Understanding the creator of my life through insights with my Natal Chart.

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Understanding the creator of my life through insights with my Natal Chart.

Post by SteveS »

Back in Sept 1976 the most transformative shocking (Pluto) event happened in my entire life, it was the beginning for completely changing the course of my life in so many ways. It was when astrology entered my life when I visited a wife (psychic) husband (astrologer) team in Chicago. When I first knocked on their front door, a sign was hanging on their door saying “The Logos.” I had no idea what the word “Logos” meant in 1976, but I knew why I went to see a psychic/astrologer for the first time in my life. It was because I started having freaky paranormal experiences, and my wife felt like I should possibly visit someone who may shed some light on these paranormal experiences.

The meaning of the word “logos”:
The idea of the logos in Greek thought harks back at least to the 6th-century-bce philosopher Heraclitus, who discerned in the cosmic process a logos analogous to the reasoning power in humans. Later, the Stoics, philosophers who followed the teachings of the thinker Zeno of Citium (4th–3rd century bce), defined the logos as an active rational and spiritual principle that permeated all reality. They called the logos providence, nature, god, and the soul of the universe, which is composed of many seminal logoi that are contained in the universal logos. Philo Judaeus (Philo of Alexandria), a 1st-century-ce Jewish philosopher, taught that the logos was the intermediary between God and the cosmos, being both the agent of creation and the agent through which the human mind can apprehend and comprehend God. According to Philo and the Middle Platonists (philosophers who interpreted in religious terms the teachings of Plato), the logos was both immanent in the world and at the same time the transcendent divine mind.
Basically, I was told by this Chicago team astrology books would find me, initiating my soul trough my Natal Chart, and that is exactly what happened for the rest of my 77 years of life. Also, that I would come into contact with more psychics offering certain guidance for the rest of my life. I thought at the time this was so far from the truth, and asked myself how I let my wife talk me into taking an expensive trip to Chicago 3 days listening to a psychic/astrologer? . Some words of caution: Never go to a psychic unless you hear about em through great word of mouth, which is exactly what happened to my wife one day when she was telling an acquaintance in Chicago about my paranormal experiences in the summer of 1976.

Later, the astrological cycles happening to me in summer/fall 1976.
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Re: Understanding the creator of my life through insights with my Natal Chart.

Post by ODdOnLifeItself »

It seems appropriate as primary directed Uranus had moved into orb of its trine to natal Jupiter. Transit-wise, Pluto was moving over natal Neptune, which sounds like a shocking, perspective-changing, rewrite of your fundamental reality.

I'm also curious about the time period right after this, as you had the primary directed MC conjoining with Venus (12/21/76, +/- 2 months) and primary directed Uranus conjoining with natal Mars (12/28/76).
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Re: Understanding the creator of my life through insights with my Natal Chart.

Post by SteveS »

ODdOn wrote:
Pluto was moving over natal Neptune, which sounds like a shocking, perspective-changing, rewrite of your fundamental reality.
Exactly!!! This timed the single most “shocking” event in my entire life in different ways relating to coming into spiritual contact with the cosmic “logos” through a psychic and an astrologer in Chicago. It completely changed my life! Like turning on/off a light switch in my mind/soul. Its somewhat complicated to put into words. There is no doubt in my mind my Natal Neptune is the most sensitive point in my chart because it is partile 90 my Vx and falls partile cnj on my MC/AS midpoint. When my MC solar arc to my r Neptune in the fall of 1987 the single most important business objective in my life came true, I became an independent owner of a 4 screen Theater which was my life’s dream. No doubt in my mind the astrologer Charles Jayne nailed the true symbolism of the Vx having to do with “fated” life events. Jayne stated, “Planets which are strongly linked by aspect to the Vertex are therefore bound up with the fated part of life.” Since Neptune is known for fantasy via film and is partile 90 my r Vertex it explains to me why I born/”fated” into the commercial Theater/Movie business. Since the MC/AS indicates what is happening ‘at the time and place’—this explains to me the symbolism of Neptune partile cnj my r MC/AS—as to why I was born into a house next to a Drive-Inn Theater and started my career at 6 years of age working at a Drive-Inn Theater---it was obviously fated for my life with Neptune being partile cnj my r MC/AS and partile 90 my r Vertex. Because of this important geometry in my Natal with Neptune and Vertex explains so much to my mind important WHYS for my life. “God/the logos geometrizes through our Natal Charts, and there has always been high grade psychics in history who are somehow pure mediums for the cosmic “logos.”
ODdOn asked:
I'm also curious about the time period right after this, as you had the primary directed MC conjoining with Venus (12/21/76, +/- 2 months) and primary directed Uranus conjoining with natal Mars (12/28/76).
Let me think about this time frame ODdOn. Thanks for your feedback. :)
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Re: Understanding the creator of my life through insights with my Natal Chart.

Post by SteveS »

I may discuss in this thread other systems of astrology, but I want it clearly understood the best overall system of astrology I have studied in my 40 years of learning astrology is Sidereal Astrology, this is why I joined this forum in the first place.

For a learning astrologer regardless of their favorite system/branch of astrology, IMO, the older you become the more you learn about your Natal Chart with an inner sight that actually can only be seen/understood with your individual life experiences. Only you the individual astrologer knows which events in your life had the most important impact on your psyche/psychological being. The more you study your life events with your style of learning astrology—the more you can see/understand how the particular types of astrology you are learning plays such an important timing role personally for your individual being/soul.

For example: One of the branches of astrology I have seriously studied in my life is the German schools of “Cosmobiology,” IMO, it’s a fascinating detailed branch of Astrology packed full of great astrological language. One of the specific details of Cosmobiology has to do with the midpoint of the MC Ascendant and (MC/AS), it is held in great esteem by the German and European schools of astrology. I will try to explain. The MC/AS has much to do with Time (MC) and Place (AS). Most natives will not have a Natal Chart with any important planetary aspects involving their MC/AS, but my Natal’s MC/AS just so happened to hold probably the most important sensitive point in my entire Natal Chart. My Natal Neptune was partile conjunct my Natal MC/AS and partile 90 my Natal Vertex. I do believe the Vertex has much to do with fated events involving groups as Charles Jayne taught with his astrological studies.

Since the MC/AS is very unique to a specific time and specific place with your Natal or for that matter any important individual or mundane chart, when we see significant aspects MC/AS pay close attention to the planetary symbolism with the MC/AS. Here is how I interpret my Natal MC/AS working in my life. I was born in house where my entire career life was completely absorbed by Movies. As a baby I was raised in a Drive-Inn Theater atmosphere and my Natal Neptune (fantasy via movies) was partile conjunct my MC/AS. Since the German schools taught the MC/AC is super sensitive to both TIME (MC) and place/location (AS), I can clearly see the cosmic creator designed for my place of birth something very unique to the symbolism of Neptune! I was born in a house next (place/location) to a Drive-Inn Theater. In other words, there is something very unique to my birth location, and that something is Neptune (Movies). Also, with my Natal Neptune being partile 90 my Natal Vertex, I will psychologically feel much more of a heavy fated flavor for my one main career (Theaters)—per Charles Jayne’s teachings pertaining to Vertex sponsored planetary symbolism pointing to a strong connection to one’s Career life directions.

Later I will offer another example how the cosmic creator with the MC/AS chose the exact location, for where the declaration of War 11 was chosen for the Planet with the 1939 Mundane Sidereal Cansolar Ingress, it’s a stunning example IMO for an astrological teaching of the MC/AS and can be used in many different ways for experimentation with all kinds individual charts. If any other members have/see their on life examples with the MC/AC, please let me know. Thanks
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Re: Understanding the creator of my life through insights with my Natal Chart.

Post by SteveS »

In my last post I demonstrated how my Natal MC/AS midpoint pinpointed a location on the planet, where my Natal Neptune being 1,08 conjunct my MC/AS birthed me into a Neptune environment being born in a house located next to a Drive-Inn Theater. I became the chief buying agent for movies with a small Theater company selling fantasy via film to certain communities.

Now with a mundane Solar Ingress I will demonstrate how a MC/AS midpoint pinpointed a location in Europe where WW 11 began with the people of ‘London later in time was bombed for 57 consecutive nights from September 7, 1940 to November 7, 1940 as part of a bombing Blitz, after London (Britain) declared War on Germany. The Blitz was a campaign of aerial bombing by the German Air Force (Luftwaffe) that lasted from September 1940 to May 1941’. This is an excellent example of a very important Sidereal Solar Ingress where one special unique Sidereal Ingress may hold consequences for years to come for a particular location involving a dynamic aspected MC/AS midpoint. No different than how my birth with my Neptune MC/AS midpoint held most important Neptune consequences for many years into my life.

The Moon in mundane charts has traditionally been associated for representing the “people.” In this case the people of London were severely affected by this Blitz bombing campaign by Germany. Take a look at London’s 1939 Sidereal Cansolar Ingress with its severe aspected planetary symbolism to London’s Moon (link below).


Since none of these malefic partile T-square 1939 Cansolar planets are on any of London’s angles, the Sidereal Astrologer has no way of pinpointing/knowing where in Europe (City) this vicious planetary energy will manifest. But with the astrological teachings of the Cosmobiology Schools, they taught the MC/AS midpoint has the ability to pinpoint special unique locations with important charts when there are planets tightly conjunct the MC/AS midpoint. Not only do we see a partile conjunction of Moon-Pluto, we see this conjunction partile conjunct London’s MC/AS partile 90 Saturn and partile 180 Mars.

You see how my Natal Neptune 1,08 conjunct my MC/AS pinpointed a very unique Neptune birth location for my soul, we can clearly see with London’s 1939 Cansolar how this mundane chart pinpointed a very unique Moon-Pluto location for the people of London with the outbreak of WW 11. Not only does the MC/AS midpoint help astrologers pinpoint special unique locations, but it can tell us we are working with a very close timed chart. If you stop and think about it—this 1939 Cansolar for London also shows us the incredible degree accuracy of the Fagan/Bradley Sidereal Zodiac. The main reason I joined this forum was to ask Jim to teach me Sidereal Mundane Astrology, which he did in superb fashion with his most excellent post writings.

Next—I will demonstrate a couple of special unique aspected MC/AS midpoints with a future Sidereal Solar Ingress, allowing me/us to speculate as to what it may be symbolizing for two very important locations on our planet.
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Re: Understanding the creator of my life through insights with my Natal Chart.

Post by SteveS »

I have shared on this forum many of my life experiences with high grade psychics who were very gifted and IMO were true mediums to the “logos” of this universe. I was very fortunate to come into contact with these psychics many years ago, who offered guidance for my life as well for one seeing with her clairvoyance things about my future for taking up a serious study of Astrology, mostly as to how it relates to my Natal Chart accurately foretelling very important life events for my future. Natal astrology IMO is a symbolic language which touches the edges of the “logos” of this universe. This was foretold to me in 1976, which blew my mind since I was born into an uncultured area of the US. As far as I am concerned gifted unique psychics have historically always been on this planet, and IMO part of the astrological signature in my Natal for putting me in direct contact with these gifted psychics is my Natal (0,09) direct AS/Node = Jupiter (“fortunate contacts”).

The link below (7 min) is Joe Rogan Rogan interviewing a lady who has studied some of these unknown gifted people on our Planet today. I like Joe’s podcasts because he interviews very interesting people who share certain common thoughts with my mind/soul.

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