Money bringing aspects?

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Money bringing aspects?

Post by Arena »

So, been looking at money bringing aspects.
Looks like Jupiter to Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Uranus would be a sure money thing. Pluto seems to also be associated with money sometimes.

Which ones would you say were the most powerful money aspects?

I have Jupiter around my natal Mercury & Mars now and am hoping for some luck with money :)
When it last hit my Mercury a few months ago I made a small investment, bought an apartment to rent out for profit and I can see that I will be able to sell it with profit if I decide to.

Have you found conjunctions most powerful? Do you also experience money luck with oppositions, squares and trines of those planets?
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Re: Money bringing aspects?

Post by Arena »

Jim Eshelman wrote:Jupiter is the primary bringer of money. Venus brings happiness, which sometimes means money (or really showing what you spend it on).

Pluto has nothing to do with money per se. That's a Tropical 8th house analogue (which they try to fortify by confusing Pluto with the god Plutus).
Looks like Jupiter to Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Uranus would be a sure money thing... Which ones would you say were the most powerful money aspects?
It depends on which planet is aspect what - which is "doing the other" vs. them being angular. Jupiter to Mercury is good for business, and therefore might be advantageous for money (e.g., if you were getting your performance review at the same time). Jupiter to Mercury and Mercury to Jupiter are advantageous in different ways.

Jupiter to Mars is tricky (and Mars to Jupiter very tricky). The main effect of this is to leave you with fewer resources at the end than at the start, because you are "burning through them." This may happen, though, from putting more resources in your hands for you to burn through. The slower Jupiter to Mars can mean, "increasing your competitiveness," or "victory in combat," which can translate to high industry, temporary rising trend of income, etc., depending on how you make your money.

Jupiter to Jupiter (I'm speaking of transits through all of this) rarely produces much when it actually happens, unless it is separately highlighted by, say, being on a lunar return angle. A planet aspecting itself is at a "phase change" when there are underlying reassessments of how we relate to that part of our psyche. Jupiter to Jupiter transits tend to be pleasant enough, but can seem relatively quiet (no big events unless separately highlighted) because the main effect is reflective reassessment of matters of career, personal growth, finance, prosperity, and purpose, etc. It is probably a good time to make decisions that are pending and that will have years-long consequences.

Jupiter-Uranus combinations are great for windfalls. Rarely good for anything you have to work for, though Jupiter to Uranus can reward your originality and creativity, as in getting paid off for a fabulous idea. Uranus to Jupiter is simply "significant change in Jupiter matters," which can be good or bad, but is nearly always good unless malefics hit it at the same time.

You've missed the big ones, though: Jupiter transits to Sun or Moon.
Have you found conjunctions most powerful?
Conjunctions, oppositions, and squares are pretty equal in transits. If anything (and I stretch here), conjunctions are less likely to manifest as overt action than oppositions and squares, since the latter are wholly dynamic whereas the conjunction is both static and dynamic.
Do you also experience money luck with oppositions, squares and trines of those planets?
Absolutely oppositions and squares. Trines by transit are irrelevant (the only study to affirm their value is a study of suicides, i.e., a state most commonly marked by the paralysis of, "There is nothing I can do!")
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Re: Money bringing aspects?

Post by Arena »

Thanks Jim

I just watched Jupiter transits go backwards in relation to my own chart.
What I find most spectacular is this.
Jupiter's conjunction to natal Mercury this year (2015) made me take a step to invest in a small apartment shortly after I got a "windfall" of money in the end of last year by selling off a small piece of land.

Jupiter's conjunction to natal Mercury in year 2003 brought to me a large sum of money from parents and made me sign my first contract to buy an apartment. The decision from my parents to help me buy that apartment might have been made when Jupiter transited natal Sun ...but an offer was made and a contract signed when Jupiter was transiting natal Mercury and Mars.

So to me Jupiter to natal Sun, Mercury and Mars seem to be very important time in terms of money. But only by conjunction. At the same time Jupiter conjuncts Mercury, it also squares natal Moon.

The oppositions of Jupiter to natal Sun and Mercury in past years:
Exact opposition to natal Sun in February 2009 - registered as a couple in the state's books (not a marriage though)
End of March 2009, birth of a son.

The squares to natal Sun and Mercury were also of importance, but they did not have to do with windfalls of money. Jupiter conjunct n. Moon and squared n. Mercury in 2012 when a public announcement was made to run for office. I do not remember a particular effect in 2006 when Jupiter was on the opposite side of the zodiac.

So in my case it is ONLY when Jupiter conjuncts Mercury that the big things in monetary things happen so far.

Seems like Jupiter to Uranus has not brought me money, but rather travel.
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Re: Money bringing aspects?

Post by Arena »

Venus_Daily wrote:Wow, I was just thinking about posting a thread like this. With Jupiter and Uranus coming to an opposition in late 2016, I noticed that my a lot of my demi and some lunar returns are highlighted by this planetary duet without Saturn for once. I agree with Jim about the fact that transit to transit and transit to natal are just different animals entirely. Uranus to Jupiter sort of shocked me back into society and the status quo while Jupiter over Uranus less than a few minutes of exactitude, exactly conjunct the vertex in a lunar return got me a meaningful marriage proposal, in fact the same day Jupiter went stationary I was proposed to, it was very odd, I had not spoken to my ex in about a year and I could feel as though something was going to happen leading up to that day, the only problem was it was exactly what I had been asking the universe for, I forgot to dream beyond that point. What seems obvious to me and did not seem obvious at the time was that this manifested in the context of other astrological factors like progressed Sun conjunct Venus and tr Pluto conjunct Neptune.
In 2017, on 9/28 I have a lunar return with an exact Moon/Pluto exactly conjunct the MC, Pluto will actually be 3 degrees away ecliptically, and also a Jupiter/Uranus across the ASC 2 degrees away from the axis ecliptically and Jupiter/Uranus 34 minutes away from each other, this transit will be opposite natal Pluto and all this will all be layered above a Sun to Moon progression. Needless to say, I hope to be cashing my cosmic welfare check.
So in my case it is ONLY when Jupiter conjuncts Mercury that the big things in monetary things happen so far.
Might be symbolic of a good business acumen.

I agree with Jim about Pluto, it is a benign influence which can show up in an SSR of someone who receives a sudden windfall or someone going to prison.
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Re: Money bringing aspects?

Post by Arena »

by Venus_Daily on Tue Jun 23, 2015 5:36 am

Jim, is there anyway to put the breaks on Jupiter/Mars as a transit to transit, I have this aspect angular in my KSR for 2016, it's over natal Venus and Natal Jupiter.

Re: Money bringing aspects?
Postby Jim Eshelman on Tue Jun 23, 2015 1:47 pm

Venus_Daily wrote:
Jim, is there anyway to put the breaks on Jupiter/Mars as a transit to transit, I have this aspect angular in my KSR for 2016, it's over natal Venus and Natal Jupiter.

Well, there is self-discipline :) . One can also choose other expressions, but they would need to be enthusiastic and ardent.
Jim Eshelman

Re: Money bringing aspects?
Postby Venus_Daily on Fri Jun 26, 2015 8:54 pm

Well, there is self-discipline :) . One can also choose other expressions, but they would need to be enthusiastic and ardent.

Thank You Jim for your reply,
I wanted to ask you a question though, and I really wanted to know something about my Sept. 2017 lunar return because it is exactly around the time my father's estate should be settled, There is a partile opposition between Jupiter/Uranus 2 degrees across the ASC/DSC, the thing is though that transiting Neptune also aspects this partile opposition by aspect by semisquare and sesquiquadrate in exactitude less than 30 minutes. I always take the future with a grain of salt, but should I take this situation with a truckload of salt due to Neptune aspecting Jupiter and Uranus so closely and it only being a lunar return?

Re: Money bringing aspects?
Postby Jim Eshelman on Fri Jun 26, 2015 9:15 pm

2017? You kiddin' me? <vbg>

Where are you living right now (and do you expect to be living there in 2017)?
Jim Eshelman

Re: Money bringing aspects?
Postby Venus_Daily on Fri Jun 26, 2015 9:20 pm

The Same place probably and the only reason I looked was because this is the time table I was given

Re: Money bringing aspects?
Postby Jim Eshelman on Fri Jun 26, 2015 9:43 pm

OK, for birthplace I see the September 29 SLR with Uranus and Jupiter across the horizon and - you didn't mention this part! - a partile Moon-Pluto conjunction straddling the Midheaven.

Moon and Pluto are only 0°37' apart, and the MC still manages to squeeze between them. Pluto is stationary. This is a really big deal! The Jupiter and Uranus are actually slightly secondary. The Neptune to Jupiter-Uranus does have its say, but it's more nuanced, not so much afflicting them in the usual way (if the Moon-Pluto weren't there), but more dangling a dream and showing strange, bizarre circumstances.

For your birthplace (I'm taking that as what you meant by 'the same place"), you have mundanely:

Pluto 0°04' from MC (stationary)
Moon 1°25' from MC
-- Moon-Pluto 0°37' conjunction (ecliptic)
Uranus 1°53' below Asc
Jupiter 2°22' above Dsc
-- Jupiter-Uranus op. 0°13'
-- Uranus-Pluto square 1°57' mundo
-- Jupiter-Pluto square 2°26' mundo

And, to boot, the Jupiter-Uranus is on your natal Pluto.

Other things in your charts concurring, this month could seriously change your life - rewrite the map of your life conditions utterly. Build your dreams well!
Jim Eshelman
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Re: Money bringing aspects?
Postby Venus_Daily on Sat Jun 27, 2015 2:56 am

OK, for birthplace I see the September 29 SLR with Uranus and Jupiter across the horizon and - you didn't mention this part! - a partile Moon-Pluto conjunction straddling the Midheaven.

Moon and Pluto are only 0°37' apart, and the MC still manages to squeeze between them. Pluto is stationary. This is a really big deal! The Jupiter and Uranus are actually slightly secondary. The Neptune to Jupiter-Uranus does have its say, but it's more nuanced, not so much afflicting them in the usual way (if the Moon-Pluto weren't there), but more dangling a dream and showing strange, bizarre circumstances.

For your birthplace (I'm taking that as what you meant by 'the same place"), you have mundanely:

Pluto 0°04' from MC (stationary)
Moon 1°25' from MC
-- Moon-Pluto 0°37' conjunction (ecliptic)
Uranus 1°53' below Asc
Jupiter 2°22' above Dsc
-- Jupiter-Uranus op. 0°13'
-- Uranus-Pluto square 1°57' mundo
-- Jupiter-Pluto square 2°26' mundo

And, to boot, the Jupiter-Uranus is on your natal Pluto.

Other things in your charts concurring, this month could seriously change your life - rewrite the map of your life conditions utterly. Build your dreams well!

Thank You so much for your reply Jim,
Yes, this will all happen under Neptune to Mars/Uranus with a sun to moon progression, I wish though that this symbolism had been in the SSR, the angles are startlingly similar, the only thing that remains constant though is Uranus being tightly angular and Uranus is at the bottom of the chart. Moving to my mother's house was not just about money, it was about liberation, I needed to start fully engaging with society again to sort of accomplish my dreams and conquer my fears. Pluto to moon is very cathartic and has really taken me into a new direction that I secretly wanted to go in.

Re: Money bringing aspects?
Postby Arena on Sat Nov 05, 2016 6:15 pm

So let me look at what Jupiter is doing in rich people's charts. ... s-2878601/

These are only ecliptic aspects, don't know how close they are in mundo.

Bill Gates tightest aspect is partile Jupiter - Pluto conj.
Amancia Ortega has his Jupiter partile sq. Mercury and partile quinq. Pluto as well as wider trine to Mars and opp. to Moon.
Warren Buffet's tightest Jupiter aspect is partile sq to Uranus and then wider aspect to Pluto and Venus.
Jeff Bezos tightest Jupiter aspect is a quinq. to Uranus and then wider quinq. to Pluto and wide sq. to Mercury.
Charles Koch's Jupiter is partile trine Pluto and wider sq. Saturn.
David Koch's Jupiter is not partile, but conjuncts Mercury and squares Pluto.
Carlos Slim has a wide trine to pluto and opp. to Moon, but he has a tight Sun Mercury conj. that sextiles Jupiter.
Mark Zuckerberger has Jupiter Venus trine, Jupiter Saturn partile sextile, but he has a partile opposition from Mercury to Pluto.
Larry Ellison has Jupiter wide conj to Venus and sextile Saturn.
Ingvar Kamprad has no partile aspects to Jupiter. His Jupiter is conj.Venus, opp. Neptune, sq. Saturn, trine Moon and quinq. Pluto. But his Sun is partile conj. Mercury.

I will add Robert Kiyosaki in here since I am taking some lessons in real estate investing.
He has a partile Jupiter Moon conjunction, partile Jupiter Mars trine and then his Jupiter has a wider trine to Mercury and Saturn.
Last edited by Arena on Mon Nov 21, 2016 11:29 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Money bringing aspects?
Postby Jim Eshelman on Sat Nov 05, 2016 6:31 pm

You could add: Donald Trump, Jupiter stationary, trine Uranus 0°16'

I think you may have to break it down by the source of their money. It's quite different to earn your money, inherit your money, be a genius who casually gets money, or constantly compete for your money. If we're talking natal aspects rather than, say, transits, I've never thought natal Jupiter had a lot to say about how rich you are. (Transiting Jupiter is different - the universe is generous to you. But someone with natal Jupiter strong is just as likely to be comparably generous, and thus never have anything to spare.)

Mars is especially the planet for those who compete effectively, and in a driven way, and succeed (Gates, Buffet, and Trump, the only ones on your list for whom I have full birth data, are all heavily Mars-driven individuals.)
Jim Eshelman

Re: Money bringing aspects?
Postby Arena on Sat Nov 05, 2016 7:53 pm

What I was doing was to just check how natal Jupiter is configured. Those individuals do indeed have a natal configuration that has been linked to wealth, such as Jupiter to Moon, Mercury, Uranus and Pluto. But it sure would also be interesting to know if they have Jupiter angular and what was happening in their pr. sr. and tr. when they started building their wealth.

Re: Money bringing aspects?
Postby Venus_Daily on Mon Nov 07, 2016 7:33 pm

Jim Eshelman wrote:
You could add: Donald Trump, Jupiter stationary, trine Uranus 0°16'

I think you may have to break it down by the source of their money. It's quite different to earn your money, inherit your money, be a genius who casually gets money, or constantly compete for your money. If we're talking natal aspects rather than, say, transits, I've never thought natal Jupiter had a lot to say about how rich you are. (Transiting Jupiter is different - the universe is generous to you. But someone with natal Jupiter strong is just as likely to be comparably generous, and thus never have anything to spare.)

Mars is especially the planet for those who compete effectively, and in a driven way, and succeed (Gates, Buffet, and Trump, the only ones on your list for whom I have full birth data, are all heavily Mars-driven individuals.)

The Taurean artist I was off and on again with had Jupiter sextile Uranus and was poor to middle class as a young child, then in his late childhood, his family became wealthy, but they lost it all when he became a young adult.
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Re: Money bringing aspects?

Post by Arena »

This being an interesting subject, I want to add a few more wealthy people to this list of natal Jupiter aspects. ... the-world/

Michael Bloomberg is a Valentine man: Closest to angles he has a Pluto-Venus opposition. His Jupiter does not have partile ecliptic aspects, but wide trines to Venus, Mercury, Moon and the Moon and Mercury are conjunct.

Larry Ellison Oracle software mogul: No partile ecliptic aspects to Jupiter. Jupiter is conj. Venus and sextile Saturn. Moon is conj. Pluto.

Larry Page cofounder of Google: Jupiter partile sextile Sun (which is widely conj. Venus). Jupiter is also sextile Neptune and trine Pluto. Mercury partile sq. Saturn.

Sergey Brin Google cofounder: Jupiter partile sextile Neptune, partile sq. Mars, tight trine to a partile Venus&Pluto conunction and quinq. Saturn. Could also have a trine to Moon (birth hour not known).

Bernard Arnault CEO of fashion and luxury goods: Jupiter quinq. Uranus. Moon, Pluto, Saturn, Venus on angles. Moon-Mercury partile square.

Liliane Bettencourt L'Oreal heiress and businesswoman, richest woman in Europe: Jupiter conj. Sun and sq. Mars. Mercury-Saturn conjunction. Moon-Uranus-Pluto grand trine.

Alice Walton Wal-Mart heiress: Jupiter wide sextile Venus and sq. Moon. Wide quinq. to a Mars-Pluto conjunction.

George Soros investor and businessman: Jupiter sextile Mercury, sq. Uranus, opp. Saturn and possibly trine Moon (or Moon trine Pluto).

Sir Evelyn de Rothschild (the only Rothschild on top 50): No aspects to Jupiter.

Of interest is Mayer Amschel Rothschild, banker and founder of the Rothschild banking dynasty: Jupiter sq. Neptune and possibly also Moon. Jupiter quinq. Mars.
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Re: Money bringing aspects?

Post by Arena »

Ok, so out of all these I decided to count the aspects. Would be interesting to see the mundoscopes as well, to see if there are other aspects there, or closer.

If I do not discriminate between aspects to Jupiter, just count them all, being conj., opp., sq., trine, sext., quinq(150). Then this would be the outcome counting all Moon aspects to Jupiter where it is possible.
Pluto = 11
Venus = 9
Moon & Saturn = 8
Mercury = 7
Mars & Uranus = 5
Neptune = 4
Sun = 3

If I on the other hand count ONLY dynamic aspects that Jim says are dynamic, being conj. opp. sq. - then these are the results aspects to Jupiter:
Moon = 5
Merc, Venus & Saturn = 3
Mars, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto = 2
Sun = 1

Although after looking at these, I think the other aspects have made their points here and I do not think they should be excluded.
Jupiter to Pluto and Venus clearly are the winners here in ecliptic aspects. This is in agreement with Magi astrology that has found the Jupiter-Pluto aspects to be a Super Success (and wealth) aspect.
Interestingly Saturn is not a wealth inhibitor when in aspect to Jupiter.
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Re: Money bringing aspects?

Post by Arena »

by SteveS on Sun Nov 20, 2016 6:10 pm

Arena wrote:
This is in agreement with Magi astrology that has found the Jupiter-Pluto aspects to be a Super Success (and wealth) aspect.

Without a doubt!. I have one coming up this weekend and am trying to decide exactly how to apply it within the context of my immediate Sidereal Astrology living environments. I can't remember for sure, but I think I have posted something in your Jupiter-Uranus thread that will show folks how I apply Sidereal Astrology for endeavoring to be in harmony within the context of my everyday living immediate environments with what is going with the my Sidereal Astrology astro cycles. I think I will post about my Jupiter-Pluto with a Q chart in your 'Thank you Lord aspect thread, or in my thread on the Auburn-Bama game for Nov 26th.

PS, on second though I will post my personal Jupiter-Pluto cycle on Nov 26th in this thread.

Re: Money bringing aspects?
Postby SteveS on Sun Nov 20, 2016 7:02 pm

I am posting real fast so I will ramble with my choice of words.

Regardless how we choose to endeavor to work in harmony with the personal Sidereal Astrology astro cycles in our individual life, we as individual astrologers must come to a planetary delineation judgement ourselves. No other astrologer can make final judgement for another astrologer—they can only assist, only the astrologer who is keenly consciously alert to their own individual objectives within their immediate environments should make final astrological Judgement. Sometime we judge correctly—sometimes we judge wrong, to me, it is all about % of wins to % of losses with fun challenges. IMO, Sidereal Astrology is KEY for endeavoring to achieve fun, harmony, and success with our individual life.

For example: I watched Arena spend an extraordinary amount of time endeavoring to choose a new location for her and her family to relocate their lives. Arena felt strongly it was time to get the hell out of what she judged to be a dead-end road location. I commend Arena for having the courage and determination to achieve a better life for her and her family. I watched her use Jim’s teachings of Sidereal Astrology to assist her in relocating her and her family to a better life location. Arena was endeavoring to make a very important decision in her life, and was partly using Sidereal Astrology in choosing a better location. Correct me Arena if my memory fails me on what I have written. But everyone must understand as individual astrologers we endeavor to judge our personal decisions for our lives with what we think the heavens are saying relative to our immediate environments. This is labeled a personal Astrological Judgement. Sometimes we are correct—sometimes we are wrong, we are all only human. I treat all my individual astrological judgments as fun challenges, it helps male my life very exciting, but Arena was endeavoring to correctly Judge with a major life decision. This takes a hell of a-lot of courage but Arena had enough common sense to know with major location changes comes the possibility of major life changes that will/could vastly improve her/family lives. We may not realize—but life is full of gambles we make for ourselves—some just gamble more than others. Next I will write about a Jupiter-Pluto gamble coming-up in my personal life Nov 26.

Re: Money bringing aspects?
Postby SteveS on Sun Nov 20, 2016 7:45 pm

First, let me say if it was not for all the SSR Moon-Saturn going on in my life now, I would wager my max bet of 10% of my bank account, but with me losing part of my Trump Rep winnings on the Prez election made me realize I was probably in the wrong place/time for winning this Prez wager. For the first time in my life I saw a favored Vegas Prez lose an election. When historical ‘firsts’ happen I damn sure want to endeavor to figure out the astrological WHY. But I am probably going to make a max wager on my football pool points with the following SQ (Solar Quotidian). As I have often posted-- SQ’s are my favorite DAY charts to endeavor to Judge when I KNOW there is an ‘out of ordinary’ day happening in my life with a very important football game. Below is my Nov 26 SQ with transits. Its lite- up like a Xmas Tree and transiting Jupiter-Pluto-Venus is involved in a big way!

Note: t. Venus- Jupiter-Pluto are partile cnj my Asc/IC. This has absolutely no meaning to any one who has not had extensive experience with their own Q charts when they know something ‘out of the ordinary’ is happening in their life. Trust me, every year the Auburn-Bama game is a huge deal! It is always an ‘out of ordinary day’ relative to avid football fans in the South, and believe me these transits are very unique to my time/space location--very,very rare to see a SQ like this one relative to my immediate environment life. But it should be understood: Not every Bama-Auburn SQ game day is lite-up like this SQ. So, I have the very challenging daunting task as a Sidereal Astrologer Gambler to answer this burning question: WHY IS THIS ONE SQ LITE-UP in the context of my immediate environment????? I think I know the answer but could be wrong. You see—I must make an astrological Judgement for myself relative to my known life style. Astrological Judgement conclusion later.


Re: Money bringing aspects?
Postby SteveS on Sun Nov 20, 2016 8:39 pm

Before I go further with my personal Judgment for this super SQ for me on game DAY, I must now discuss to the very few who are paying attention—what is going on with my psychological impulse—in other words WTF is going on in my mind with my psychological thoughts. As I just posted in Jamescondor thread on Transits---our psychological thoughts are KEY when endeavoring to make an astrological decision/judgement in one’s life based solely on Sidereal Astrology. Right now, at this moment in my time/space location, winning money on a wager is not the top priority in my life. The top priority in my life at this moment in my life is tweaking out Sidereal Mundane Astrology (SMA) as a logical ‘knowledge’ system to pay lots of ‘interest’ to me and my business clients. I am retired with only enough retirement income to lead a simple life, but I like most others want to earn extra income to bring more fun/enjoyment into my wife’s & I life. I make this extra income through a couple of business clients who in the past invest sizable amounts of money in markets and on occasion with Vegas wagering. These clients in the past send me extra income when they are successful with my advice. Very rarely do I offer $ advice because things must be right astrologically, not only in my client’s astrological life, but in my astrological life, and I am very cautious with all the Saturn going on in my SSR now. But, in my entire learning astrological life, I have never encountered a mundane astrological knowledge like SMA. Relative to immediate environment with my life, SMA imo, has great ‘knowledge’ potential. So, this SQ day coming-up is much more important to me as learning something very important pertaining to SMA and this up-coming Bama-Auburn game than winning points in my football pool which has good potential to return to me 12,000, 7,000, or 5,000 on a $200.00 investment. In other words, by the time my football pool ends betting football pool points on Nov 26 game may be instrumental for me winning a nice money prize. Believe me, earning the type money above with a $200.00 investment is damn sure Jupiter-Pluto!!! Will I win the above money? I simply will not know until the end of the football pool on Jan 3rd 2017. But I know this for sure, If I do win one of the above money figures It will happen because of all the Sidereal Astrology ‘knowledge’ paying me ‘interest’ that I have learned from Jim’s Sidereal Astrology teachings. When I make $ with Jim’s teachings, I always share with him (without Jim having to ask) because without Jim’s teachings, I could have never achieved the success I have had with earning extra ‘interest’ with Sidereal Astrology’s knowledge—the way I apply it in my personal life relative to my immediate environments. This Nov 26 SQ Day could be critical for me with my Sidereal Astrology judgement, and SMA is playing a part with my thinking for this game in the following link:


Re: Money bringing aspects?
Postby SteveS on Sun Nov 20, 2016 8:59 pm

So, to end these posts for now, I must wait until I see where I stand in the football pool Wed. I took my BYE for this weekend (did not bet any of my points). I will post new standings Wed and the Vegas betting odds on the Nov 26th Bama-Auburn game. These two factors will weigh a-lot on my Sidereal Astrology decisions/judgement. Are there any questions about how I am doing preliminary judging with this Jupiter-Pluto aspect coming-up with my Nov 26 SQ Chart?

Re: Money bringing aspects?
Postby Arena on Mon Nov 21, 2016 10:49 am

Let us know how you do :) ... hope you win a lump sum of money. Thanks for sharing.

I never really use those Q charts, except for looking at how the SSR Moon will progress during a solar return. I guess I must study the transits to my SSR's.

As I understand you, the chart you are using is your progressed SSR and then you look at transits to it - but from what I can see, you must look out for that transit MC and EP, as they fall on Neptune and Saturn at 6pm.

Re: Money bringing aspects?
Postby SteveS on Mon Nov 21, 2016 4:56 pm

Arena wrote:
..but from what I can see, you must look out for that transit MC and EP, as they fall on Neptune and Saturn at 6 pm.

A most excellent point Arena and very rarely considered with daily stuff timed to the minutes. This could very well make the difference between psychological feeling the emotions of winning or losing. The Venus-Jupiter-Pluto transits to my SQ angles could turn out to be saying I will feel like a very lucky day will happen, but t. MC AND EP are afflicted. In fact Saturn-Neptune has a-lot to do with "removals," and there is no doubt if I lose all my points on this day--I will be removed from the football pool. Excellent observation Arena, thanks.
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Re: Money bringing aspects?

Post by Arena »

I do not know if is because of my natal Jupiter-Pluto aspect, or the relocated Jupiter-Mercury paran or relocated angular Pluto (which is then in it's ecliptic square to Jupiter), maybe it's because my natal Jupiter-Pluto-Venus is activated or the tr. Jupiter&Pluto on my n. Uranus and n. MC or possibly all of those... but something within me is wiring my brain to a decision to invest invest invest in real estate for a massive passive income to become financially free and independent. I have made a plan so that this can happen in 2017 and my financial freedom goal/mark will be with me before the end of next year. After that I will go on investing. I'll report back on that next year and at the point when I reach my first million mark (portfolio worth) ;)

Anyway, I want to add to the list in here for everyone interested in those Jupiter aspects. I will also add to the list if I see their luminaries in aspect to business success planets, although we must make a note to self that we do not know the Moon's exact position because we don't have accurate birth hours. I will also note if the aspects are partile. But I must note in here that I am not able to cast mundoscopes to see their mundane aspects.

This time I will make a list of a few of the historic rich people.

Henry Ford:
Jupiter-Uranus trine. Moon-Sun/Pluto wide T-square. Sun wide conj. to Mercury.
John. D. Rockefeller: Many Jupiter aspects, the closest one being a trine to Neptune (1,31°), followed by a wide conj. to Mars, sq. to Sun, sextile Saturn and wide opp. to Pluto (8,32°). Sun partile trine Uranus and forms a T-square with that Jupiter-Pluto opposition.
Andrew Carnegie: Jupiter-Venus partile quinq. Jupiter-Pluto square and Jupiter-Mercury trine. Moon wide sq to Mercury
Jakob Fugger: Jupiter partile opp. Sun, wider quinq Venus. Possible Moon-Pluto trine.
Muammar al-Gaddafi: Jupiter-Neptune square and possible Jupiter-Moon square, those forming a T-square. Jupiter-Mercury wide conj. Possible Pluto-Moon trine or Moon-Mercury sq.
William Henry Vanderbilt: Possible tight Moon-Jupiter trine. Wide conj. of Jupiter to a Saturn-Mars conj.
John Jacob Astor: Jupiter has no aspects, except for wide (5,91°) quinq to Pluto.
Stephen Girard: All Jupiter aspects are wide although there is a possible tight Moon-Jupiter quinq. Jupiter-Nep sq, Jup-Mars sextile, Jup-Ur sextile and a very wide Jup-Saturn quinq. Sun is opp Saturn and Pluto.
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Re: Money bringing aspects?

Post by Arena »

I'll just keep going with this, now focusing on those that made their fortune with real estate investments.

Robert Kiyosaki:
Partile Jupiter Moon conjunction, partile Jupiter Mars trine and then his Jupiter has a wider trine to Mercury and Saturn.

Leon Charney: Possible Jupiter-Moon sq. and if so, that makes a Jupiter-Merc/Moon T-square. Jupiter partile quinq to a Pluto-Sun-Mars conj. A wide Jup-Merc opp. Jup-Uranus sextile.

David Murdock: Jupiter is in triangle with a trine to Uranus&Venus and sq. to Neptune. Sun-Merc conj. (3,27°).

Wang Jianlin: Jupiter is conj. Uranus (1,22°), squares Neptune and Sun and then a opp. to Mars (2,38°) and trine Venus. Jupiter-Moon possible sextile. In fact this is an interesting chart which has almost all the planets at around the same degrees of each of the signs, so Pluto is also in this picture with a trine to Venus and sextile to Sun&Neptune. Then we see his Mercury conj. Saturn as the only planets at another degree.

Lee Shau-kee: Jupiter-Uranus partile conjunction and partile square to Venus.

Michael Otto: Possible Moon-Jupiter conj. Mercury-Pluto sq. ... sinessman)

Donald Bren: No aspects to Jupiter unless we go up to 7-8°. Partile Pluto-Sun sextile, partile Pluto-Uranus sq.

Rick Caruso: His Jupiter aspects almost all planets in his chart. Tight Jup-Pluto sq and Jup-Venus sq as well as tight Jup-Sat sextile. Wider trine to Mars and wide opp. to Uranus. ... th-nothing
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Re: Money bringing aspects?

Post by Arena »

So, I've just added two more posts this morning with a few more rich people and summarizing leading aspects after this addition would give Jupiter's aspects to Pluto the lead along with Jup-Venus with 15 each, next are Jup aspects to the Moon 14 (but we don't know about those) and then Jup-Uranus and Jup-Saturn with 12 each.

I guess to be more accurate I should leave out the Moon and do a count of the partile aspects to see the closest aspects as well.
But this has indeed been interesting to me, no surprises though except for rather high count for Saturn and lowest count for Sun.

Well I guess I might add another surprise to me, it is the fact that Jupiter is not necessarily in partile aspects in those rich people's charts.
When I count only the partile aspects that I've noted in here and leave out the possible aspects to Moon, Jup-Pluto is still the winner with 4, followed by Jup-Ur, Jup-Mars, Jup-Sun with 3 each.

So far, Jupiter-Pluto is clearly the winner.
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Re: Money bringing aspects?

Post by Arena »

by Jupiter Sets At Dawn on Sun Nov 27, 2016 6:21 pm

Saturn is the one who gets rich, especially in real estate. Be careful your optimistic Jupiter isn't getting a little ahead of itself. Pluto can mean losing everything.

You keep saying "I". Talk to your partner. Get some perspective. You're going haring off after a dream again, but you're pulling a wagon full of your family behind you, and this is not just about you. Make sure they're covered first, they won't have to move into a coldwater walk up and your partner won't have to drop out of school because you took a blind turn too fast and overturned everything.
Jupiter Sets At Dawn

Re: Money bringing aspects?
Postby SteveS on Sun Nov 27, 2016 7:47 pm

Arena wrote:
Let us know how you do ... hope you win a lump sum of money. Thanks for sharing.

Arena, you were right- on, Saturn-Neptune 'removed' me from my football pool. Lost my "all in" bet by a gut-wrenching half-point. :( But I sure did have a-lot of recreational fun in this football pool. :)

Re: Money bringing aspects?
Postby Jim Eshelman on Sun Nov 27, 2016 8:06 pm

And now waiting to see how underdogs 49'ers and Jets do today. (So far, the former is holding its own against Miami.)
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Re: Money bringing aspects?

Post by Arena »

by SteveS on Sun Nov 27, 2016 8:22 pm

Jim wrote:
And now waiting to see how underdogs 49'ers and Jets do today. (So far, the former is holding its own against Miami.)

Jim, you may be starting a hot-streak. :) Well, not if Wednesday was any indication LOL. (That's what happens when you pick expected losers. Often they lose :lol: )

But in the spirit of Arena's thread, I have that exact Jupiter-Pluto exactly on Demi-SLR angles, with Venus and my Sun joining. Felt lucky. If either team wins, I'm ahead. At the moment, the Dolphins have pulled ahead of SF by one goal.

Postby Arena on Sun Nov 27, 2016 9:48 pm

Jupiter Sets At Dawn wrote:
Saturn is the one who gets rich, especially in real estate. Be careful your optimistic Jupiter isn't getting a little ahead of itself. Pluto can mean losing everything. .

Well, some say that Saturn delivers poverty, inhibitions and limits the person, so not really rich. But it seems that by aspecting Jupiter, then it can indeed become rich. But I've also read that when Saturn comes to IC in SSR or transit, it can mean "building foundations" or investing in a home or possibly in real estate. And yes, we see that Pluto can indeed mean losses, and I think we've all seen Pluto connected to human loss, such as death, divorces and loss of friendships and that people decide to make changes and quite their jobs.

But in this thread I am not looking at those planet in isolation, I am looking at Jupiter's aspects to them. I think Pluto's connection to Jupiter is usually connected to huge successes in astrology, although I do not have an overview of all people with this aspect. But as we see by these natal examples, Jupiter-Pluto aspect interestingly has the highest count among these rich people.

As we see in the post about Real estate investors, Jup-Saturn is not high on the list, although I do acknowledge the sample is very small. I might have to investigate that further in order to see if that category also has overall Jupiter-Pluto as the winner.

Jupiter Sets At Dawn wrote:
You keep saying "I". Talk to your partner. Get some perspective. You're going haring off after a dream again, but you're pulling a wagon full of your family behind you, and this is not just about you. Make sure they're covered first, they won't have to move into a coldwater walk up and your partner won't have to drop out of school because you took a blind turn too fast and overturned everything.

Oh, I say I because I am used to speak for myself, but we are in this together my partner and I. He is with me on this property investing journey, although I am doing all the work: going to the courses, reading books, analysing deals and so on. So he has to rely on my judgement and I will get an experienced person in this local market to help us. I look at that cost as a part of investing here and am ready to pay for good advise and possibly mentoring to make sure we get things right as it's a bit different in another market.

Steve said>
Arena, you were right- on, Saturn-Neptune 'removed' me from my football pool. Lost my "all in" bet by a gut-wrenching half-point.

I am sorry about that Steve. Must have destroyed a bit of the joy, but I hope you get it better next time around.

Re: Money bringing aspects?
Postby SteveS on Mon Nov 28, 2016 1:13 pm

Arena wrote:
I am sorry about that Steve. Must have destroyed a bit of the joy, but I hope you get it better next time around.

Yes, it sure did kill-off a joy ride--most fun challenging football pool I have ever experienced. Will definitely participate next football season.
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Re: Money bringing aspects?

Post by Arena »

This topic is of great interest to me :) ... and probably some other people as well.
I do not mean to brag about this, I am only sharing this because it is of interest in terms of this thread and astrology in general.
Although not of the same caliber as the richest people mentioned in this thread, it is of relevance for the thread topic.

Just wanted to share that I recently sold a property and managed to move some of it's loans onto another property... so out of this sale I just got about 230.000USD which is the highest amount that I've ever received. So the leveraging with the bank also counts in here, as a way to bring even more money out of this sale. The pound is falling even more (I predict) when Brexit becomes a reality with article 50 being activated at the end of this month, so this amount is going to be worth even more when I decide to buy pounds.

So what is going on in my chart in terms of possible "money bringing aspects" with the outers/slower moving planets?
Well as you can see in transits during this time, Jupiter has been in aspect to both Pluto and Uranus and these aspects are acting on my MC and Vx angles.
These outers are also aspecting planets in my natal chart, such as the Moon, Mercury and Saturn.
Interestingly tr. Saturn is also acting on my natal T-square of Jupiter-Venus/Pluto.

In terms of what is happening in the relocated SSR with Jupiter:
SSR Jupiter trine n. Moon and wider square to n. Saturn as well.
SSR Jupiter-Pluto-MC grand trine.
SSR Jupiter quinq SSR Uranus.
Progr. SSR Moon conjunct n. Mars and about to trine SSR Uranus.

In terms of "a natal promise", as some astrologers insist that people must have - I am sure this is going to help me build my own wealth on top of my inheritance some time in the future. So which planets in natal are responsible? I would say that Jupiter-Venus-Pluto t-square as well as the mundane Jupiter-Saturn and Saturn-Neptune aspects acting as good understanding of financials and economics.
Relocation has brought Pluto right onto local angle and Saturn has moved further out. Relocation has also brought about a new paran, Jupiter-Mercury which is a business success aspect. Wish me luck :)

*Added: is there a way to see astrocartography with one's mundoscope? I would like to know where on the planet Jupiter is no longer in opposition to Saturn and where it would be in aspect to Pluto in mundoscope. I think Steve was trying to do maybe something similar as he was looking for a way to see potential parans on a world map, right?
I still do not have solar fire, but I don't think it was possible to do this in SF? :)
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Re: Money bringing aspects?

Post by Arena »

Keeping this thread alive and going on with my study on money bringing aspects, in today's lesson looking at natal aspects of a few self-made female billionaires, focusing on Jupiter's aspects as I've done in this thread.

The first three women on the list do not have listed birthdates, so I start with nr. 4 and then go down the list if I find birthdates for them.

Pollyanna Chu, Hong Kong, Industry - Finance.
Born August 3rd 1958 with her n. Jupiter unaspected by planets, but is conjunct Nnode.
N. Moon is possibly trine Venus, square Saturn or quinc Jupiter.
Sun in Cancer, Moon in Aq or Pis

Elizabeth Holmes, US, Industry: Healthcare, Source of wealth: Theranos
Born February 3rd 1984 with Jupiter within 3° conj Neptune and partile sextile Pluto.
Sun in Capricorn, Aquarius Moon.

Oprah Winfrey, Industry: Media, Source of wealth: Harpo Productions
Born January 29th 1954 with Jupiter within 3° trine Mercury.
Sun in Capri, Moon in Scorpio.

Giuliana Benetton, Italy, Industry: Fashion retail, Source of wealth: Benetton Group
Born July 8th 1937 with Jupiter 3° sextile Mars and within 5° opp Pluto and possibly opp. Moon as well.
Sun in Gemini, Moon in either Gemini or Cancer.

Zhang Xin, China, Industry: Real estate, Source of wealth: Soho China
Born August 24th 1965 with Jupiter within 5° sextile Sun and within 6° trine Mars.
Sun in Leo and Moon in Gemini or Cancer.

Marian Ilitch, US, Industry: Diversified, Source of wealth: Little Caesars
Born January 7th 1933 with Jupiter partile sextile Pluto, and sq Venus&Mercury and within 5°conj Mars.
Sun in Sagi and Moon in Taurus. ... -qunfei-15
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Re: Money bringing aspects?

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Glancing at these quickly, it seems Saturn and Mars are the primary motivators in nearly every case. This is what I would expect for self-made wealth. I've never been sold on the Jupiter aspect idea.

Saturn is the real planet of wealth (especially when it is self-made, as in these examples). Mars is the planet of competitive excellence, and is most often pronounced in the charts of successful executives and other business (especially finance) people. Even the best and most hard-working need a bit of luck, so, sure, we would expect some Jupiter involvement; but Saturn and Mars are what pull it off.
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Re: Money bringing aspects?

Post by Arena »

Yes some people say that in order to make self-made money/wealth you have to work for it and that can indeed involve Mars and Saturn like we've seen with many examples above.

You said yourself in your first answer to this thread:
Jupiter is the primary bringer of money.
...and many astrologers agree with that and therefore I've been focusing this thread on looking at Jupiter's aspects. I don't know how many of these have Jupiter angular, but it is indeed curious to see that their Jupiters do.
Jupiter to Pluto is super success, wealth beyond imagination.
Jupiter to Mars is probably the drive to be your own boss and a drive towards taking action.
Jupiter to Saturn long term build up of wealth (contrary to what some have said that this would be an afflicted Jupiter - but it seems instead that Jupiter helps Saturn to build wealth in this combo).
Jupiter to Mercury has been said to be good for business and is probably great for negotiation skills.
Jupiter to Uranus good for huge windfalls&money luck or rewards for good inventions.
Jupiter to Moon seems connected to success as well.

But as we've seen in this thread those rich people have their Jupiter configured in many ways and Jup to Saturn is certainly not a wealth destroyer. Since I do not have their times of birth I can't really analyse the time when they did get rich... but I would think that those who do get rich and contain their wealth must have a natal promise in their charts and this is why I was digging into their natals to see Jupiter aspects. Of course it may be a number of factors that are involved, but I surely would go with Jupiter as "the primary bringer of money" and Pluto can not be ruled out as "bringer of money" when aspected by Jupiter or Mercury.
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Re: Money bringing aspects?

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

Arena wrote: Wed Jul 19, 2017 8:12 am Yes some people say that in order to make self-made money/wealth you have to work for it
That's the definition of self-made money/wealth. :geek:
You said yourself in your first answer to this thread:
Jupiter is the primary bringer of money.
...and many astrologers agree with that and therefore I've been focusing this thread on looking at Jupiter's aspects.
I think, just like the difference between Jupiter and Saturn, there's a difference between money and wealth. They can't be used interchangeably. Jupiter may bring money. Saturn is the accumulator that turns money into wealth. Wealth is money held over time and that makes it's own money, so if you get sick and can't go to work, you're still safe and won't lose your home. I don't think you can say "money/wealth" like they're the same thing when you're trying to study just Jupiter's effect.
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Re: Money bringing aspects?

Post by Arena »

It’s a common practice to think that you have to work hard running a business to get wealthy… those that have secured real wealth are usually less operationally involved in their business so they have more time to think about the bigger picture.Out of the following people, none of them became rich from running a business… in-fact they only achieved that goal either when they sold their own businesses or acquired and sold another business…

Richard Branson made his money when he sold Virgin music to Thorn EMI for 510 million, it was a HUGE deal… and fixed his finances… before that day he admits that he was borderline insolvent.
Born 18th July 1950 at 7AM in Blackheath, UK he has Pluto within 3° from ASC with his Jupiter partile trine Uranus (on AX) and wide 5° opposition to Moon.
Cancer Sun, Leo Moon.

Philip Green bought Arcadia Group PLC in 2002 for next to nothing which then became a private company and was de-listed from the London Stock Exchange. He then paid himself a 1.6 billion pound (GBP) dividend shortly after (the largest ever dividend in history).
Born 15th March 1952 in Croydon, England. His Jupiter's tightest aspect is a trine to Pluto, followed by quinc to Mars, opp to Neptune and then 6-7°conj to Mercury and opp to Saturn.
Pisces Sun, Libra Moon.

Theo Paphitis bought La Senza for £1 & 40 packs of Benson & Hedges in 1998 which he then went on to sell for 100 Million in 2006 to Lion Capital.
Born 24th September 1959 in Limassol, Cyprus. He has Jupiter sq Venus and sextile Sun.
Virgo Sun,Taurus or Gemini Moon.

James Caan sold final economic interest in his recruitment company, the Alexander Mann Group (founded in 1985) in 2007 to Graphite Private Equity in a 100 million management buy-out, led by Rosaleen Blair.
Born 28th December 1960 in Pakistan. His Jupiter has only wide aspects, but many: Jup is between Saturn and Sun within 5-7°, has Mars 4°opp and Neptune within 3° sextile as well as 5° trine to Pluto.
Sagi Sun and Taurus or Aries Moon

Peter Jones bought and sold generation telecom (founded in 2001) which was sold for millions of pounds within 2 years of starting up (which was a distressed acquisition).
Born 18th March 1966 in England. Jupiter tightest aspect is quinc to Neptune followed by a sq to his Saturn and Sun and then a 6° wide sq to a Ur-Pl conj.
Pisces Sun, Cap or Aq Moon.

Deborah Meaden made her money from selling her stake in Weststar Holidays. In 2005 she made a partial exit when Weststar was sold in a deal worth £33 million to Phoenix Equity Partners.
Born 11th February 1959 in England. She has Jupiter partile opp Mars and 3° sq to Pluto.
Sun in Capri and Moon in Pisces (possibly trine Jup).
my text in italics

The same is true for many of the above-mentioned examples in this thread as well. They are not necessarily involved in operations.
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Re: Money bringing aspects?

Post by Arena »

JSAD wrote
Arena wrote: ↑Wed Jul 19, 2017 4:12 pm
Yes some people say that in order to make self-made money/wealth you have to work for it
That's the definition of self-made money/wealth. :geek:
:D Well, JSAD, not necessarily. Some people make their own wealth (not inherited) but it is not necessarily made by hard work, but sometimes by owning a company and then selling things at the right time which would be considered as easy money. Examples above.
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Re: Money bringing aspects?

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

Arena wrote: Wed Jul 19, 2017 9:22 am JSAD wrote
Arena wrote: ↑Wed Jul 19, 2017 4:12 pm
Yes some people say that in order to make self-made money/wealth you have to work for it
That's the definition of self-made money/wealth. :geek:
:D Well, JSAD, not necessarily. Some people make their own wealth (not inherited) but it is not necessarily made by hard work, but sometimes by owning a company and then selling things at the right time which would be considered as easy money. Examples above.
Owning a company and selling at the right time comes under the definition of self-made if you weren't given the company. It's mental labor rather than physical, but it's still work. Self-made means didn't inherit or win a lottery or something similiar. Warren Buffett is self-made. Donald Trump inherited. Both men had well-off parents, both men went to Wharton, but Buffett invested his paper route money and built from there investing in other businesses. Trump was given his business by his grandmother and his father.
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Re: Money bringing aspects?

Post by Arena »

I know the difference between self-made and inherited JSAD :) ...I was just emphasising the different scales of self-made. Some people work really hard to build their own businesses, and they work there their whole life while it builds up to become a fortune (possibly with Saturn added), while others just own it, don't really work there at all (freedom) and then they just sell it at the right time (possibly Jup-Ur influenced). It can also be considered work to sell it, and then invest in something new in some cases, but it is a lot less work - hence it can be defined as rather easy money.
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Re: Money bringing aspects?

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

Arena wrote: Wed Jul 19, 2017 11:32 am I know the difference between self-made and inherited JSAD :) ...I was just emphasising the different scales of self-made.
It can also be considered work to sell it, and then invest in something new in some cases, but it is a lot less work - hence it can be defined as rather easy money.
If you say so.

I'm trying to suggest you don't use the phrase "money/wealth" like money and wealth are the same thing and maybe other people won't keep bringing Saturn's influence in. You've said a couple of times you only want to look at the Jupiter aspects here, so I'm trying to help you keep your topic focused there

Nevermind. I'm wandering off now.
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Re: Money bringing aspects?

Post by Arena »

I am indeed focusing on Jupiter's aspects here, I am listing all the Jupiter aspects in rich people's charts. Jupiter is known as the great benefic, both a bringer of money and helper in accumulating wealth.
As we see in above examples the aspects are not of one or two kinds, but many kinds. Therefore I've pointed out that the wealth that a Jupiter-Saturn would bring can be different from the one that Jup-Ur would bring. Jup-Pluto is also showing up a lot even though it has been said that Pluto is not about wealth or money - I think it can be seen as such in these examples, or at least it is super-success aspect.

Jim has indeed pointed out the same thing - that we might want to study how the wealth is made. But to me, wealth and money are always related since wealth creates money and money+initiative/ideas/entrepreneurship creates wealth.

IF you have any examples of people who are wealthy and you can show us that it is because of Saturn in and by itself, please do demonstrate. I have not seen them. Saturn is usually associated with deprivation and loss (astrologically), but not wealth and money - except when in aspect to Jupiter since together they can be "wealth-building".

Saturn alone is not wealth to me, I would argue that it needs to be exalted or in aspect to Jupiter to become wealth.

But there are those who advocate that the planet in your 2nd house is indicative of what kind of wealth you can possibly accumulate and then there are those that say the ruler of 2nd also matters.

That is not advocated here, so I am focusing on the planets themselves and what they can tell us.
Last edited by Arena on Wed Jul 19, 2017 3:10 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Money bringing aspects?

Post by SteveS »

Maybe your Jup-Uranus SLR will indeed time pulling-off a sound business venture. Whenever we are trying to bring home a major business deal, we are under a certain amount of 'strain-tensions', and this is Jup-Ur. If you are going to accumulate any kind of long term wealth/nest-egg or retirement with a business, that takes time/patience and hard work--SATURN. Selling any kind of business at the right time for sizable profits usually takes a good Jupiter hit. If I am going to invest in a conservative major business deal, I like to see some type Saturn cycle, because I know Saturn represents ‘timing’ structure. As long as you consider a business venture sound, you are adding structure to your life. Don’t be afraid of Saturn cycles as long as you are practicing sound business common sense.
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Re: Money bringing aspects?

Post by Venus_Daily »

Also, remember that Jupiter can manifest through capital, which can be used to generate more money and growth. All Jupiter aspects don't mean money, they mean a growth or expansion, such as love and other wealth of emotion that can't be quantified or liquidated.
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Re: Money bringing aspects?

Post by Arena »

Yes I know Venus. Jupiter can help you expand, and having a bit of capital now will help me expand/grow into the next years because the capital I have helps me leverage for more loans.

Jupiter has also been connected to expansions as in having many children, getting married etc.

By indian/vedic measures I have recently started my 16yr Jupiter mahadasha :) and I think I can see the effects they describe really happening.
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Re: Money bringing aspects?

Post by Venus_Daily »

Thank you for sharing, Arena :)
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Re: Money bringing aspects?

Post by James Condor »

Jupiter, Jupiter Jupiter.
I came across money today as t Jupiter squares my natal sun. I got lucky.
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Who is Jim Rogers?

Post by Arena »

So, I decided to look into the chart of Jim Rogers, an investor that Steve has quoted and linked in this forum:
James Beeland Rogers Jr. (born October 19, 1942) is an American businessman, investor, traveler, financial commentator and author based in Singapore. Rogers is the Chairman of Rogers Holdings and Beeland Interests, Inc. He was the co-founder of the Quantum Fund and creator of the Rogers International Commodities Index (RICI).
Rogers does not consider himself a member of any school of economic thought, but has acknowledged that his views best fit the label of the Austrian School of economics

To me, the fact that his views on the economy fit with the Austrian School tells me that he is indeed capable of economic thought, since these are the economic theories that can actually be applied, while neo-classical are not.

So, anyway, the guy is born Oct 19th 1942. Let's take a look at his natal aspects, in particular Jupiter and Mercury.
Jupiter is square his Sun and Mars.
Mercury is in Virgo, trine Saturn and sextile Pluto.
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Re: Money bringing aspects?

Post by SteveS »

I have never seen Rogers wrong on major long-term market forecasts in my entire working lifetime. Although Rogers major forecasts have meant a-lot of success for me in the past, personally, and with companies I have worked for, I certainly hope for all of us Rogers is wrong this time with what his market mind sees coming economically for America.
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Re: Money bringing aspects?

Post by Arena »

Just to make a note of my synastry observation here is the new thread I just posted on Buffett's and Munger's synastry.
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