One major problem for achieving the above personal objectives: My Natal Pluto is partile cnj Natal Saturn in mundo-- with Natal Saturn next-up for transiting Lunar North Node eclipto. Time will tell where my experiment leads me. One of my new contacts wants me to contact a person at University Alabama Birmingham about the possibility for teaching Sidereal Astrology to large groups. So, I can easily see what this lunar node transit to Natal Pluto and t. Jupiter partile cnj my Natal Asc is possibly manifesting and already manifesting in my life.The urge to seek contacts or associations with many people, the wish to become a public figure or to exercise an influence upon other people. Unions or associations brought about by a particular circumstance…Crowds or large groups of people, mass meetings. Large business concerns. The beginning of new associations which may possibly be important with regard to one’s future.
Transiting Lunar North Node (Caput)
Transiting Lunar North Node (Caput)
FWIW, in my experiment with teaching free Sidereal Astrology to any interested parties in my located area, I have noted this with transiting Dragon’s Head (Lunar Node) partile cnj my Natal Pluto, where Ebertin says about this combo: