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Re: Navamsas & Noviens - misc discussion
Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2025 7:40 am
by SteveS
Jim, I understand how you feel about house delineations, and it was considered worthless by the Sidereal community; I never use house delineations because I never have done any Natal readings and if I did-- I still would not use house delineations. BUT, in my life there are 2 houses which offer me par-excellent house symbolism with my 40 years of studying astrology---my 8th and 11th, particularly my Mars & Vx in my 8th. I am coming to the end of my life and I can only use my personal life experiences to determine what I feel is the truth of the matter when it comes to astrological methods for my personal life. Again, the best overall astrological method, by far, I have ever studied for reading my personal Natal Chart for the main mundane events in my 77 years of life is the Navamsa Chart compared back to my Natal in our Sidereal Zodiac, and I still have no idea how exactly the Hindu/Vedic astrologers were reading the Navamsa Chart. I have read where India astrologers looked upon the Navamsa Chart as having much to do with marriages, and after considering what you have written/researched about the Novien Chart--there seems to be much truth that indeed the Novien has much to do with close relationship charts---sex/love. Why, I haven't a clue except with the Moon and # 9, but you have proven to me the Novien is a valid chart to look at for close relationships/marriages. I am only offering my opinions on the Navamsa Chart based on my mundane life experiences.
Re: Navamsas & Noviens - misc discussion
Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2025 8:21 am
by Jim Eshelman
I know you think those houses are important to you. I tend to agree. That wasn't my point.
I was asking something more fundamental: In terms of describing your character - who you are and how you live in the world - which set of planet-to-planet contacts is more descriptive?
With the Navamsa you have:
r. Pluto = n. Uranus
r. Saturn = n. Sun
r. Mars = n. Mars, Jupiter, Mercury
r. Venus = n. Venus
r. Moon = n. Moon
r. MC = n. Saturn
With the Novien you have:
r Jupiter-Asc = n. Mercury-Mars-Jupiter
r. Venus = n. Saturn
r. Mercury-Neptune = n. Moon
It seems to me that the last set contacts - especially the way your natal Jupiter-Ascendant falls atop your Novien Mars-Jupiter (plus Novien Mercury) describes you, your passions, and your life far better than being a Sun-Saturn, MC-Saturn, Mercury-Mars, Mars-Mars, etc. person.
Re: Navamsas & Noviens - misc discussion
Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2025 7:21 am
by SteveS
Jim wrote:
I was asking something more fundamental: In terms of describing your character - who you are and how you live in the world - which set of planet-to-planet contacts is more descriptive?
With the Navamsa you have:
r. Pluto = n. Uranus
r. Saturn = n. Sun
r. Mars = n. Mars, Jupiter, Mercury
r. Venus = n. Venus
r. Moon = n. Moon
r. MC = n. Saturn
With the Novien you have:
r Jupiter-Asc = n. Mercury-Mars-Jupiter
r. Venus = n. Saturn
r. Mercury-Neptune = n. Moon
As an adult in my prime with the main mundane events in my life , by far, r. Mars = n. Mars, Jupiter, Mercury, and n. Pluto as a big part of this whole Navamsa planetary picture connected to the 8H.
As an adult in my prime with my overall character, by far, r Jupiter-Asc = novien Mercury-Mars-Jupiter-Pluto.
Which means to me the symbolic nature of the houses when emphasized in a Natal has to do with the mundane vs character, but as has been written: “Character is destiny.” IMO, I think in India people/astrologers were more interested in their life experiences encountered with mundane life vs describing someone's character experiences for life the US. No doubt in my mind my Navamsa Venus partile 180 r Venus nailed the type of marriage I would experience in my life (include symbolism for 2 & 11 H for this potent Venus Navamsa contact). As well--Navamsa Saturn partile 180 my r MC nailed the famine in careers in my life. I went through an absolute career life of 50-50 famine (Saturn) and feast (r Jupiter/Asc). Also, IMO, I think India's system/methodology of the Navamsa Chart really got screwed-up when tropical z took hold of the India astrologers vs ancient sidereal z with astrologers in India. IMO, both the Navamsa & Novien charts are very interesting charts to explore in Fagan/Bradley Sidereal z.
Re: Navamsas & Noviens - misc discussion
Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2025 6:21 am
by SteveS
Another major act in my life’s cosmic stage play was the terrible relationship I had with my father as an adult. He was an acholic and physically abused my mother which ended in a bloody divorce with all kinds of 8H legal matters affecting most of my adult personal life. IMO, this father act is symbolized with my Navamsa Sun (25,31 Cap) class 1 180 to my r Saturn (24,02 Can).
Re: Navamsas & Noviens - misc discussion
Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2025 5:33 am
by SteveS
Here is a most interesting speculative (only one example) Navamsa test for LA's 2024 Cansolar symbolizing the devastating fires in LA:
It just came to my attention with 20-20 hindsight and with my opinion there is par-excellent symbolism with LA’s Daily Jan 7 2025 CanQ Mars-Uranus cnj on LA’s CanQ Zenith for the beginning of LA’s devastating wildfires. I now want to interpret LA’s 2024 Cansolar angular Mars-Uranus cnj as symbolizing a Mars-Uranus “outstanding incident” 2024 Cansolar Chart for LA. I just posted about LA’s Jan 7 2025 CanQ chart here:
So, with this experimental thread I now want to take a look at LA’s 2024 Cansolar Navamsa Chart—comparing its 9th harmonic planet positions in Fagan/Bradley’s Sidereal Z back to LA’s 2024 Cansolar.
1: Since # 9 in certain ancient lore has much “prophetic” astrological symbolism to do with the Moon, I want to pay close attention to any Navamsa planet positions in synastry aspect with LA’s 2024 Cansolar Moon, and aspects of Navamsa Moon to 2024 LA Cansolar planets. First off, starring us in our eyes is a tight angular Navamsa Saturn 06,52 Tau partile 180 2024 LA Cansolar angular Moon 06,18 Scorpio; LA 2024 Cansolar MC 04,51 Scorpio. This is symbolizing an “outstanding incident” Moon-Saturn LA event, and since the Moon in mundane astrology has much to do with the “people”, we can clearly see here the depressing Saturn effects for the “people of LA with these devastating wildfires. Also, Navamsa Pluto 23,22 Aqu partile conjunct 2024 Cansolar Saturn 24,05 Aqu; Navamsa Moon 26,46 Leo. All of the above aspects are definitely par-excellent symbolism for the people of LA with these devastating wildfires!
2: Both 2024 LA 2024 Cansolar Mars 02,20 Tau; Cansolar IC 04,51 Tau, and Navamsa Mars 21,07 Cap; LA’s Cansolar ASC 18,28 Cap are angular offering par-excellent symbolism for fires.
3: Angular LA’s Cansolar Mars 02,20 Tau—Navamsa Saturn 06,52 Tau calculates a tight angular partile Mars/Saturn = LA’s 2024 Cansolar MC at 04,51 Scorpio.
4: We are not supposed to include Navamsa angular placements but I note this aspect as most interesting for this synastry analysis:
Navamsa MC 13,47 Leo
Navamsa Neptune 13,07 Leo
LA’s 2024 Cansolar Vertex 13,34 Leo. All 2 angular placements very unique to only Los Angeles 2024 Cansolar & Navamsa charts!
Inner wheel LA's 2024 Cansolar; outer wheel LA's 2024 Cansolar Navamsa:
Re: Navamsas & Noviens - misc discussion
Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2025 1:02 pm
by Veronica
Thank you for this breakdown Steve. Very interesting to me, several of those aspects you explored are touching on my natal and I am feeling it personally as I have loved ones in the area.
Re: Navamsas & Noviens - misc discussion
Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2025 5:48 am
by SteveS
Your welcome V. With 20-20 hindsight, It is obvious LA’s 2024 Cansolar angular Mars-Uranus cnj symbolized the devastating wildfires around LA. The Navamsa chart synastry to LA’s 2024 Cansolar is a very interesting speculative synastry.
Re: Navamsas & Noviens - misc discussion
Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2025 7:18 am
by SteveS
I am always looking to possibly learn astrological things. Kansas City Chiefs are favored to win their 3rd consecutive Super Bowl. The coordinates for arrowhead Stadium are 39,02,56 N; 94,29,02 W. For Kansas City this calculates a Navamsa 2025 Capsolar MC of 05,03 Ari & Saturn 05,33 Ari. Just one example here; I am certainly not going to place a wager on this observation---just observing things.
Re: Navamsas & Noviens - misc discussion
Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2025 7:39 am
by Jim Eshelman
Steve, without knowing anything about who is and isn't having a good year - not sure if you saw this - in my Capsolar forecast for 2025, I wrote (see the last phrase):
In the United States, Sun opposite Mars stretches across the horizon on a curve rising through the middle of Mexico and then the border towns in southwest Texas, through New Mexico, Utah, Idaho and into the Columbia Valley in western Washington... We can expect increasing violence and raging through Mexico impacting the most southern of these areas, a year of unusually intense fires in Idaho and eastern Washington, and other obvious martial manifestations through all of these areas for the year. Another area (this time with Sun-Mars square Midheaven) reaches due north-south straddling the longitude of Oklahoma and Kansas eastern borders (trace it on a map): About 200 miles either side of that will feel martial ferocity in its weather, confrontations with authority, fires, and violence - but perhaps also a year of unusual strength and heroic prowess for the Kansas City Chiefs!
Re: Navamsas & Noviens - misc discussion
Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2025 8:36 am
by SteveS
Jim wrote:
…but perhaps also a year of unusual strength and heroic prowess for the Kansas City Chiefs!
Yes, I indeed noted this from you Jim and being a sports enthusiast, I made a strong mental note of this and I can clearly see this possible “unusual strength and heroic prowess for the Kansan City Chiefs” in their 2025 Capsolar (master chart of the year). I am only making a Navamsa angle observation here in case the Chiefs don’t win the Super Bowl or don’t get to the Super Bowl. Doesn't really prove anything if Chiefs dont win Super Bowl--but still maybe an interesting line of investigation. I did the same by noting/navamsa LA’s Navamsa 2024 Cansolar MC-partile cnj Navamsa LA's Neptune partile cnj LA’s 2024 Cansolar Vertex (unique only to major USA city LA). I don’t understand as much as you do with your SMA sight; therefore, I am seeking a possible astrological tool that could possibly zero in on a
small specific area in the USA for dramatic manifestations. Your excellent work with SMA book has proven to me
without a doubt the major angles in a SMA solar chart are within a few seconds of exact—if not closer. Therefore, the Navamsa Chart’s major angles are within 1 degree of exact—if not closer. Therefore, I want to start paying more attention to Navamsa angles because it is the only thing I know that could possibly offer better sight into a
specific smaller area for dramatic weather events with SMA solar charting. One week weather forecasts are very accurate these day for
specific regions like the forecasts for Santa Anna winds in the
LA basin or for tornados/hurricanes in other parts of USA. I just want to experiment with Navamsa angles to see if they could possibly help narrow a specific community for possible SMA manifestations. I am definitely not saying Navamsa angles are a valid SMA tool, only experimenting/investigating major events happening that I see happening. When I see no hard core Navamsa SMA angle planetary action--then I completely ignore Navamsa angles and allow a larger regional area like you do with your SMA forecasts. We always know their will be a major event for specific smaller communities with the Super Bowl---now I want to pay closer attention to weather related events with solar SMA charting including the Navamsa Chart. Why the Navamsa Chart & not the Novien SMA chart? Only because of my personal beliefs with my personal Navamsa Chart. I have nothing against the Novien chart, you have proven to me it works with people charts.
Re: Navamsas & Noviens - misc discussion
Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2025 7:39 am
by SteveS
I have already posted a couple of times how my Feb 13 1998 Solar Quotidian partile aspect of Moon-Mars-MC (daily chart) timed the worst day in my entire life threatening my life with a robbery and shots fired with guns. But since this also timed the most intense emotional experience in my entire life, I could not understand why Pluto was not involved in an obvious significant aspect somewhere with my pertinent charts. Yesterday I may have found the significant Pluto aspect with my experimentation with the Navamsa Chart for my 1997 SSR, which calculates a Navamsa Moon 07,34 Scorpio partile conjunct my 1997 SSR Pluto 08.31 Scorpio. This Moon-Pluto symbolism would most certainly explain to me why the most stunning/shocking/terrible incident to ever happened in my life with my 1997 SSR Navamsa Chart compared in synastry with my 1997 SSR. This stunning/shocking robbery incident completely transformed my entire life causing me to retire from my long career in the commercial Theater business, I walked away from good economic security with my experienced career in commercial Theater business.
I need to go back and examine all of my life’s Navamsa SSRs to see how many partile 0 90 180 Navamsa aspects of Moon-Pluto occurred with the Navamsa alone and/or compared back to my SSRs. Again, this is only one chart example of a Navamsa so please don’t take it to mean this is a valid system of looking at SSRs with their Navamsa charts, I am experimenting.
Again, I do know for a fact the Navamsa Chart of my Natal compared back to my Natal undoubtedly offered me very profound Navamsa aspect insights for the essences for my life of 77 years. Short of possible clairvoyance, I am astounded how the Ancient Egyptian Priest understood the number 9 was associated with the Moon, and, as Fagan stated associated with prophetic insights.
Re: Navamsas & Noviens - misc discussion
Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2025 7:26 am
by SteveS
Of all the teachings I have read about the Navamsa Chart, it definitely seems many different authors who have studied the Navamsa Chart agree the Navamsa chart has to do with the “fruit” of the main tree for a radical chart in question, but I have grave doubts about the zodiacs used by these same authors creating many doubts in my mind. I have been experimenting with the Navamsa chart in the Fagan/Bradley Z and see very interesting symbolism comparing the Navamsa charts back to the 2025 Capsolar of the two cities involved in the NCAA Championship game tonight between Notre Dame (South Bend, Indiana) vs Ohio State (Columbus, Ohio). I will post after the results of this game. I will not be wagering on this game.
The main reason I am experimenting with Sidereal Mundane Astrology charts (Cap/Can solar ingresses) is I firmly believe (no doubts) Fagan/Bradley Z has the equal divisions of the 12-- 30 degree Signs of the Sidereal Zodiac near exact (within a few seconds of arc), which means the angles of the Navamsa Chart would/could be near exact. I am experimenting to see if Navamsa angles prove any symbolic fruits, no pun intended
Re: Navamsas & Noviens - misc discussion
Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2025 11:36 pm
by SteveS
Just a one game observation for this championship game for Notre Dame (South Bend, Indiana) loss to Ohio State:
Notre Dame 2025 Capsolar West Point 04,45 Cap
Notre Dame 2025 Capsolar Pluto 06,24 Cap both
partile 90 Notre Dame 2025 Capsolar Navamsa Saturn 05,33 Ari.
I will only conduct more research if the Kansas City Chiefs don’t win the Super Bowl with their 2025 Capsolar Navamsa MC partile conjunct Navamsa Saturn.