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Relocating a chart in Solar Fire

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2019 4:20 pm
by Jupiter Sets at Dawn
Solar Fire. You put in the natal chart. Fine. You click on return, or harmonic or transit, that's what you get.
But if you click on locality, enter the locality you want the chart calculated for, you get a chart calculated for the same time as the natal, but with the coordinates of the place you entered.
Solar Fire help file says: "Relocated - calculated for the exact same time as the base chart, but for a different latitude and longitude."

Now I don't know about anybody else, but when I want a chart relocated, I want the chart for that locality calculated at the birth time but with the time zone of the location. I expect both charts, natal and relocated, to have the same Universal Time, not the same MC and just a different ASC.

If I want to take a chart cast for the end of August in 1950 fro? m the east coast to the midwest to the mountain states to california, I want it calculated for 6:20 AM EDT, 4:20 AM CST, (no daylight time,) 3:20 AM MST (also no daylight time,) and 3:20 AM PDT.

Is that how others do it? Or is Solar Fire right instead of weird.

Or am I just doing everything wrong?