February 2025 Events

Analyses of distinct mundane events, using the methods of Sidereal mundane astrology
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February 2025 Events

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Sweden's worst mass shooting

Post by Jim Eshelman »

February 4, 2025, 12:33 PM CET, Orebro, Sweden 59N16'10" 15E09'58"
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2025_Risb ... l_shooting

Eleven people are dead including the shooter (and twelve others injured) in what appears to be the worst mass shooting ever in normally-peaceful Sweden. The shooting occurred at Campus Risbergska, an adult educational center between 12:33 PM and 2:15 PM.

Sweden is historically peaceful. However, given economic (cost of living and other) extremes lately, it's been experiencing one of the highest rates of gun violence in Europe. Motives for this shooting are still unclear. - The shooting be with a close Moon-Pluto square and the telltale mass-shooting aspect, a Venus-Neptune conjunction with Mars about 1° from Ascendant (something not evident ecliptically, where it looked like it was 11° below Asc).

The charts are fantastic until we get to the CapQ for the day: It gives us nothing. But this happens sometimes and, when it does, statistics show that the other three solar ingresses rise to the occasion. In this case, the CanQ alone does the job, and the other two add even more.

Year: Capsolar {+2}
Mars Z 0°40'
Moon MC 2°03'
Sun more widely angular
-- Sun-Mars op 1°42' [Eris ties into the mix]

Bridge (None.)

Month: Caplunar {+2}
Venus Z 0°36'
Jupiter and Uranus more widely angular
-- Venus co middleground Saturn 1°48' M, Neptune 3°20'
-- Venus sq middleground Mercury 2°28' M
Moon-Mars op 3°31'

Week: Arilunar {+3}
Saturn WP-a 1°02'
Venus & Neptune more widely foreground
-- Venus-Neptune co 1°33'

Day: Capsolar Quotidian & Transits {0}
t Mercury op s MC 1°08'
p Asc sq p Moon 0°50'

Day: Cansolar Quotidian & Transits {+2}
t Mercury op s Asc 1°24'
p Asc sq y Saturn 0°33', s Saturn 1°55'
p MC co t Moon 1°17'

Day: Arisolar Quotidian {+2}
p MC co s Mars 0°10', t Saturn 0°12'

Day: Libsolar Quotidian & Transits [+2}
t Pluto sq s Moon 0°07'
t Pluto op s EP-a 0°33'
p Moon-Mercury co 0°16'
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Re: February 2025 Events

Post by Venus_Daily »

A Lear Jet carrying 10 passengers has disappeared before it was able to land in Alaska.
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Re: February 2025 Events

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Venus_Daily wrote: Fri Feb 07, 2025 12:44 pm A Lear Jet carrying 10 passengers has disappeared before it was able to land in Alaska.
Do you have date, time, and place? I heard of this (just one more notable air disaster this month) but then couldn't find anything on it. - If you have the flight number, we can perhaps track the rest down.
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Re: February 2025 Events

Post by Lyse »

Do you have date, time, and place?
The plane missing in Alaska, a Cessna 208B Grand Caravan, was last seen over the Norton Sound around 3:16 p.m. Thursday

https://www.cnn.com/2025/02/07/us/alask ... index.html
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Missing Alaska jet

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Lyse wrote: Fri Feb 07, 2025 1:34 pm The plane missing in Alaska, a Cessna 208B Grand Caravan, was last seen over the Norton Sound around 3:16 p.m. Thursday
https://www.cnn.com/2025/02/07/us/alask ... index.html
February 6, 2025, 3:18 PM YST, Nome, Alaska

Ten people aboard. Flying from Unalakleet to Nome in Alaska. Lost tracking or communication when twelve miles off shore. An official said the plane "experienced some kind of event which caused them to experience a rapid loss in elevation and a rapid loss in speed" about 3:18 PM.

Wikipedia gives the coordinates of Norton Sound (presumably the geographic center) as 63.9° N, 163.3° W (it's about 125 miles wide). Since the plane was only twelve miles offshore, I'm going to interpret that as meaning "almost at Nome" and use Nome's coordinates.

If this was a Mars event that took down the plane, the charts show it very well, from beginning to end.

Year: Capsolar {+2}
Mars Asc 0°36'
Mercury more widely foreground
-- Mercury-Mars op 3°06' M
-- Mars op middleground Sun 1°34'
[Also a lot of Eris aspects in the mix, though it was widely foreground]

Bridge (None.)

Month: Caplunar {+2 or +3}
Pluto IC 1°44'
Mars Z 0°54'
Moon, Sun, & Mercury more widely foreground
-- Mercury-Pluto co 1°24'
Moon-Mars 3°31'

Week: Arilunar {+1}
[An enormous list of aspects. I give it only +1 because it says so much that it's hard to say what it says. I give it at least +1 because the majority of its aspects describe the event, including its closest aspect (and then there is a bit too much unafflicted Venus).]
Venus Asc 2°52'
Saturn EP 1°07'
Moon, Sun, Mercury, Mars, Neptune, & Pluto more widely foreground
-- Saturn-Neptune co 0°11' M
-- Sun-Venus co 0°14' M
-- Saturn-Pluto co 0°18' M
-- Neptune-Pluto co 0°29' M
-- Moon-Sun co 0°38' M
-- Moon-Venus co 0°52' M
-- Mercury-Neptune co 1°02' M
-- Mercury-Saturn co 1°13' M
-- Mercury-Pluto co 1°31' M
-- Venus-Neptune co 1°33'
-- Moon-Mercury co 1°43' M
-- Mars-Uranus op 1°45' M
-- Mars-Pluto op 1°51' M
-- Mars-Saturn op 2°09' M
-- Mars-Neptune op 2°19' M
-- Sun-Mercury co 2°20' M
-- Moon-Neptune co 2°45' M
-- Mercury-Venus co 2°35' M
-- Moon-Saturn co 2°56' M
-- Moon-Pluto co 3°13' M
-- Mercury-Mars op 3°21' M
-- Sun-Neptune 3°22' M
-- Sun-Saturn co 3°33' M
-- Uranus-Pluto co 3°36' M
-- Venus-Saturn co 3°48' M
-- Sun-Pluto co 3°51' M
-- Saturn-Uranus co 3°54' M

To make this easier to see, here are all the mundoscope positions except Jupiter (which is the only planet not in the mix). All are in H1 except Mars in H7.
2°52' Venus
3°07' Sun
3°44' Moon
5°27' Mercury
6°29' Neptune
6°40' Saturn
6°58' Pluto
8°48' Mars
10°33' Uranus

Day: Capsolar Quotidian {+2}
[The event angles were nearly identical to the CapQ angles.]
p Asc to p Mars 0°00', s Mars 0°02', s Sun 1°32'

Day: Cansolar Quotidian {+3}
p Asc co p Mars 0°06', s Mars 0°29', s Uranus 1°32'
p EP-a op s Pluto 0°51'
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Guatemala bus accident

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Feb 10, 2025, 5:00 AM CST, Puente Belice, Guatemala City, Guatemala 14N38'57'' 90W29'08''
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2025_Guat ... _bus_crash

"A bus veered off a highway bridge [65 feet] into a polluted ravine... killing at least 30 people and trapping survivors" (Reuters). "The bus was traveling on a busy route in and out of the city..." This bus was on Puente Belice ["Belize Bridge"], "a highway bridge that crosses over a road and creek."

A local Guatemalan newspaper lists 51 deaths. I think this was an earlier estimate that has been superseded. (I just found another Guatemalan paper that said "at least 50" were reported killed.) UPDATE 2/11: Today's reports say at least 56 deaths.

I have no time of the event yet. A local paper says the bus left San Agustin Acasaguastian at 3:00 AM and describes the event as "in the early morning." The drive from San Agustin Acasaguastian to Guatemala City is about two to two and a half hours, so an estimated time is 5:00 am presuming no traffic during the night. (I'll wait until I can pin this down a bit more.) - Confirmation, another paper says, "According to the municipal firefighters, around 5:00 am local time, the bus driver lost control, crashed into several cars, and fell into a polluted river at the bottom of a ravine approximately 20 meters deep."

NOTE 2/11: The new Wikipedia page for this event says the time was 4:20 AM. That seems unlikely considering the other data reported yesterday (see the last paragraph for the math). PS - My coordinates are for the exact bridge location and are better than Wikipedia's.

At 5:00 am, Pluto was 0°09' from EP-a. Moon was a few minutes before her setting.

Year: Capsolar {+2 at least}
Pluto Dsc 0°13'
Eris MC 1°28'
Sun WP-a 0°54'
Moon, Mars, Haumea more widely foreground
-- Sun-Eris sq 0°42'
-- Sun-Mars op 1°17' M
-- Pluto-Haumea sq 1°37'
-- Pluto-Eris sq 1°41' M
-- Mars-Eris sq 2°16'

Bridge {+1 or +2}
t Pluto op s Asc 1°14'

Month: Caplunar {+2}
Mars WP 1°29'
Moon & Eris more widely foreground
-- Moon-Eros sq 0°41'
-- Mars-Eris sq 2°50'
-- Moon-Mars op 3°31'
Moon-Mercury co 3°50' M

Makemake MC 0°33'
Pallas EP 0°11' (co Moon, op Mars &C)

Week: Canlunar {+2}
Saturn Dsc 0°48'
Jupiter, Neptune widely foreground
-- Sun-Saturn sq 2°57' p
-- Neptune co middleground Venus 3°57' M
Moon-Eris sq 0°37'

OTHER: Orcus Z 0°54'

Day: Capsolar Quotidian & Transits {+2 at least}
t Pluto op s Asc 1°14'
t Moon co s EP-a 1°47'
p EP-a op t Sun 0°15', t Mercury 1°39'
p Asc sq t Uranus 1°58'
-- t Mercury-Uranus sq 0°37'
-- t Sun-Mercury co 0°44'

Day: Cansolar Quotidian {+2}
p Asc co t Mars 1°38'
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Collision of small planes near Tucson

Post by Jim Eshelman »

February 19, 2025, 8:28 AM MST, near Marana Regional Airport, Tucson, AZ 32N24'34 111W13'06"

Two small planes collided mid-air near Marana Regional Airport outside Tucson, killing at least two people. (Two others aboard were unharmed.) This is the next in a series of air disasters under the current Caplunar for Washington. Coordinates above are for the airport.

Neptune and Venus were both within about a quarter degree of Ascendant when the collision occurred, with Saturn near them. A mundane Moon-Mars square existed for the location.

Year: Capsolar {+2}
Mercury WP 1°46'
Sun & Mars more widely angular
-- Sun-Mars op 0°25' M
-- Mercury sq nearly-foreground Neptune 0°10' M

Bridge {+1 or +2}
t Uranus sq Cansolar Asc 0°16'

Month: Caplunar {+1 or +2}
[The close angularities and Moon aspects are perfect! I was ready to give this a three. But the foreground aspects are entirely wrong. I suppose it's a +2 but the mostly benefic aspects may drag it lower than that.]
Neptune IC 2°22'
Saturn N 0°42'
Venus & Jupiter widely foreground
-- Venus-Jupiter sq 2°00' M
-- Jupiter-Neptune sq 2°52' M
-- Venus-Neptune co 3°20'
Moon-Mercury co 2°28' M
Moon-Mars op 2°55' M

Week: Liblunar {0}
[It has the marks of a transportation accident but, even more, it has marks of benevolence. I suppose it's really saying there was a Mercury bad event AND half the people lived. Objectively, though, I can't score this positively: It's a draw.]
Sun Asc +2°21'
Jupiter IC +2°29'
Mercury Asc -2°53'
-- Sun-Jupiter sq 0°08' M
-- Mercury-Saturn 0°31' p
-- Sun-Saturn 0°38' p
-- Jupiter-Saturn sq 1°40' p
-- Su/Me = Asc 0°16'

Day: Cansolar Quotidian & Transits {+2 / -2 = 0}
t Uranus sq s Asc 0°16'
t Sun sq s Moon 0°10', co s EP-a 1°36'
t Venus sq s MC 0°07'
t Mercury sq p Moon 0°24'

Day: Capsolar Quotidian & Transits {-2 / 0 = -2}
t Venus co s MC 0°58'
-- t Venus sq s Mercury 0°48'
p EP-a co p Moon 0°47'
p Asc sq t Moon 0°20'
Jim Eshelman
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