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Re: Demi-SLR 2/14/25
Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2025 3:22 pm
by Jim Eshelman
This has been fitting, but not as the
most obvious way. To me, the most obvious detail of the period has been Mars' continuing square to my Sun (which was, of course, 0°00' and non-foreground in this demi-lunar, and persisting in the sky for a few weeks regardless of the lunar). I've been working abut a third more hours than usual - totally typical of Mars to Sun - and fitting the Jupiter-dominant mark of the closely angular Jupiter only in the sense that when I get paid for this period (in mid-March) it will be a nicer check than usual.
I'm not at all sure what the Neptune elements have been. I'd have expected them to be strong enough to be obvious. Again, perhaps the Mars transit is owning the time. Similarly, Saturn's partile (non-foreground) conjunction with my Moon isn't obvious unless it's in the same energy-consuming sense of the Mars transits or, more generally, working harder.
Jim Eshelman wrote: Thu Feb 13, 2025 11:23 am
t Neptune Z -1°33'
t Jupiter EP-a -0°27'
Other Partile Aspects
t Mars sq r Sun 0°00'
-- t Pluto sq r Sun 0°16' M
t Venus sq r Mars 0°05' M
t Saturn co r Moon 0°33' M
t Sun sq r Venus 0°33''
-- t Sun op r Pluto 0°47'
SLR 2/28/25
Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2025 10:23 pm
by Jim Eshelman
Feb 28, 2025, 1:40:37 PM PST, Cabazon, CA (dinosaur park: 33N55'19'' 116W46'23'')
Benefic = 9, Malefic = 9
Dignity = 2, Indignity = 1, Spotlight = 1, Change = 1
Impressions: I have the day off so we can run out to Cabazon, California, a little before Palm Springs. For LA, the SLR is of mixed nature leaning brutal (Venus closest but, nearly as close, two Marses), with a hair of Neptune and similar slivers of Jupiter, Uranus, and Sun. the relocation will still leave malefics a slight bit stronger, but with Venus angular almost to the minute. - It's a good excuse to get out for the day (and we can go to nearby Indio after for date shakes). The "Worlds Biggest Dinosaurs" park is in Cabazo at 33N55'15'', 116W46'22''; we'll go there or nearby for the return.
r Sun IC +9°50'
r Jupiter Asc -7°34'
r Uranus Asc -7°06'
r Mars Dsc -1°20'
t Venus MC +0°04' (stationary)
t Mars Asc +5°55'
r Neptune MC +9°37'
r Jupiter-Uranus co 0°17'
t Mars sq r Sun 0°24'
t Venus sq r Mars 1°24' M
r Sun-Jupiter sq 2°16' M
r Sun-Uranus sq 2°43' M
PVP Aspects
t Venus sq r Venus 0°12' p
r Venus-Mars sq 0°38' p
t Mars sq r Venus 2°24' p
Other Partile Aspects
t Saturn co r Moon 0°22' M
t Pluto sq r Sun 0°44' M
VENUS = 21
Benefic = 26, Malefic = 9
Change = 10
Dignity = 2, Indignity = 1, Spotlight = 1
On returning home:
Malefic = 9, Benefic = 7
Dignity = 2, Indignity = 1, Spotlight = 1, Change = 1
r Jupiter Asc -8°50'
r Uranus Asc -8°22'
r Mars Dsc -2°33'
t Venus MC -1°35' (stationary)
t Mars Asc +4°45'
r Neptune MC +7°45'
r Sun N +2°25'
r Jupiter-Uranus co 0°17'
t Mars sq r Sun 0°24'
t Venus sq r Mars 0°57' M
r Sun-Jupiter sq 2°43' M
PVP Aspects
t Mars sq r Venus 1°11'
r Venus-Mars sq 1°57'
t Venus sq r Venus 2°53'
Other Partile Aspects
t Saturn co r Moon 0°14' M
t Pluto sq r Sun 0°19' M
Re: SLR 2/28/25
Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2025 9:49 am
by Jim Eshelman
I still have most of a week left before the demi-lunar but I thought I'd get some impressions down from the first week-plus.
I'm certain the relocation has been a strongly tipping factor (but, by now, that was never in doubt). With transiting Venus exalted and stationary 0°04' from MC, the first thing is that, on the day of the return, we had an astonishing amount of fun wandering desert areas around Cabazon, playing at the dinosaur park, having a shockingly good poké bowl for lunch, hanging with each other and Kali, trying to see the seven-planet alignment but encountering clouds. The day was great.
Since our return, feelings have been on an upswing especially because Kali seems to be doing so much better. (She just might be healing herself, though I'm not going to jump to that conclusion yet). The main thing is that when she eats well, she has energy and is her historic self; if she doesn't, then she isn't. Lately, she's been really into food and the positive results show. This makes us happy.
Against that, energy is still a challenge because work schedules and conditions are still pushing me harder than usual. (If you haven't had transiting Mars to natal Sun for an uninterrupted month, you may have no idea what this is like; and it's still partile and foreground in this SLR.) In the new week starting tomorrow, the rest of my team is running tech for a week-long new associate retreat, so I'm holding down the office by myself (with an all-office town hall with the COO tomorrow). It will likely involve a lot of push-push-push.
Technical assessment of the charts: It's quite fair to summarize benefic and malefic both existing as significant parts of my reality but with benefic energies being the "chairman" of the meeting. This matches two Marses closely angular and a stationary exalted Venus exactly angular. The four other planets that are widely foreground are all natal planets and more benefic than malefic (evening up the score). Besides the precisely angular Venus, the strongest thing felt is transiting Mars square natal Sun foreground. Transiting Venus square my Mars (with possibly three more combinations of Venus and Mars by PVP aspects) enhances the sense of play.
I don't know how strong my natal planet Sun-Jupiter-Uranus mundane aspects are in the mix. (They at least tip the balance of things, but I'm not sure they have overt effect. They're pretty peripheral to the foreground.)
PVP aspects create three new aspects: a natal Venus-Mars square, and both Venus and Mars transiting natal Venus. This joins the transiting Venus to natal Mars of the base chart. It's hard to tell if the three PVP variations are there because the simpler paran is so dominant on its own. Venus-Venus (0°12') feels distinctly right for the tone, but I'm honestly unsure how I'd distinguish this from the dignified, strong transiting Venus angularity on its own. - In trying to assess the PVP aspects, the only thing I can really distinguish is that is that the more conventional aspects are much more obvious and, perhaps, the past-2° orb for PVP aspects is fading. (This may be over-interpreting. Nonetheless, of all four Venus-Mars combinations, transiting Venus PVP square natal Venus (2°24') is the least characteristic of the feel vs. Venus to my Mars, Venus to my Venus, and natal Venus-Mars.)
Other partile aspects: Saturn was close enough to the conjunction of my Moon to be partile in mundo (and by now it's partile ecliptically). Other than things already shown by Mars transits (feeling pushed, work-dominant, etc.), it isn't obviously descriptive. In fact, with Kali having a much better health stretch, it seems quite not like Saturn to Moon. It is certainly NOT a period that I would describe by the combination of Saturn transit to natal Moon plus Pluto transit to natal Sun. I can't credit the non-foreground partile aspects with anything at all.
Original location vs. returning home: The charts aren't all that different. (We only went a couple of hours out of town.) It's essentially the same chart with different proportions. Objectively, that fits because, after all, one has more of a sense of play and pleasure on the vacation-like day off than when one returns to the office (no matter how much I like my office). Still, Venus is the closest angularity (just not overwhelming the malefics with its 0°04' orb). Everything else is about the same.