Veronica SSR 2025

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Veronica SSR 2025

Post by Veronica »

It's almost my birthday so I thought I would start a new thread.

My new SSR will take place at my home. Jim had shared that there is a very nice chart for me nearby, around Worth NY. He said it was a happy momma chart and I had seriously considered driving there. As of today though I don't think I will be doing that. This winter has been extremely stormy and driving to a remote location in the wild woods of NY with my old car does not sound safe or responsible. I also can't think of a happier me place then my own home.

My training this week in the new library position went very well and I am happy for the opportunity. It will be so nice to get to interact with more people, in a different way in this new role.

I feel a very strong animosity/two facedness from the other recess teachers/coworkers. I'm not sure if it is true or just my own strong aversion to people who have to talk and chatter all the time about themselves. I attribute that to my own self absorption need to also talk about myself all the time. I do feel I have a very strong perspective about certain things in certain areas. It is very uncomfortable working with them sometimes. I struggle to remind myself that everyone is going through something all the time too, and to not take things personally and just work on controlling what I do have control over, what little that is and to make the best of everything as best I can so that at least I'm not contributing more chaos.

Even though I am not traveling for my SSR I do have a very kind chart. I am glad for that because that will help lighten the inevitable malefic lunars this return has in-store. I am sure that there will be some legal dates with my son that will not be pleasant so I am grateful for a pleasant SSR to make the best of it.

My Progressed Moon is moving into Scorpio so it will be touching off many things. I am hoping for the best with all of that, but the climate of the world seems precarious and I am very worried about volcanos and earthquakes. I really fear for the ecological health of our planet. I'm concerned that pollution has done so much damage that collapse is imminent. It feels like no one cares about Earth and is just swarming in a chaotic oblivious consumering fog. It felt so nice during the pandemic to not hear the expressway all day everyday. But anyway, I digress.

Hopes and dreams for this SSR are to continue with my painting constellations. I am working on Canis Major right now and hope to make the best of the upcoming Saturn Neptune aspect by melding fantastic glitter with solidifying glue with lots of love sprinkled on top. I have 17 done so I have along way to go but spec by glittering spek I will eventually get there :D
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Re: Veronica SSR 2025

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Early happy birthday wishes for Tuesday. Here is the solar return I get for you (from TM) for Mendon Center.

I'm excluding Eris for simplification, but transiting Eris is on EP. You also have SSR Moon conjunct transiting Haumea (which might be like Gaea, but we don't really know how it works astrologically.) The "possibly valid" aspects below are PVP aspects that we don't yet know for sure whether they are valid in returns (but I'll list them all here in one place).

r Pluto Dsc -4°40'
r Venus MC -3°46'

t Moon Dsc -1°38'
r Uranus WP -0°22'

r Venus-Pluto sq 0°54' M
r Venus-Uranus sq 1°31'

t Moon sq r Venus 2°08' M
t Moon co r Pluto 3°03' M

Possibly Valid Aspects
t Moon-Venus sq 0°33' p
t Moon sq r Uranus 0°49' p
r Uranus-Pluto sq 1°05' p
t Venus sq r Pluto 1°20' p
t Venus sq r Venus 2°11' p
t Venus op r Uranus 2°44' p

t Uranus op r Moon 0°19' M

SSR Moon at 11°45' Libra will progress to 23°34' Libra by the SQ rate, reaching your natal Mercury-Saturn late in the year (in about 11 months).
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Re: Veronica SSR 2025

Post by Veronica »

Thank you Jim for posting this.
Lots of things I could say,
I will start with….what in the heckers….is a natal Pluto Uranus aspect ( and Venus,) doing popping into my chart this year!! :D :lol:

Who would’ve thought I had that in me;)

I’m posting this from your aspects thread to gain familiarity with it and to better grasp the steering wheel.

Feels unbound by precedent, custom, convention, or authority: willing to ignore, challenge, or forcibly reject them. Open to new ways, wider horizons; yet rarely disruptive without immediate cause. Physically restless, impatient (possibly frustrated, angry). Authenticity & creative self-expression arise best from solitude (vacuum). In youth, often seem directionless; this resolves as they find their center of gravity (especially after age 30).
Feels unbound by precedent, custom, convention, or authority: willing to ignore, challenge, or forcibly reject them: open to new ways, wider horizons.
Yet rarely disruptive without immediate cause.
Physically restless, impatient (frustrated, angry).
Authenticity & creative self-expression arise best from solitude (vacuum).
In youth, often seem without direction. This resolves as they find their center of gravity, especially after age 30.
...Freedom From Commonness. In Pluto paired off with Uranus we believe we see a standoffish attitude which recoils from anything that might detract from what a psychologist calls the Guiding Fiction in one's daily existence. All people are driven by a Guiding Fiction in life and it seems abnormally forceful in Pluto-Uranus souls.”

I am definitely finding focus on my Guiding Fiction, and letting go of parts that are not in support of me. While I don’t recall this aspect in returns since I started studying Sidereal Astrology, it definitely feels like an aspect I had in my youth. I will look through my charts and see when Pluto transited my natal Uranus and reflect on the events of those times. I feel that transit period may give me clarity on my feelings and perspective. I am also curious if this aspect in this years SSR will touch upon any lunar return angles, or progressed angles so I will explore those. I am also curious about these points having any sort of midpoint action, so I will explore those points as well.

The SSR Moon progression to my natal Mercury Saturn aspect in 11 months I feel will be a big blessing, probably in hindsight of course, I was actually thinking of the chart for Worth as being a negative in this regard, as I would not have that progression if I went and relocated the chart. I like to have time and space to gather my thoughts so I can best articulate what I need to say, and I feel this fast paced world doesn’t have time….impatiently waiting for me to say my say so that it can get back to its business/busyiness. Time will tell, I think I recall having some nice charts lined up this upcoming fall/winter. Maybe I will get my car fixed up good as new, that would be a huge blessing! I will be needing brake and muffler work, and my bushings/Axel need grease. I would really like to have my transportation issues resolved this year.

My nephew is coming over today to celebrate our birthdays, his was on the 13th. I will be indulging in a NY cheesecake and good literature conversation and a peek at the new car he just bought on his birthday. So today seems very much out with the old and get ready for a nice new SSR.
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Re: Veronica SSR 2025

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I had a very heart touching event happen out of the blue this past Thursday at 12:30, and an even more touching version the next day around the same time. Heart touching for me at least, I got slightly teary eyed and had to shake my head so as not to truly cry at the beauty of the moment. I don’t know why exactly I stop myself from crying during moments I feel are especially beautiful, but it feels like a fear response to showing vulnerability and my overly sensitive nature. when I have aloud myself to cry in front of people, happy tears, people seem to get unsettled and pull back…which when humans cry for culturally perceived unbeautiful things like sorrow, pain, fear (seeing Saturn in those words) they usually seem to gain strength, show solidity, and draw nearer. I attribute those reacting to the general desire to stop the crier from cringing as being in the presence of someone crying is usually extremely uncomfortable and most humans try to “help” and make things better for the upset person not out of any altruistic feelings but more of a self centered place. It’s hard enough to figure out the right thing to help a sad crying person, but it’s even more difficult to know how to help a happy crying person.

Anyhoo, the backdrop of this emotional situation was that I was/am tasked with supervising the middle school children’s recess period, which is approximately one hundred children in grades 5-8, approximately ages 8 to 15. While this is a private school we have Avery broad range of human beings composing our student body, super smart to not so, super rich to not so, city, country, and suburban like a true melting pot.

Well what I wanted to share was really like a dream come true, as a few years ago I was telling my sister before she passed how I thought the world needed more musicals and spontaneous dancing and singing, like a flash mob, because well, that what me and my sister would often do …just break out into a song or dance when ever and where ever we felt the feeling arise, a little crazy I suppose but She was Diana Ross to me and I would always back her up not care what any one thought of our spontaneous performance. My cousin a few months ago told me how there is an AI company who was hiring older people to wear a suit that tracked their body movements in an effort to be able to design robots who moved more human like. I loled so hard thinking about how the scientists analyzing my data if I was to participate would be scratching their heads saying something like, “well it looks like she was just doing the dishes and all of a sudden had a short circuit or something and moved iraticaly and wildly for a few minutes and then resumed washing the dishes, our data must be corrupted.” lol.

So Thursday in the huge field house all the kids were busy playing games in groups, self divided by grade for the most part, though our autistic children filter about in the background in small pairs or triads. They were all busy playing their group games and the head of the gym had some background music playing when the song “I want it that way” by the “boy” band Backstreet Boys came on, which is favorite of mine, love love love males harmonizing…just so soul touching to hear. Well, with a few chords everyone in the gym was singing as loud as they could!!! While still playing their respective games of shooting hoops or volleying, or soccer in, just playing and singing their big hearts out! I’m getting choked up just remembering being there and watching it all unfold so utterly organically and unforced. So so so beautiful to hear their voices rising so high in unison and harmony and still just doing what they need to be doing. The same song came on again Friday to an even more spirited singing, with many children and adults mirroring the choreography from the music video.

I share this partly because it touched me so, but also because I feel it is so vital to share what our younger generations are doing, to share their success and wonder fullness and potentials and dynamic characters. So vital to share the beautiful uplifting moments, as small as they are in these vast vast worlds. There is hope and kindness and love and beauty.. I want it that way.
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Re: Veronica SSR 2025

Post by Veronica »

Last night I forced myself to wake up at 1:19 because I was having an utter horrible scary violent nightmare. I don’t want to talk about the content, it was just so ugly in so many ways. I have been fighting off the flu as well as what I will just say are not nice synastry between coworkers, feeling attacked all over. I forced myself to get up and listen to some classical music (canon d in g ). I’m so darn tired of parents sending kids to school sick, sick and tired of it. If you are sick stay home and keep your germs to yourself. Anyhoo, I haven’t had this ugly of a dream in a long time, and the chart for that time does seem to indicate a big nasty dream, with Jupiter on the Dec, and Mercury Neptune midpoint on the Ic. I note as well Mars at 22 Gem, the same degree as my natal Mars and I felt so helpless and stuck in the dream, with the ugliness unfolding and nothing I could do as it was the “other” people engaged in violence, treachery, meanness and sickening behavior. The only light was that I dreamed of my sister Karen is such beautiful living detail that it seemed real, like she was there to save me and protect me from these people who are deliberately trying to drive me insane, frame me, hurt me, and destroy all the beautiful things I have created with and in my life. She is such a beautiful person and I miss her so. Years ago I found that I could suppress these nightmares that haunt my days by smoking a hit of cannabis, but I had just on Lent put that aside, forgetting why I started that practice in the first place. I’m sharing this bc I was really really scared, sad and unhinged and the dreams came back even after an hour up listening to music, focusing on a beach ball (a trick a therapist gave me years ago…create as vivid an image in my mind from 360 degrees so much so that it seems real) and walking around my room. I am struggling now with wanting to smoke before bed again, but I know I need to get past that and find a way to cope and control my thoughts feelings and subconscious. It’s just so scary to think if I don’t smoke I will be tormented and loose sleep and be haunted in the day with these haunting dreams.
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Re: Veronica SSR 2025

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Since you're sick, this is enough to stir into a nightmare whatever is boiling in your subconsciousness. I've noted uncountable times over the decades that when my body is fighting something and repelling invaders, my dreams are at war or otherwise hurtful. This long transit of Mars across my Sun (for several weeks) combined with Mars opposite SQ and PSSR Moon (climaxing this week in t Mars = SQ Moon = r Sun while PSSR Moon = SSR Mars) have been not only riding the bare edge of being sick (for weeks) but also turbulent dreams.

Against the years-long backdrop of transiting Neptune opposite natal Pluto, you had some short-term factors. Last night, transiting was square your Mars (and that transiting Mars was exactly trine transiting mars in space). It was clearly a Mars event.
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Re: Veronica SSR 2025

Post by SteveS »

All we can do is do the best we can to ride out our negative health cycles. I wish you both speedy recoveries.
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Re: Veronica SSR 2025

Post by Veronica »

Jim Eshelman wrote: Fri Mar 07, 2025 7:10 am Since you're sick, this is enough to stir into a nightmare whatever is boiling in your subconsciousness. I've noted uncountable times over the decades that when my body is fighting something and repelling invaders, my dreams are at war or otherwise hurtful. This long transit of Mars across my Sun (for several weeks) combined with Mars opposite SQ and PSSR Moon (climaxing this week in t Mars = SQ Moon = r Sun while PSSR Moon = SSR Mars) have been not only riding the bare edge of being sick (for weeks) but also turbulent dreams.

Against the years-long backdrop of transiting Neptune opposite natal Pluto, you had some short-term factors. Last night, transiting was square your Mars (and that transiting Mars was exactly trine transiting mars in space). It was clearly a Mars event.
Thanks for this Jim, it was very reassuring to read and see the transits as a trigger. I’m just about done with the Neptune Pluto just time for Saturn to transit…woohoo. I hope your turbulence is on the downside, it is so important to get a good nights sleep, but it’s challenging with so many shocking turnovers and changes seeming to be going on out in the world. I appreciate your feedback on things and value your input and support.

Regarding Saturns wonderful back and forth to my Pluto for many months….the universe must have been whispering in my daughters ear because she gifted me with this amazing journal/ self discovery disclosure book entitled _Mom, I want to hear your story_. It is filled with page after page of reflective questions about myself, my life, my experiences, my feelings and dreams and is just the right tool to use during this powerful Saturn Pluto time to document where I started and how far I’ve come and well, I cried when I opened it, so very very touched that my daughter cared to know who I am, who I was as a child and young woman. It is a solid reminder of who I am really, and helps me forget the garbage other people try to tell me about myself.

And Steve thank you for the health wishes! I am feeling so much better after a few doses of chephalexin I have on hand for emergencies. I’m working on my painting of Cygnus today and cooked some chicken and red potatoes and listening to really beautiful music. I also have some time to visit with my son and talk about his reading of Paradise Lost and HGWells and Mary Shelley, he has been reading so many beautiful classical literature books lately and I am just so proud to be a part of his wonderful and amazing journey. John Milton’s Astrology chart just blew me away last night when I drew it up! Sun Mars Neptune all at 28 degrees and the Venus Mercury wow wow wow! I never knew about his blindness either so I’m grateful to be learning so many new things, and seeing old things in a new light! I wish everyone kept reading after getting out of grammar school it would make conversations so much richer and educated and compassionate. Fight ignorance and read a book is a Great War cry IMO lol.
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Re: Veronica SSR 2025

Post by SteveS »

V wrote:
And Steve thank you for the health wishes! I am feeling so much better after a few doses of chephalexin I have on hand for emergencies.
You are welcome V. Glad you are feeling much better. At my age I am always cautious when I see any kind of Mars cycles coming up in any of my charts. I have taken chephalexin before and it also helped me get much better from a bacterial infection.
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