Trump's March 10 2025 Solar Quotidian

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Trump's March 10 2025 Solar Quotidian

Post by SteveS »

Yesterday the financials on Wall Street were clobbered losing 4 trillion $ in value, most likely due to Trump’s incoming Tariffs he is implementing against certain countries. Trump’s Solar Quotidian (SQ) featured his SQ (secondary progressed solar moon) yesterday at market close:

SQ Moon 11,49 Vir
Natal Neptune 11,51 Vir

Cyril Fagan in his writings discussed the importance of dynamic 0 90 180 aspects of secondary progressed solar moons with solar and natal planets associated with significant life events. Fagan felt so strongly about secondary progressed solar moons aspects he used em with significant life events to rectify Natal Charts. I am sure Trump experienced great disappointed (Neptune) by the reaction the financials had yesterday to these potential oncoming tariffs. We need more time to know for sure if yesterday's significant bearish market action was Trump's main life event in his current solar year with the culmination of this downward market. If yesterday market action turns out to be his main SQ Moon-Neptune event, this also is a strong indication that Trump’s birth time is very close to being very accurate with a near exact conjunction of his SQ Moon to his Natal Neptune.

Inside wheel Trump’s SQ; outside wheel Trump’s Natal:
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Re: Trump's March 10 2025 Solar Quotidian

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Great catch. I'd missed thst one. Dead onm

BTW, while much of last week's market drop was attributed to the tariff yo-yo, yesterday was different. It was triggered by Trump on Sunday that, sure, we're likely to have a recession "in the short term" and people shouldn't watch the stock market to judge how his policies are working. (I paraphrase from memory but I think that's a fair summary of what he said.)

Saturn is about to close in on his luminares. Solar Arc Neptune is hitting his Moon.

Since January 30, it's been a steady roll downhill.
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Re: Trump's March 10 2025 Solar Quotidian

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Another 500 down this morning, but we still have all day to see how it shakes out.

Wall Street Journal, which is conservative in its editorial leaning and solid on its financial reporting, just published an article, "Wall Street Fears Trump W\ill Wreck Soft Landing," acknowledging that the Biden administration already landed smoothly and that recovery is now at risk.
WSJ wrote:For the past year, U.S. economic policymakers have been singularly focused on achieving a so-called soft landing that brings inflation down without a recession. Now, a new team of pilots are considering a course correction that, by their own acknowledgement, might tip the economy toward a hard landing.

President Trump and his senior advisers in recent days have signaled indifference to rising risks that trade uncertainty chills private-sector investment They have argued a 'detox' might be needed in spending and hiring, that falling stock values aren't a big worry, and that inflation could rise in the short run.
After recapping Sunday's remarks they continued,
...Trump inherited an economy with steady growth and lofty stock markets but vulnerabilities from a frozen housing sector and a cooling labor market. Investors began the year indifferent to those blemishes because they expected the new administration to focus on revving up growth. Stocks soared after Trump's election in November as investors anticipated a bullish cocktail of tax cuts and deregulation, as occurred in his first year as president in 2017.

"People could only see the good side of what Trump was promising to do. That has basically evaporated, and now, we're back to recession watch," said [one of those guys the newspapers always quote].
Market watchers have seen bad trends lately. The shift (according to the article) is that last week it looked like the Trump administration saw the signs and would blame Biden for having handed over a bad economy. As of Sunday this has switched to, "Oh, don't worry about the bad stuff, it doesn't really matter." This is worrisome.
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Re: Trump's March 10 2025 Solar Quotidian

Post by SteveS »

I am pretty sure using Gann's # I technical indicator with the recent down move from the all-time highs, the market has signaled a major reversal in its long term bull trend on the weekly/monthly charts. This makes me suspect that the very malefic partile Saturn-Neptune conjunction this Summer may be foretelling further downward moves continuing into the Summer.
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Re: Trump's March 10 2025 Solar Quotidian

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I'm sure it means that. That's what Saturn-Neptune usually means.

Plus, there is an invariable pattern for decades involving the economy and presidential party: Bush (recession), Clinton (rolling economy with surplus), Bush (Great Recession), Obama (recovery and vital economy), Trump (economic devastation), Biden (recovery and world's strongest economy). Why think that trend won't continue with more economic devastation in this administration?

Or how about job creation, unemployment, GDP growth... the political winds alone suggest, at best, disappointing numbers now through 2028.
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Re: Trump's March 10 2025 Solar Quotidian

Post by SteveS »

I hear you Jim! If so, we need to see terrible Arcs and SSR's for Trump.---just like we saw for Bush if my memory is serving me with the beginning of the Great Recession in 2008! Problem-- we never know for sure where Trump will be located on his birthdays. For now short term, I see no devastating Arc charts for Trump. If I had to guess Trump would be located at Mar a Largo for his future birthdays. The 2026 SMA Cansolar looks most concerning for DC--possibly for Trump. Politically, the Midterm elections will tell me a lot about Trump's/Rep's political future. My simple best forecast for the future economy/USA will be the price of Gold!!! IMO, certain circumstances which both parties have done in the past since 1971 is possibly very close to destroying USA economy with most of the damage being done in the last 4 years since Covid. For sure something MAJOR has to be done in the next 4 years to keep USA from bankrupting. As far as I can tell Trump/Musk are doing something MAJOR!!! Whether or not it is going to be a life saver economically remains to be seen for sure. We are living in perilous times--hopefully SMA will be able to help us better than identity politics.
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Re: Trump's March 10 2025 Solar Quotidian

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SteveS wrote: Sat Mar 15, 2025 6:55 am For now short term, I see no devastating Arc charts for Trump.
He's in the middle of horrendous solar arcs, including directed Neptune conjunct his Moon exactly now and directed MC (if we assume an exact birth time) conjunct his Pluto (17' applying, so exact in three to four months). Directed Sun is octile his Saturn 31' applying. Other directions (to call them "troublesome" is to understate) are active concurrent with these to add details.

Here are all of his solar arc directions that are currently partile, ranked by orb to make it easy to tell when they mature, with those involving angles or luminaries highlighted. (Plus means in the past, minus means in the future.)

d Saturn sq r Mercury +0°21'
d Neptune co r Moon +0°01'
d MC co r Pluto -0°17'

d Pluto sq r Venus -0°19'
d Sun oc r Saturn -0°31'
d Mercury oc r Pluto -0°48'
If I had to guess Trump would be located at Mar a Largo for his future birthdays.
Always possible. However, during his first term as president, he stayed in Washington. When not president, he stayed away from Mar-a-Lago in warmer months including June and had all his birthdays at Bedminster.

For the upcoming SSR, all three locations are about the same, though Washington has the strongest angularity from Venus.
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Re: Trump's March 10 2025 Solar Quotidian

Post by Jim Eshelman »

As for solar ingresses, that's why I keep this thread up to date:

On a quick thumbnail,

2025 is innocuous overall under the Capsolar, then gets a high-impact Cansolar, suggesting instability and focused especially on the tensions between the people as a whole and the executive branch: Sun-Moon-Pluto T-square on angles in Washington with Su/Pl on angles within 0°01'. This is only a three-month chart: The Libsolar then takes over and is the usual highly disruptive, destabilizing Libsolar with Pluto 0°13' from an angle and a foreground Mercury-Mars conjunction: the year ends with a contentious, divisive bang.

2026 With a dormant Capsolar, the 2025 Cansolar resumes extreme importance as the "acting" year chart. This is a new dynamic, combining the 2025 Cansolar (as Year chart) with the Libsolar (as flowing-through Quarter chart): Sun-Moon-Pluto T on angles for one, Pluto angular and a foreground Mercury-Mars conjunction for the other. Things are not calm - might even be open warfare. Highly destabilizing. -- In April, the Arisolar might give us three months of peace with an exactly angular Venus, but Uranus is also angular: Rearranging alliances will be part of it.

Then we get to the Cansolar you mentioned. That's a mean one. Saturn is exactly angular (Mercury-Saturn being the only foreground aspect). Moon aspects Venus and Mars. The threat of war continues to hang over everything (especially with Uranus in Taurus). This clearly applies to the mid-terms also: People are terribly, terribly unhappy, the country is depressed and angry. The incumbent party always loses ground in the mid-terms (and Republicans have little margin to lose), so odds are Democrats take the House and probably the Senate. The Libsolar has the usual exactly angular Pluto but with Venus and an insane number of aspects that I won't take time to analyze now.

2027 Where 2025 began as a lunar year, 2027 is a solar year (Sun rising 0°13') with a Moon-Saturn conjunction. It's not a happy chart. The level of suppressive authoritarianism makes me wonder if we actually had elections in 2026. The Arisolar is extremely destabilizing with the sort of aspects that dominated the civil rights apex of the late 1960s (Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto with Moon to all of them), so similar in-the-streets behavior marks the quarter. -- The Cansolar in July is then remarkably peaceful, a Moon-Venus opposition across angles. It may be a quiet summer. The Libsolar is a little more Venus than Pluto, but Venus square Pluto and Moon opposite Mars look like the peace is lost. (Probably the 2028 campaign is heating up aggressively.)

2028 Capsolar is a Uranus chart. The person who wins this year will be whoever presents the clearest path to change. The Arisolar (which lasts six months) reiterates this with more Uranus, this time a Venus-Uranus conjunction on EP (so our alliances are still in flux: wars begin or end under Venus-Uranus). Though the Cansolar is dormant, it has a Moon-Saturn exact conjunction reiterating that people are suffering economically and generally unhappy. Then the Libsolar hits like a bomb with Saturn and Pluto square on angles: Looking at this aspect and the many layered aspects, the current fear that we may stop having elections in this country is reinforced. More generally, this chart shows no chance of the then-incumbent administration surviving in a complete blow-out (and they surely know this is the case; so how far will they go to combat that?). The Libsolar suggests six months (October to April) with some event as socially impactful and horrendous as 9/11 was. (Another pandemic? Another attack? Dismantling of the U.S. as we know it? Something that horrible.)

2029 The Capsolar is dormant. The last Cansolar was dormant. There is only the Libsolar continuing as Quarter chart, suggesting that whatever started in the fall carries across into the early months of the new year. The Arisolar relieves us of the horror images in April but still shows everything changing: Uranus exactly angular is the whole chart. The Cansolar is Sun and Pluto exactly angular and a Moon-Neptune opposition so people haven't had a chance to get happy yet and nobody understands what's going on. It doesn't end well: The Libsolar is an exactly angular Saturn.

The first year with a chance of recovery and restoration is 2030 (and the outcome isn't certain even then). We get an exactly angular Jupiter but Saturn is with it. Jupiter and Saturn compete in the Capsolar and Arisolar. The Capsolar has a Mars-Saturn square foreground. It's a hard, hard year when solutions are found by working hard, working realistically. The dormant Cansolar has a Moon-Saturn square; the Pluto-dominant Libsolar has a Moon-Neptune square. Those who are working hard to stabilize things have had only mixed results. The incumbent party loses ground in the mid-terms. There isn't a single chart that looks happy until the 2033 Libsolar.
Jim Eshelman
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Re: Trump's March 10 2025 Solar Quotidian

Post by SteveS »

Interesting Jim, thanks.
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