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Xuzhou Kindergarten Bombing

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2017 1:57 am
by Jim Eshelman
June 15, 2017, 4:50 PM, Xuzhou, China

An explosion from a suicide bomb occurred outside Chuangxin kindergarten, while parents were picking up their children. It killed eight people and injured 65 others in a bloody, nightmarish scene. None of the dead were kindergarten children or teachers. Police have identified a suspect, a mentally ill 22-year-old man who died at the scene.

The charts are quite exceptional: Pluto for the year, Mars for the quarter, Uranus and lunar aspects for the month and week, and a Pluto transit and Mars, Uranus, and Pluto quotidian crossings (plus Saturn and Neptune Qs and a Mars transit) for the day.

Year: Capsolar
Pluto on Asc (1°42')
Sun on Asc (4°53')
Uranus sq. Asc (2°07')

t Pluto conj. Capsolar Asc all year
t Mars conj. Cansolar MC or sq. Asc 6/11-18
Event window: June 11-18

Quarter: Arisolar
Mars on IC (0°57')

Month: Caplunar
Uranus sq. Asc (0°12')
Moon on Asc (4°09')
Pluto on Asc (7°37')

-- Moon-Pluto conj. (3°28' in mundo)
Moon-Uranus sq. (2°30')

Day: Capsolar Quotidian & Transits
p MC sq. t Mars (0°42')
p Asc op. t Pluto (1°25'), sq. s Uranus (0°33')
t Pluto conj. s Asc (0°08')
t Venus op. s MC (0°30')
-- Venus-Pluto co-angularity (0°22')

Day: Cansolar Quotidian & Transits
p Asc sq. p Saturn (0°00'), s Saturn (0°03'); op. s Neptune (1°26')
t Mars conj. s MC (0°28')

Year (+2): Pluto (Sun Uranus).
Bridge (+2): Pluto (Cap). Mars (Can).
Quarter (+2): Mars.
Month (+2): Uranus (Moon Pluto). Moon-Uranus Moon-Pluto.
Day (Capsolar, +3): Mars Uranus Pluto (CapQ, +3). Venus Pluto Venus-Pluto (transit, +2).
Day (Cansolar, +3): Saturn Neptune (CanQ, +2). Mars (transit, +2).