by Jim Eshelman on Sun Mar 06, 2016 4:17 am
Arena wrote:
I recently read that Jim says the solar eclipse effect can last for the next six months.
My old friend Bob Jansky wrote the definitive book on Solar Eclipses IMHO and his finding was that each one lasts until the next one takes its place. Usually that's six months.
Re: Upcoming solar eclipse
Postby Arena on Sun Mar 06, 2016 4:24 am
Yes I know that... but I don't understand why the effect of those kind of aspect would last any more than just the few days they are in aspect. I do not quite get the concept of the solar eclipses being as if they were in locked position.
Re: Upcoming solar eclipse
Postby Jim Eshelman on Sun Mar 06, 2016 4:49 am
Arena wrote:
Yes I know that... but I don't understand why the effect of those kind of aspect would last any more than just the few days they are in aspect. I do not quite get the concept of the solar eclipses being as if they were in locked position.
I don't remember whether Bob articulated a theory - and it would only be a theory to match his observations - but the idea is that solar eclipses are a continuing cycle and, much like (say) return charts, each one exists until it hands off to the next one.
Solar Eclipses tend to be regarded as vastly more powerful (say, 20 to 100 times more powerful) than ordinary New Moons, and standing out within a given year.
Re: Upcoming solar eclipse
Postby SteveS on Sun Mar 06, 2016 5:14 am
I agree with Jim's words on this issue. When we see an eclipse partile (0,90,180) a point in our Natal Chart, particularly our lights or angles, I think we need to read it as a major illuminated "Sign" for longer time cycles (6 months). Scales has offered an eclipse example where he has a friend whose objective is to get a scholarship with her good test results with a total solar eclipse involved with t. Jupiter and her natal Moon. Let's us put this 6 month test to Scales friend's chart and see if she receives a scholarship within the next 6 months, maybe when/if t. Jupiter comes back with retrograde motion to a partile hit with her natal Moon. I know this from personal experience: When we see New Moons in our SSR's (rare) it relays much truth to all of Jim's words in his book 'Interpreting Solar Return' about partile (0.90,180) Moon-Sun aspects in our SSR's. In other words they are definitely a major "Sign" with SSR's so I think they would also be major "Signs", even more so as an eclipse in our Natal Charts with major aspects with our Natal factors.
Re: Upcoming solar eclipse
Postby Jim Eshelman on Sun Mar 06, 2016 5:37 am
In the last 40 years, I've had 16 solar eclipses making partile aspects to my natal planets. Let's see if I can sort anything out of this...
Several are either too vague, or too much time has passed. For example, the April 1976 eclipse minutes from opposite my Saturn could fit in some ways and not in others, as I was in the first year of being relocated to California, just months into a new major relationship and living conditions, rearranging (at age 21) how I was going to make money keep flowing, etc. (In general, I won't mention any that are this vague.) I was also working most of that year rather hard to get The New Instant Astrologer written and produced.
A year later (April '77) saw that (at the time) important book come out, and an eclipse was partile square my Jupiter-Uranus.
A year later (April '78), the eclipse was opposite my Sun. Hard to assess since Pluto was starting to get into orb of conjunct my natal Sun.
February '80, eclipse opposite my Pluto, square my Venus., I actually moved out of AK's and my home to live two blocks away to get some isolation for most of a year to work on an important income-producing astrology project.
July '82, conjunct my Jupiter-Uranus. I don't have dates readily at hand, but I imagine that was the summer that (while working for ACS, '81-'83) we took the AFA convention by storm and I had something like a dozen speaking slots.
Another conjunct my Jupiter-Uranus July '90. My private law practice had really taken off a year or so sooner, and a major project I had created had recently completed its first successful year. In general, I was riding pretty high and had the most disposable income of my life during this phase, but I can't be sure it was for those exact six months.
Another exactly opposite my Saturn April '95. I actually don't remember much about that period. (Major cyclic shifts were in the couple of years before and the couple of years after.)
And, back to square my Jupiter-Uranus April '96. I was winding down my law practice (would wrap it up the next year), money was OK, and I was probably rather cocky about a number of things - which led to a serious break and life shift later in the year (but after this particular six months was over).
A couple here that I don't know what they might refer to, skipping them... and then no more for several years (which were ferociously important years). Picking up in March 2007 when an eclipse occurred on my Descendant; but so much was shifting at that time, it's hard to say what it might have been about. One of the most important things that happened was subtle and didn't seem like anything at the time: I was working in our LA office and spent a few days going out to help at our Century City office with a project, which led to my getting hired for a significant promotion in that office early the next year.
Oh, wait, doh! - I had been in a very close relationship with a woman for a few years and, with her failing health, her family (without even telling me) whisked her away in the middle of the night across the country to lock her in a hospital. It was either February or March '07, so relationship stuff was absolutely thrown into a tizzy for six months of sorting out what was going on.
So... not bad, but a little vague and general for the periods.
Re: Upcoming solar eclipse
Postby Arena on Sun Mar 06, 2016 4:55 pm
Thanks Jim, that's pretty interesting anyway. Maybe if others explore their solar eclipses we can see if they are indeed of great importance or not.
I will check mine as soon as I find the way to do that in SF.
I guess this upcoming eclipse will be great for a lot of people since Jupiter is involved as well.
For me however, as stated above I can probably not expect great things with n. Saturn partile square to this. Ebertin tells me that Sun-Jupiter-Saturn means "The disinclination to do something coupled with a completely negative state of mind, incapability and incompetence, inhibitions. - The loss of employment, of good fortune, of one's possessions. - Lack of success, illness." And the Moon-Jupiter-Saturn does not sound good either. So basically 6 months of hardship coming up.
Re: Upcoming solar eclipse
Postby SteveS on Sun Mar 06, 2016 10:04 pm
Arena, remember use Ebertin's delineations as tones--not what is actually going to happen in the future. Ebertin helps in understanding our psychological moods relative to our immediate environment. Also, for major life incidents, usually we see angular symbolism in the immediate foreground which is the core of Sidereal Astrology, imo.
Re: Upcoming solar eclipse
Postby Venus_Daily on Mon Mar 07, 2016 6:11 am
Can the Eclipses also be applied to the SSR?
Re: Upcoming solar eclipse
Postby Jim Eshelman on Mon Mar 07, 2016 6:14 am
Probably. U would expect so.
An interesting question is whether the effect expires in less than six months if the SSR expires first.
Jim Eshelman
Penumbral Lunar Eclipse
Postby TheScales_BothWays on Wed Mar 23, 2016 1:53 pm
Today, a penumbral (or appulse, as named in Solar Fire) lunar eclipse happens. It is currently happening right now as I write this, at the whole of the night-side of the world.
It's interesting to see that this eclipse (along with Mercury, which conjuncts the Sun) near-partile square my natal Mars (Mercury partile squares my Mars though).
However, this is just a penumbral lunar eclipse where only the Earth's penumbra fall on the Moon. The Earth's real shadow (the Umbra) doesn't. This means that you can't actually notice the eclipse happening unless you have a keen eye (with clearer skies) or with some aids like a telescope with a special type of filter. The penumbra is really faint. And the penumbra doesn't even cover the whole Moon, for that matter.
The Sun & Moon are also far away from the nodes. (about 12 degrees!)
The next lunar eclipse after 6 months (also a penumbral one) occurs about 7/8 degrees away after squaring my Mars.
Would this eclipse produce any effects on me?
Or should I just wait and see what happens?
Re: Upcoming solar eclipse
Postby Jim Eshelman on Wed Mar 23, 2016 2:02 pm
Treat it as an unusually string transit of Sun to your Mars.
Re: Upcoming solar eclipse
Postby TheScales_BothWays on Wed Mar 23, 2016 2:57 pm
Jim Eshelman wrote:
Treat it as an unusually string transit of Sun to your Mars.
I guess you meant "very light" when you said "unusually string"?
Or did you mean "unusually long"?
Forgive my shallow vocabulary.
Re: Upcoming solar eclipse
Postby Jim Eshelman on Wed Mar 23, 2016 3:34 pm
Re: Upcoming solar eclipse
Postby Jim Eshelman on Wed Mar 23, 2016 3:44 pm
There's a basic strength hierarchy.
Transits by Sun to natal planets are always important, and often are accountable for the fact that certain dates recur as important in many different years (since Sun always transits a given degree within a day of the same date every year).
New Moons and Full Moons are extra-strong Sun transits, and often are useful for deciding which solar transits are going to be strongest in a given year.
Eclipses are super-super-strong Sun transits. Solar eclipses (especially total solar eclipses) have a separate layer of meaning, because they seem to set a 6-month impact of a crisis (decision-making, fork in the road etc.) type. The simplest thing about them, though, is that they are super-super-strong Sun transits.