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7th harmonic
Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2018 2:58 pm
by Soft Alpaca
What would the orb of a 7th harmonic aspect be? Also would this be a static or dynamic aspect, [or something completely different?]
Re: 7th harmonic
Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2018 3:02 pm
by Jim Eshelman
ScarletDepths wrote: Sat Jun 16, 2018 2:58 pm
What would the orb of a 7th harmonic aspect be? Also would this be a static or dynamic aspect, (or something completely different?)
The easiest way is to draw a 7th harmonic chart and use the normal orbs of conjunctions, oppositions, and squares. But here you go:
For full multiples of 1/7 and half that, such as 25.71°, 51.43°, 102.85°, etc., the strongest effects are within 0°34', with weaker effects out to 1°08'.
For one step down - the 12.86° multiples that don't fall in the above - the strongest effects wiuld be within 0°25', with weaker effects out to 0°51'.
So, in rough numbers not quite half a degree out to not quite a degree.
As you probably read in the article I posted on your other thread, this would most definitely be neither dynamic or static, but something different.
Re: 7th harmonic
Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2018 3:14 pm
by Soft Alpaca
Ok thanks Jim, I have Mars-Sun and Mercury-Moon but they both are too wide. [Mars-Sun 49.11] [Mercury-Moon 104.16]. Yes I did read that, was just curious if i should read the aspect interpretations you have listed for a general guideline or if they would be completely innacurate.
Re: 7th harmonic
Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2018 7:21 pm
by Jim Eshelman
The easier way to see this is to calculate a 7th harmonic chart, if you have software with that option, then just look at it for conjunctions, oppositions, and squares. (Harmonic charts are specialty aspectarians.) Every conjunction in that chart is a 1/7-series aspect (septile, biseptile, etc.). Every opposition is an odd-numbered 1/14-series. Every square is an odd-numbered 1/28-series (quarti-septile, so to speak).
Your 7th harmonic chart discloses the following aspects (I list the planet positions in your 7th harmonic chart. They don't mean anything in the "real" zodiac.)
13°43' Aqu Sun
16°13' Sco Moon [
no, LOL, this doesn't give you a Scorpio Moon
18°46' Sco Uranus
25°47' Leo Pluto
25°59' Sco Mercury
27°58' Leo Neptune
20°28' Can Saturn
25°25' Cap Mars
Re: 7th harmonic
Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2018 7:33 pm
by Soft Alpaca
Lol I did look at it Jim, I was just confused on how to read it. (If I've ever expressed having a LUMUNARY in Scorpio I really am more crazy than I thought.) Also the Capricorn in me is real [maybe strong because it's my mars sign?].