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Multiple charts
Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2018 6:40 am
by Veronica
All the models I have seen only talk abuot comparing two charts, usually lovers.
I am curious the best method for examining group charts, for example me and my two children, or my friends threesome.
logic would say for example....
look at me and my son,
look at me and my daughter,
look at my daughter and my son
and then smush that togther.
but that seems to miss some group dynamic or cohesion
Re: Multiple charts
Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2018 7:20 am
by Jim Eshelman
The question is more tactical than anything else. That is, there isn't any significant disagreement on the underlying theory, just on the mechanics of how to make it work. Adding more people makes the sorting-out task more complicated.
For three or four people, you can manage with a three-wheel or four-wheeled chart. After that, it starts getting unwieldy. You immediate simplify the picture by switching f rom a normal chart wheel to a 90° dial - all the conjunctions, oppositions, and squares appear in one place, easy to see at a glance.
And you can do the same - perhaps in a more useful way - just by making yourself a list of everyone's positions sorted in a 90° modulo. I'd maintain such a list on an Excel spreadsheet, with one column for the person's name so that people can easily be filtered in and out of the displayed list.
Personally, I think that mostly it comes down to a series of separate binary relationships. It is tempting to think that there is an entity that is the Group Relationship, but there isn't really an entity that is a two-person relationship: It's just two people relating. The individuals are the entities, and the interactions of their charts are the dynamics - but it's "each person relating to each other," not "each person relating to the group." The Group is a fiction. Even when it seems that The Group exists in its own right, each person still has to maintain individual relationsips with each other person.
One thing that a 90° wheel or list does is give you a way to spot transits. You get a kind of Bonus Opportunity if everyone has a planet in the same degree of conjunct, opposite, or square signs, because they can then all get a transit at the same time. If these multi-contacts exist, you have an especially sensitive degree to watch for, knowing that everyone will be affected at the same time (though each will have his or her own individual reaction). In the complex multi-party relationships I've been in, such multi-party pile-ups have been worth watch, though they have been surprisingly rare.
To change direction in this answer: There is one technique that comes close to representing the relationship as if it's an entity in its own right (a single chart fusing all involved). It's the Composite Chart. Multi-party composite charts are theoretically easy: You add up the (for example) Moon longitudes of everyone involved and divide by the number of people, It's a series of multi-party midpoints. There hasn't been enough work done to substantiate their worth, but it's a line of exploration.
Re: Muliple charts
Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2018 7:34 am
by Jim Eshelman
Here's an example of a list. Anna-Kria, Marion, and I formed a household for a few years. A 90° sort list only took me about 10-15 minutes to build with Solar Fire and Excel.
I've added some formatting to make it more readable. First, I've color-coded the entries so the three people stand out more distinctly. Second, I've marked the two places where all three have something in the same place. I've used a 2° orb, on the premise that a transiting planet could be within 1° of everything in the cluster at some point. Most of the list, though, has binary (not trinary) interaction: bands of the zodiac that mostly involve my chart interactions with Marion, mine with AK, AK's with Marion, but not all three at once.
JAE Nep 01Li20
JAE Ura 03Cn20
AKK MC 03Ar29
JAE Jup 03Cn37
AKK Ven 06Cp18
AKK Jup 07Ar01
MMD MC 12Cp09
JAE Sat 14Li57
AKK Asc 15Cn46
MMD EP 16Ar58
JAE Mer 17Li21
MMD Nep 19Li25
MMD Ven 19Ar28
JAE L-EP 26Cn56
MMD Mer 27Ar31
MMD Sat 28Cp52
JAE L-MC 01Le39
JAE Ven 01Sc53
JAE Plu 02Le06
MMD Mar 03Le51
MMD Asc 04Ta53
JAE L-Asc 05Le15
MMD Ura 07Le07
AKK Nep 07Le37
MMD Sun 14Ta01
MMD Plu 15Le20
MMD Mon 15Le59
AKK Mer 22Sc31
AKK Mon 24Sc53
AKK Sun 26Sc05
JAE Mon 27Aq24
MMD L-Asc 27Aq29
AKK Sat 27Sc37
MMD L-EP 29Aq54
MMD L-MC 00Sg50
JAE EP 01Vi00
JAE MC 01Ge46
JAE Asc 02Vi20
AKK L-EP 04Ge53
AKK L-MC 04Pi37
AKK Mar 09Ge25
AKK Ura 09Pi44
MMD Jup 17Pi58
AKK L-Asc 20Ge02
JAE Sun 22Vi28
AKK Plu 24Ge06
JAE Mar 28Sg55
AKK EP 29Ge40