Volunteers to test a chart feature ?

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Time Nomad
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Volunteers to test a chart feature ?

Post by Time Nomad »

If you’ve got an iPhone/iPad, here’s a challenge if you’re interested…

I’ve made an iOS widget that shows the current chart on the home screen.

It looks like this… when works

Motivation behind this was that I don’t want to open an app each time just to check the chart. Instead, simply left-swipe the screen and here you go, the chart is shown, don’t even need to unlock the device.

Easier said than done — the widgets have severe memory limits and don’t allow for rich content. But it looks like I am finally getting there, the latest widget version seems to work on most devices! Yet I need a few more people to test — and here you can help me — and get the widget for your device!

What you have to do:
1. get the app (search for “time nomad” on the App Store https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/time-no ... 41332?mt=8), the app is free
2. open the app
3. swipe left all the way to the Notification Centre and use “edit” at the bottom to activate the widget
4. check the widget displays content for both moon phase and current chart (tap “show more”)
5. to switch to sidereal zodiac, in the app, find "App settings" in top left corner menus and change zodiac type for the widget

Here is a visual of widget activation https://i.imgur.com/jnK2Evv.png

Let me know if any problems on your device. Especially if you have a larger “+” size screen like iPhone 6+ ,7+ ,8+ or iPhone X.

Otherwise, if it works, just enjoy. I find it super useful.
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Re: Volunteers to test a chart feature ?

Post by SteveS »

Thanks Nomad, and welcome to Solunars. :) If I ever need to put a chart on my I-phone, I will let you know the results.
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Re: Volunteers to test a chart feature ?

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SteveS wrote: Thu Feb 15, 2018 7:29 am Thanks Nomad, and welcome to Solunars. :) If I ever need to put a chart on my I-phone, I will let you know the results.
Steve, you might indeed like this for a quick reference. - I have an Android app on mine called AstroView that (while it can be switched to other dates, times, and places) defaults to the current moment at your present location. It's quite useful through the day to have a single-tap way to put a chart-of-the-moment on the screen (whether checking Moon's progress through the zodiac, or what's on the angles at the moment, etc.).

For example, I note at the moment that Moon is in the last degree of Capricorn, reminding me that my SLR occurs Saturday and will be felt by tomorrow (ugh, this is the one with the mundane Moon-Saturn square on the angles). Neptune is rising at the moment, squared by Mars (but fortunately I'm not in a public high school, so there probably will not be a murderer walking the hallways). [Mars-Neptune humor, appropriate to the moment.]
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Re: Volunteers to test a chart feature ?

Post by SteveS »

Very 8-) Jim, I will eventually get this feature implemented on my I-phone. :) Be as careful as possible Jim.
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Re: Volunteers to test a chart feature ?

Post by Jim Eshelman »

LOL, it turned out that I walked out of my office right after posting that and ran into a distraught co-worker who was reeling from yesterday's shooting and engaged me for half an hour of blowing off steam about the issue of gun control. Right on point!
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Re: Volunteers to test a chart feature ?

Post by FlorencedeZ. »

Hi Time Nomad,
It works however we use the Campanus time-based house system on this Sidereal forum and this is not available on your app.
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Time Nomad
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Re: Volunteers to test a chart feature ?

Post by Time Nomad »

FlorencedeZ. wrote: Thu Feb 15, 2018 9:07 am we use the Campanus time-based house system
Thanks for the tip Florence! I will look into adding Campanus houses to the app.
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