Solar Return, 2 locations

Q&A and discussion on Sidereal Solar Returns.
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Avshalom Binyamin
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Solar Return, 2 locations

Post by Avshalom Binyamin »

My friendship and love interest, J, has a solar return April 17. There is a very good chance she may be on a work trip in London for her birthday. So I ran two charts.

Info: April 17, 1981 9:21pm Vancouver, WA

The Portland Chart seems to show very little, just angular t. Mars and t. Neptune

Foreground Planets in SSR:

t. Mars 1°35’
t. Neptune 3°36’

Interpretation: Busy, driven, competitive, independent, horny, hectic year. You will push yourself, and it will be an emotionally dramatic, exciting year, with indulgence in fantasy and mystery elements of life.

The birthday in London chart seems much more eventful, and in line with where she is at career-and-life-wise right now:

Foreground Planets in SSR:

t. Mars 0°08’
n. Moon 4°15’
n. Mercury 5°52'
n. Saturn 6°52’
t. Moon 8°56’
n. Jupiter 8°58’

Busy, driven, competitive, independent, horny, hectic year. You will push yourself, and feel extra-sensitive to all the influences in your life. Your emotions will be strong and responsive. An exciting time of learning, growth.

Foreground Planet Aspects

t. Mercury opposite n. Jupiter 1°05’
t. Saturn square t. Moon 1°20’
t. Pluto square t. Moon 1°23’
t. Moon square n. Pluto 1°35’
t. Moon opposite n. Mercury 3°21’
t. Saturn square n. Mercury 2°00’
t. Mercury square n. Saturn 3°10’
t. Saturn square n. Moon 3°59’

Your ideas work to your benefit; good business sense. But emotional matters might be more difficult. There is a sense of emotional loss and hardness. Resistance to others’ expectations may make you more emotionally authentic and distant. Serious-minded, not too playful.

Any thoughts or critique of my interpretations?
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Ember Nyx
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Re: Solar Return, 2 locations

Post by Ember Nyx »

First, I like your short, clear interpretations a lot! I have a lot of trouble being brief in mine. You capture the essence well.
Avshalom Binyamin wrote: Mon Feb 25, 2019 3:27 pm t. Saturn square t. Moon 1°20’
t. Pluto square t. Moon 1°23’
t. Moon square n. Pluto 1°35’
You mean t. Moon conjunct n. Pluto, right? Just want to check I inputted everything right.

I would give a lot more weight to this cluster, personally, especially since both Plutos are present, and especially in the context of that Pluto-Pluto square that you mentioned elsewhere (which is 0*12' wide ecliptically at the time of this SSR at any location).
Based on the instances I've seen of this type of configuration, wild sh!t is going to go down this year for her, probably heart-wrenching and almost certainly life-changing. Also, given that foreground Neptune at her location of residence (even if the SSR doesn't set up there), that amplifies the experience of it even more so.

Not to derail this SSR thread into transits and progs, but taking a peak at those around key dates...
Progressed solar Moon squares solar Pluto exact on May 13th - a date I would watch out for. This solar progression timed out major events to the day for a close friend of mine. Looking closer at that date, progressed natal Moon is square progressed Uranus 0*02'. Transiting Pluto also squares progressed solar Moon exact on May 20th. Really, that entire month is going to hit like a dump truck, but those are key dates.

If I navigated Solar Fire right, progressed solar Moon is conjunct natal Pluto May 28th as well. I don't know if this matters or not, but I'm mentioning it.

Pluto transits solar Moon July 19th exact, and Saturn transits natal Moon on July 20th. That's really quite a doozy as well.
Avshalom Binyamin
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Re: Solar Return, 2 locations

Post by Avshalom Binyamin »

You mean t. Moon conjunct n. Pluto, right?
Yes, thank you.

I'm wondering if the same new logic for lunar returns applies here--that natal planets only count if they are partile aspected by a transiting planet, or angular and aspected.

So, the aspects would be sorted as follows:

t. Mercury opposite n. Jupiter 1°05’
t. Saturn square t. Moon 1°20’
t. Pluto square t. Moon 1°23’
t. Saturn square n. Mercury 2°00’

Questionable Aspects:
t. Moon square n. Pluto 1°35’ (n. Pluto isn't angular, and the aspect isn't quite partile, however it's close, and matches the t. Moon/Pluto square)
t. Moon opposite n. Mercury 3°21’ (outside 3° orb)
t. Mercury square n. Saturn 3°10’ (outside 3° orb, but matches the t. Saturn/n. Mercury square)
t. Saturn square n. Moon 3°59’ (outside 3°orb but matches the t. Saturn/t. Moon square)

Oddly, the questionable aspects seem to mirror the other aspects.

Mars on IC:
Competitive. Possible conflict. YOU vs. ANOTHER, with each side going all out to win! Find cooperative uses for volatile energies. In intimate pairings, S.O.S. means "Sex or Strife."
Moon on MC
Receiving special attention (scrutiny), especially from people of higher rank or position. Visibility, publicity. Ambitious: emphasis on professional identity, development of public image; "on stage" to the world. Change and fluctuation in professional/occupational areas. Probable advantage. Possible PARENT issues.
Busy, energized, horny. Business ideas go well. Personal/emotional loss. Dramatic redirection of one's life, toward work and away from emotional matters.

Adding in the questionable aspects: serious communication, security needs highlighted.

In short, not a significant departure from my initial interpretation.

I think in general, her career is going to be a continuing priority for her, and personal relationships are going to take the back seat. She may need me to be there for her in a non-needy way, as sex and comforting security, as she experiences emotional loss. Or she may feel she needs to decide to separate from me romantically/emotionally, especially if she feels relationship pressure.
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