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JAE 2018 SSR
Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2018 3:47 pm
by Jim Eshelman
This was the year I really didn't want to have my SSR occur in LA. The current plan is that it will occur in Milwaukee. Here are the respective charts for your comparison - the first for the exact coordinates of my home, the second for Milwaukee. (I'll get exact coordinates Wednesday.)
This will be a most excellent test of the relative power of where the SSR occurs vs. where I live most of the year. I will have a Solar Return with Jupiter a degree from MC, natal Jupiter-Uranus minutes from Descendant, and an exact Mercury-Uranus opposition within wide orb of square Ascendant. I will return and live under Saturn half a degree from Asc and Pluto (closely square natal Sun) half a degree from EP. Both versions have Moon and Venus partile conjunct my Saturn, all squared (partile) by Mars, so the Moon aspects are a bit of a pain regardless.

Re: JAE 2018 SSR
Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2018 3:58 pm
by Jim Eshelman
One thing at least is specifically avoided being out of town a few days: One day after my birthday, transiting Saturn crosses the LA SSR Ascendant. The thing is, I won't be here. In fact this SSR will, at that time, never have existed in Los Angeles.
It's possible that it could refer to something that happens here and affects me, even though I'm not here. However, the simpler explanation is that I will dodge the moving bullet of transiting Saturn conjunct SSR Ascendant which then does not occur the rest of the year. I'll have Saturn half a degree from relocated SSR Asc but never the transit.
It will be... interesting at the least.
Re: JAE 2018 SSR
Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2018 4:35 am
by SteveS
Jim wrote:
This was the year I really didn't want to have my SSR occur in LA.
Indeed! Quite a contrast moving LA SSR Saturn off the LA Asc to Jup on the Milwaukee MC for this relocated SSR.
Jim wrote:
This will be a most excellent test of the relative power of where the SSR occurs vs. where I live most of the year.
Indeed! Keep us informed of your thoughts and perspectives for this relocation, and have a

Milwaukee birthday.
Re: JAE 2018 SSR
Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2018 7:32 am
by Jim Eshelman
Using the general coordinates for Milwaukee (exact ones to be obtained later), here are the angularities. (I keep forgetting how tighter Mars to Jupiter-Uranus is mundanely, especially at higher latitudes than LA.)
-0°01' r Jupiter on Dsc
+0°10' r Mars on Asc
-0°12' r Uranus on Dsc
-1°01' t Jupiter on MC
-4°28' r Venus on MC
+6°34' t Pluto on Asc
-2°16' t Uranus sq. Asc
-2°25' t Mercury sq. Asc
+2°30' r Neptune sq. Asc
-9°20' t Mars on Asc
This gives the following mundane aspects in the foreground:
0°11' r Jupiter-Uranus conj.
0°11' r Mars-Jupiter op.
0°22' r Mars-Uranus sq.
-- Ju = Ma/Ur 0°00', 0°01' from Asc
0°49' t Jupiter sq. r Uranus
1°00' t Jupiter sq. r Jupiter
1°11' t Jupiter sq. r Mars
3°27' t Jupiter conj. r Venus (closer ecliptically)
4°16' r Venus-Uranus sq.
4°27' r Venus-Jupiter sq.
4°38' r Venus-Mars sq.
4°52' t Mars sq. r Venus
Ecliptical aspects (only counting partile unless foreground or lunar) include:
0°09' t Mercury-Uranus op.
0°11' t Venus-Mars sq.
0°13' t Mars sq. r Saturn
0°24' t Venus conj. r Saturn
0°37' t Neptune sqq. r Jupiter
0°54' t Neptune sqq. r Uranus
0°54' t Moon conj. r Saturn
1°07' t Moon-Mars sq.
1°18' t Moon-Venus conj.
2°01' t Venus conj. r Mercury
2°11' t Mars sq. r Mercury
2°29' t Uranus sq. r Jupiter
2°38' t Mercury sq. r Jupiter
2°46' t Uranus sq. r Uranus
2°55' t Mercury sq. r Uranus
2°55' t Jupiter conj. r Venus
3°19' t Moon conj. r Mercury
r Mars Jupiter Uranus (Venus Neptune)
t Jupiter (Mercury Mars Uranus Pluto)
Natal: Mars-Jupiter-Uranus sq. Venus
Solar: Moon-Venus-Mars Mercury-Uranus
Transits: s Moon-Venus-Mars to r Mercury-Saturn; s Jupiter to r Venus-Mars-Jupiter-Uranus; s Mercury-Uranus-Neptune to r Jupiter-Uranus
Re: JAE 2018 SSR
Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2018 8:41 am
by SteveS
Jim wrote:
This gives the following mundane aspects in the foreground:
0°11' r Jupiter-Uranus conj.
0°11' r Mars-Jupiter op.
0°22' r Mars-Uranus sq.
-- Ju = Ma/Ur 0°00', 0°01' from Asc
0°49' t Jupiter sq. r Uranus
1°00' t Jupiter sq. r Jupiter
1°11' t Jupiter sq. r Mars
Loaded with rare 'potent' Parans! Other than the clear objective of relocating yourself for a more benefic SSR, do you have other important objectives in Milwaukee? I find that Ju = Ma/Ur 0.00, 0,01 from Asc most interesting from an exact aspect. Ebertin says about this midpoint:
The correct grasp of a situation coupled with timely action.
Maybe already starting to manifest with your ‘correct timely action’ to relocate your SSR? IMO, a very wise decision for a Sidereal Astrologer!

Re: JAE 2018 SSR
Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2018 9:14 am
by Jim Eshelman
SteveS wrote: Sat Oct 06, 2018 8:41 am
Loaded with rare 'potent' Parans! Other than the clear objective of relocating yourself for a more benefic SSR, do you have other important objectives in Milwaukee?
No other agenda. We'll figure out things to do there, but the whole purpose is really to be there at the time of my SSR; and we were able to schedule so I'd spend the next 30 hours there as well to get the whole PSSR cycle. - The trip got cut shorter than originally planned because Marion has business meetings half of Friday and all day Saturday, so we're flying back Friday morning, then hitting the road again Sunday or Monday for Grand Canyon.
I find that Ju = Ma/Ur 0.00, 0,01 from Asc most interesting from an exact aspect. Ebertin says about this midpoint:
The correct grasp of a situation coupled with timely action.
Maybe already starting to manifest with your ‘correct timely action’ to relocate your SSR? IMO, a very wise decision for a Sidereal Astrologer!
I find it potentially quite interesting also. Of course, I have the aspect natally but with Mars 4-5° from the opposition. Mundanely it tightens a great deal, especially at the horizon, so this is indeed a rare situation. Notice that we could have pulled Jupiter on MC for your region also - thought about it briefly - but Milwaukee brought the Ascendant into important play also.
There is a lot of opportunity for boldness in this chart, and a lot of really good Mercury stuff. I hope it predominates over LA. I'm a bit worried (but also curious) about the Moon aspects - they seem mostly deeply troubling, and there are so many possibilities that I'm not quite sure what to expect. I wouldn't worry about Moon-Venus-Mars in the SSR itself if it weren't exactly on top of my Saturn. In any case, I'd rather experience it through the angularities in Milwaukee than those in LA.
It was a good bet to do Milwaukee. My dark-humor musing about it is that one of two things will happen: (1) I get to live the year primarily through the Milwaukee planets, or (2) I die horribly and leave a legacy of greater certainty on how SSR angles work

Re: JAE 2018 SSR
Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2018 9:41 am
by Jim Eshelman
BTW, there' a very useful, lightweight free app called Simple GPS Display. (There are likely several such apps, this is one I can recommend.) At any given moment (subject to the irregularities of GPS signal) it displays longitude and latitude to the second, plus altitude and other information. I actually originally got it to show altitude variations while we were travelling through mountainous areas, since I had other reasonable ways to get exact longitude and latitude; but it's quite useful for such questions as
exactly where in eastern Arizona I'll be the minute of my SLR, or
exactly where we will be in Milwaukee. If you travel and have return charts coming in on the road, it's quite useful.
Sitting here at my desk it says I'm at 34N03'45", 118W18'46". I'd previously calculated the coordinates of the apartment 1" different in latitude, 1" different in longitude, so that's a matter of what part of the apartment I'm in

Re: JAE 2018 SSR
Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2018 6:39 am
by SteveS
Jim wrote:
I'm a bit worried (but also curious) about the Moon aspects - they seem mostly deeply troubling, and there are so many possibilities that I'm not quite sure what to expect. I wouldn't worry about Moon-Venus-Mars in the SSR itself if it weren't exactly on top of my Saturn. In any case, I'd rather experience it through the angularities in Milwaukee than those in LA.
Yes, I understand. This is the most interesting relocated SSR I have ever seen. Thanks for the info on the GPS app, will definitely use.
Re: JAE 2018 SSR
Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 2:34 pm
by Jim Eshelman
At the moment of my SSR, we were walking through the Pabst Mansion, once Milwaukee's premier private home - not the largest mansion along Grand Avenue's mansion row, but the showpiece of elegance and social happenings, and extremely innovative in its progressive social structure (servants had rooms on the same floors as the family! husband and wife slept in the same bedroom!) and its technical sophistication (10 fully functioning toilets, an ingeniously architected ventilation system to provide the equivalent of central air in the hot months, acoustics so that singers or musicians in one spot of the welcoming parlor could be heard through throughout three floors, an intercom system without electricity) - all built beginning 1890.
It was impossible to miss the symbolism of Jupiter at MC in Libra! And my own Jupiter-Uranus exactly angular in Cancer. And add transiting Uranus angular! That was what I was doing the moment all of those lined up that way.
I was at 43N02'21', 87W56'17". The standard Milwaukee coordinates are 43N02, 87W54, so this will not be practically different than what I worked up above. I'll work out the fine points when I get home and to a full-sized computer.
Re: JAE 2018 SSR
Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 6:09 am
by SteveS
Jim wrote:
It was impossible to miss the symbolism of Jupiter at MC in Libra! And my own Jupiter-Uranus exactly angular in Cancer. And add transiting Uranus angular! That was what I was doing the moment all of those lined up that way.

Happy Birthday Jim. I can relate to your personal experience here on your birthday with Sidereal Astrology. There has only been one SSR that I relocated with the conscious objective for experiencing lots of Uranus excitement, which was on my birthday in 2014. It was my first musical concert at Red Rocks (Morrison, Co.). Both SSR Uranus and Natal Uranus were very tight cnj SSR angles and I experienced one of the most exciting days in my entire life, I will never forget this day. SSR Uranus was partile 180 my natal Mercury with Natal Sun partile 90 Natal Uranus. As I was experiencing this concert thinking about Sidereal Astrology—goosebumps were running up my neck.

Re: JAE 2018 SSR
Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 6:41 am
by Jim Eshelman
Steve, I get it!
BTW, Mike asked me the other day (on a FB mundane astrology page) about sign placements in returns, Or, rather, I mentioned that a critical ingress for the Sputnik launch (I think it was the Capsolar) not only had a Moon-Venus-Jupiter T-square, but it was in technology-and-flight constellations Gemini, Virgo, and Sagittarius, Mike expressed surprise at the sign importance and mentioned he'd never particularly observed sign effects in personal return charts.
I replied that maybe they aren't there, but the Gemini-Virgo-Sagittarius on this occasion was too good not to mention, even if it was a one-off coincidence. I was also thinking of the critical solar ingress for the Galveston hurricane where Bradley observed that Saturn-Neptune across the horizon squared Moon in MC in Aquarius for the "bringer of the great waters" - again, I'm sure it was too good a chance to pass up.
OTOH, I usually don't get much from signs in the SSR. I've watched, at times, to see whether I could discern this. In particular, I've looked at SSR Moon-sign to see if it was a fundamental theme of the year, and haven't been able to confirm that it is. For example, I had Moon in Taurus in last year's SSR, and neither Marion nor I can think of anything that is singularly Taurian about me last year that wasn't there in about the same measure the year before. When I look back across a lifetime of SSRs, in years that had pronounced themes, Moon's sign doesn't leap out as describing that theme.
But yesterday, realizing where I was when 2:59 PM rolled around and the SSR kicked in, I couldn't miss the symbolism of Jupiter in Libra on MC. Jupiter on MC was fitting enough, but Jupiter in Libra was splendidly better. Then, thinking that, oh, my natal Jupiter-Uranus were even closer to an angle, it was instantly obvious that, duh, at the moment it's all about being in a house, somebody's home, and that home a place of elegant if over-designed beauty. Those are purely Cancer ideas.
Just an observation FWIW; and, also FWIW, it's not obvious to me how the overtly Uranus themes were marked by Uranus in Aries, though they could fit the polarity of Mercury-Uranus opposed in Aries-Libra.
Re: JAE 2018 SSR
Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 6:57 am
by SteveS
Jim wrote:
Then, thinking that, oh, my natal Jupiter-Uranus were even closer to an angle, it was instantly obvious that, duh, at the moment it's all about being in a house, somebody's home, and that home a place of elegant if over-designed beauty. Those are purely Cancer ideas.

Jim, as you know I am a connoisseur of your great book, Interpreting Solar Returns, and I remember you mentioning SSR Moon sign placements as possibly paying attention too. It could be we may not always recognize obvious Moon sign placements in a SSR, but they become obvious with a certain “moment” during our SSR’s—like you experienced with the home Cancer theme in Milwaukee. Or, it takes a SSR with potent angular symbolism in order to bring-out obvious traits of Moon-Sign placements in a SSR, I don’t know for sure, just throwing out thoughts entering my mind about a possible WHY you experienced an obvious Moon-Sign placement with your Milwaukee SSR.
Re: JAE 2018 SSR
Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 7:05 am
by Jim Eshelman
Another theory that floated in and out of my head is that the
main reason for experiencing it right then was that these were the transits of the moment. We know that transit planet placements are quite vivid in their signs and, regardless of my SSR, Jupiter was culminating in Libra when we were going through the house. It became personalized because my SSR occurred right then.
That's just me "thinking aloud." Under that theory, even though people go through that house in thousands of tours a year, most of the time
without Jupiter angular in Libra (and, of course, having different experiences), I was uniquely set to be responsive to the effect but it was the current transits (event chart), not the SSR, in which the sign placements were relevant.
Or something else.
Or this is just coincidence.
Or something

Re: JAE 2018 SSR
Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 5:36 am
by SteveS
Interesting thoughts Jim. It is those certain moments in life which we never forget, and I think both of us experienced one of those personalized moments in life on the day of our relocated SSR, related to Sidereal Astrology. In your case, you were conscious of the exact moment your relocated SSR occurred which makes the moment special to you as a Sidereal Astrologer.

Re: JAE 2018 SSR
Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 6:45 am
by Jim Eshelman
Today we get the first field test of how some patterns of the new SSR will work during the year. One of the features of the chart is an exact Venus-Mars square on natal Saturn. This is partile. It's all tied into natal Moon, but not quite partile.
So, that means that there is a triple Venus-Mars-rSaturn cluster that will receive transits all year. Today, transiting Mercury conjoins natal Saturn and solar Venus, and squares solar Mars.
We just woke in Flagstaff and are headed for the Grand Canyon. Temperatures are hovering right around freezing in Flagstaff, with a prediction of snow, while it's a few degrees warmer at the Canyon with expectation of rain. The one thing I've noticed since waking, which seems consistent with Mercury to Venus-Mars-Saturn is that my skin itches all over. My first instinct was to take an antihistamine, thinking there was an unexpected allergen; then I realized its just the dryness of the air and the indoors heating (which, living in LA, we're not used to turning on for years; I'd forgotten how drying it could be).
Anyway, off we go!
Re: JAE 2018 SSR
Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2019 9:17 am
by Jim Eshelman
Though I still have over two months to go on my SSR, I'm ready to render judgement on the "which location?" question.
With no doubt at all, this return manifest the symbolism of where it set up (in Milwaukee), carrying that primary symbolism back to Los Angeles with me, and continued to manifest the where-it-set-up symbolism through the year. Additionally, there was new, additional symbolism from the new angles acquired in Los Angeles: This was weaker and never rose to the level of over-powering the Milwaukee chart, though it had a clear layered effect.
In other words, it really has operated like a natal chart: No matter where you move, you never lose the imprint of your natal chart for birthplace and its angularities, though you do pick up additional expressions and influences on top of the natal in a new place.
As you may recall, I picked Milwaukee for my SSR with transiting Jupiter and natal Jupiter-Uranus + Mars on the angles. This was in contrast to LA with Saturn half a degree from Ascendant and Pluto half a degree from MC. I'll happily pick Jupiter-Jupiter-Uranus and some Mars over Saturn-Pluto! (Either location had a Moon setup I've had to juggle, Moon-Venus-Mars to natal Saturn. This would have been far different under Saturn-Pluto than under Jupiter-Uranus.)
The biggest event of the year was the wedding. In fact, learning Marion's divorce was finished was surprise news about two months after the SSR started and then we kicked into high gear to make the wedding happen. The Milwaukee SSR totally describes the wedding itself (a Jupiter event, exactly matching statistics on the matter), and the surprise of it all. It was generally deemed "the event of the year" by many who were there, and, though there were production struggles to make it all happen so fast, it was definitely a positive, happy, and memorable event. This would not likely have happened this way under pure Saturn + Pluto, and is quite fitting Jupiter + Uranus.
OTOH, the biggest negative of the year is that we totally gutted our finances for it. There were miscalculations and, having intended to create no debt, we created debt anyway and are paying for it (literally). This, I think, is the Saturn influence, though I have to also credit my natal Mars-Jupiter-Uranus so exact on the angles in Milwaukee: money didn't just disappear on its own, it was spent! I wouldn't actually need the LA version of the SSR to explain it, though it makes the explanation better.
Bottom line, with an awesomely positive SSR in Milwaukee where it set up, and a horribly negative SSR in LA where I live and to which I returned, the year has been an awesomely positive year with some bad stuff attached, rather than just a nice Milwaukee vacation followed bya year of dismantling loss.
PS - I have my worst lunars of the year still coming, so expect a few speed bumps over the next couple of months, but I doubt they will warrant changing the above opinion. August 3 Demi with Saturn 0°43' from Asc tied into foreground Mercury-Uranus-Pluto. Sep 27 Demi with Pluto 1°02' from Asc atop natal Mars, joined by Saturn-Uranus. Then a lunar half a day after my birthday with Saturn-Pluto on IC square natal Sun rising.