Posted: Sun May 14, 2017 4:02 pm
Mar 28, 2017
I see that there's quite the findings by Sidereal astrologers on the link of the constellations to a human's musical abilities, but not as much (if any) to music's physical aspect, dance. (Although I must admit dance is more than just an aspect of music. )
I can see Gemini (Suns, I guess?) being interested in rhythm-based "urban" dances like hip-hop and "popping."
Would Aquarius be interested in these "urban" dances too?
Venus-Mars people may like dance since it involves the body. Perhaps they may like dancing salsa and flamenco?
If the "body" element is the case, then could Taurus and Leo Venus like dancing too?
Traditional/classical dances like ballet and bharatanatyam, (it's a classical Indian dance ) often have combined elements of art, grace and drama (as both dances are known to depict stories and tales), so we theoretically should see the co-existence of art and drama elements in the charts of the dancers of these "classical" dances too.
I just happened to know two people who dance bharatanatyam and one who dances ballet! All three of them are women.
One of the Natyam dancers is a Sagittarius-Taurus with Jupiter tightly angular on the descendant. Sag Sun and angular Jupiter go well with the tradition and the drama/acting of this classical dance while Taurus Moon goes well with the art side of it. (The body is not much of an emphasis in bharatanatyam as to the meaningful conveying of the stories and tales of the Natyam dance.) So maybe the combination of Venus, Neptune, Jupiter and/or maybe even solar elements, not necessarily in aspect but maybe in luminary placements, since I believe a Leo Sun would be more inclined to classical dancing than an angular Sun person.
Another is a Pisces-Libra. Again, Pisces great for drama and Libra's great for art and grace. Not sure of her angular planets since I don't have her birth time.
The ballerina (who had won a number of ballet championships) is a Libra-Leo. Libra for the art and grace, while Leo Moon is not a bad sign for drama and a very apt sign for "the stage" in general. I don't know her birth time either.
I suppose one may see about the same elements of art, grace and drama too in contemporary dancers. Contemporary dance is a very popular genre of dance to the youth of today.
What do you guys think? What are the signs, aspects and/or angular planets you find in dancers?
I see that there's quite the findings by Sidereal astrologers on the link of the constellations to a human's musical abilities, but not as much (if any) to music's physical aspect, dance. (Although I must admit dance is more than just an aspect of music. )
I can see Gemini (Suns, I guess?) being interested in rhythm-based "urban" dances like hip-hop and "popping."
Would Aquarius be interested in these "urban" dances too?
Venus-Mars people may like dance since it involves the body. Perhaps they may like dancing salsa and flamenco?
If the "body" element is the case, then could Taurus and Leo Venus like dancing too?
Traditional/classical dances like ballet and bharatanatyam, (it's a classical Indian dance ) often have combined elements of art, grace and drama (as both dances are known to depict stories and tales), so we theoretically should see the co-existence of art and drama elements in the charts of the dancers of these "classical" dances too.
I just happened to know two people who dance bharatanatyam and one who dances ballet! All three of them are women.
One of the Natyam dancers is a Sagittarius-Taurus with Jupiter tightly angular on the descendant. Sag Sun and angular Jupiter go well with the tradition and the drama/acting of this classical dance while Taurus Moon goes well with the art side of it. (The body is not much of an emphasis in bharatanatyam as to the meaningful conveying of the stories and tales of the Natyam dance.) So maybe the combination of Venus, Neptune, Jupiter and/or maybe even solar elements, not necessarily in aspect but maybe in luminary placements, since I believe a Leo Sun would be more inclined to classical dancing than an angular Sun person.
Another is a Pisces-Libra. Again, Pisces great for drama and Libra's great for art and grace. Not sure of her angular planets since I don't have her birth time.
The ballerina (who had won a number of ballet championships) is a Libra-Leo. Libra for the art and grace, while Leo Moon is not a bad sign for drama and a very apt sign for "the stage" in general. I don't know her birth time either.
I suppose one may see about the same elements of art, grace and drama too in contemporary dancers. Contemporary dance is a very popular genre of dance to the youth of today.
What do you guys think? What are the signs, aspects and/or angular planets you find in dancers?