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Relocation process has begun!

Post by Arena »

Some selected passages in the very long thread

by Arena on Fri Feb 19, 2016 1:23 pm
I don't know about you guys, but I am having such fun in this astrological study of relocation! :D
So I'll just keep going.

As I said a while ago, we are keeping our options open and we will most probably both apply for masters in a few countries.
We are now looking into Edinburgh, Scotland - even though I am not as excited about it since it does not score the good weather criteria that I have.
Interestingly, I would have my natal Pluto and Neptune in conjunction angular over there - but they are nowhere near a conjunction in the natal ecliptic.
My partner would have either his Neptune - or his Pluto angular (not together though) ... depending on birth hour.
Our children would both have their Venus tightly angular.

We are also looking into other places, might look at Ireland, but might widen our criteria for more sunny places. For the fun of it I casted my chart to relocate in Phoenix, Arizona. Guess what? I would have Jupiter, Venus, Uranus and Sun angular ...the thing is my daughter always gets an angular Saturn where I have my benefics angular :) :cry: :roll:
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Re: Relocation process has begun!

Post by Arena »

Arena wrote:So, decided to share with those of you that have interest in this topic :) The relocation process has suddenly taken a new and interesting turn.

Although I am currently worried about the "Hitlerism" on the rise in Trump's meetings and his complete and utter hostile, violent and stupid way of being and I can only have hope for Americans that some kind of miracle happens that will force him to somehow drop out of the race (like a lawsuit f.ex.) ... the relocation process for my family continues and USA is not on the list of desirable countries to live :)

Yesterday we made a list of all the places that we find attractive, such as NZ, Scotland, Canada, Denmark, Costa Rica and now Cyprus has been added.
We went through a process of grading them on many issues that are important to us in this process. The end result was that the highest overall grade went to Cyprus and Scotland. They got their grades for different reasons, but New Zealand kind of lost in this grading system because of the distance from family and cost of living there, although we both find it fascinating and exciting and we would have gone there if we didn't have the children and their connection to the family to think of.

So at the moment we are digging deeper into research about Scotland (Edinburgh) and Cyprus (Paphos).

Edinburgh relocation astrology:
I have a partile conjunction of Neptune and Pluto on DSC and Venus partile trine Vx. I would also have some interesting upcoming SSR's.
Partner: Wider foreground, Neptune on IC.
Son: Venus almost exact conjunct IC, with Mercury close by and Pluto partile EP.
Daughter: Venus partile ASC and Neptune 6 from IC, but partile sq EP.

Paphos relocation astrology:
I: Venus Jupiter opp comes to ASC/DSC axis and Moon close to VX axis. A superb upcoming SSR with Jupiter partile ASC.
Partner: Jupiter on EP and Moon wide on MC.
Son: Neptune on Vx Axis, Jupiter in wider foreground to Vx axis node on EP and POF close to ASC.
Daughter: Uranus-Jupiter conjunction comes to the IC within 5°, Sun to wider foreground 7° from EP and her Mercury-Pluto-Mars conjunction to the other side of EP 5-6°.
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Re: Relocation process has begun!

Post by Arena »

TheScales_BothWays wrote:
Arena wrote: Edinburgh relocation astrology:
I have a partile conjunction of Neptune and Pluto on DSC and Venus partile sq. Vx. I would also have some interesting upcoming SSR's.
Neptune & Pluto?
If I remember you had asked Jim himself on this matter:
Jim Eshelman wrote:
Arena wrote:Jim, what would you have to say about relocating to a place where Neptune & Pluto become your two most angular planets, both partile conjunct angles in mundo?
Crazy-weird. Be prepared to live pretty much outside society and consensual reality. (That's a broad generalization, of course.)
Later in that thread you (and JSAD) added some other quotes from books which pretty much proved why you should avoid going there,
but Venus is on the IC so I don't know. :P
Arena wrote:Yes I know that. But it might be interesting as well. :)

When Jim said this:
Crazy-weird. Be prepared to live pretty much outside society and consensual reality. (That's a broad generalization, of course.)
...he only had this context - that is he was only speaking about Neptune and Pluto on angles, but not in context to other planets on angle as well (such as Venus sq Vx in this case) and he did not say this knowing which other planets would be connected to that Pluto or Neptune.

In my own case I can not just take Pluto and Neptune on angles and read only that. I need to see the whole context. The context being the whole chart and then future SSR's at the place.
In my on context Pluto is actually in a T-square with Jupiter and Venus, the benefics. So bringing my Pluto to an angle can actually be a good thing IF we read the planetary aspect in ecliptic.

What Ebertin had to say about this three planetary combo was this:
"The enjoyment of an unusually large measure of popularity, the ability to gain favour with the masses, a state of great happiness".

In my personal Neptune case, it has never been an aspect of addiction or deception or arts. I think that in my own personal case Neptune is rather a source of great ideals and sometimes what can be called idleness by others - when I plunge myself into a deep pool of astrology and such "idle" things :) It may also be why I feel a need to help society and people if I can.

So you see, in the context of my own chart, bringing Pluto to an angle may be a way to bring that 3-planetary aspect to angle for more success.
Although Pluto may be isolating, possibly that Venus sq. an angle will help in people's connections - and the fact that n.Pluto is connected to Jupiter and Venus.
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Re: Relocation process has begun!

Post by Arena »

Arena wrote:Ok, some new news about this process.

We have been going in circles around the globe for a while since we did not have final answers from all universities yet ... but on friday we got the best offer so far for a very good education in Edinburgh. It seems to us like it is simply too good to refuse and will cost us 6 times less than going to Auckland, NZ. So it is on top now, looks like our move will be quicker and sooner than anticipated and we plan on staying in Edinburgh for at least one full year to finish the Masters degree.

In Edinburgh my relocated chart will have Pluto and Neptune angular and Venus partile trine Vx (with a possible rectified chart Pluto is almost exact on DSC) and next years SSR will have SSR Venus on ASC, SSR Sun on EP and n. Moon close to SSR MC so it seems like next year will be a good one.

As you can see in previous post my children will have very good relocated charts, and if my oldest son comes to visit it seems to be a good place for him with , bringing his Jupiter-Pluto-Mercury T-square to the angles with Jupiter on MC and Mercury on ASC and then adding the Sun on EP.

I am glad we have finally come to a conclusion where we are moving this year, it is a relief after so many months of waiting and anticipating, weighing the choices and all that. We do not see it as a final decision for relocation, but as a first step and want to see how we like it there.
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Re: Relocation process has begun!

Post by Arena »

Arena wrote:So, since we have decided upon Edinburgh I am looking into SSR's and all aspects of astrology for all family members :)

I want to add into this thread some observations on local space lines. I am curious to find out if I will feel them or not.
My closest LSL is Mars (and it is even closer if I use rectified chart).
For my partner, depending on which chart I use, either Edinburgh is between his Moon and node lines or his Moon line lies straight through Edinburgh.
Son has no LSL line anywhere close.
Daughter has Edinburgh in between her Jupiter-Uranus and Moon lines.

I look so much forward to the astrological test of Edinburgh :)
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Re: Relocation process has begun!

Post by Arena »

Arena wrote:I would like to add a question in here to the seniors.

As I said somewhere previous in this thread I do think that when we read what kind of effect a planet will have on relocated angles, we need to see it and read it either in relation to it's aspects in ecliptic or mundo chart. Since we now decided upon Edinburgh this Pluto of mine becomes hugely important and I wonder what are your opinions? Should I read it as a Pluto-Jupiter and Pluto-Venus (and Ebertin's Pluto as midpoint of Jupiter and Venus) ... or should I read it as Pluto-Neptune conjunction (the mundo aspect) or maybe both?

I lean towards reading both the ecliptic and mundo aspects myself, since from my natal chart I see this mundo Jupiter-Saturn-Neptune combo on natal angles and I do believe I have natural insights to see the deception and structure of the money world and politics and understand them which I believe that kind of planetary combo would bring. I also believe that is the reason that angular Neptune has never manifested in addictions or deceptions nor in arts - it is because it is in aspect to Saturn in mundo which gives the rationale tone.
Jim Eshelman wrote:
Arena wrote:Since we now decided upon Edinburgh this Pluto of mine becomes hugely important and I wonder what is your opinions? Should I read it as a Pluto-Jupiter and Pluto-Venus (and Ebertin's Pluto as midpoint of Jupiter and Venus) ... or should I read it as Pluto-Neptune conjunction (the mundo aspect) or maybe both?
The most important thing, I think - especially because it's what sets the location apart from other locations (what's "new" in that spot) - is that half-degree Neptune conjunct Pluto. YToucan go hogwild on that.

(And, of course, you have a natal Neptune-Pluto aspect anyway - the sextile. It's about to get promoted to something truly distinctive and meaningful!)

Besides that, yes, your Pluto is an exceptionally well-aspected Pluto, squared by your Venus-Jupiter opposition. You should very much take that into consideration, but you have to do it in a way that doesn't inadvertently layer in the implication that either Venus or Jupiter is strong (they aren't: both are middleground). "Well-aspected Pluto" might be the simplest way to do this. If the Venus and Jupiter were foreground, we'd be asking the question, "How Pluto affecting your Venus and Jupiter areas of life in this spot?" But they aren't, so they aren't really part of the question. The question is, "How are Venus and Jupiter affecting the strong, dominant Pluto areas of life in this spot?" The simplest answer is that they bring out the nicest side of it.

There may be some inadvertent spill-over as Venus and Jupiter matters get brought to the Pluto table - that is, I'm not saying relationships won't be affected, etc. - but mostly it's the idea that your ability to be singular, outside arbitrary definitions of other people, outside of social mores and boundaries and preconceptions, to be yourself distinctly in a universe that tries to connect and co-opt - all of these things should flourish and thrive. For example, you may find unusually deep pleasures from being alone. (Not just comfort - deep pleasure.)

No, don't go with Ebertin's Pl=Ve/Ju. First of all, the exct text is primarily focusing on Venus/Jupiter things, and that's not the point. Second of all, Ebertin (as usual) is totally messed up on Pluto in that passage. (In general, don't expect Ebertin ever to be right about Pluto except more or less accidentally.)

BTW, another reason not to emphasize the Venus and Jupiter ideas (other than as benefitting Pluto) is that you also have Saturn foreground in Edinburgh, almost as closely as Pluto. With Pluto 2°23' below Dsc, and Saturn 4°39' below Asc, they aren't that different, and their midpoint is only 1°08' from the horizon. This is wider than we usually look, and probably not a midpoint worth mentioning, but it points out that they are (roughly) comparably foreground.
Arena wrote:Thanks for your insights Jim.
BTW, another reason not to emphasize the Venus and Jupiter ideas (other than as benefitting Pluto) is that you also have Saturn foreground in Edinburgh, almost as closely as Pluto.
Yes true for the 23.40 chart... but I do keep a possible rectified chart in my mind (between 23.18-23.23) as well and that one would put Saturn a bit wider and Pluto closer to angles.
For example, you may find unusually deep pleasures from being alone.
Oh, I already do :) I think I am already very unusually capable of enjoying just being alone. So that one might manifest even stronger ... and yet I will have that nodal connection to angles - so I probably will connect with important people anyway, maybe just in a professional way like Steve pointed out, since it is on MC.

That Pluto-Neptune aspect does interest me, especially the:
The basic aim is for truth and Ultimate Meaning in life.
the aspect scoops up every single major political and ideological leader of WW II era
Although I kind of put politics aside for a while now and made a decision to rest from it - maybe this place will bring out deeper interests in politics and a way to actually work on implementation or expression of great ideas - who knows.

I will sure keep you guys posted on experiencing Edinburgh :)
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Re: Relocation process has begun!

Post by Arena »

Arena wrote:My ticket has been booked on June 30th. Uranus will be in exact square to natal nodes and pr.Moon is just about to enter Sagittarius by FB (would be already in Sagi by other ayanamsa).

My family will arrive maybe a week later
Partner in case of 6.38 birth time, T.Saturn on n.IC - in case of 7.38 birth time Uranus is trine his Neptune and IC.
Son will have T.Jupiter close to MC, conjunct n. Saturn and 150 to n. Jupiter as well as T.Pluto trine n.Saturn. T. nodes will be right on his MC/IC. His pr. Moon is about to leave his 9th house and will be partile trine n. Uranus.
Daughter will have T.Uranus close to her DSC and trine n. Sun and T.Pluto partile square n. Saturn. Her pr. Moon is moving through 9th house (wsh) partile trine her ASC.
Arena wrote:So here I am in Edinburgh. And I see I've become an Irish"man" in the forum :D - maybe we should make that an Irishwoman ;)

I've decided not to make any judgements yet on the relocation, but you will hear from me on that one within 3 months.

The two weeks that have passed have shown me that there are some very helpful people around me here and that the Scots seem very friendly and eager to help. Four people from my home country have offered their assistance in one way or another, one offered to let me stay while looking for an apartment (and I think I've never met anyone that talks as much as this guy does :) ), another offered his apartment for my family to stay when they are about to come over this weekend, and one woman from my Uni years way back offered to meet and walk me around and give me some tips while one woman I never met has also offered tips and help. I don't know them much, so it is not just normal friendship stuff. They all feel like like-minded people to me and I do like them all, so I wonder if it is that Node on the angle here helping me connect with people.

I did also make a new rule to myself. After seeing beggars on the streets every time I go into the centre I decided that while I live here I can not allow myself to pass them by without giving them notice, And although I do realize I can't save them all even if I wanted to, I decided that I am not allowed to just walk by them as if I don't see them, and I have to give at least one of them some pocket change and look them in the eye when doing so.

About the parans and how they would work... as you said in certain times of the day as the daily ASC/DSC and MC/IC axis would pass by it? Is that how you see it?
Jim Eshelman wrote:Parans on relocation I simply see as working like a new set of aspects, independent of time of day. The theory would be that, simply by living there, you experience this new aspect sometime every day, and after a little while it "sticks" in your character.
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Re: Relocation process has begun!

Post by Arena »

Arena wrote:Well well well. I finally got my new computer and I can hardly wait to share with you a bit more on our relocation adventure.
Not sure how many of you are actually interested, but I'll share it anyway :)

I can clearly see that things changed just around my birthday, and a new SSR. Then everything started to fall into place with getting a deal on a property we wanted to rent, I decided to be picky to make sure we would be able to really feel at home here.

I do believe I was under Saturn influence when I arrived here and I was in doubt that we had chosen the right place. It rained almost every day and I was staying with a friend that was very nice to host me, but I was cold all the time (his place was badly isolated). But I also believe we were so very warmly welcomed here by people we hardly knew and they just offered us to stay in their flats. So we accepted and we've made great friends out of those people, I believe. Around my birthday, as I said, everything started to fall into place regarding a rental agreement for our next home, the nicest apartment we had seen in the whole searching period and where we all felt like we wanted for our next home. We moved in on August 18th. But while staying at a short term rental we met yet another two couples that were great to us and we became friends with and our children became friends with their kids. On Friday, August 19th, we met our neighbours downstairs from us who have three girls and our children started playing and the parents invited us for a glass of wine. Very nice people.

Our children got into the school we most wanted, although they had told us earlier in the summer that they were completely full and no places available. The children started school and had a really hard time being there for two weeks and wanted to go back home, but we could ease the pain by picking them up at noon every day (shorter days to go through in an environment understanding nothing). In week three they started to feel better and have friends and now they've come to term with school for the most part (although they'd like to just have more freedom and not go to school so much). :)

We find the Scots in general very friendly and nice people. We actually believe we might have some old roots here, some DNA coming from here with the Vikings as they stopped by, since red hair is on both sides and our red haired daughter falls into place like she is part of one big red haired family. :)

We've both started university and are meeting new people.

Anyway, Ive already shared that I notice a difference already. Somehow it is like our relationship got a positive boost and we are now thanking each other for sticking together through hard times and building our family and home together. I also notice we are both kind of business minded here, spotting opportunities. We have been really lucky in terms of money, the pound going down after the Brexit vote means we have a lot more money to spend here and our school fees are a bit less of a burden. But now we see a big opportunity in the property market. Prices are sky high in Iceland now, so we would make a huge profit on selling our properties over there now - we are planning for next year. Prices over here are going down in coming months and the pound falling - which means that we could invest our capital here in a few properties if we get a mortgage. So we are thinking about starting our own investment company and hunt down some bankers.

So all in all we feel like we definetely made the right move and we just feel so lucky in so many ways since we came. The city is so wonderfully beautiful and safe. It has so many green and beautiful areas, it is a pleasure to explore it all. We have sunshine and summer weather now and people tell us the weather can stay good like this until late October and then spring comes in March, which is such a relief from the dark and cold winters we are used to. We are also relieved that we did not go as far as NZ or Australia this time around, since our children still do need their connections with the family back home and people can visit here quite easily and cheaply.

BTW we both have Jupiter-Uranus symbolism in our 2017 SSR's.
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Re: Relocation process has begun!

Post by Arena »

Arena wrote:Hey again
Just in order to document the relocation, in case some people might be interested, I keep going with this thread.
For some weeks my partner and I have been thinking about and looking into property investment in order to make the most out of the properties we already have (selling at high time) and using the gain of the pound falling to make a property portfolio of possibly 5-10 properties in 2 yrs. So I signed up for an evening introduction with a BBC property show expert about property investment here and committed myself to a longer course to educate myself in the market here and learn from his experience. So I spent some money on this (I see t. Mars is on my n. Jupiter now that may represent the action taken) - but look at it as just a small first step in the investment company we are about to start up. I got a feeling that something of great value is going to come out of this.

So what I am saying is that I do think there is some Jupiter influence (expansion on portfolio) on both of us over here - we are both interested and agreeing to go down this path.
I will of course follow up on this post to let you guys know what will actually happen within the next few months on this issue, because I do think it is of importance astrologically.

To me it is interesting to see our relocated composite chart if I put my partner's birth time to 7.38 AM, then t. Jupiter is on the relocated composite IC right now and Venus on ASC. If I keep his birth time at 6.38AM, t. Jupiter is just simply moving through the 4th house. His SSR for 2016 with a 7.38 birth time would have SSR Jupiter on SSR IC. With his 6.38 birth time tr. Jupiter is now on his relocated ASC. And with that birth time his relocated angles are conjunct my Jupiter-Venus-Pluto T-square.

Would be interesting to know if our composite has parans over here and if my partner has parans ... in my case I might also be experiencing the Jupiter-Mercury paran that is formed in my chart by relocating.
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Re: Relocation process has begun!

Post by Arena »

Arena wrote:Embracing my relocation today :)
The autumn has been so mild, always sunshine and calm weather, hardly ever windy and not so cold. We have daylight in the morning when we wake up and daylight when we come home in the afternoon, daylight is such pure vitamin for our mood and brains. The winter will be so mild for us, and so much shorter, only lasting maybe 4 months here instead of 8 before. I look forward to see the cherry trees here in the spring, I love them!
This has been a great relief and big change for us.

We absolutely love it here! Everything is working out so well for all of us. My daughter has started reading English :) The children will benefit so much from this move being bilingual.

We feel lucky to be here. Lucky that we got in to university, lucky that our children got into the primary school we wanted, lucky that we got the home we wanted (t. Jupiter was exactly on my pr. Sun when I made the deal), lucky that our money is lasting for more, lucky that we are able to travel from here for very little. It was a good move. What a blessing Uranus can turn out to be :) Feeling thankful today.
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Thank you Universe, with all my heart!

Post by Arena »

Ok, so I have been here for just over a year now and am just so lovin' it! This is such a beautiful city, great experience with meeting new people that I really like and they like me/us :) Just last week my neighbours were leaving for a vacation and the woman hugged me and said "I really love you and am so happy you are our neighbours and our kids are like siblings by now". :)

Today I am just walking or maybe I am soaring because things just seem to be working out so great for us and I am so so so happy about it and so grateful. We have simply been so lucky with everything that we are doing and all the people we met - or that is how I feel at least. I am amazed because yesterday I had a very very important business meeting with my potential business partner and an old couple. Every cell in my body tells me that we are going to manage to negotiate a win-win deal with them and buy their small hotel! I am just thrilled.

Thank you Universe for introducing me to Mercury-Jupiter paran or whatever is working in my favor now :)
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Re: Relocation process has begun!

Post by Jim Eshelman »

I'm so happy you're so bubbling with happiness :)

Your description overflows with Venus. I was curious to see if there was a simple way that Venus was suddenly highlighted in the new location - perhaps 4° Gemini-Sagittarius on a key angle or some such thing; but that wasn't obvious (at least, in looking at basics). Then I noticed that your SSR for the last near-year has transiting Venus rising. That certainly doesn't hurt one's mood!

And yes, that Mercury-Jupiter paran at the new latitude doesn't hurt!
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Re: Relocation process has begun!

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Re: Relocation process has begun!

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

Arena I think you worked very hard to put yourself and your family in this place - and I don't mean just the physical location. When people ask if they can change how astrological factors work out in their lives, we have an example for them.
I'm really glad for you and for your family.
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Re: Thank you Universe, with all my heart!

Post by Danica »

Arena wrote: Fri Jul 07, 2017 5:40 am Ok, so I have been here for just over a year now and am just so lovin' it! This is such a beautiful city, great experience with meeting new people that I really like and they like me/us :) Just last week my neighbours were leaving for a vacation and the woman hugged me and said "I really love you and am so happy you are our neighbours and our kids are like siblings by now". :)

Today I am just walking or maybe I am soaring because things just seem to be working out so great for us and I am so so so happy about it and so grateful. We have simply been so lucky with everything that we are doing and all the people we met - or that is how I feel at least. I am amazed because yesterday I had a very very important business meeting with my potential business partner and an old couple. Every cell in my body tells me that we are going to manage to negotiate a win-win deal with them and buy their small hotel! I am just thrilled.

Thank you Universe for introducing me to Mercury-Jupiter paran or whatever is working in my favor now :)
:D this is so great
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Re: Relocation process has begun!

Post by Arena »

Thank you all. :D

Indeed this is a very good example of how relocation can alter life.
Today it looks like I may be on my way to buy two small hotels! Although the deals have not been made yet, my happiness just keeps going up and I feel lucky and blessed by the Universe for just having altered my mindset and that I am actually able to do this.
Your description overflows with Venus. I was curious to see if there was a simple way that Venus was suddenly highlighted in the new location
Jim, yes Venus has been very nice to me this year.
Take a look at transiting Venus to relocation angle for a possible rectified time of 23.18.
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Re: Relocation process has begun!

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Ok, I feel there is a time for a bit of an update. I wasn't sure where to put it, but I think it actually has to do with relocation - although I can't be sure, but I will put it here. Here is a link to my 2017 SSR (viewtopic.php?f=20&t=1540) which I think might be somehow "kicking in" by now. Whether all this is a product of the SSR, or of the new relocation paran Mer-Jup or a bit of both, I don't care, I just really like it.

Feeling great! The hotel deals have not been made yet, but we are still in contact as in keeping negotiation possibilities open... but the company I set up with my business partner has now become a partner of a new entity and we are teaming up with a solicitor experienced in property and a developer/project manager of developments. I had not planned this and was not actively looking for it, it kinda just happened. We are hoping to develop/build two sites, about 50 & 30 flats within the next three years and now have made contact with Scottish brothers who have access to huge funds. So as of today, my business partner suggested to those other members of the company that he shares his third with me so our company owns that share instead of him personally, and today I became a member of the team on board of directors.

I found it heartwarming to see my business partner (viewtopic.php?f=27&t=1504&hilit=potenti ... ss+partner) describe me the other day:
I have to say I am super grateful, and I mean REALLY grateful, for the relationship I am steadily building with my business partner. She is such a good negotiator, with a solid mixture of some really warm, flirty and charming communication skills, and some proper ICE COLD tactics that can leave the person on the receiving end completely DUMBFOUNDED, lol. 😂👌
Today I took inspiration from her and used the more warm and charming ways she's taught me.
Grateful for this relationship and the influence it is having on me and my business acumen!
We both feel very naturally trusting in each other and our brains and goals are very synchronised it seems, so we both see our relationship as going into the far future. I see his great skill being in networking, bringing people together, connecting dots of a puzzle.

I don't quite understand how all this happened... and although nothing has yet been built or purchased as in actually realised, I am just sooooo enjoying this process of getting to know people in the business, getting to know their minds, how they think, what they know and getting synchronised with them. And I don't understand how and why, but somehow I just seem to fit in and everyone just naturally likes me from first impression moment it seems. I am really enjoying this journey - even to the point that I don't really care if I make a huge profit although that would, of course, be nice ... but the amounts these guys are talking about are just so absurd to me, that I am just keeping my feet on the ground and not really getting my head into that yet - because the learning experience and connections are going to be so valuable to me I think. So it is not greed that is driving me, it is just such an interesting experience and challenge, something new and exciting so I tell myself to just enjoy the ride!

Well anyway, I am off to Spain this weekend to look at some more properties, exploring a possible purchase and holiday lets over there.

I am so glad and appreciative of the leap we took, the jump we made to move/relocate and I encourage everyone who feels stuck and wanting to have a new challenge and explore the possibilities of their astrological experiences to do so!

You may say I'm a dreamer - but hey, I am thankfully not the only one :D

... And hey, as a bonus the Scottish accent is just music to my ears :D I simply love it!

These examples are a bit extreme and it did take me a while to get the rhythm of the Glaswegian accent which is much stronger than the Edinburgh accent (more like Sean Connery softer version) that my children are learning and I just love to hear them speak :)

Just gotta love'em!
Last edited by Arena on Wed Oct 11, 2017 9:46 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Jupiter Sets at Dawn
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Re: Relocation process has begun!

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

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Re: Relocation process has begun!

Post by Arena »

Just to keep any interested forumers posted this process sure is taking an interesting turn.
Although we do love Edinburgh and our stay here has been very good, we are now contemplating the possibility of relocating to Costa Rica! I started this process with the attitude of "hey we only live this once, let's experience a bit more of this world" ... while my partner was the grounded and extremely practical one and wanted our stay to also give something practical (such as a new job experience and an education).

The children now know English perfectly and I simply love their cute accents :)

Now my partner has suddenly started aligning to my attitude of "we only live this once" and he just came home from work yesterday and suggested that we'd go on to Costa Rica next year for a very different experience of tropical climate, fruits on the trees, sunshine and outdoor lifestyle and Pura Vida! We both love the idea of all that plus the great approach of spending money on education and dropping the military becoming a peaceful nation with high female political participation (resonates with our roots). They have also decided to measure the GNH, Gross National Happiness, like Bhutan does
( ... ness-index).

So, in light of this change of attitude and recent alignment we might actually look into Costa Rica for our next relocation! :)

PS. I think we may also actually be affected by the recent deaths in our families as well as news we had just this week about an old acquaintance and son of our friend that has been reported dead. Death shakes up ones world and existence and makes one think of what to do with the life we are living.
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Relocated angles responding to Jupiter :)

Post by Arena »

I thought I'd post this one in here since I think it is a testimony of my relocated angles responding to planetary transits. Actually, my relocated ASC/DSC line is partile conj to my partner's natal MC whereas his relocated MC actually comes very close to my n. ASC - so any planets transiting by those angles will affect both of us.

Benevolent Jupiter has just been passing by my rel. DSC and his n. IC and there has been a significant change in our relationship. Along with the relief of Saturn moving further away from my n. DSC and Jupiter approaching my rel. DSC I noticed a change now in January. Whereas we've been very distant and not showing any affection at all for a few months we are now moving into a new phase of more closeness, it seems, where we are hugging, touching and kissing again. Another thing that is happening is that my partner feels like he wants to settle here now (I'm not sure yet, although I do love this city) and we have been looking around for a possible home purchase - still not decided though. He is also about to apply for a more permanent position at his workplace. And the third/fourth thing is an extension to our family as we just bought two kittens last Sunday, Jan 13th :)

I am liking this Jupiter transit :)
I am also expecting some nice benevolent effects from Jupiter again in July when he will retrogade close to our angles again and then once more in Nov & Dec when Jup will pass by my n. Jup, my partner's rel. IC and then my own n. DSC. Venus will be around there as well :) Although Saturn and Pluto will be around my n. MC at that time as well and they will be square my partner's n. Sat&Pl... I do expect it will be good as well as something trying or perhaps another death in the family.
Last edited by Arena on Wed Jan 16, 2019 6:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Relocation process has begun!

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