Uranus sq r Sun 1°17'

Other Partile Aspects
t Saturn co r Moon 0°11'
t Mercury-Venus co 0°43'
t Sun co r Moon 0°48'

Benefic = 20, Malefic = 12
Change = 11
Indignity = 5, Dignity = 2, Spotlight = 4

Expanded notes: This chart has unusually intense involvement of trans-Pluto planets. Here is a breakdown including the additional factors:

r Jupiter MC -6°24'
r Uranus MC -6°10'
t Haumea Asc 5°08'

r Mars IC -2°04'
t Eris Dsc -1°56'
r Sun Asc +2°46'
r Neptune EP-a +0°55'
t Mars MC +3°00'

t Eris sq r Mars 0°08' M
t Mars sq r Sun 0°14' M
r Jupiter-Uranus co 0°14' M
t Haumea co r Neptune 0°30'
r Uranus-Neptune sq 0°32' M
r Jupiter-Neptune sq 0°47' M

t Haumea sq r Uranus 1°02'
t Haumea sq r Jupiter 1°17' M
t Eris op r Neptune 1°43'
r Mars-Neptune sq 2°25'
t Haumea-Eris op 3°12' M

PVP Aspects
t Uranus sq r Neptune 0°09' p
t Eris sq r Dun 0°26' p
t Uranus sq r Sun 1°17' p
t Uranus-Haumea sq 2°32' p
t Uranus-Eris co 2°57' p

Other Partile Aspects
t Saturn co r Moon 0°11'
t Pluto-Haumea sq 0°22'
t Mercury co r Eris 0°23'
t Mercury-Venus co 0°43'
t Sun co r Moon 0°48'
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SLR 3/28/25

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Mar 28, 2025, 1:31:32 AM PDT, home
Dignity = 6, Indignity = 3
Spotlight = 6
Benefic = 5, Malefic = 2, Change = 0

Impressions: [There's a lot of romance in this chart! Drop out the Class 3 Mercury angularity and aspects, and it gets even more romancey.]

t Mercury N -2°42'
t Neptune N -1°16'
t Venus N -0°46'
r Sun MC -0°47'

t Venus-Neptune co 0°30'
t Mercury-Neptune co 1°05' M
t Mercury-Venus co 1°56'

Other Partile Aspects
r Jupiter-Uranus 0°03' M
t Moon-Venus co 0°36' M
t Uranus sq r Pluto 0°36' M

Benefic = 22, Malefic = 2
Dignity = 6, Indignity = 3
Change = 9, Spotlight = 6
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Demi-SLR 4/10/25

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Apr 10, 2025, 3:08:33 AM PDT, home
Change = 15
Benefic = 14, Malefic = 5
Dignity = 3, Indignity = 1, Spotlight = 0

Impressions: @

r Saturn Z -2°46'
r Venus MC -0°52'
t Pluto Asc 0°29'
t Uranus IC -0°19'

t Mars Dsc +5°25'
r Uranus Dsc +5°58'
r Jupiter Dsc +6°2'

r Mars Asc +7°23'

r Jupiter-Uranus 0°05' M
t Uranus-Pluto sq 0°10' M
t Pluto sq r Venus 0°23' M

t Mars op r Uranus 0°32' M
t Uranus op r Venus 0°33' M
t Mars co r Jupiter 0°37' M

r Mars-Jupiter op 1°21' M
r Mars-Uranus op 1°26'
t Mars op r Mars 1°58' M

Other Partile Aspects
t Mercury-Saturn co 0°03' M
t Mars sq r Neptune 0°30'
t Venus-Saturn co 0°50'
r Mercury-Saturn co 0°52' M
t Venus co r Moon 0°59'

Benefic = 31, Malefic = 5
Change = 24
Dignity = 2, Indignity = 1, Spotlight = 0
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SLR 4/24/25

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Apr 24, 2025, 12:06:04 PM PDT, home
MARS = 10
Malefic = 12, Benefic = 5
Change = 9
Spotlight = 5, Dignity = 3, Indignity = 3

Impressions: [This looks pretty explosive, and perhaps financially hurtful - but complex. And I don't like the closest non-foreground planet. This one might need to go on the road. -- If you drop out Class 3 angularities, that only removes natal Sun and its positive aspects. RELOCATE this one somewhere. -- We'll likely go to Memphis for a few days to duplicate Uranus to natal Venus of my SSR.]

For LA, t Haumea is 0°45' from Nadir and opposite t Sun; but I probably won't have this because I'll be in Memphis.

t Sun Z -2°00'
r Neptune IC -4°13'
r Mars WP -1°01'
t Pluto Dsc +0°35'
t Mars Asc +0°58'

r Jupiter Asc +4°11'
r Uranus Asc +4°37'
r Sun IC +5°40'

t Mars-Pluto 0°23' M
-- t Sun-Pluto 1°03'
-- t Sun-Mars sq 2°02'
r Jupiter-Uranus co 0°17'
-- r Sun-Jupiter sq 1°29' M
-- r Sun-Uranus sq 1°03' M
r Uranus-Neptune sq 2°00'
-- r Jupiter-Neptune sq 2°16'
-- r Mars-Neptune sq 2°25'
t Mars co r Jupiter 3°13' M
-- t Mars co r Uranus 3°39' M
-- t Pluto op r Jupiter 3°36' M

Other Partile Aspects
t Venus-Saturn co 0°04'
r Mercury-Saturn co 0°25' M

Benefic = 22, Malefic = 12
Change = 18
Dignity = 8, Indignity = 3
Spotlight = 5

In Memphis:
Change = 8
Benefic = 7, Malefic = 0
Dignity = 0, Indignity = 0, Spotlight = 0

r Venus N -0°33'
----------------------- [rVe/tUr = Asc 0°27']
r Pluto Asc +2°16'
t Uranus Z +1°27'
r Haumea Asc +3°01'

r Pluto-Haumea co 0°05'
r Venus-Haumea sq 0°09'
r Venus-Pluto sq 0°13'

t Uranus op r Venus 1°00'
t Uranus sq r Haumea 1°09'
t Uranus sq r Pluto 1°14'

t Jupiter sq r Moon 0°00'[ M/size]
t Venus-Saturn co 0°04'
r Jupiter-Neptune sq 0°21' M
t Mars-Pluto op 0°25'
r Uranus-Neptune sq 0°45' M

PS - t Eris sq r Jupiter 0°01' M

Benefic = 24, Malefic = 0
Change = 17
Dignity = 0, Indignity = 0, Spotlight = 0
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Demi-SLR 5/7/25

Post by Jim Eshelman »

May 7, 2025, 9:01:07 AM PDT, home
Benefic = 8, Malefic = 0
Spotlight = 5
Dignity = 1, Indignity = 0, Change = 0
TRAN = 10, Nat = 3

Impressions: @

r Moon MC -4°07' [t Moon IC -6°53']
t Venus Z 0°00'
t Jupiter Asc +9°58'

t Jupiter sq r Moon 0°14'

Other Partile Aspects
t Venus sq r Mars 0°01' M
t Mercury op r Neptune 0°09' M
t Pluto sq r Sun 0°11' M
t Uranus op r Venus 0°17'
t Uranus sq r Pluto 0°30'
t Mercury-Mars sq 0°40' M
t Mars sq r Neptune 0°49'

Benefic = 25, Malefic = 0
Change = 9
Dignity = 1, Indignity = 0, Spotlight = 5
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SLR 5/21/25

Post by Jim Eshelman »

May 21, 2025, 8:43:04 PM PDT, home
Indignity = 6, Dignity = 3
Malefic = 5, Benefic = 3, Spotlight = 1, Change = 0
TRAN = 9, Nat = 1

Impressions: [Consider relocating this. It's too early to include in Marion's birthday / our anniversary trip, so this will have to be a separate trip. I do note that the orbs aren't exceptionally close, though. -- Especially if the PVP aspects are valid, the level of financial undercutting almost looks like something in the mundane astrology sector is obvious, e.g., the market cratering and evaporating 401(k). -- A drop-in to Sioux Falls, SD produces a great chart. - Or perhaps the benefic weight of the SSR will pull this one through.]

t Neptune IC -5°28'
t Saturn IC -3°41

t Jupiter WP +1°27'
r Moon IC +7°40'

t Saturn-Neptune co 1°47' M

PVP Aspects
t Pluto op r Jupiter 0°45'
t Pluto op r Uranus 1°19'

Other Partile Aspects
r Jupiter-Uranus 0°00' M
t Mercury sq r Pluto 0°05' M
t Mars sq r Saturn 0°17' M
t Uranus sq r Pluto 0°21'
t Uranus op r Venus 0°34'

Benefic = 20, Malefic = 5
Dignity = 3, Indignity = 6
Change = 9, Spotlight = 1
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Demi-SLR 6/3/25

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Jun 3, 2025, 3:40:50 PM PDT, home
Benefic = 6, Malefic = 8, Dignity = 5, Indignity = 5, Spotlight = 3, Change = 3
NAT = 19, Tran = 3

Impressions: All the scores are remarkably even (mixed). I suspect we'll be back from Marion's birthday jaunt (but maybe not).

t Venus Dsc -6°32'
r Jupiter MC -6°06'
r Uranus MC -5°52'

r Mars IC -1°46'
r Neptune EP-a -0°36'
r Sun Asc +3°02'

r Jupiter-Uranus co 0°14'
t Venus sq r Jupiter 0°26' M
r Uranus-Neptune sq 0°30' M
t Venus sq r Uranus 0°39'
r Jupiter-Neptune sq 0°44'

t Venus op r Neptune 1°10' M
r Mars-Neptune 2°25'

PVP Aspects
t Venus-Uranus sq 0°36' p
t Uranus sq r Sun 0°37' p
[Yes, this is tUr = rSu/tVe 0°00']

Other Partile Aspects
t Uranus op r Venus 0°23'

Benefic = 23, Malefic = 8
Dignity = 5, Indignity = 5
Change = 12, Spotlight = 3
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SLR 6/18/25

Post by Jim Eshelman »

June 18, 2025, 3:05:35 AM PDT, home
Benefic = 16, Malefic = 10
Indignity = 9, Dignity = 5
Change = 5, Spotlight = 0
NAT = 27, Tran = 5

Impressions: [Despite the Saturn, this one is more benefic than not yet prone to indignity. Very complex. By standard "outstanding" rules, it's overwhelmingly positive.]

Natal Eris is 1°59' above Asc and transiting Eris 0°54' below. This puts a long list of Eris aspects in the foreground.

r Venus Dsc -3°59'
t Venus Asc -1°35'
r Jupiter IC -1°26'
r Uranus IC -1°05'
r Saturn Dsc +0°23'
r Mercury Dsc +3°25'
r Neptune WP +1°28'
r Mars MC +6°07'

t Venus op r Mercury 0°03'
t Venus sq r Jupiter 0°09' M
r Jupiter-Uranus co 0°17'
t Venus sq r Uranus 0°30' M

r Saturn-Uranus 1°28' M
r Jupiter-Saturn 1°49' M
t Venus op r Saturn 1°58' M
r Uranus-Neptune sq 2°00'
r Jupiter-Neptune sq 2°17'
t Venus op r Venus 2°25' M
r Mercury-Saturn co 2°24'
r Mars-Neptune sq 2°25'
t Venus sq r Jupiter 2°33' M
r Mercury-Mars sq 2°42' M
t Venus sq r Uranus 2°54' M

PVP Aspects
t Venus sq r Sun 0°06'
r Sun-Saturn sq 0°38'
r Sun-Venus sq 1°18'
r Sun-Mercury sq 1°39'
r Sun-Mars sq 1°50'
r Sun-Uranus sq 2°44'
r sun-Jupiter sq 2°59'

Other Partile Aspects
t Mercury sq r Sun 0°02'
t Uranus-Pluto sq 0°07' M
t Jupiter-Neptune sq 0°09'
t Saturn-Neptune co 0°19' M
t Jupiter-Saturn sq 0°31'

Benefic = 33, Malefic = 10
Dignity = 5, Indignity = 9
Change = 14, Spotlight = 0
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Demi-SLR 6/30/25

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Jun 30, 2025, 11:32:48 PM PDT, home
Spotlight = 10
Change = 6
Malefic = 5, Benefic = 0
Dignity = 0, Indignity = 0

Impressions: @

r Moon Asc -0°41' [t Moon Dsc -4°35']
r Pluto Dsc 0°39'
t Mars Dsc +2°28'

r Moon-Pluto op 1°20' M
t Mars co r Pluto 1°49' M
t Mars op r Moon 3°09' M

Other Partile Aspects
t Jupiter co r Uranus 0°02' M
t Jupiter sq r Neptune 0°03' M
t Sun sq r Mercury 0°16' M
t Saturn-Neptune co 0°21'
t Venus op r Venus 0°41'
t Venus sq r Pluto 0°54'
t Uranus sq r Mars 1°00'

Benefic = 17, Malefic = 5
Dignity = 0, Indignity = 0
Change = 15, Spotlight = 10
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SLR 7/15/25

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Jul 15, 2025, 8:28:18 AM PDT, home
Change = 7
Benefic = 3, Malefic = 1, Indignity = 1, Dignity = 0, Spotlight = 0

Impressions: [With natal Pluto so precisely angular, the PVP square from transiting Jupiter is most interesting (along with its normal square to Venus).]

Natal Haumea is 0°50' above Asc, natal Pluto 0°04' above, and natal Venus foreground - so everything about the natal Venus-Pluto-Haumea configuration is forefront and strong.

r Venus IC -5°14'
r Pluto Asc +0°02'
t Mercury EP-a +0°30'

r Mercury IC +8°21'
r Saturn IC +9°34'

t Mercury sq r Mercury 0°08' M
r Venus-Pluto sq 0°13'

r Mercury-Saturn co 1°13'
t Mercury sq r Saturn 1°21' M

PVP Aspects
t Jupiter sq r Pluto 0°12'
t Mercury-Jupiter sq 1°21'

Other Partile Aspects
t Venus-Mars sq 0°04' M
t Saturn-Neptune co 0°13' M
t Sun op r Mars 0°28' M
r Jupiter-Neptune sq 0°56' M

Benefic = 20, Malefic = 1
Dignity = 0, Indignity = 1
Change = 16, Spotlight = 0
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Demi-SLR 7/28/25

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Jul 28, 2025, 8:11:51 PM PDT, home
Change = 8
Benefic = 8, Malefic = 0
Dignity = 0, Indignity = 0, Spotlight = 0

Impressions: @

t Uranus MC -2°27'
r Venus IC +2°44'
r Pluto EP +1°14'

r Venus-Pluto sq 0°13'
t Uranus op r Venus 3°50'

Other Partile Aspects
t Mercury sq r Saturn 0°15' M
t Saturn-Neptune co 0°18'
r Uranus-Neptune sq 0°38' M
t Mercury sq r Mercury 0°59'

Benefic = 25, Malefic = 0
Dignity = 0, Indignity = 0
Change = 17, Spotlight = 0
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SLR 8/11/25

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Aug 11, 2025, 2:44:15 PM PDT, home
Spotlight = 6
Benefic = 5, Malefic = 0
Change = 3, Dignity = 0, Indignity = 0

Impressions: [Whee! Nothing is very close - we might assume it's not too distinctive a chart - but it definitely looks like fun.]

r Moon IC -3°32' [t Moon IC -5°24']
t Uranus Dsc +4°04'
r Venus Asc +5°38'

t Uranus op r Venus 1°34' M

Other Partile Aspects
r Jupiter-Uranus co 0°01' M
r Uranus-Neptune sq 0°14' M
r Jupiter-Neptune sq 0°16' M
t Venus-Jupiter co 0°19'
t Saturn-Neptune co 0°22' M
t Jupiter sq r Sun 0°50' M

Benefic = 22, Malefic = 0
Dignity = 0, Indignity = 0
Change = 12, Spotlight = 6
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Demi-SLR 8/24/25

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Aug 24, 2025, 4:41:26 PM PDT, home
Benefic = 19, Malefic = 4
Change = 12
Dignity = 10, Indignity = 1
Spotlight = 0

Impressions: @

t Mars Z -1°31'
t Jupiter Dsc -2°56'
t Venus WP-a -0°43'
r Jupiter WP-a -0°19'
r Uranus WP -0°06'

t Pluto EP +0°51'
r Neptune MC +7°16'

t Venus co r Jupiter 0°01' M
t Venus co r Uranus 0°03' M
r Jupiter-Uranus co 0°04' M

r Uranus-Neptune sq 2°00'
r Jupiter-Neptune co 2°17'

t Venus-Pluto op 2°44'
t Venus sq r Neptune 2°44'
t Pluto op r Jupiter 3°12'
t Pluto s r Uranus 3°28'

PVP Aspects
t Jupiter sq r Pluto 0°26'

Other Partile Aspects
t Saturn-Neptune co 0°04' M
r Mars-Saturn sq 0°12' M
t Sun-Uranus sq 0°39'
r Mercury-Uranus sq 0°54' M
t Venus sq r Mercury 0°57' M
r Mercury-Jupiter sq 0°58'
t Jupiter sq r Sun 0°59'

Benefic = 36, Malefic = 4
Dignity = 10, Indignity = 1
Change = 21, Spotlight = 0
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SLR 9/7/25

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Sep 7, 2025, 11:07:10 PM PDT, home
Benefic = 6, Malefic = 0
Change = 3, Dignity = 0, Indignity = 0, Spotlight = 0
TRAN = 7, Nat = 1

Impressions: [Positive, fun, but not a major chart.]

[Transiting Haumea is 1°50' past Descendant, making it the strongest angularity. This becomes a transiting Venus-Uranus-Haumea triplet.]

t Mercury N -2°37'
r Venus WP-a -2°10'

t Venus IC +3°13'
t Uranus Asc +4°59'

t Venus-Uranus sq 1°46' M

Other Partile Aspects
t Mars sq r Jupiter 0°01' M
t Saturn-Neptune co 0°21' M
t Pluto sq r Neptune 0°23' M
t Mars sq r Uranus 0°31'

Benefic = 23, Malefic = 0
Dignity = 0, Indignity = 0
Change = 12, Spotlight = 0
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Demi-SLR 9/21/25

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Sep 21, 2025, 12:09:12 AM PDT, home
Spotlight = 8
Benefic = 0, Malefic = 0, Dignity = 0, Indignity = 0, Change = 0

Impressions: [Very neutral]

r Moon MC -2°10' [t Moon IC 4°26']
t Mercury N +0°45'

Other Partile Aspects
t Sun-Saturn op 0°04'
t Mars sq r Jupiter 0°36'
t Venus-Uranus sq 0°48'
t Mars sq r Uranus 0°52

Benefic = 17, Malefic = 0
Dignity = 0, Indignity = 0
Change = 9, Spotlight = 8
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SLR 10/5/25

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Oct 5, 2025, 9:23:33 AM PDT, home
Indignity = 3, Dignity = 0
Malefic = 6, Benefic = 5, Spotlight = 0, Change = 0

Impressions: [RELOCATE to get out from under that 18' foreground Mars transit to Saturn, even though their angularity is only moderate!]

r Venus EP-a -0°48'
r Mercury Asc +0°14'
r Saturn Asc +4°24'
t Mars Asc +4°42'

t Mars co r Saturn 0°18'
r Mercury-Mars co 2°24'
t Mars co r Mercury 3°23'

Other Partile Aspects
t Mercury sq r Uranus 0°02'
r Jupiter-Uranus co 0°07' M
t Mercury sq r Jupiter 0°15'
t Mercury-Pluto sq 0°55'

Benefic = 22, Malefic = 6
Dignity = 0, Indignity = 3
Change = 9, Spotlight = 0
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Re: JAE SLRs and Demi-SLRs 2024-25

Post by Jim Eshelman »

As I was tabulating these SLRs for my 2024-25 SSR year, it seemed there were an unusual number of close Mars angularities - especially early in 2025 but also throughout the year, and especially Mars in combination with the other Mars or with Pluto. This was a bit worrisome, so I thought I'd get some elevated perspective on it.

For each SLR and Demi-SLR, I gave each foreground planet the same score it would get in my "SLR Themes" method: 1 point for Class 3 angularity, 3 points for Class 2, 5 points for Class 1, 6 points for partile, and 7 points for super-partile (less than 10' of a major angle or 5' of a minor angle). When I tabulated these across the year's worth of returns, I got the following:
SLR angularities.png
Notice that, indeed, Mars is the most angular planet throughout the entire year. But notice a couple of other things: Saturn is least often closely foreground - this is Mars without much Saturn. Neptune is in the bottom half. And, in second place right behind Mars is Venus.

This is one of the best ways to have a lot of Mars, I think. I'm still going to navigate around those times that Mars, Mars-Mars, and Mars-Pluto are closely angular this year (what could that be? health issues?), but I'm not going to consider the very frequent and recurring Mars a problem in and of itself.

For added perspective, here are all the malefics and benefics totaled:

Mars 84 + Saturn 23 = 107. -- Add Neptune 42 = 149.
Venus 68 + Jupiter 60 = 128. -- Add Uranus 51 = 179.

Nothing to complain about there: A pretty even distribution with benefics having the advantage (as they will in the SSR).
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SLR 10/15/24

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Oct 15, 2024, 1:34:06 AM PDT, home
Malefic = 3, Benefic = 0
Indignity = 3, Dignity = 0
Change = 1, Spotlight = 0

Impressions: Primarily a Mercury chart. The slight malefic leaning comes from natal Saturn, and the whole is likely the mental preoccupation and slight drudge of getting back to work. (This occurs on the first day I'm back in the office after a week and a half away on vacation: lot of catching up.) Probably just ordinary natal Mercury-Saturn stuff plus transiting Mercury. (Nothing is very close. This isn't an important chart.) -- The non-foreground 0°01' Moon-Jupiter is captivating, among other non-foreground partile aspects.

r Mercury IC -4°19'
r Saturn IC -3°55'

t Mercury IC +4°36'
t Pluto WP-a +2°02'

r Mercury-Saturn co 0°24' M
t Mercury-Pluto sq 2°50'

t Moon-Jupiter sq 0°01' M [t Ju = r Mo 0°12' M]
t Pluto op r Uranus 0°01' M
r Sun-Mars sq 0°06' M
t Sun sq r Jupiter 0°10' M
t Sun sq r Uranus 0°15' M
t Pluto op r Jupiter 0°24' M
t Venus-Uranus op 0°32'
-- t Venus co r Venus 0°04'
-- t Venus sq r Pluto 0°09'
-- t Uranus op r Venus 0°28'
-- t Uranus sq r Pluto 0°41'
t Sun-Mars sq 0°32'
t Sun-Pluto sq 0°32' M

VENUS = 14
Benefic = 17, Malefic = 3
Change = 10
Indignity = 3, Dignity = 0, Spotlight = 0
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Re: SLR 10/15/24

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As I near the half-way point (with the demi occurring Monday), the Mercury themes have been active as they always are in my life and the Saturn was not any sense of drudgery. Mercury-Saturn was simply the best side of it, my ability to concentrate and handle details, etc. (including finishing some requested code writing).

If there is a negative side, I really don't think it's from this return (although part of it may be). I've been under a progressed Moon-Mars square that coincided with a month-long sinus infection that wouldn't clear without finally getting antibiotics. The timing of all of this matched the peaking of Moon-Mars and its transit by Sun exactly. A few small things went wrong (I'm used to Mercury-Saturn being "a bunch of little things go wrong"). On the "bad paperwork" side, I got a couple of bad lab (blood panel) results back which, however, are easily correctible by me without any sort of medication or medical intervention (but were a surprise). Small stuff like that.

So... "mildly malefic" was the worst I can say (and that's what the scoring said).

The non-foreground but exact Moon-Jupiter might refer to something cash-advantageous that hasn't ripened yet (but I got set in motion). It wasn't expected to be a high-impact SLR and, so far, it's all been small, routine stuff (whether good or bad).

I have no idea what the Mercury-Pluto square is specifically. (Pluto's only weakly foreground so perhaps I shouldn't expect anything too dramatic from this.)
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Demi-SLR 10/28/24

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Oct 28, 2024, 6:11:17 AM PDT, home
MARS = 10
Malefic = 12, Benefic = 5
Dignity = 6, Indignity = 3
Change = 6, Spotlight = 3
NATAL = 18, Trans = 7

Impressions: Mars-dominant. More broadly, it is Mars-Pluto to natal Jupiter-Uranus-Neptune. Seems a little rough. Near the end, I may get a few of the stitches out of my eye from surgery 10 months ago. Six new attorneys starting the day of the demi, which always means a busy time. Overall, I probably just need to protect my energy and avoid picking up a bug. - Given the emphasis on Eris and its mundane transit to my Mars, I anticipate what has usually happened in the past on this: Environmental chaos and complex circumstances tripping over each other that draw from me some mix of (1) diving into it energetically and taking charge of conditions and (2) losing my temper. (If PVP aspects are valid here, it should be a hoot! - A good fortnight to watch them.) - Not as pleased with 0°01' Venus-Saturn square, even background.

NOTE (2/28/25): Transiting Eris 0°05' from WP-a and transiting Haumea 2°07' from Asc. This gives perhaps a dozen additional aspects including a Mars-Pluto-Eris-Haumea transiting four-pack; Eris to my Sun, Mars, and Neptune; and Haumea to my T-square.

t Pluto IC -5°22'
r Jupiter MC -3°50'
r Uranus MC -3°36'
r Neptune Asc -3°25'

t Mars MC -2°53'
t Eris WP-a 0°05'
r Mars IC +0°25'
r Sun Asc +5°01'

r Uranus-Neptune sq 0°11' M
r Jupiter-Uranus co 0°14' M

t Eris sq r Mars 0°17' M
r Jupiter-Neptune sq 0°24' M
t Mars sq r Neptune 0°32' M
t Mars op r Uranus 0°43' M
t Mars op r Jupiter 0°56' M

t Pluto op r Jupiter 1°00'
t Pluto op r Uranus 1°17
t Eris op r Neptune 1°36'
t Pluto sq r Neptune 1°56' M
t Mars-Pluto op 2°08'
r Mars-Neptune sq 2°25'
t Mars-Eris sq 2°45'
t Mars op r Mars 3°18' M

PVP Aspects
t Uranus sq r Mars 0°18' p
t Venus sq r Sun 1°12' p [t Ve/Ur = r Su 3']
t Uranus sq r Sun 2°18' p
t Venus sq r Neptune 2°41' p

Other Partile Aspects
t Venus-Saturn sq 0°01'
t Uranus op r Venus 0°56'
t Uranus sq r Pluto 1°00' M

Benefic = 22, Malefic = 12
Change = 15
Dignity = 6, Indignity = 3
Spotlight = 3
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SLR 11/11/24

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Nov 11, 2024, 10:00:58 AM PST, at work in Century City
Malefic = 7, Benefic = 3
Indignity = 5, Dignity = 1
Spotlight = 1, Change = 0
NATAL = 10, Trans = 3

Impressions: This seems unpleasant, though I'm likely to be the most unpleasant one in the room: Malefics outweigh benefics, though they are my malefics (my Mars-Neptune square). The world is being kinder to me, with a moderately foreground transiting Venus. -- Non-foreground partile aspects are broadly troublesome - I don't like them at all - but these haven't proven all that important over the last year (at most, "fill in the blanks" details.) -- I have two PVP aspects to test, the most important being Venus' transit to natal Pluto which, I suppose, could mean a damaged relationship due to my Mars-Neptune behavior.

r Neptune MC -2°35'
r Mars EP +1°02'
t Venus Asc +3°38'
r Sun MC +9°12'

r Mars-Neptune sq 2°25'

PVP Aspects
t Venus sq r Pluto 0°24' p
r Neptune-Pluto sq 0°41' p

Other Partile Aspects
r Jupiter-Uranus co 0°03' M
t Neptune op r Asc 0°06'
t Pluto sq r Saturn 0°07' M
-- t Mars sq r Saturn 0°30' M
-- t Mars-Pluto op 0°37' M
t Mercury-Saturn sq 0°58'
t Uranus sq r Pluto 0°56' M

Benefic = 20, Malefic = 7
Indignity = 5, Dignity = 1
Change = 9
Spotlight = 1
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Re: JAE SLRs and Demi-SLRs 2024-25

Post by SteveS »

FWIW Jim, I see this SLR as timing the main symbolism for t Neptune being on your r DSC for these many past months. Relative to your immediate environment you should have been able to establish some type of off/on nagging Neptune symbolism in your immediate environment, maybe the problems you had with one of your eyes. With this main long themed t Neptune r DSC, if already clearly identified, this SLR period will highlight/time and possibly bring the same type nagging t Neptune to some type of angular foreground peak in a significant way. For example: When I had t Neptune going across my r IC was when I had to leave my part time job and care for my mother for 3 years with her very troubled health problems. During this long transit there were Neptunian peaks caring for my mother, two major surgical operations with longs periods of Rehab both times kicked-off when I had t Neptune very close/on my SLR angles. After the SLR’s angular Neptunian peaks with my mother’s troubled health problems—things would settled back down to calmer/normal times---but still that same constant nagging Neptune was there helping my mother go through her dying process causing me much worry.
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Re: JAE SLRs and Demi-SLRs 2024-25

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SteveS wrote: Mon Nov 11, 2024 3:29 am FWIW Jim, I see this SLR as timing the main symbolism for t Neptune being on your r DSC for these many past months. Relative to your immediate environment you should have been able to establish some type of off/on nagging Neptune symbolism in your immediate environment, maybe the problems you had with one of your eyes.
Thanks, Steve. This isn't the Neptunian form of eye problem that was common while Neptune transited my Moon; e.g., things aren't blurry etc. (In fact, my vision in the eye that had the cornea transplant almost a year ago is almost perfect, 20/30.) The current problem is a recurring infection of the eye lid - quite consistent with Mars-Neptune aspects.

This is astro-satisfying since I always expect foreground matters to be what distinguishes a lunar return, not background matters no matter now close the orb.

The Neptune transit to Descendant, of course, had its effect on its own, unrelated to any returns. It was exact on Election Day. (I'd written a couple of weeks back that this worried me.) It's certainly describing the "unreal reality" emerging from that. (And we still have almost three months before we know the full story of how all the details of those forecasts will unfold. It's not done yet!)

My Demi is a decent chart and the next full lunar is the best chart of the year. (And even this one is, on balance, quite positive when blended with the SSR.)
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Re: Demi-SLR 10/28/24

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This demi wasn't terrible on balance. It had aggravations, minor health concerns (seasonal allergies expanded into skin breakouts that needed attention). And, of course the most terrible thing (affecting me psychologically and nearly devastating nearly everyone around me) was the election.

It's hard to assess the summation of "Mars-Pluto to natal Jupiter-Uranus-Neptune" other than saying I spent a lot of money (celebrating how nearly out of debt we are by accumulating debt - how's that for Neptune lol!). Besides the election, the main event of the time was a really great three-day vacation Marion, Kali, and I took through our favorite wine region, reconnecting with so many people we knew, sleeping in our decked-out vehicle, etc.

That brings me to the PVP aspects. I'm not sure what Uranus square natal Mars might mean (the closest) - it seems not to have an obvious meaning - but that trip was quite fitting for transiting Venus and Uranus square natal Sun (their midpoint being 3' from Sun) and even the Venus-Neptune wide transit. It was a variation of the Uranus-Venus that dominates my solar return this year, but it was timed by these Venus-Uranus to Sun transits, which is worth noting.

I suppose Eris also gets the nod (5' from an angle) for the election. With its 17' transit to my Mars it wasn't quite the form I've seen before (chaos in the environment causes me to lose my temper), but it did trigger a lot of brooding, building anger. Eris to Mars' other historic expression has been to get me in gear to take action, and that also is emerging. So, sure, not as obvious and clear as the Uranus-Venus but seemingly on target.
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Re: JAE SLRs and Demi-SLRs 2024-25

Post by SteveS »

Jim wrote:
The current problem is a recurring infection of the eye lid - quite consistent with Mars-Neptune aspects.
Indeed Jim.
…since I always expect foreground matters to be what distinguishes a lunar return, not background matters no matter now close the orb.
Exactly Jim!
The Neptune transit to Descendant, of course, had its effect on its own, unrelated to any returns.
I understand Jim, but I will try to explain what I noticed with only 2 SLRs as t Neptune was going over back and forth over my Natal IC. But I knew and recognized clearly the main manifestation of t Neptune over my Natal MC—it was a 2-3 year period of caring for my mother before she died. This long/slow Neptune transit over my Natal IC consumed my entire psychological being!!!

Each individual experience the outer planet transits of Uranus, Neptune & Pluto to their Natal angles in different ways, along with experiencing the long transits of these planets. Sometimes they are tricky to discern because they last so long, but they definitely will set up a prominent trend in your life with their symbolic natures. These long angular transits will have main peaks of manifestations with em. I believe these main peaks of manifestation could be timed when you have a SLR with the same transiting planet on your Natal angles, on/near the SLR angle. Looking in from the outside, I noted 2 main situations with t Neptune slowly going over your Natal DSC: 1: Problems with your eye. 2: Your concern with Trump being elected again as Prez. Again an example in my life with an angular Neptune transit: The way I experienced my t Neptune to my IC was a 3 year period of much confusion with my mother experiencing serious health problems. The peak worst time periods for me caring for my mother was with her 2 serious operations, too complicated to explain. I noticed right after these 2 serious operations for my mother that I had 2 SLRs with Neptune partile conjunct one of my SLR angles. It was these SLRs which timed the worst times for me with much confusion. In other words, with my 3 year transit period of Neptune messing with my IC, it was the main themed Neptune SLRs which timed the worst times with the long transit of Nep going over my IC, with the 3 year process of me having to practically move in with my mother.
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Re: SLR 11/11/24

Post by Jim Eshelman »

This hasn't been too bad. For example, I haven't been an aff :) Minor additional stresses from being at work alone (I urged my team to take vacation time this week and next) and surprise things coming up that turned out fine (easy to handle). Some vague anxieties about this weekend's upcoming forum upgrade (but the Demi for the actual time looks really good). A significant social event last night with our somm community. A new lens in the uncorrected right eye (my annual free lens under the optometry insurance). On balance, practical details are more positive and negative, and no particular negative actually manifesting as events (just mild anticipatory anxiety - typical of Neptune - and minor additional stress. (Oh, and the pending end of the world as we know it, but I'm even taking that in stride while watching for what happens next.)

For perspective, the one foreground transiting plan was, indeed, Venus. It wasn't that wide, either, so it seems to have had a strong hand in defining the time even though the only foreground aspect has been my natal Mars-Neptune.
Jim Eshelman wrote: Sun Nov 10, 2024 11:02 am r Neptune MC -2°35'
r Mars EP +1°02'
t Venus Asc +3°38'
r Sun MC +9°12'

r Mars-Neptune sq 2°25'
The PVP aspects are hard to judge. The one that should get the most attention (if any are valid) is transiting Venus square natal Pluto. I know Venus-Pluto periods really well and I can't think of a bloody thing during this time that fits the energy either in feel or event.

Given that so conventional a transit is unclear, I won't stress understanding the natal Neptune-Pluto square that appeared. (I've been thinking in recent days how the Novien stream around the zodiac is likely best explained as a fractal set, but that's ordinary sort of stuff.)
PVP Aspects
t Venus sq r Pluto 0°24' p
r Neptune-Pluto sq 0°41' p
Given all of that, the other partile aspects aren't worth mentioning except for thoroughness. They're all hard to explain or justify except in obvious ways, e.g., I always have my natal Jupiter-Uranus; Neptune crossing my Dsc is working on its own anyway; Mercury-Saturn is always around me in several ways. In particular, the Mars-Pluto opposition square natal Saturn doesn't seem to mean anything at all compared to the last two weeks.
Other Partile Aspects
r Jupiter-Uranus co 0°03' M
t Neptune op r Asc 0°06'
t Pluto sq r Saturn 0°07' M
-- t Mars sq r Saturn 0°30' M
-- t Mars-Pluto op 0°37' M
t Mercury-Saturn sq 0°58'
t Uranus sq r Pluto 0°56' M
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Demi-SLR 11/24/24

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Nov 24, 2024, 12:03:14 PM PDT, home
Benefic = 6, Malefic = 0
Change = 6
Dignity = 1, Indignity = 0, Spotlight = 1

Impressions: Fully benefic, no malefic involvement at all. While the Uranus to my Venus-Pluto replicates my SSR, I don't at the moment anticipate anything consistent with that. (We'll see.) - If PVP aspects are relevant in returns, transiting Saturn square natal Pluto could make this harder than it otherwise appears. (I note, though, that the natal Pluto is barely foreground.)

r Pluto Dsc -9°38'
r Venus Z -1°28'
t Uranus N +0°35'
t Sun MC +9°20'

r Venus-Pluto sq 0°13'
t Uranus op r Venus 1°40' M
t Uranus sq r Pluto 2°16' M

PVP Aspects
t Saturn sq r Pluto 2°36' p

Other Partile Aspects
t Mercury sq r Moon 0°03'
r Jupiter-Uranus co 0°04' M
t Saturn co r Moon 0°19' M
t Moon-Jupiter sq 0°41' M

Benefic = 23, Malefic = 0
Change = 15
Dignity = 1, Indignity = 0, Spotlight = 1
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Re: Demi-SLR 11/24/24

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For starters, the positive Demi-SLR (within a mixed-leaning-severe SLR) showed the timing for updating the Solunars.com forum software.

I set aside Saturday and Sunday to do this. I knew the positive Demi set up Sunday (but these are usually felt, it not fully active, a day early). Mercury squared my Moon all weekend, especially Sunday. Transiting Venus conjoined my SSR Moon Saturday. I wondered if I should wait until Sunday to do it, then, once I was ready, just dived in on Saturday.

It was the right approach since it took two days: one to ail, then one to succeed (after learning things in the failing process Saturday). I wouldn't have had time to go through all the layers on Sunday. It was a good use of a failure day then a success day just as the Demi was coming into being.

Here is the chart again with Class 3 angularities dropped out. The score is Benefic = 6, Malefic = 0. Partile aspects out of the foreground included transiting Mercury 0°03' from square natal Moon plus one Saturn and one Jupiter aspect to Moon.
Jim Eshelman wrote: Fri Nov 22, 2024 7:43 am r Venus Z -1°28'
t Uranus N +0°35'

t Uranus op r Venus 1°40' M
Notice that the PVP aspect - transiting Saturn square natal Pluto - did not show in this immediate result of the lunar. I don't think I'll rely too heavily on that aspect in judging PVP aspect efficacy. Not only is its orb wider than we have been seeing PVP aspects strongly operating, but both planets are near the outside edge of angularity. It's the equivalent of a more conventional SLR aspect where the orb is around 3° and each planet is, say, 8° from an angle. In this case, natal Pluto is 9°38' before Descendant (I'll allow up to 10°) and transiting Saturn is 2°43' from Antivertex (where we only allow 3°). Therefore, as with all aspects in these charts, we have two scoring factors, one the orb itself (2°35' in this case) and the other the proximity of the planets to the horizon and prime vertical.
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Re: Demi-SLR 11/24/24

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One of the marks of this demi is that Marion hasn't been around much. She's rarely been gone this much in a burst. She just spent most of a week in Arizona handling family matters (got back last night just before dinnertime). Tomorrow she's off to Fort Lauderdale for her new Demi-SLR. It hasn't been a problem but has been strange, so I suppose it falls under the Uranus-Venus cap more or less. (She's going through progressed Moon-Uranus for a few months.)

At work, we've begun replacement everybody's laptops with the new generation of equipment. The last tie was 2021 and we do this about every three years. It's a lot of work but my team and I have been having fun doing it and been very engaged. This task is always an opportunity to have a lot of people feel excited and happy - when they hear the new computers are coming, when they get the new ones, etc. - so this, too, has a Uranus-Venus feel which is the primary tone of my year (SSR) and of this fortnight, aside from the simple transit.

And, I suppose another Uranus-Venus manifestation is that I saw a dermatologist. Nothing serious: Since my dad (who worked out in the sun much of his life) had skin cancers, my doctor thought I should get screened. I learned during the medical astrology writing that Venus rules the skin both medically and cosmetically. This also had Venus-Uranus tones, e.g., it was a noted Beverly Hills dermatologist (the waiting room is great people watching), I walked out afterwards onto Rodeo Drive in a bright, brisk, sunny day and strolled a few blocks through the best holiday-decorated streets in Southern California.

So it's been light, cheery... and with the strangeness of Marion being gone a lot. I don't think any of this is more complicated than the Uranus transit to my Venus closely angular.

I don't think Saturn's PVP square to natal Pluto is relevant. I can't even call this time lonely - that would be a big exaggeration. Either PVP aspects aren't meaningful in returns or - at the very least - this one at 2°36' wide is pushing the orbs we've been seeing as most promising, and both planets were on the outer fringe (Pluto barely foreground, Saturn close to 3° from the PV).

The non-foreground partile aspects did not make a significant appearance, though having Moon-Saturn and Moon-Jupiter might have neutralized both. (I'm used to two divergent aspects both being evident, not neutralizing each other. At most, I spent a few hours talking to our payroll staff about adjustments in my W4 for the rest of the year.
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SLR 12/8/24

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Dec 8, 2024, 4:48:31 PM PST, home
Dignity = 10, Indignity = 0
Spotlight = 7
Benefic = 5, Malefic = 0
Change = 3

Impressions: An exceptionally positive chart. Probably the single best of the year (unless PVP aspects - both about 2° wide - show strongly). - Occurs Sunday late afternoon.

r Pluto IC -1°35'
t Sun Dsc +1°53'
t Jupiter Asc +2°28'
t Mercury Dsc +5°39'
r/t Moon Z +2°48'

t Sun-Jupiter op 0°35' M
t Mercury-Jupiter op 3°11' M
t Sun-Mercury co 3°46' M

PVP Aspects
t Sun sq r Saturn 1°57'
t Jupiter sq r Saturn 2°09'

Other Partile Aspects
t Neptune (stationary) op r Asc 0°17'
t Mars sq r Neptune 0°37' M

Benefic = 22, Malefic = 0
Dignity = 10, Indignity = 0
Change = 14, Spotlight = 7
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Re: SLR 12/8/24

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First seeming result of this return is I got lucky! (Maybe not lucky. Maybe to be expected.) The Solunars.com site outage lasted less than a day. This could have been worse. I'll just note this in passing: I have much higher expectations for this chart in the week ahead.

I suppose this could be a weak-but-clear manifestation of the Sun and Jupiter PVP squares to natal Saturn, the first signaling a problem and the second signaling easy remediation (the most basic meanings of both of those aspects). It this sort of thing bears out during the year, it's quite interesting - it may provide insight into how PVP aspects work in lunars. Under the theory floating in my mind at the moment, the two co-existing factors are: (1) Sun-Jupiter etc. was actually foreground. The overall tone of the time would be marked by very positive things. (2) Transiting Sun and Jupiter to natal Saturn were valid aspects but should not be interpreted in any sense that would imply natal Saturn was foreground. (It wasn't.) Therefore, the Sun-to-Saturn "bad day" effect and Jupiter-to-Saturn "problems resolved" effect would need to be understood in a context of only benefics foreground - a good result.

The weakest part of this is that the past-2° Jupiter transit is wider than PVP aspects have been tending to work. It's what I've tentatively been calling a Class 3 PVP aspect (about like a Class 3 octile). If we're on the right track, this seems too wide to credit with much effect in a return chart.
Jim Eshelman wrote: Fri Dec 06, 2024 7:47 am Dec 8, 2024, 4:48:31 PM PST, home

r Pluto IC -1°35'
t Sun Dsc +1°53'
t Jupiter Asc +2°28'
t Mercury Dsc +5°39'

t Sun-Jupiter op 0°35' M
t Mercury-Jupiter op 3°11' M
t Sun-Mercury co 3°46' M

PVP Aspects
t Sun sq r Saturn 1°57'
t Jupiter sq r Saturn 2°09'
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Demi-SLR 12/21/28

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Dec 21, 2025, 7:58:46 PM PDT, Los Olivos, CA
Benefic = 14, Malefic = 10
Indignity = 9, Dignity = 7, Change = 7, Spotlight = 0
NATAL =25, Transit = 6

Impressions: I was going to live with this chart as it set up in LA (it's within an excellent SLR and SSR, and we're travelling for the next one). Then it turned out we had reason to spend the weekend in Los Olivos where - while the chart is far from perfect - it has my Jupiter-Uranus precisely angular (though, just behind it, my Saturn). Not crazy about Venus to my Saturn and Mars to my Neptune moderately foreground but it's better than the LA version. (Los Olivos version is "mixed, tending positive," while LA version is "mixed, tending negative").

t Mars EP -1°36'
r Mercury N -1°31'
t Venus Dsc -5°27'

r Jupiter WP-a -0°05'
r Uranus WP-a +0°08'
r Saturn N +0°53'
r Neptune IC +6°13'

r Mercury-Saturn co 0°09' M
r Jupiter-Uranus co 0°17'

t Mars sq r Neptune 1°31' M
r Uranus-Neptune sq 2°00'
r Jupiter-Neptune sq 2°00'

t Venus sq r Saturn 2°27' M
t Venus sq r Mercury 2°37' M

Other Partile Aspects
t Uranus op r Venus 0°03' M
t Mercury-Saturn sq 0°14' M
t Neptune op r Asc 0°14'
t Jupiter-Saturn sq 0°31'
t Pluto op r Jupiter 0°37' M

Benefic = 31, Malefic = 10
Change = 16
Indignity = 8, Dignity = 7, Spotlight = 0

When I return home this other layer may kick in:

Malefic = 10, Benefic = 7
Change = 6
Indignity = 4, Dignity = 3, Spotlight = 0

r Saturn IC -6°00'
t Venus Dsc -4°12'

t Pluto WP-a -1°09'
r Mercury N -0°17'
t Mars EP +0°16'
r Jupiter EP-a +1°43'
r Uranus EP-a +1°56'

r Neptune IC +8°09'

r Mercury-Saturn co 0°17' M
r Jupiter-Uranus co 0°17'

t Pluto op r Jupiter 0°40' M

t Mars sq r Neptune 0°47' M
t Pluto op r Uranus 1°05'
t Venus sq r Saturn 1°48' M
r Uranus-Neptune sq 2°00'
t Venus sq r Mercury 2°04' M
r Jupiter-Neptune sq 2°16'
t Mars-Pluto op 3°38'

Other Partile Aspects
t Uranus op r Venus 0°11' M
t Mercury-Saturn sq 0°22' M
t Jupiter-Saturn sq 0°31'
r Sun-Mars sq 0°13' M
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Re: Demi-SLR 12/21/28

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In its first few days, the Demi has been going fine enough - it's a lazy time of year with not much happening, and the biggest single event has been working to get my new laptop set up. (The engineering and way that OS and software come together is incredibly smooth. I feel like I'm driving a luxury sedan with top-tier German engineering. Ha!, I just realized how those words reflect my natal Jupiter and Uranus.) Similarly, Marion is in high pleasure mode with her new laptop - reflective of Venus being exactly angular in her SLR (for Los Olivos) a day earlier.

In contrast, I wanted to mention my new Kinetic Lunar which is quite another sort of chart. I've historically found these often to be important charts, but I certainly hope this one doesn't have much say. I looked because I'm nearly at the exact progressed Moon conjunction with natal Neptune and wanted to see how it fell. For the record, here are the highlights of the chart:

16°39' Sco - KLR Mercury
16°45' Aqu - p Mars
17°56' Aqu - KLR Midheaven
18°55' Tau - KLR Jupiter
18°56' Aqu - KLR Saturn

3°05' Sag - p Sun
6°11' Gem - KLR Ascendant
8°37' Sag - KLR Sun

1°12' Lib - p/t Moon
1°20' Lib - r Neptune

Several parans in this (no tools to easily calculate them, and they're evident enough from the ecliptical positions. The easiest to calculate is transiting Sun-Saturn mundane square 0°03' with Sun 2°14' before Descendant and Saturn 2°17' before MC.

While I'm at it, I'm only a few days past my Kinetic Solar Return. Historically, I've not found these impressive - looking back, they have not seemed to describe my years. This one has Jupiter setting but in a bad state, with an ecliptical square by Saturn and mundane square by Neptune. (Progressed Mars is the closest planet in that mix.) Mercury is involved and there is a little Sun. Some main features (calculations of both charts by Solar Fire, probably slightly off but as close as we used to calculate them by hand):

29°46' Sco - p Mercury
0°43' Vir - KSR Midheaven
2°06' Pis - t Neptune [2°05' before IC]

1°22' Sag - KSR EP-a
3°04' Sag - p/t Sun

12°21' Sco - t Mercury [5°36' past Asc]
16°35' Sco - KSR Ascendant
16°48' Aqu - p Mars
18°36' Aqu - t Saturn
19°36' Tau - t Jupiter [2°34' before Dsc]

Notice that the Jupiter-Neptune paran is 0°29' wide.

I don't have any confidence in this KSR.
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Re: Demi-SLR 12/21/28

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The main "out of the ordinary" effect of this demi-lunar has been that, since returning from our road trip last weekend, our cat Kali mostly stopped eating. By all the other usual indicators, she looks entirely healthy - but, though she wants food, she looks at it and decides not to eat it. Accordingly, she is weaker (no food). Drinking fine, affectionate, etc.

Both Marion's SLR and my Demi-SLR have a benefic most exactly angular though with a foreground Venus-Saturn aspect. (Mine is t Venus to r Saturn; hers is a new mundane aspect of natal Venus and Saturn.) This is, of course, our great concern for our feline family member all week.

So, today we took her to a pet ER and learned she has a sore in her mouth. That solves the mystery. The concern remains, though, because it may or may not be a tumor (which may or may not be benign). We're out most of a thousand bucks for the ER visit and need to get more done from a regular vet (primarily a biopsy under general anesthesia, which surely won't be cheap).

Tipping this - perhaps independent of the returns - not only is transiting Neptune still within a degree of my Descendant, but today is the exact 0°00' progressed Moon conjunct natal Neptune (it's exact right this minute). And transiting Mars squares natal Neptune in the DSLR foreground. So, besides the dread, there is also a lot of not-knowing. But mark that combination of Mars-to-Neptune and Venus-to-Saturn in your notebook for anxiety over the well-being of a loved one + more attentive caretaking.

Here are the main points of my demi (I left out the foreground natal aspects to simplify it):
Jim Eshelman wrote: Sun Dec 22, 2024 9:58 pm t Mars EP -1°36'
r Mercury N -1°31'
t Venus Dsc -5°27'

r Jupiter WP-a -0°05'
r Uranus WP-a +0°08'
r Saturn N +0°53'
r Neptune IC +6°13'

t Mars sq r Neptune 1°31' M
t Venus sq r Saturn 2°27' M
t Venus sq r Mercury 2°37' M
The angularities are more positive than negative, especially with the acutely angular natal benefics, though the benefic-malefic balance is close. Once returned home, it tipped a little more negative, as you can see above.
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Re: Demi-SLR 12/21/28

Post by Ember Nyx »

I'm sorry to hear that Kali is ill and needs vet care. I hope she gets well soon! (I am also sick, but I do not need vet - or human doctor - care.)

Have you looked into pet insurance at all? It can be relatively cheap, like $20-$50 a month, depending on what kind of coverage you want, and it would (theoretically) significantly cover unforeseen expenses like this.

It's one of those things where, of course, if your pet is healthy, that money goes down the drain, but if they decide to eat a Duracell battery in the middle of the night, or get cancer, it could save you thousands of dollars.
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Re: JAE SLRs and Demi-SLRs 2024-25

Post by Veronica »

Ugh, I’m so sorry to hear this. Sore mouth is the worst, poor Kali and poor kitty Mummy and daddy. I don’t know if it will help, it won’t hurt, but rose essential oil diluted in jojoba has worked wonders for me and my family healing. Apply directly to sore or place drop under tounge. I hope she is feeling better soon and it was a simple stress response from traveling. Keep us posted and please take care of yourself too. You all are in my thoughts and prayers.
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Re: Demi-SLR 12/21/28

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Ember Nyx (Mike V) wrote: Sun Dec 29, 2024 1:40 am Have you looked into pet insurance at all? It can be relatively cheap, like $20-$50 a month
Do you have a source? When our benefits enrollment came around this year at work (and we had a health fair at the office ahead of it), one of our insurers said they offered (separate from anything the employer provides) pet insurance. I filled out the form to request information on it and never heard from anybody.

The next step (putting it more bluntly than the doctors) is to find out if it's cancer and, if so, if it's treatable. I think it must be very early since this developed, since she only stopped eating in the last week. (This morning her appetite is ravenous! She asked for double food and cleaned up every scrap.) 80% of such growths in cats are carcinoma, according to paperwork the pet ER gave.

And, of course, we're leaving for New Orleans in five days. She'll still be on her 10-day run of medicine :o :cry: :oops: I think this trip we need to see if Jonathan's available to sit, I don't know anyone else at the moment that I'd trust with administering medication.
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Re: JAE SLRs and Demi-SLRs 2024-25

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Pet insurance doesn’t work like human insurance, in that there’s no enrollment period and you don’t typically get it through your employer. You can just sign up directly via some insurance company. You can sign up whenever you want, and you can typically cancel it whenever you want. Payment is handled like any other subscription.

Lemonade is one that I use. Figo is another one.

The thing, though, is that these are not subject to ACA provisions or anything - they don’t touch preexisting conditions, and they typically reimburse you after you submit expenses rather than pay up front.

But if this sore isn’t cancerous, and you get pet insurance, then if Kali eventually does get cancer, you’d have significant reimbursement for expenses for it. (And other such cases.)
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Re: Demi-SLR 12/21/28

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This month, the two lunar half-months were quite clear. The SLR was strongly evident for two weeks - Sun-Jupiter for good luck on things that could have gone wrong plus prosperity and feeling flush. This hasn't necessarily left, but it's not the main feature of the second half of the month - since the demi-lunar - which has primarily been the Kali ordeal. (Her vet appointment is tomorrow btw and we hope to get the biopsy.) The demi is marked by natal benefics precisely angular almost to the minute but foreground Mars-to-Neptune and Venus-to-Saturn transits (but also overlapping progressed Moon-Neptune conjunction). During this two weeks (and, to a lesser extent, three weeks) I also write the first full chapter on CSA in quite a while (Chapter 29).

Two PVP aspects marked the SLR: transiting Sun square natal Saturn and transiting Jupiter square natal Saturn. (The foreground Sun-Jupiter to natal Saturn.) These showed at least somewhat - taken together, not separately. For example, before the demi-lunar there was no "drag me down" Sun to Saturn phenomena sufficient to contradict the Sun-Jupiter foreground aspect. There was, though, a typical Jupiter-to-Saturn kind of things where, sure, there are problems, but the problems are resolved. As mentioned above, the key seems to be that the Saturn isn't foreground - the tone of the chart is the foreground Sun-Jupiter - but, as long as it doesn't contradict that basic fact, the PVP to the non-foreground Saturn gets to "make its point." Things that could have gone bad didn't. Things that could have gone wrong were pulled out of the fire and went fine.
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SLR 1/4/15

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Jan 4, 2025, 10:08:11 PM PST, New Orleans, LA (29N57'22" 90W04'03")
SUN = 11
Dignity = 11, Indignity = 0
Spotlight = 11
Malefic = 1, Benefic = 0, Change = 0

Impressions: Marion and I are scheduled to spend a few days in New Orleans. The Los Angeles chart is much more unpleasant. This one is primarily solar. - It will be a good test of PVP aspects because, if they're valid in returns, this will be pretty miserable with problems (a natal Sun-Saturn-Pluto combo transited by Uranus).

r Mars IC -8°35'
r Sun Asc -2°41'
t Sun N -0°18'

t Sun sq r Sun 2°24'

PVP Aspects
r Sun-Saturn sq 0°08' p
t Uranus sq r Sun 0°09' p
t Uranus op r Saturn 0°23' p
t Uranus op r Pluto 0°26' p [t Ur = r Sa/Pl 2']
r Sun-Pluto sq 0°27' p
r Saturn-Pluto co 0°48' p

Other Partile Aspects
t Neptune op r Asc 0°04'
t Mars-Pluto op 0°45'

VENUS = 14, Sun = 11
Benefic = 17, Malefic = 1
Dignity = 11, Indignity = 0
Spotlight = 11
Change = 9

On returning home:

t Neptune Dsc -6°27'
t Mercury IC -5°57'

t Moon Dsc -1°44' [r Moon Dsc -2°46']
t Saturn Dsc +6°01'
t Jupiter MC +7°02'

t Mercury-Neptune sq 0°30' M
t Jupiter-Saturn sq 1°00' M
t Neptune co r Moon 3°41' M

PVP Aspects
t Venus-Saturn sq 0°06'
t Saturn sq r Moon 0°34'
t Venus sq r Moon 0°41' [t Mo-Ve sq 1°50' p]
t Venus-Neptune sq 1°27'
t Mars-Neptune sq 1°59'
t Mars sq r Moon 2°30' [t Mo-Ma 2°36' p]

Other Partile Aspects
t Neptune op r Asc 0°04'
t Mars-Pluto op 0°45'

Indignity = 6, Dignity = 1
Malefic = 5, Benefic = 3
Spotlight = 4, Change = 0
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Re: JAE SLRs and Demi-SLRs 2024-25

Post by Veronica »

Praying for you all to be safe and praying for rain. My sister is packed to get out too, though Tujunga Blvd area where she is seems safe she said. I'm grateful the wind died down. Take care and keep us posted! So glad your back with Kali too I hope she is feeling better.
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Re: SLR 1/4/15

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So far the lunar has been quite positive, though against a backdrop of terrible circumstances that have had only small impact on me.

The return occurred in New Orleans - the original motivation for our going there - where we had a great time (the only negative being the deep drop in temperature most of the week). We've been surrounded by terrible things all along - starting with NOLA being in the recent aftermath terrible violent attacks, then the LA "apocalyptic" fires breaking out while we were gone (and awaiting us on our return). Off we went on Vacation No. 2 the same week, taking our cat with us and, again, had a great time. We returned to indirect impact (effects of the fires on those around us) plus unhealthy air, though I can't say that landed as too negative a thing. The only significant personal negative effect is that we're still worried about our cat's health.

The SLR in NOLA had a Sun-Sun square closely angular. While Sun isn't a benefic in the usual sense, the time has been broadly "sunny." I suppose I was a centerpiece of attention because a LOT of people followed and interacted with our vacation story on Facebook. The starkly negative form of the chart back home never really manifested - at least, not in a personal way.

What requires consideration is the importance of the PVP aspects:
Jim Eshelman wrote: Wed Jan 01, 2025 9:18 pm r Sun-Saturn sq 0°08' p
t Uranus sq r Sun 0°09' p
t Uranus op r Saturn 0°23' p
t Uranus op r Pluto 0°26' p [t Ur = r Sa/Pl 2']
r Sun-Pluto sq 0°27' p
r Saturn-Pluto co 0°48' p
By PVP aspects I "acquired" a natal Sun-Saturn-Pluto configuration. Then Uranus aspected all three.

I don't think I've become Sun-Saturn-Pluto tempered during this time. (Gosh, I hope I haven't been that hard and severe.) Transiting Uranus to Sun fits all the travel and new things, of course, but Uranus to either Saturn or Pluto doesn't seem fitting. The strongest of this should probably be Ur = Sa/Pl, which is only 0°02' wide, which seems far more severe and abrupt than anything going on. At the very most (even though these are mostly natal planets), these would describe the surrounding conditions that were constantly on our minds but didn't have much or any actual personal impact.

I'm inclined to say they misfired, but not really able to say those energies weren't there as a backdrop.

Two partile non-foreground aspects, of course, clearly described backdrop conditions. Neptune's final transit to my Descendant has seemed mostly concern for our cat and a vague sense of anxiety about surrounding circumstances (including Monday's inauguration), while the Mars-Pluto partile opposition shows the fires etc. But, again, as I have come to expect from partile non-foreground aspects, these are not distinctive of MY life under the return except in the way my life exists in relation to surrounding backdrop events.
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Demi-SLR 1/18/25

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Jan 18, 2025, 4:33:55 AM PDT, home
MOON = 12
Spotlight = 12
Benefic = 0, Malefic = 0, Dignity = 0, Indignity = 0, Change = 0

Impressions: By angularity, this seems an utterly neutral chart, its main distinction being that while the full SLR is double-Sun, this demi is double-Moon. I wonder if that polarity will be noticed. - A number of non-foreground partile aspects exist, mostly bothersome but not strong; e.g., there is a triple Moon-Venus-Saturn conjunction but background as if showing persisting conditions that are not the main themes of the month (such as our cat still not fully healthy). Sun opposes Mars on my Jupiter-Uranus. - In the context of the highly benefic SSR, one would tend to expect that the good times continue to roll.

r/t Moon N/Z -0°19'

Other Partile Aspects
r Jupiter-Uranus co 0°02' M
t Sun op r Jupiter 0°02'
t Sun op r Uranus 0°10' M
t Neptune op r Asc 0°12'
t Mars co r Uranus 0°18' M
t Mars co r Jupiter 0°20' M
t Venus-Saturn co 0°27'
t Sun-Mars op 0°28' M
t Venus sq r Venus 0°33' M
t Uranus sq r Pluto 0°44' M

Benefic = 17, Malefic = 0
Dignity = 0, Indignity = 0
Change = 9, Spotlight =12
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Re: Demi-SLR 1/18/25

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This lunar and demi-lunar cycle have been strange - perhaps strange for all of us. The main events have been our trip to New Orleans and follow-up trip to Los Olivos on our return, and our ongoing concern for the well-being of our cat (including spending several thousands of dollars so far, reminding me what human health care is like to people without insurance). These have occurred within the context of the Los Angeles area fires and the effects of these partly on us and partly on those around us, plus the significant cold weather we encountered in New Orleans. There is also the terrible effect of the Trump inauguration.

I tend to think the concern about our cat has primarily been my Moon-Pluto progressed sextile falling in the middle of my stretched-out conjunction of progressed Moon to natal and (now, moving forward) progressed Moon-Neptune conjunction. Also the wrap-up of Neptune's transit to my Descendant on its way out. The other matters are all in mundane astrology's turf.

That leaves primarily the travel and some elements of the rest. The lunar was double-Sun, the demi double-Moon. I suppose (barring anything more distinctive) that the PVP aspects in the 1/4/25 SLR are as descriptive as anything, but they seem almost like echos of things in the distance surrounding me (like being near a battlefield but not in it, always hearing the cannons firing off in the distance). In the SLR this was especially a formed natal Sun-Saturn-Pluto triplet transited by Uranus.

The SLR on returning home fits well enough but, again, in a quieter, background way (Saturn and Neptune angularities, Mercury-Neptune partile aspect, Neptune to my Moon mundanely, bunches of PVP aspects to consider). Consistent with anxiety and working mostly as a persistent backdrop sort of thing and a little stronger at times.

That brings me to the demi-lunar. I think it accurate under the double-Moon that I've been more caretaking these two weeks (mostly of our cat, partly of conditions at work). Perhaps the non-foreground partile aspects have had a say, though it's a little hard to sort them out (meaning they haven't been dominant): my Jupiter-Uranus being squeezed to a 2' orb and opposed by transiting Sun and Mars is consistent with having to spend enormous amounts of money and (at present) having it to spend. Venus-Saturn is the concern for a loved one. And so on (less dramatically distinct as the orb widens).
Friday I fly to Boston for a 24-hour turn-around for the next SLR.
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SLR 2/1/25

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Feb 1, 2025, 4:36:20 AM PST, Boston Logan Int'l Airport (at 42N22'04" 71W00'52")
Benefic = 10, Malefic = 0
Dignity = 8, Indignity = 0
Spotlight = 3, Change = 2
TRANSIT = 11, Natal = 4

Impressions: The chart for LA is heavily martial, its overall tone being toxic and threatening. However, I already have tickets to Boston for an overnight (this one was free, i.e., used points for the tickets). The result is a thoroughly benefic chart. - The only exception will be if the PVP aspects prove valid and strong. --- This return also will "tip the scales": The SSR year began with the expectation of a majority of Mars-dominated charts, especially Mars-Mars and Mars-Pluto on angles. With this one in Boston the scales tip to Venus being more common than Mars. (I have a few other Mars charts to sidestep in the next few months, especially the late April demi for which we're going to Memphis for a few days.)

r Moon Asc -7°22'
r Venus Z -1°21'
t Jupiter IC +0°29'
t Sun Asc +6°29'
t Mercury Asc +7°41'
t Uranus N +2°24'
t Pluto Asc +9°32'

t Sun-Mercury co 1°12' M
t Mercury-Pluto co 1°51' M
t Uranus op r Venus 1°55' M
t Sun-Pluto co 3°04' M [Me=Su/Pl 19' mundo]

PVP Aspects
t Saturn sq r Moon 0°51' p
t Jupiter-Saturn sq 1°26' p
t Sun-Saturn sq 2°31' p

t Moon-Venus co 0°01' M
t Venus-Neptune co 0°07'
t Venus op r Asc 0°26'
t Sun sq r Mercury 0°28'
t Neptune op r Asc 0°34'
r Mars-Jupiter op 0°37' M
r Mars-Uranus op 0°47' M

t Moon-Saturn co 0°52' M
t Venus-Saturn co 0°53' M

Benefic = 27, Malefic = 0
Dignity = 8, Indignity = 0
Change = 11, Spotlight = 3

When I get home, this is what can be expected to layer in:

Malefic = 14, Benefic = 0
Indignity = 2, Dignity = 1, Spotlight = 1, Change = 0

r Neptune MC -3°12'
t Mars WP-a +0°04'
r Mars EP +0°33'

r Sun MC +8°36'

t Mars op r Mars 1°39' M
r Mars-Neptune sq 2°25'
t Mars sq r Sun 2°45'

PVP Aspects
r Neptune-Pluto sq 1°04'

Other Partile Aspects
r Jupiter-Uranus 0°04'
t Venus-Neptune co 0°07'
t Venus op r Asc 0°26'
t Sun sq r Mercury 0°28'
t Neptune op r Asc 0°34'
t Mercury sq r Mercury 0°52' M
t Saturn co r Moon 0°57' M

Malefic = 14, Benefic = 10
Dignity = 9, Indignity = 2
Spotlight = 4, Change = 2
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Re: SLR 2/1/25

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I'm nearing the end of this two weeks in a grumpier mood than expected, but overall better off. The biggest event of the period was the Boston trip that began it. The second biggest was the new Time Matters version release which really fed my progressed Moon-Uranus square. Then, this week, I've had a lot of Mars stuff.

Specifically, I've had the dual effect of being more sick than not and having work demands spike. There was a lot of misc. achy etc. body stuff over the weekend then Sunday night I felt I should take a Covid-19 test. It was negative (though I'm not sure I trust home tests anymore against the evolving virus). I had to be in the office anyway so I've been wearing a high-end mask all week prophylactically and cycling between feeling fine and feeling really dragged down. Then at work it's been drive-drive-drive at a faster pace, more to do, and therefore also higher risk of screwing something up.

What this MOST feels like is simply transiting Mars square natal Sun. Mars is now in orb of this aspect and will still be in orb at its station - so I'm at the start of a few weeks of Mars to Sunn. I'd been looking forward to my SQ/PSSR Moon squaring my Sun and now realize it's coinciding with Mars transiting square my Sun (opposite SQ/PSSR Moon), so it's not likely going to be as pleasant and uplifting as I expected. I'm feeling this Mars a lot, including dreams having a sense of foreboding and threat (probably just the body stuff percolating up into the dreams).

This could just be the Mars transit. Or, also, though I had a great Jupiter-dominant SLR in Boston, I returned home to the fully malefic SLR version I'd have had if I'd stayed. I do expect some of the "relocated back home" effect.
r Neptune MC -3°12'
t Mars WP-a +0°04'
r Mars EP +0°33'

r Sun MC +8°36'

t Mars op r Mars 1°39' M
r Mars-Neptune sq 2°25'
t Mars sq r Sun 2°45'
From this I'd expect, simply, getting sick and the corresponding psychological effects of Mars-Neptune forward. This also had the Mars transit to natal Sun already. This week's "on again, off again, not entirely sick, nowhere near well" is described extremely well by a "get sick" SLR that was deflected by a Jupiter-dominant original location. More like "getting just kinda sick."

The Boston SLR's foreground aspects were all fine enough. It's PVP aspects seem unusually descriptive:
t Saturn sq r Moon 0°51' p
t Jupiter-Saturn sq 1°26' p
t Sun-Saturn sq 2°31' p
Saturn to Moon and the Sun-Saturn could easily be the same health stuff, the heavy attention drawn to the body and its aches. The transiting Jupiter square transiting Saturn is also quite descriptive: This period has been one of simultaneous significant cash inflow and then outflow; specifically, having more income than usual and immediately rolling it into paying the several thousands of dollars of vet bills our sick cat had incurred (I think I've paid most of that surplus expense by now).

So, in that sense, the Boston lunar could be viewed as covering everything with no need of the LA chart; except that the conditions of the week have felt very much like the "burn the candle at both ends and feel like the wick" recognizable as Mars to Sun.
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Re: JAE SLRs and Demi-SLRs 2024-25

Post by Ember Nyx »

Jeez, I hope you feel better soon! I've also had some stomach thing for a few days.
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Re: JAE SLRs and Demi-SLRs 2024-25

Post by Veronica »

I hope you’re feeling better soon. I’m glad you were able to get away for a while and set up your LR in Boston.
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Jim Eshelman
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Demi-SLR 2/14/25

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Feb 14, 2025, 12:50:55 PM PDT, home
Benefic = 6, Malefic = 2
Dignity = 6, Indignity = 3
Spotlight = 0, Change = 0

Impressions: Positive. Builds on the Jupiter-dominant SLR. The non-foreground partile aspects are mixed, since Mars squares my Sun during this whole time (including Mars' station) and Saturn is in partile mundane aspect to Moon; but perhaps these will have little voice in a Jupiter-dominant return.

t Neptune Z -1°33'
t Jupiter EP-a -0°27'
t Mercury MC +8°47'

(no foreground aspects)

Other Partile Aspects
t Mars sq r Sun 0°00'
-- t Pluto sq r Sun 0°16' M
t Venus sq r Mars 0°05' M
t Saturn co r Moon 0°33' M
t Sun sq r Venus 0°33''
-- t Sun op r Pluto 0°47'

Benefic = 23, Malefic = 2
Change = 9
Dignity = 6, Indignity = 3, Spotlight = 0
Jim Eshelman
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