Progressed Mercury enters Sagittarius

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Jim Eshelman
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Progressed Mercury enters Sagittarius

Post by Jim Eshelman »

My progressed Mercury enters Sagittarius today. This likely isn't a major consideration, but it probably deserves some consideration.

Progressed planet sign changes don't reach as far as "Oh, you have Mercury in Sagittarius now." Progressed Moon's sign's themes tend to mildly paint backdrop conditions for the two and a half years they run. Progressed Sun's sign can mark out large blocks of life. The small bit I've been able to discern is that the fast planets - Mercury, Venus, and Mars, have slight expressions of a similar sort in that one can usually tell there was a change about when it happens, even if one can't tell too much about it in the times in between sign changes (because whatever it might mean is just the "current normal").

I was born with Mercury in Libra. Due to a retrogradation loop, it stayed there half a century entering Scorpio in October 2005. Essentially the entire time any of you have known me, my progressed Mercury has been in Scorpio. That ends today: Mercury will remain in Sagittarius the rest of my life (unless I live to a record-breaking old age). It's hard to see that I had more Mercury in Scorpio traits for that time, since all of those I see have been with me my whole life (from other chart factors). The exact dates bound a time period where the most obvious themes aren't really Mercury themes. Maybe, then, there isn't much to it. - In any case, it gives me something to watch going forward.

Muddying the transition a bit, my progressed Sun entered Sagittarius in December 2021 and surely is a stronger factor. Sun began in Virgo and was in Libra 1962-1992 and Scorpio 1992-2021.

Progressed Venus began in early Scorpio and, due to retrogradation (station in 1970) it has been in Libra since late 1987 and will be there until 2034. Mars began at the end of Sagittarius, progressed through Capricorn 1956-2001, and since May 2001 has been in Aquarius. (If I live to 88, it will enter Pisces.) It's not clear at the moment that these mark clearly demarcated periods, although the range of years when so many of these were changing was a very active time with lots of transitions and "side trips" in my life.

Mar --> Cap Jul 11 1956
Sun --> Lib May 21 1962
Ven --> Lib Oct 23 1987
Sun --> Sco May 11 1992
Mar --> Aqu May 7 2001
Mer --> Sco Oct 24 2005 viewtopic.php?p=527#p527
Sun --> Sag Dec 16 2021
Mer --> Sag Feb 14 2025 viewtopic.php?p=535#p535
Ven --> Sco Dec 23 2034
Mar --> Pis May 4 2043
Mer --> Cap Oct 5 2043
Sun --> Cap May 28 2051
Jim Eshelman
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Re: Progressed Mercury enters Sagittarius

Post by Venus_Daily »

My progressed Venus enters Scorpio March 25th of this year. It left my Virgo on Sept 13 2000. 2 years later, and 2 degrees into Libra, I met the only man that ever stuck around, and the one I felt truly loved me.
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Ember Nyx
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Re: Progressed Mercury enters Sagittarius

Post by Ember Nyx »

I now have 6 progressed planets in Sagittarius, and my Capricorn Venus is retrograde and 15' away from backing up into Sag also :lol:
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