U.S. Supreme Court overthrows Roe v. Wade

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U.S. Supreme Court overthrows Roe v. Wade

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June 24, 2022, 10:10 AM EDT, Supreme Court Building, Washington, DC
UPDATE: Numerous news sources have now confirmed 10:10 AM, so I've adjusted the above from the presumed 10:11.

Roe v. Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court decision that redefined culture, opened nearly half a century of liberty and self-determination for women, and dominated the U.S. political landscape, has been overturned by the Court. The new decisions is Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health.

Roe was originally decided January 22, 1973, 10:20 AM EST, at the Supreme Court Building in Washington, DC (38N43'26", 77W00'17"). Its reversal will surely dominate he social and political landscape at least for the rest of this year, and probably for years to come.

I list above the time The Guardian broke the news (7:12 AM PDT). This was also the minute a Supreme Court monitoring account on Twitter announced it. This would suggest an announcement one minute earlier. I had expected top-of-the-hour announcement and there may be an earlier time to obtain. I'll return to break down this staggeringly important historic event on its own and as an event for the original Roe decision's perspective. (I consider it an unanswered question of whether such event charts - the announcement of a decision - hav a life of their own.) As a first impression, though, the one loud transit to the Roe chart is transiting Jupiter (unafflicted) crossing its Eastpoint, which seems completely unlikely. (Just found Mars octile its Neptune, which is more fitting.)

Saturn set just a few minutes before, having just retrograded back into Capricorn (29°54' Cap).

Year: Capsolar {+2}
Pluto on N 1°36'
Sun & Mercury more widely foreground
-- Sun-Pluto co 1°21'
-- Su/Me 0°06'
-- Mercury sq. non-fore Uranus 0°32'
Moon-Mars op 1°36'
Moon-Neptune sq 2°06' M

NOTE: Sun-Eris sq 0°01' M

Bridge {+2}
t Pluto sq Capsolar Asc 0°04'
t Neptune sq Capsolar Moon 0°33'

Quarter: Arisolar {0}
Mercury on Dsc 0°42'
Saturn & Uranus more widely foreground

Month: Caplunar {+1 or +2}
Uranus on Z 1°00'
Saturn widely angular [Saturn sq. non-fore Venus 2°48']
-- Saturn-Uranus sq. 1°13' M [breaking precedent!]
Moon-Mars sq 0°36' M
Moon-Pluto co. 3°03' M

Week: Arilunar {+2}
Pluto on Asc 0°27'
Saturn on EP 1°53' [sq. non-fore Venus 1°10' M]
Uranus more widely fore
Moon-Pluto sq 2°55'
Moon-Mars 3°41'

NIOTE: Adding Sedna enhances this enormously, making it an easy +3. Sedna is partile conjunct Venus, both mundanely square Saturn.

Day: Capsolar Quotidian & Transits {+3}
p Asc co t Mars 0°28'
t Pluto sq s Asc 0°04'
t Neptune sq s Moon 0°33'

Day: Cansolar Quotidian & Transits {+1}
p EP-a co t Mercury 0°28'
p Asc co t Sun 0°52'
t Sun sq s MC 0°11'
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Re: U.S. Supreme Court overthrows Roe v. Wade

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I don't want to spend too much time on looking at the Roe "natal" chart, but it's worth at least a quick look as an excellent opportunity to see if these charts for the announcements of a decision are somehow radical.

As mentioned above, transits to the Roe chart are mixed, with the strongest transit seeming entirely wrong: Transiting Jupiter crossing one of Roe's "natal" angles is not consistent with its termination.

Secondary progressions were another matter, though: Today was definitely an important time for Roe per its progressions, if for no other reason than p Moon sq r Asc (from Nadir) 0°32'. There is another interesting aspect that speaks of a time of passion and the start of grief: p Venus 20°57' squares r Mars and is just within a degree (0°59') of completing its square to progressed Saturn. Finally, the SNQ quotidian angles for the event bring progressed Mars and Uranus to the angles triggered by transiting Mars.

Roe's SSR is essentially the setup of the Capsolar (meaning that it probably is so every year). Transiting Pluto is exactly on Nadir (but probably foreground every year), and there is a foreground Sun-Mercury conjunction. Roe's June 7 SLR has a natal Moon-Neptune paran on angles, not much else (a little more Neptune, a little more Mars). The June 20 Demi-SLR, though, shows the damaging attack with transiting Mars and Pluto on angles (but not in aspect).

Not a lo... but enough to mention.
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Re: U.S. Supreme Court overthrows Roe v. Wade

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Finally, what is the impact on the U.S. chart, meaning what impact will this likely have on the nation and her people (vs. what we think it will do)?

I've been saying all year that the main transit to the U.S. chart right now is transiting Pluto opposite natal Mercury. Today, that transit is only 0°13' wide, quite appropriate for the explosive overturning of a half-century, culturally-defining, politics-driving Supreme Court decision. (I'm not missing the fact that this aspect falls Capricorn-Cancer!) But, wait, it gets better: The U.S. nativity has a 12' Mercury-Uranus octile, so transiting Pluto is also 0°35' from sesqui-square natal Uranus today. Transiting Mercury, today at 17° Taurus, triggered this further. (For Mercury in these charts, think of the decision itself - a document, a collection of words and ideas.)

Transiting Neptune opposes natal Neptune 0°25' (Virgo to Pisces). This means that it also squares natal Mars 0°45'. Volatile passions will surge right now.

Transiting Saturn octiles natal Jupiter 0°38'. That probably has more to do with gas prices, but it does speak to today's event as well. Buy transiting Jupiter square natal Venus (0°35') is a stunningly wrong aspect for an event that does exactly the opposite of honoring, protecting, and benefiting women.

Secondary progressions are noteworthy for what they almost show. Perhaps we have something further coming soon:

28°49' Cap - p Moon
29°37' Tau - r Mars
29°54' Cap - t Saturn
29°57' Cap - p Mercury

But it's entirely clear on one central, descriptive progression:

11°13' Ari - p Venus
11°15' Lib - p Saturn

Duplicating this, the current U.S. SSR (July 8, 2021) has Venus-Saturn across the horizon joined by Mars and Uranus in the mix. (Pluto's opposition to natal Mercury is right across the EP axis.)

16°49' Can - SSR Asc
16°54' Cap - s Saturn (0°14' below Dsc)
18°40' Can - s Venus
19°02' Ari - s Uranus
21°38' Ari - s Mars

The June 18 U.S. SLR is quite painful:

21°31' Gem - r Sun
23°11' Vir - r Saturn
23°15' Pis - t Mars
25°26' Vir - SLR Asc
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Re: U.S. Supreme Court overthrows Roe v. Wade

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TheScales_BothWays wrote: Fri Jun 24, 2022 10:40 am I can't believe it. I can't believe that a nation in the global North like the US would do this.
I've read that many other civil liberties in the US, such as interracial marriage and gay rights stem from rulings that were derived from the Roe v. Wade decision. I hope it doesn't go that far but it is a scary prospect.

The event chart looks horrific. Moon in Taurus squared partile by Saturn in Capricorn, both angular, with Uranus in the periphery.
Jim Eshelman wrote: Fri Jun 24, 2022 7:17 am Week: Arilunar {+2}
Pluto on Asc 0°27'
Saturn on EP 1°53' [sq. non-fore Venus 1°10' M]
Uranus more widely fore
Moon-Pluto sq 2°55'
Moon-Mars 3°41'

NIOTE: Adding Sedna enhances this enormously, making it an easy +3. Sedna is partile conjunct Venus, both mundanely square Saturn.
This chart, even more so.
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Re: U.S. Supreme Court overthrows Roe v. Wade

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TheScales_BothWays wrote: Fri Jun 24, 2022 10:40 am The event chart looks horrific. Moon in Taurus squared partile by Saturn in Capricorn, both angular, with Uranus in the periphery.
Did you do this for the 24th? Moon is in Aries today. (I was noticing that Moon is in the sign of the uterus.)

I have the whole 90 pages of the decision and appendices and answers printed out for when I get time today to start reading. But yes, probably anything dependent on the idea that the 14th amendment conferred a right to privacy or the right of people to handle private matters as they see fit - that's all up for grabs now.
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Re: U.S. Supreme Court overthrows Roe v. Wade

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TheScales_BothWays wrote: Fri Jun 24, 2022 11:38 am
Jim Eshelman wrote: Fri Jun 24, 2022 11:34 am Did you do this for the 24th? Moon is in Aries today. (I was noticing that Moon is in the sign of the uterus.)
My bad. It's past midnight here so I wrongly made a chart for the 25th. Good eye on the Aries symbolism though.
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Re: U.S. Supreme Court overthrows Roe v. Wade

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Given my (very!) preliminary thoughts that Haumea is related to themes of pregnancy and child-bearing, I was curious to see how it fell in mundane charts for this event. I can't say I have a definitive answer, but there are a few interesting things to consider.

First, it's not so strong that Haumea is "all over" all of these charts. Then again, Mercury doesn't appear strong in every chart for transportation disasters, sometimes only making one very precise showing.

For many years, we've had an ongoing Pluto-Haumea square that seems appropriate to the theme. At such time as we may come out of the "Dobbs tunnel" (the period of however many years it takes to reverse Dobbs and restore full abortion rights everywhere), we just might see that the Pluto-Haumea square marked the duration of those years. In 2022, both these planets were a little closer to the 0° Rim spot that involves slow planets more powerfully in ongoing events.

For this event, the Capsolar had Haumea and Eris both foreground, but pretty widely foreground. Pluto was the main angularity; but Pluto, Haumea, and Eris all aspected each other. Furthermore, Sun squared Eris 0°01' M and Haumea 0°22' M: Sun at 0° Capricorn was right in the middle of the three-planet mix for all of 2022. (At the same time, Moon aspected Mars and Neptune.)

That's a strong encouragement that Pluto, Haumea, and Eris together were descriptive of the main events of 2022 which - alongside inflation rates - primarily means Dobbs.

The Arisolar was a minor chart and did not have any of these planets. It was mostly Mercury and Uranus, "the shocking decision."

Then we come to the month - the Caplunar. When this occurred June 6, Haumea was pretty active. It was the most angular planet, 1°44' off IC, and only 0°06' from square Pluto ecliptically. Moon's aspect to Eris was stronger (0°08'), and Moon square Mars (0°36') surely marked the time, but Moon also squared Haumea (2°58'). These, and the tragedy of Venus square Saturn, marked the Caplunar.

The June 23 Arilunar returned to Pluto as a lead planet, 0°27' from Ascendant, supported by Saturn on EP (1°52'). The angular Saturn was squared by a middleground Venus. Pluto squared Haumea 0°01' (but Haumea was also middleground). Moon repeated her then-recurring aspects to Pluto, Haumea, and Eris (the last was strongest at 0°06'), and a wider conjunction with Mars.

So, on the one hand, Haumea was in the mix but not the dominant planet. Pluto had a more consistent, active hand - but the Pluto-Haumea aspect was ecliptically exact through the whole period and as active in these charts as, say, Mars-Neptune aspects for a financial panic.
Jim Eshelman
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