The college football world will be focused on Tuscaloosa, Alabama this Sat Nov 9, app end of game 6:00 PM CST. LSU (Baton Rouge, Louisiana) ranked # 1 in the AP Poll will play Alabama ranked # 2 in the same poll, both teams undefeated. The team that losses this game may not make it to the college football playoffs. Its a
huge psychological game for both the fans of Baton Rouge & Tuscaloosa. There are a couple of most interesting situations for this game Nov 9:
First: 2011 Nov 5th the same exact poll rankings occurred with both of these teams in Tuscaloosa, and LSU won the game 9-6, end of game app 11:00 PM. The Nov 5, 2011 game for Tuscaloosa had Saturn partile angular cnj with its CapQ. CapQ Saturn partile cnj CapQ ASC; CapQ Saturn partile 90 CapQ MC. Jim's Super Report for 50 Super Bowl games proves with statistics when Saturn falls on a CapQ/CanQ angle for a city's team, high probability that team loses.
Tuscaloosa's Nov 5 2011 CapQ:
Second: Alabama's star quarterback is a game day decision if he will be able to play due to an injury. This alone has the fans of Tuscaloosa
depressed (Saturn), because they know without their star quarterback, most likely Bama loses this Nov 9 2019 game to LSU. Does Tuscaloosa have Saturn angular again with its CapQ or CanQ? Indeed it does! Tuscaloosa's CanQ Saturn is partile 90 CanQ ASC and t. Saturn is partile 90 CanQ ASC, both 180 CanQ Venus. In Sports cities Sidereal Mundane Astrology charts, Venus symbolizes parties and with these two CanQ Saturn's 180 CanQ Venus angular, does not bold well for the fans of Tuscaloosa celebrating a victory party. Also note with Tuscaloosa's Nov 9 CanQ chart t. Moon will be very close to the CanQ ASC squaring CanQ Saturn. Remember CapQ & CanQ charts are daily charts with the daily chart angles moving app 1 degree per day.
Tuscaloosa's Nov 9 CanQ (inside wheel), bi-wheeled with a transit chart (outside wheel)
The last time Alabama lost a home game was the Nov 5th 2011 game to LSU. Is history about to repeat itself with another home loss to LSU on Nov 9? But, all the Saturn in Tuscaloosa's CanQ Nov 9 may only be symbolizing the depressed situation with injury of Bama's QB, possibility not being able to play in this important game-- not the final outcome of the game. Only TIME know the truth of this matter, but very
rarely does Bama lose a home game. I will post the point spread for this game when Vegas posts their line.