I just noticed a kite formation in the chart for August 9th 2025. I do wonder if it will have some significance because of the planetary involvement.
A grand trine is formed by Pluto-Uranus-Mars and then the Saturn-Neptune conjunction comes into that as the midpoint between Pluto&Uranus and opposing Mars to form the kite.
Just wanted to make a note of this here in the mundane section.
Kite formation Aug 9th 2025
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19526
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Re: Kite formation Aug 9th 2025
This is a really interesting formation. Steve and I had briefly kicked it around in terms of the worrisome August 7 Caplunar (which, perhaps fortunately, doesn't have the malefics angular in Washington but, rather, the MErcury-Pluto opposition reminiscent of that in July 1776).
In fact, the best news is that the Mars-Saturn-Neptune in that Caplunar mostly misses major national capitals. In the U.S., it lies across the horizon more or less along the western slope of the Rocky Mountains. I have some concern about it also on the horizon through Pakistan, more or less on the Indian-Pakistani border but really through all of Pakistan into a few other -stan countries north of it. I have some concern for your part of the world - volcanoes, perhaps? - since meridian lines cross the western part of Iceland. (Mars is closest to Reyk.)
But when we look at the squares to the angles in the Caplunar, it gets much worse. Squares to the horizon cut through Tokyo and, most dramatically, arch across northern and central Europe. This is important enough to add a map here for a while (I'll remove it in a few days):
It does seem that NATO might be involved... and every Saturn-Neptune conjunction for centuries has centered around significant changes involving Russia and her social and governmental structures. I think there is room for concern, given Uranus' return to Taurus by then.
I'll be back as I have time this morning to say some things about the kite formation itself, which is quite interesting.
In fact, the best news is that the Mars-Saturn-Neptune in that Caplunar mostly misses major national capitals. In the U.S., it lies across the horizon more or less along the western slope of the Rocky Mountains. I have some concern about it also on the horizon through Pakistan, more or less on the Indian-Pakistani border but really through all of Pakistan into a few other -stan countries north of it. I have some concern for your part of the world - volcanoes, perhaps? - since meridian lines cross the western part of Iceland. (Mars is closest to Reyk.)
But when we look at the squares to the angles in the Caplunar, it gets much worse. Squares to the horizon cut through Tokyo and, most dramatically, arch across northern and central Europe. This is important enough to add a map here for a while (I'll remove it in a few days):
It does seem that NATO might be involved... and every Saturn-Neptune conjunction for centuries has centered around significant changes involving Russia and her social and governmental structures. I think there is room for concern, given Uranus' return to Taurus by then.
I'll be back as I have time this morning to say some things about the kite formation itself, which is quite interesting.
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Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19526
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Re: Kite formation Aug 9th 2025
This kite formation around August 9, as Arena mentioned, is a Mars-Uranus-Pluto grand trine with Mars opposite a Saturn-Neptune conjunction.
I think the strongest point is in the earliest hours of August 8 (in the hour or two past midnight Eastern time) when Moon joins the mix by conjoining Pluto. Also, at that point, Moon-Pluto opposes Mercury so that seven planets are involved. Mars, at that point is just coming into orb of Saturn-Neptune and will have three or four days of follow-through. A near Grand Sextile (only one point missing) occurs a few days before. - So, we have configurations centered in the earliest hours of August 8 with several days of accelerating into it followed by three or four days of follow-through, with the August 7 Caplunar burning it in for the world in general.
Just to make this less theoretical, here are planet positions for 2:00 AM EDT August 8, 2025 (I've added a planet we've newly started watching):
5°42' Vir - Mars
6°01' Tau - Uranus
6°05' Lib - Haumea
6°17' Pis - Saturn
6°46' Pis - Neptune
7°10' Cap - Pluto
7°29' Cap - Moon
9°40' Can - Mercury
From a mundane astrology point of view, the single most important consideration is that when three or more outer planets are in mutual aspect (with at least one aspect being hard), some acceleration or destabilization occurs in the geopolitical, governmental, and perhaps cultural world in general that acts as a tipping point. Change occurs. A tipping point starts cascading dominoes in new directions. Stuff happens. This is independent of what planets are involved, though the actual aspects involved then give us details.
It's quite difficult to sort out the many individual aspects involved. The globbing together "significant moment" is the loudest single thing, just like with John Nelson's findings that (to be simplistic) any two planets in hard aspect joined by aspects of any sort (hard or soft) by a third planet accelerates eruptively the number of sunspots and solar storms, whereas soft aspects in the absence of hard aspect direct connections are suppressive of such storming, energy-unleashing events. However, we also want to understand the particular psychology of the aspects - what makes this time different from all other times. For this, we need some handle, somewhere to start, to build our larger picture.
I can think of different approaches to this that, to some extent, overlap.
THE GEOMETRICS THEMSELVES. I'm less interested in the particular multi-planet geometrics in space overall than I am when they occur in a person's natal chart. Nonetheless, the same principles apply here as in a natal, so we can try using that. A kite is a pattern almost entirely made of soft aspects tightly interlocked (a supplemented grand trine), which normally would characterize rigidity, immobility, stuckness; but an opposition then strikes down its middle providing high-energy conditions, action release, eruption. The opposition is the primary feature of the kite, with the collateral trines and sextiles supplementing and, to some extent, explaining it. As part of this mix, we usually find interesting midpoints. (If the kite is all close-orbed, the two flanking trine planets have their midpoint on the opposition axis.)
So, for example, around 8 AM EDT August 9, with Mars 6°29' Virgo precisely at the midpoint of Saturn (6°13' Pisces) and Neptune (6°45' Pisces), the Uranus-Pluto midpoint (planets trine-sextile the three malefics) is 6°35' Virgo-Pisces. That's exceptionally close! (This is soon after a Full Moon chart, btw, which will probably get a lot of attention at the time. The Full Moon is octile Mars-Saturn-Neptune!)
The first thing we notice then is that this is a high energy discharge event at a volatile time. The second thing is that the nature of the whole pattern is defined by Mars opposite Saturn-Neptune, a pernicious combination likely to unleash almost any imaginable sort of harm - you can break down the three aspects to get details but it's really impossible to sort them. Third, these are trine-sextile Uranus and Pluto, with the Ur/Pl midpoint exactly at Ma-Sa-Ne. We expect, therefore, that the pernicious, hurtful, destructive energies have a Ur-Pl expression: destabilizing, demolishing, transforming, especially tearing down iconic structures (whether literal or metaphorical) and, generally, what we'd call radical destabilization.
LARGER PLANET ASPECT CYCLES. The second way to get a handle on this is to analyze it in terms of long-period planet cycles and rhythms. This is especially the method of the highly successful mundane astrologer, Andre Barbault, and of some astrologers I know who have taken up the same work and developed it further.
From this perspective, the main turning-point event of the year is the Saturn-Neptune conjunction (which is not exact until next year but is partile much of this summer). When exact a year from now, it will supersede the November 1989 Saturn-Neptune conjunction, closing a 36-year cycle that began with the fall of the Berlin Wall and collapse of the Soviet Union.
In the broader picture, the larger framework is that this is a "checkpoint" in the Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto aspect cycles. Uranus is trine Pluto and both sextile Neptune. The Uranus-Pluto trine is usually a minor checkpoint of the larger (127-year) cycle that began in June 1966 with their conjunction. We would expect that this is not as loud, dramatic, or even necessarily outward-exposed as the Uranus-Pluto square during (roughly) the Obama years when world religion-based terrorism peaked (it fell in Sagittarius-Pisces) and a broadly dismantling, rearranging time. The current trine would, be itself, be a quiet checkpoint in the whole radical reformation cycle (perhaps one you have to look for in order to see it). Neptune sextile Pluto, of course, has occurred on and off since the late 1940s, but was interrupted for about twenty years. It's back, and alternate-thinking worldviews, confronting impermanent reality, etc. are in resurgence again. (This is LONG stepping-stone in the half-millennium Neptune-Pluto cycle that began with their conjunction in January 1949.) Finally, Uranus sextile Neptune is the first checkpoint following the last Uranus-Neptune conjunction in October 1993. I find this aspect normally comes to shifting social and cultural realities that leave people with reliable maps for where they are going or who they are and, of course, other forms of flexible reality.
So, taken together, the Uranus-Neptune-Pluto pup-tent (split trine) should mark a narrow era of shifting realities, destabilized reliabilities, cultural and political shifts that leave people in a state of uncertainty - and all the other "outer three" keywords you can throw together.
Within that Ur-Ne-Pl "pause and check in on how these big cycles are going" event, we get Saturn conjunct Neptune. While many kinds of grievous results are possible, the broadest generalization I can see from history is that this has marked times of downfalls and dismantling (good, bad, or indifferent). I think it likely to trigger significant, historic financial collapses (a weakening of finance and money policy everywhere. I think Russia is at a critical shifting point since every Saturn-Neptune conjunction for the last couple of centuries has marked significant changes in Russia and, especially, its government.
Putting these together (I'm not working too hard at this, just keeping it simple), in a time the world is warmed up for questioning and refreshing its reality, an aspect of collapse and dismantling occur, coming and going for about a year. But in this one particular week, the third malefic, Mars, opposes 2025's major aspect serving not only as pulling the trigger, but as tightly aligning all three malefics. Kapow.
It's a vulnerable time for much that we thought we could take for granted.
The August 9, 2025 Full Moon occurs in Washington DC at 3:55 AM with Saturn-Neptune at MC opposite Mars on IC (Full Moon exactly octile them) but, interestingly, with Venus conjunct Jupiter just above Ascendant. For longitudes:
4°36' Pisces - MC
6°14' Pis - Saturn
6°22' Vir - Mars
6°45' Pis - Neptune
21°54' Can-Cap - Sun-Moon
24°31' H12 - Venus
26°18' H12 - Jupiter
2°20' H4 - Mars
3°13' H10 - Saturn
3°15' H10 - Neptune
I think the strongest point is in the earliest hours of August 8 (in the hour or two past midnight Eastern time) when Moon joins the mix by conjoining Pluto. Also, at that point, Moon-Pluto opposes Mercury so that seven planets are involved. Mars, at that point is just coming into orb of Saturn-Neptune and will have three or four days of follow-through. A near Grand Sextile (only one point missing) occurs a few days before. - So, we have configurations centered in the earliest hours of August 8 with several days of accelerating into it followed by three or four days of follow-through, with the August 7 Caplunar burning it in for the world in general.
Just to make this less theoretical, here are planet positions for 2:00 AM EDT August 8, 2025 (I've added a planet we've newly started watching):
5°42' Vir - Mars
6°01' Tau - Uranus
6°05' Lib - Haumea
6°17' Pis - Saturn
6°46' Pis - Neptune
7°10' Cap - Pluto
7°29' Cap - Moon
9°40' Can - Mercury
From a mundane astrology point of view, the single most important consideration is that when three or more outer planets are in mutual aspect (with at least one aspect being hard), some acceleration or destabilization occurs in the geopolitical, governmental, and perhaps cultural world in general that acts as a tipping point. Change occurs. A tipping point starts cascading dominoes in new directions. Stuff happens. This is independent of what planets are involved, though the actual aspects involved then give us details.
It's quite difficult to sort out the many individual aspects involved. The globbing together "significant moment" is the loudest single thing, just like with John Nelson's findings that (to be simplistic) any two planets in hard aspect joined by aspects of any sort (hard or soft) by a third planet accelerates eruptively the number of sunspots and solar storms, whereas soft aspects in the absence of hard aspect direct connections are suppressive of such storming, energy-unleashing events. However, we also want to understand the particular psychology of the aspects - what makes this time different from all other times. For this, we need some handle, somewhere to start, to build our larger picture.
I can think of different approaches to this that, to some extent, overlap.
THE GEOMETRICS THEMSELVES. I'm less interested in the particular multi-planet geometrics in space overall than I am when they occur in a person's natal chart. Nonetheless, the same principles apply here as in a natal, so we can try using that. A kite is a pattern almost entirely made of soft aspects tightly interlocked (a supplemented grand trine), which normally would characterize rigidity, immobility, stuckness; but an opposition then strikes down its middle providing high-energy conditions, action release, eruption. The opposition is the primary feature of the kite, with the collateral trines and sextiles supplementing and, to some extent, explaining it. As part of this mix, we usually find interesting midpoints. (If the kite is all close-orbed, the two flanking trine planets have their midpoint on the opposition axis.)
So, for example, around 8 AM EDT August 9, with Mars 6°29' Virgo precisely at the midpoint of Saturn (6°13' Pisces) and Neptune (6°45' Pisces), the Uranus-Pluto midpoint (planets trine-sextile the three malefics) is 6°35' Virgo-Pisces. That's exceptionally close! (This is soon after a Full Moon chart, btw, which will probably get a lot of attention at the time. The Full Moon is octile Mars-Saturn-Neptune!)
The first thing we notice then is that this is a high energy discharge event at a volatile time. The second thing is that the nature of the whole pattern is defined by Mars opposite Saturn-Neptune, a pernicious combination likely to unleash almost any imaginable sort of harm - you can break down the three aspects to get details but it's really impossible to sort them. Third, these are trine-sextile Uranus and Pluto, with the Ur/Pl midpoint exactly at Ma-Sa-Ne. We expect, therefore, that the pernicious, hurtful, destructive energies have a Ur-Pl expression: destabilizing, demolishing, transforming, especially tearing down iconic structures (whether literal or metaphorical) and, generally, what we'd call radical destabilization.
LARGER PLANET ASPECT CYCLES. The second way to get a handle on this is to analyze it in terms of long-period planet cycles and rhythms. This is especially the method of the highly successful mundane astrologer, Andre Barbault, and of some astrologers I know who have taken up the same work and developed it further.
From this perspective, the main turning-point event of the year is the Saturn-Neptune conjunction (which is not exact until next year but is partile much of this summer). When exact a year from now, it will supersede the November 1989 Saturn-Neptune conjunction, closing a 36-year cycle that began with the fall of the Berlin Wall and collapse of the Soviet Union.
In the broader picture, the larger framework is that this is a "checkpoint" in the Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto aspect cycles. Uranus is trine Pluto and both sextile Neptune. The Uranus-Pluto trine is usually a minor checkpoint of the larger (127-year) cycle that began in June 1966 with their conjunction. We would expect that this is not as loud, dramatic, or even necessarily outward-exposed as the Uranus-Pluto square during (roughly) the Obama years when world religion-based terrorism peaked (it fell in Sagittarius-Pisces) and a broadly dismantling, rearranging time. The current trine would, be itself, be a quiet checkpoint in the whole radical reformation cycle (perhaps one you have to look for in order to see it). Neptune sextile Pluto, of course, has occurred on and off since the late 1940s, but was interrupted for about twenty years. It's back, and alternate-thinking worldviews, confronting impermanent reality, etc. are in resurgence again. (This is LONG stepping-stone in the half-millennium Neptune-Pluto cycle that began with their conjunction in January 1949.) Finally, Uranus sextile Neptune is the first checkpoint following the last Uranus-Neptune conjunction in October 1993. I find this aspect normally comes to shifting social and cultural realities that leave people with reliable maps for where they are going or who they are and, of course, other forms of flexible reality.
So, taken together, the Uranus-Neptune-Pluto pup-tent (split trine) should mark a narrow era of shifting realities, destabilized reliabilities, cultural and political shifts that leave people in a state of uncertainty - and all the other "outer three" keywords you can throw together.
Within that Ur-Ne-Pl "pause and check in on how these big cycles are going" event, we get Saturn conjunct Neptune. While many kinds of grievous results are possible, the broadest generalization I can see from history is that this has marked times of downfalls and dismantling (good, bad, or indifferent). I think it likely to trigger significant, historic financial collapses (a weakening of finance and money policy everywhere. I think Russia is at a critical shifting point since every Saturn-Neptune conjunction for the last couple of centuries has marked significant changes in Russia and, especially, its government.
Putting these together (I'm not working too hard at this, just keeping it simple), in a time the world is warmed up for questioning and refreshing its reality, an aspect of collapse and dismantling occur, coming and going for about a year. But in this one particular week, the third malefic, Mars, opposes 2025's major aspect serving not only as pulling the trigger, but as tightly aligning all three malefics. Kapow.
It's a vulnerable time for much that we thought we could take for granted.
The August 9, 2025 Full Moon occurs in Washington DC at 3:55 AM with Saturn-Neptune at MC opposite Mars on IC (Full Moon exactly octile them) but, interestingly, with Venus conjunct Jupiter just above Ascendant. For longitudes:
4°36' Pisces - MC
6°14' Pis - Saturn
6°22' Vir - Mars
6°45' Pis - Neptune
21°54' Can-Cap - Sun-Moon
24°31' H12 - Venus
26°18' H12 - Jupiter
2°20' H4 - Mars
3°13' H10 - Saturn
3°15' H10 - Neptune
Jim Eshelman
Re: Kite formation Aug 9th 2025
I have my eye on the Saturn-Neptune conjunction. There’s one horrific SLR this year with all 3 malefics very closely angular that I’m planning on dodging. I don’t normally relocate lunar returns, but I’m specifically trying to avoid charts that look at all like layoffs in this very uncertain economic time.
Re: Kite formation Aug 9th 2025
Jim wrote:
Jim wrote:
Exactly! Barbault as you mentioned proved this in his mundane work. So, we need to keep a close eye on Geopolitical situations with Russia.I think Russia is at a critical shifting point since every Saturn-Neptune conjunction for the last couple of centuries has marked significant changes in Russia and, especially, its government.
Jim wrote:
Indeed. Whenever we see malefic partile aspects involved with an ingress, we have to allow high % for its symbolism to manifest somewhere in the world. If things are quite on the Geopolitical fronts, I think there is high % the malefic partile aspects of Mars-Saturn-Neptune may manifest as a very significant natural event (earthquake, volcano) sometime during the Aug 7 Caplunar.It's a vulnerable time for much that we thought we could take for granted.
Re: Kite formation Aug 9th 2025
Yes, we're expecting a volcano in the southwest to erupt again anytime, so it might well be the case. It has been erupting a few times in the recent years and one village has already been evacuated.
The map shows Germany and Switzerland being worst hit by this. St.Petersburg is also hit, but it's not the capital of Russia now, so perhaps Russia is not hit by this.
There might be something coming up concerning the Geneva treaties and convention.
The map shows Germany and Switzerland being worst hit by this. St.Petersburg is also hit, but it's not the capital of Russia now, so perhaps Russia is not hit by this.
There might be something coming up concerning the Geneva treaties and convention.