Is the Vernal Point a valid chart point?

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Jim Eshelman
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Is the Vernal Point a valid chart point?

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Tropical astrologers regard the Vernal Point as simply the 0° spot of their zodiac. Siderealists do not and, for us, it's just a moving point, albeit one that moves very slowly (less than 01' per year). We actually grant it theoretical value in speaking of the astrological ages, which are simply based on the astrological constellation that the VP is transiting at the moment. (We all have it in Pisces.)

It is the sort of point that, theoretically, should be astrologically valid in some sense: It is formed and marked by the intersection of two great circles, the celestial equator and the ecliptic. In this sense, it resembles lunar nodes and similar "intersection points." But, the fact that it "sounds good" doesn't mean there is anything to it. We grant it value when we acknowledge that equinox and solstice charts, though having nothing to do with the parameters of the zodiac, are nonetheless valid mundane astrology charts.

But... is there?

The one astrological school that has very actively incorporated the VP into their system is the Uranian school founded by Alfred Witte. They, unsurprisingly, call it the "Aries Point." In Witte's Rules for Planetary-Pictures, it is interpreted simply as "Concerning the Earth horoscope." That is, the consider it having something to do with linkage or relationship of the individual to the larger mundane framework. They use it in aspects, midpoints, etc.

I thought I'd give Witte's simple planet-VP aspect interpretations as starter points, in case anyone want to investigate this possibility. I've only looked at this very casually, and barely have any opinion at all. I haven't been convinced that (for example) its occurrence on angles corresponds to someone more involved in the world at large. (The VP is my own "most angular planet," being 3°23' above Descendant. I haven't noticed that people with angles or luminaries at 5-6° Spoke are more powerfully connected to the mundane world as a whole than other people.)

I don't vouch for what follows - no clear opinion one way or the other - it's just a reproduction from Witte.

MC-VP. The relationship of the native toward the world in general. The "I" embodies on the Earth: Particularities of the time (moment) for several in one place.

Asc-VP. Meetings. Places. Locations.

Sun-VP. The body. The body on this Earth. The body and everything pertaining to the body. The biological. Problems and matters of the daily life. Many on a day. Persons in public life.

Moon-VP. Female persons. Nations.

Mercury-VP. General thinking. Motion. News.

Venus-VP. The power of attraction. Love in general. To surround many people with love.

Mars-VP. Labor, the forces of nature. Injuries.

Jupiter-VP. Good fortune in general. Success.

Saturn-VP. Separations.

Uranus-VP. Excitement. Sudden events.

Neptune-VP. Daydreams. Disappointments, general poisoning. Blood poisoning.

Pluto-VP. General changes, transformations, developments.

Caput-VP. Union of many persons.
Jim Eshelman
Posts: 6670
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Re: Is the Vernal Point a valid chart point?

Post by SteveS »

Before I discovered Sidereal Astrology and was still stuck with 15 years of studying Tropical Astrology with the Vernal Point, I never could see the VP having much symbolic meaning with my life. Maybe something more important with mundane astrology, but I don't know.
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