Ok, I feel there is a time for a bit of an update. I wasn't sure where to put it, but I think it actually has to do with relocation - although I can't be sure, but I will put it here. Here is a link to my 2017 SSR (
viewtopic.php?f=20&t=1540) which I think might be somehow "kicking in" by now. Whether all this is a product of the SSR, or of the new relocation paran Mer-Jup or a bit of both, I don't care, I just really like it.
Feeling great! The hotel deals have not been made yet, but we are still in contact as in keeping negotiation possibilities open... but the company I set up with my business partner has now become a partner of a new entity and we are teaming up with a solicitor experienced in property and a developer/project manager of developments. I had not planned this and was not actively looking for it, it kinda just happened. We are hoping to develop/build two sites, about 50 & 30 flats within the next three years and now have made contact with Scottish brothers who have access to huge funds. So as of today, my business partner suggested to those other members of the company that he shares his third with me so our company owns that share instead of him personally, and today I became a member of the team on board of directors.
I found it heartwarming to see my business partner (
viewtopic.php?f=27&t=1504&hilit=potenti ... ss+partner) describe me the other day:
I have to say I am super grateful, and I mean REALLY grateful, for the relationship I am steadily building with my business partner. She is such a good negotiator, with a solid mixture of some really warm, flirty and charming communication skills, and some proper ICE COLD tactics that can leave the person on the receiving end completely DUMBFOUNDED, lol.

Today I took inspiration from her and used the more warm and charming ways she's taught me.
Grateful for this relationship and the influence it is having on me and my business acumen!
We both feel very naturally trusting in each other and our brains and goals are very synchronised it seems, so we both see our relationship as going into the far future. I see his great skill being in networking, bringing people together, connecting dots of a puzzle.
I don't quite understand how all this happened... and although nothing has yet been built or purchased as in actually realised, I am just sooooo enjoying this process of getting to know people in the business, getting to know their minds, how they think, what they know and getting synchronised with them. And I don't understand how and why, but somehow I just seem to fit in and everyone just naturally likes me from first impression moment it seems. I am really enjoying this journey - even to the point that I don't really care if I make a huge profit although that would, of course, be nice ... but the amounts these guys are talking about are just so absurd to me, that I am just keeping my feet on the ground and not really getting my head into that yet - because the learning experience and connections are going to be so valuable to me I think. So it is not greed that is driving me, it is just such an interesting experience and challenge, something new and exciting so I tell myself to just enjoy the ride!
Well anyway, I am off to Spain this weekend to look at some more properties, exploring a possible purchase and holiday lets over there.
I am so glad and appreciative of the leap we took, the jump we made to move/relocate and I encourage everyone who feels stuck and wanting to have a new challenge and explore the possibilities of their astrological experiences to do so!
You may say I'm a dreamer - but hey, I am thankfully not the only one
... And hey, as a bonus the Scottish accent is just music to my ears

I simply love it!
These examples are a bit extreme and it did take me a while to get the rhythm of the Glaswegian accent which is much stronger than the Edinburgh accent (more like Sean Connery softer version) that my children are learning and I just love to hear them speak
Just gotta love'em!