Jan 30, 2013
Does anyone know about the validity of harmonic charts, especially the 12th harmonic, and how to calculate them?
12th harmonic chart
Re: 12th harmonic chart
Jim Eshelman wrote:Some of them have validity because they produce other valid charts; for example, the 9th harmonic chart is the Navamsa.Freya wrote:Does anyone know about the validity of harmonic charts, especially the 12th harmonic, and how to calculate them?
Any harmonic chart is potentially an aspectarian of sorts - for example, any conjunctions in the 12th harmonic chart would be some 30° multiple aspect in the natal. In this way, it is a sort of "dial." If there is any further significance, it hasn't been proven.
How to calculate it. Presuming you don't have astrological software that will do it for you, the manual method is as follows: Write the planet's position as "absolute longitude" from 0° Aries. Multiply by 12. Remove all multiples of 360°. The result is the absolute longitude of the 12th harmonic position.
Using my Sun, 22°27'33" Virgo:
Absolute longitude: 172.4591666666667
x 12 = 2069.51
Remove all multiples of 360 = 269.51 = 29°31' Sagittarius
Re: 12th harmonic chart
Thank you Jim....can solar fire do this calculation?
What is the 9th harmonic chart used for?
What is the 9th harmonic chart used for?
Re: 12th harmonic chart
Jim Eshelman wrote:Yes. Pick the calculated chart. Click on the Harmonics button (or press F6). Pick "Harmonic Chart" and specify the harmonic number.Freya wrote:Thank you Jim....can solar fire do this calculation?
The Navamsa is a standard accompaniment of the natal in Hindu astrology, and used nearly as a second natal. Fagan began to experiment with it late in life under a slightly different theory as the Novien - see Astrological Origins for a chapter on this. (I disagree with his switch.) - I find it an interesting specialty chart but, for the most part, skip it for the last few decades - the more factors one adds, the less likely one is to get the right answer!What is the 9th harmonic chart used for?
Re: 12th harmonic chart
that's true. At the end of the day I believe that we can all identify ourselves with every aspect of human nature even if some tendencies are stronger than others
Re: 12th harmonic chart
Wayne Turner wrote:How soon we forget! Yes, harmonic charts, in particular the 12th and 9th, can be crucial to an exact understanding of a natal chart, and sometimes confirm realtionship charts in a way that can be useful for rectification as well as regular delineation. See the subject and replies here:Jim Eshelman wrote:Some of them have validity because they produce other valid charts; for example, the 9th harmonic chart is the Navamsa.Freya wrote:Does anyone know about the validity of harmonic charts, especially the 12th harmonic, and how to calculate them?
Any harmonic chart is potentially an aspectarian of sorts - for example, any conjunctions in the 12th harmonic chart would be some 30° multiple aspect in the natal. In this way, it is a sort of "dial." If there is any further significance, it hasn't been proven.
This is also a way to validate the correct ayanamsha, and the SVP is nearly perfect according to this small sample. No significance indeed!
PS I don't own any astrology software, but David Cochrane told me that Kepler will compare harmonic charts to natals, and I assume there is a way to do this in other programs as well. Remember to check only conjunctions within 1 degree, otherwise too many contacts are generated.
Re: 12th harmonic chart
Jim Eshelman wrote:Solar Fire allows the calculation of harmonic charts as distinct charts, and will compare any two distinct charts. It makes no difference between an rasi and a navamsa vs. two rasis.Wayne Turner wrote:PS I don't own any astrology software, but David Cochrane told me that Kepler will compare harmonic charts to natals, and I assume there is a way to do this in other programs as well.