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Mundoscope & Precession spreadsheets

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2017 8:06 pm
by Jim Eshelman
I wanted to create a spreadsheet that would allow for the calculation of one chart's mundoscope positions within the framework (RAMC, latitude, i.e., "house structure") of another chart, precessed so that they were in the same Sidereal framework. Derek Kinsolving had already created it, and he offered it for our use, and wrote extensively on how to use it. I have made a separate version - really just a simplification - that some people may prefer; or you may want the more flexible one Derek first designed.

The prior thread (a bit rambling in places) discusses the use of these spreadsheets. Perhaps we will one day write something more straightforward, but, for now, the original thread will do.

Here is Derek's original, as an ODS file.!Ansnmu2xbktakeVEHCF ... Q?e=Nz0jiE

Here is the same file opened and resaved in Excel 2016.!Ansnmu2xbktakeVC8co ... g?e=RGbvWl

Here is my simplified version, an Excel file.!Ansnmu2xbktakeVDDsl ... w?e=2uSjcZ

Download those you want and enjoy! The simplest download steps are: Click the link to open the online copy. Perform a standard Excel "save as" operation by clicking File (upper left), then Save As, then Download A Copy.

Re: Mundoscope & Precession spreadsheets

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2017 8:07 pm
by Jim Eshelman
Could someone please test these to confirm that I shared them correctly? Thanks!


Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2017 8:20 pm
by Jim Eshelman
I will explain briefly the use of my simplified adaptation (the final link above).

Make a copy of the spreadsheet. We recommend naming if after the person whose chart it contains. (You can reuse it forever.)

NOTE: I plan an updated version that will let you simply type each longitude in sign, degree, minute, etc., requiring no other software. For now, the easiest way is to import the values from Solar Fire.

On the NATAL tab, see the heading, "STEP 1: IMPORT HERE." This is where you will do the first step.

In Solar Fire, in the Calculated Charts box, right click on the natal (or other) chart in question, pick "Export Chart as Text." Select "Chart Points" in the first box, Longitude and Latitude (only!) in the second box, "Export to Clipboard" at the bottom, and a File Delimiter of "Tabs." Click Export, then OK.

In the spreadsheet, place the mouse on the blank space under "STEP 1" (i.e., in cell J7) and paste. (Ctrl+V is one easy way.) HINT: You might want to do the paste lower on the spreadsheet, in empty space, and then copy and paste exactly the planets and long/lat columns where they belong in cells J8 through M17.

In the spreadsheet, click over to the MAIN tab. Fill in the four blanks at the top. (You can get this information off the Reports page in Solar Fire.) The first value is the LST (Local Sidereal Time, aka RAMC of the chart); next, obliquity of the ecliptic (Ob.); next, the SVP; and finally the geographic latitude of the horoscope.

At this point, you are done: You've calculated the mundoscope of the birth chart.

To get a relocated mundoscope, just change the LST and geographic latitude fields at the top to match those of the locality chart.

To see the mundoscope positions of the natal planets within the angle structure of another chart such as a solar or lunar return, just edit the four values at the top of the MAIN page. These should match the LST, obliquity, SVP, and latitude of the return chart.

Notice that ,if you create this for yourself (for example) and you stay in the same location, you can fill these four in once, then usually just change the LST for a new return chart and (every 6-12 months) update the SVP. The geographic latitude will stay the same, and the obliquity will move so slowly you don't have to worry. The SVP will change less than 0°01' per year.

Re: Mundoscope & Precession spreadsheets

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2017 10:08 pm
by Jupiter Sets at Dawn
Jim Eshelman wrote: Wed Jul 12, 2017 8:07 pm Could someone please test these to confirm that I shared them correctly? Thanks!
All three open in Excel Online, ready to be edited in my browser.

That is not what you want.

Anybody tries using these, go to the three dots on the far right, click that for a drop down menu that will let you download them. That's what you want.

Re: Mundoscope & Precession spreadsheets

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2017 10:35 pm
by Jim Eshelman
Jim Eshelman wrote: Wed Jul 12, 2017 8:07 pm Could someone please test these to confirm that I shared them correctly? Thanks!
All three open in Excel Online, ready to be edited in my browser.

That is not what you want. [/quote]
Well, it could be worse :) But I should make sure it is set to disallow editing. (There is a download menu option, but one has to know to download it.)
Anybody tries using these, go to the three dots on the far right, click that for a drop down menu that will let you download them. That's what you want.
Yup. Let me go tweak it.

Re: Mundoscope & Precession spreadsheets

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2018 1:26 pm
by Ember Nyx
Hi all,

Could someone help me figure out what the names of some of the quantities in the Calcs tab of the simplified spreadsheet are?
I'm trying to update the astrology software I wrote with clearer variable names for these calculations, but I don't actually know what the mathematical quantities are called.

I'm interested in columns E, I, J, K, L, O, and P (just the planetary calculations, not the LST-related calculations at the top of the sheet)

Thank you :D

Re: Mundoscope & Precession spreadsheets

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2018 3:12 pm
by DDonovanKinsolving
Mike wrote: Wed Mar 21, 2018 1:26 pm I'm interested in columns E, I, J, K, L, O, and P (just the planetary calculations, not the LST-related calculations at the top of the sheet)
Just to make sure, do you mean those columns in the CALCS tab?


Re: Mundoscope & Precession spreadsheets

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2018 4:20 pm
by Jim Eshelman
Mike wrote: Wed Mar 21, 2018 1:26 pm I'm interested in columns E, I, J, K, L, O, and P (just the planetary calculations, not the LST-related calculations at the top of the sheet)
If you do mean the Calcs tab, Derek can speak better to this... since he actually did the coding and just smudged it around a bit... but here's what I can discern.

E: is headed with a d and evidently is declination

I, J, K: These are calculated values x & y and their difference - I think they're just interim values (trig values of something that is used in later steps.

L: Looks like Hour Angle in degrees and radians (RA of the planet subtracted from RAMC)

O & P: I think N & O are, again, just interim calculations. P is the final value, the Prime Vertical longitude with its output display adjusted before it gets to the Main tab.

Re: Mundoscope & Precession spreadsheets

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2018 7:02 pm
by Ember Nyx
Hi guys! I do indeed mean the Calcs tab. Thank you for your response, Jim :D

Re: Mundoscope & Precession spreadsheets

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2018 7:21 pm
by DDonovanKinsolving
Mike, Mr. E is correct.

Re: Mundoscope & Precession spreadsheets

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2018 4:35 pm
by Ember Nyx
Hi all,

I spent some time messing around with my downloaded copy of Jim's simplified spreadsheet (not the calcs, just the formatting).

In great respect to Derek and Jim for actually creating and formatting the original spreadsheet (which has been an invaluable tool for me), I want to share my tweaks in the hopes of encouraging even more people to use it. ... sp=sharing

What I updated:
  • The Natal tab is simplified, with lots of instructions added to help Solar Fire users get the right data.
  • The Main tab has a new box with coding added to show what angle a planet is conjunct in PVL, as well as whether or not it is square MC.
  • Values will populate if a planet is within 10* of an angle in PVL, or within 4* of a square to MC in RA (4* chosen just so near-hits like 3*01' will still show)
  • Degrees and minutes (truncated) for orbs for planets that are so foreground.
While I did not change any of the original calculations (obviously), it is possible that I missed some edge cases with my new coding, so if you see any weird stuff being displayed on the Main page (I dunno, something like a planet conjunct the Ascendant -359* or something silly like that), please let me know. All should be in order, however.

The default data is my birth data, and my Dec 2017 Solar Return for Hackensack, NJ, which does have some natal planets foreground.

Re: Mundoscope & Precession spreadsheets

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2018 6:01 pm
by Ember Nyx
Version 3 here: ... sp=sharing

Updated a formula typo; Moon calculations were using un-precessed longitude, because apparently "C" looks like "G" to me. They are now correct.

Re: Mundoscope & Precession spreadsheets

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2020 12:22 pm
by FlorencedeZ.
Unfortunately Mike's files have disappeared and are no longer accessible. The original spreadsheets give errors too. I really would like to install Derek's file, is there a way to upload it again?

Re: Mundoscope & Precession spreadsheets

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2020 4:36 pm
by Jim Eshelman
FlorencedeZ. wrote: Fri Oct 02, 2020 12:22 pm Unfortunately Mike's files have disappeared and are no longer accessible. The original spreadsheets give errors too. I really would like to install Derek's file, is there a way to upload it again?
Flo, all the links in the top post work for me. What happens when you click them?

I'm not sure what you mean by Mike's files.

Re: Mundoscope & Precession spreadsheets

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2020 6:04 pm
by Jupiter Sets at Dawn
The files in the top post are view only. Can't download them.

Mike's files at posting.php?mode=reply&f=9&t=1544#pr17452 and posting.php?mode=reply&f=9&t=1544#pr17517 say they're unavailable because they're in the user's trash.

Re: Mundoscope & Precession spreadsheets

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2020 6:33 pm
by Jim Eshelman
I regenerated the three links specifying edit rights. (Please don't edit - just download your own copy.)

Do they work now? (I can't tell because I have unlimited rights to them.)

Re: Mundoscope & Precession spreadsheets

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2020 9:13 pm
by Jupiter Sets at Dawn
They come up in read only mode. There is an option to edit them. There is no option to download them.

There is an option to sign in to Excel online, if you have a user name and password.

Those are only Derek's worksheets. I think we'll have to ask Mike to put up his again.

Re: Mundoscope & Precession spreadsheets

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2020 9:18 pm
by Jupiter Sets at Dawn
Hey I found it!
If you click on "tell me what you want to do" in the Excel toolbar (about half way across the page) it will offer options, one of which is "download a copy" That works.

Not obvious though.

Re: Mundoscope & Precession spreadsheets

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2020 1:18 am
by Jim Eshelman
The simplest way I see is the standard Excel menu: Click the File tab near the upper left, then Save As. You can do a standard Save As and there is also a "Download a Copy" option.

Re: Mundoscope & Precession spreadsheets

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2020 6:32 am
by TheScales_BothWays
Jupiter Sets at Dawn wrote: Fri Oct 02, 2020 9:13 pm Those are only Derek's worksheets. I think we'll have to ask Mike to put up his again.
I have a copy of Mike's spreadsheet (version 3, the latest on this thread) as it is, unedited (I think). Here's a link to it: ... sp=sharing

Note: The "default" latitude, for some reason is in negative values (-37°,-49'). I suppose it's for a Southern hemisphere location, but Mike lives in the Northern hemisphere himself. When using the spreadsheet, type positive values for Northern latitudes and negative values for Southern latitudes, and it will work as intended.

Also, many thanks to Derek and Jim for creating and simplifying this spreadsheet, and of course to Mike too, who made it much more user-friendly, with orbs from the angles listed. :mrgreen: :D

Re: Mundoscope & Precession spreadsheets

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2020 3:40 pm
by Jupiter Sets at Dawn
Thanks Scales!

Re: Mundoscope & Precession spreadsheets

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2020 7:33 am
by Jim Eshelman
A repeat request: Do not edit these sheets, please. You will ruin it for everyone else.

I just got a notification that someone is online editing one of these spreadsheets. I'll give them a few minutes then go in and restore it as best I can.

The correct procedure is to DOWNLOAD A COPY to your computer and work on it there. Please do NOT work on it directly on the cloud copy.

Re: Mundoscope & Precession spreadsheets

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2020 8:11 am
by TheScales_BothWays
Jim, I think it's best that you replace those links with new ones, without editing rights.
Jupiter Sets at Dawn wrote: Fri Oct 02, 2020 6:04 pm The files in the top post are view only. Can't download them.
I believe the issue JSAD had here with downloading the files is that it's hard to find where to download them. Now, we already know that you'd just need to click "File" and then click "Save As" to download a copy.

I even uploaded a test excel file onto OneDrive and created a shareable link without editing rights. I opened the link in a private window, and I was still able to download that test file.

Re: Mundoscope & Precession spreadsheets

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2020 8:19 am
by Jim Eshelman
TheScales_BothWays wrote: Wed Oct 07, 2020 8:11 am Jim, I think it's best that you replace those links with new ones, without editing rights.
People reported the other day that they couldn't download them until I turned on the editing rights.

There are only two settings: view only, or view and edit. I wouldn't think editing rights would be required for downloading, but until I made the change people said they couldn't download them.
I believe the issue JSAD had here with downloading the files is that it's hard to find where to download them. Now, we already know that you'd just need to click "File" and then click "Save As" to download a copy.

I even uploaded a test excel file onto OneDrive and created a shareable link without editing rights. I opened the link in a private window, and I was still able to download them.
That's what I thought should happen. Here's the problem - you did that with your own files, right? That's why I couldn't test. I have complete rights and can do anything I want with the files anytime I want - so I have to count on other people to tell me how things are behaving. (Every device I have has user accounts integrated to that OneDrive space pretty transparently, it's always like everything is just sitting on my desktop.)

So let me know folks... what should I do here? Consensus? (Thanks, Scales.)

Re: Mundoscope & Precession spreadsheets

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2020 8:23 am
by TheScales_BothWays
Jim Eshelman wrote: Wed Oct 07, 2020 8:19 am That's what I thought should happen. Here's the problem - you did that with your own files, right?
Yeah, but I did open my link in a new private/incognito window where I wasn't signed into my Microsoft account.

Here's the link to my test excel file, without editing rights:!Ahz_8uOjbXYJgUWLBGR ... 3?e=d7kIcu
It's the same Mike's 3rd version spreadsheet, just on OneDrive now. Does the link work? Are you guys able to download a copy?

EDIT: Had to replace the link because I accidentally deleted it

Re: Mundoscope & Precession spreadsheets

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2020 8:29 am
by Jim Eshelman
Download is fine - fast, direct. I'll regenerate all the links when I get some time later this morning. - Thanks again, Scales.

Re: Mundoscope & Precession spreadsheets

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2020 8:37 am
by TheScales_BothWays
Jim Eshelman wrote: Wed Oct 07, 2020 8:29 am Download is fine - fast, direct. I'll regenerate all the links when I get some time later this morning. - Thanks again, Scales.
Great 🤩

Re: Mundoscope & Precession spreadsheets

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2020 9:05 am
by Jupiter Sets at Dawn
It's not intuitive.
There's a (green) bar that has a grid at the left, "Solunars RA-Mundo V3 -View-only" in the middle and "Sign in" on the right.
Just below that (green) bar is a menu bar. First item on the left is "file". (Home is next to it and highlighted. Ignore that.) Click on File.
That opens to an "Info" box with a menu in (green) on left. First item on the menu is info. Second item is "save as". Click on "save as."
That changes the info box to Save As. Two options, download a copy and download as ODS.
Click download a copy. Your computer will pop up a box asking if you want to save a copy or open it. Save it.
If you can't find where you saved it, you'll have to try again but choose "open with" and save the sheet from the program it opens in on your computer. Remember where you save it, and when you open it to use it, open it and make a copy to work with so you don't overwrite the original.

(green) means green on my computer. Maybe some other color on yours.

Re: Mundoscope & Precession spreadsheets

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2020 9:08 am
by Jim Eshelman
It's intuitive (routine pattern) if one is used to using Microsoft Office (any version from the last several years) but probably not otherwise.

I agree it would be nice if anything on OneDrive also had a download button in the upper right like some other programs. Then again, the goal is to make this as little different from installed Excel on your computer as possible, so they normal Save As steps get you there.

I'll add a few more instructions up top.

Re: Mundoscope & Precession spreadsheets

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2021 8:21 pm
by Jim Eshelman
With the advent of TMSA viewforum.php?f=60, this spreadsheet is not really needed any longer. I'll leave the post here but, at this point, it's much slower to use that an available free tool.

TMSA automatically gives all mundoscope positions of any chart you calculate, and the precessed natal planet mundoscope positions (plus mundane aspects) in a solar or lunar return. The present thread's spreadsheet remains useful for situations TMSA doesn't yet cover, such as precessing one person's natal horoscope to the date, time, and place of another person's chart. (TMSA eventually will do these.)

As an example, here is the TMSA 0.4.4 output for Joe Biden's 2021 SSR for Washington, DC. (I've thrown in Eris and Sedna for effect.)

Code: Select all

Pl Longitude   Lat   Speed    RA    Decl    Azi     Alt     PVL    Ang G
                           Transiting Planets                           
Mo 18Ta49'53" 01N07 +11°48'  72°22' 23N35  13°00' -23°55'  63°06'   3%  
Su 03Sc37'11" 00S00 + 1°01' 236°26' 19S52 209°37' +23°08' 220°50'  23%  
Me 28Li48'39" 00N13 + 1°36' 231°32' 18S32 214°47' +22°23' 215°49'  32%  
Ve 18Sg22'07" 03S36 + 0°47' 284°58' 26S21 161°19' +19°50' 311°35'  21%  
Ma 19Li18'37" 00N17 + 0°41' 221°59' 15S52 224°41' +20°06' 207°30'  46%  
Ju 29Cp07'12" 01S04 + 0°06' 326°50' 14S29 120°05' +10°26' 347°59'  65%  
Sa 13Cp11'42" 00S49 + 0°04' 310°53' 19S00 135°18' +16°20' 337°22'  14%  
Ur 17Ar06'07" 00S25 - 0°02'  39°50' 15N05  46°58' -19°37'  25°59'  48%  
Ne 25Aq23'38" 01S09 - 0°00' 351°40' 04S51  96°03' - 0°28'   0°29' 100% F
Pl 29Sg45'39" 01S41 + 0°01' 297°04' 22S50 149°05' +19°21' 325°39'   1%  
Er 28Pi52'13" 11S28 - 0°00'  26°20' 01S24  69°23' -23°44'  25°10'  50%  
Se 03Ta41'01" 12S02 - 0°01'  59°09' 08N07  32°12' -34°57'  52°41'   4%  
                            Radical Planets                             
Mo 07Ar02'43" 04S22 +12°36'  31°26' 08N05  58°26' -20°09'  23°18'  53%  
Su 03Sc37'11" 00S00 + 1°01' 236°26' 19S52 209°37' +23°08' 220°50'  23%  
Me 27Li35'47" 00N22 + 1°36' 230°20' 18S04 216°06' +22°16' 214°48'  33%  
Ve 04Sc36'51" 00N24 + 1°15' 237°33' 19S41 208°38' +23°42' 222°30'  20%  
Ma 18Li39'02" 00N19 + 0°41' 221°20' 15S39 225°22' +19°57' 207°02'  46%  
Ju 01Cn11'39" 00N09 - 0°02' 118°16' 21N03 327°12' -20°28' 145°26'   1%  
Sa 16Ta00'47" 01S57 - 0°05'  69°47' 20N10  16°22' -26°46'  60°48'   0%  
Ur 08Ta50'04" 00S10 - 0°03'  61°54' 20N46  24°02' -24°08'  47°44'  10%  
Ne 07Vi34'31" 01N19 + 0°01' 182°55' 00N10 265°05' + 5°48' 185°49'  91% F
Pl 13Cn17'11" 05N00 - 0°00' 132°09' 23N00 316°35' -12°21' 162°19'  36%  
Er 10Pi38'14" 25S59 - 0°00'  15°58' 21S30  93°49' -29°14'  29°17'  43%  
Se 26Pi35'22" 10S09 - 0°00'  23°46' 00S59  71°03' -21°38'  22°45'  54%  
    Class 1 Aspects          Class 2 Aspects         Class 3 Aspects     
tMo co rSa 02°18' 90%M            None                    None          
                     Non-Foreground Partile Aspects                     
                         tMe sq tJu 00°19'100%                          
                         tUr co tEr 00°49' 99%M                         
                         tPl sq tEr 00°53' 98%                          
                         tVe sq rSu 00°45' 99%M                         
                         tVe sq rVe 00°55' 98%M                         
                         tMa co rMa 00°28'100%M                         
                         tSa op rPl 00°05'100%                          
                         tPl op rJu 00°13'100%M                         
                         tSe op rSu 00°04'100%                          
                         tSe op rVe 00°56' 98%                          
                         rMo co rSe 00°33' 99%M                         
                         rSu co rVe 01°00' 98%

Re: Mundoscope & Precession spreadsheets

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2021 6:06 am
by Jupiter Sets at Dawn
The spreadsheet is also useful for people who don't have windows machines so can't use TMSA, at least for now.

Re: Mundoscope & Precession spreadsheets

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2021 8:46 am
by mikestar13
Jupiter Sets at Dawn wrote: Fri Dec 03, 2021 6:06 am The spreadsheet is also useful for people who don't have windows machines so can't use TMSA, at least for now.
The Python code of TMSA is not hard to convert to Linux or MacOS (there are a very few lines that use Windows-specific features), the problem is the non-availability of the Swiss Ephemeris dll equivalents for those operating systems.