Mars in Gemini sign project

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Jim Eshelman
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Mars in Gemini sign project

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Welcome to the Mars in Gemini discussions project, which will run June 15 - July 16, 2019 (and then will remain around in case people want to revisit it in the future). Please gather your list of Mars in Gemini people (especially those you know personally) and join us.

Here are Mars in Gemini interpretive resources on the forum:
Primary section: viewtopic.php?f=13&t=32#p117
Garth Allen: viewtopic.php?f=13&t=33#p132

Mars in Gemini has similarities to and differences from Sun in Gemini. To help discern these similarities and differences, here is a link to the earlier Sun in Gemini project.

My current concise summary of Mars in Gemini (always subject to change) reads:
Bright, inquiring; forthright, decisive (strong opinions). Argumentative (debate, stirs conversation; eloquent?). Pragmatic (not idealistic). Methodical. Scientific mind hones facts, can commit mind to research (scientists). Strength from being heard; otherwise over-compensates. (May "know better than anyone else," need to be right.) Substance abuse.
Here on Solunars, Mars in Gemini is in the birth charts of both Steve and Florence.

To this we can add Sidereal pioneers Donald Bradley / Garth Allen and Carl Stahl.
Jim Eshelman
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Re: Mars in Gemini sign project

Post by Soft Alpaca »

Like me my sister's tropical sun sign just so happens to be her sidereal Mars Sign (both of our stereotypes hearing sign stuff as a child actually have some truth). Her Gemini versus my Capricorn Mars often clash over things such as music and intellectual conversations. Her Venus being in Gemini too I see this nervous and bad habits/sign appear in her relationships with people.

In my family I have a Mercury in Scorpio. My mom a Mars in Virgo, and with my Sisters Mars in Gemini, both a heretical and astrological addiction indicator is a reality. Also between us there is a lot if other mental illnesses beside addiction.

Her worst however is this need for attention and to one up other people's problems. She claim she has a illness or issue like she changes clothes (often belittling the issues if people around her that really need help). She also threatens both physically and verbally often. Even as a young child if she was holding an adult's hand she would twist their fingers and laugh at their pain.

All of this aside she is clever and crafty and almost as cunning as I am. With her Moon conjunct Uranus in Aquarius square her Mercury (in her sun sign if Taurus). This enforcing the intelligence and Mercury/Uranus energy in her chart.

I will say however there may be an element of craftiness/manipulation that could be missing from this description of Gemini. The ability to argue from this sign is like hearing from a lawyer (capricorn and scorpio I have seen this on occasion as well). Also being two faced or sided is very much a reality as much as it is a saying. This I've seen in any of the Gemini's I have met.
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Re: Mars in Gemini sign project

Post by FlorencedeZ. »

Hi Jim,
I thought about this a lot.
I refrained from replying so far because I attributed a lot of meanings of Mars in Gemini to either my Sun in Libra, Moon in Scorpio and/or some of my angular planets.

After each sentence I will try to comment:

1.Curious, inquiring, bright (even piercing); forthright, decisive, strong opinions (opinionated). All of this very much so. I am not sure about bright however I chew on stuff a lot until an opinion is formed and I stick with that. I then remain quite convinced and won't change my conclusions very often. My collegues and some friends have told me I have a piercing mind.

2.Naturally polemical, argumentative (esp. the sense of engaging debate, stirring conversation on a topic). (Some have razor tongues.) [STATS: not charming] Yes, engaging debate and stirring conversation on a topic is what I really need to do if I need to make a point. There can be a strong urge. I am better in person doing this then on paper. Eloquent and peaceful, that is always my goal. On paper I express things more in a poetical way for the art of it and to soften things up to not sound too sharp.

3.Pragmatic rather than idealistic. [STATS: not idealist] I consider myself both. Perhaps this is due to strong Neptune.

4.Scientific mind hones facts. Irrepressible curiosity, can commit mind to research; methodical. Several work in the sciences (or at least train in science). I love facts and I can study endlessly and never get bored. Going through the same stuff again and again. Because as a Libra I forget things easily and need to relearn. That's what I do step by step, methodically. I really like to get to the heart of things and find truth. Finding truth has always been important and relaxing, how strange this may sound. When a subject interests me I like to read as much as I can about different point of views.

5.Feels strength from being heard; otherwise, over-compensates. (Many "know better than anyone else," need to be proven right, eager for their ideas to receive official sanction.) Feels strength from being heard, yes, absolutely but knowing better than anyone else is something I do not relate to. I can have strong opinions and when I feel that I am right I do not feel better then others. Often the contrary.

6.Among female musical celebrities, a remarkable pattern of power (Barbra Streisand, Diana Ross, Dolly Parton, Patsy Cline).

7.Many public examples are eloquent, often with piercing minds (in politics, business, science; not a profession-specific trait).

8.Substance abuse (other post-abuse behavior), especially alcoholism. Yes, I am vulnerable to addiction. I went from one addiction to another. Quit heavy smoking since 10 years and am careful with drinking so that it doesn't become an issue.
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Re: Mars in Gemini sign project

Post by augur »

Much of this seems pretty right on, though I need to filter through some of my other aspects in order to get clarity.

Substance "abuse" is not specifically an issue for me, though I do self-medicate with cannabis, it is not an abusive relationship. I used to smoke cigarettes, that was a bad habit.

I find the contrast of "decisive(strong opinions)" and "No sense of urgency or immediacy on committing to a final decision" to be very interesting part of your interpretation. Perhaps this speaks to the Gemini nature a bit. I do formulate really "strong opinions" eventually, but I tend to take my time in doing so. I think this may be related to "Scientific mind hones facts. Irrepressible curiosity, can commit mind to research; methodical." A sort of "the data is not in on this yet" sort of thing.

I feel that the polemic/argumentative traits are more of a symptom of the "Feels strength from being heard; otherwise, over-compensates," versus a natural attraction to arguing. Much of my "need to be right," is a need to be right for myself and I usually couldn't care less if other people think I am right ; unless I feel there is a misapprehension about me specifically which I am confronting. e.g. Someone projecting something onto me which I do not agree with. (Possibly more to do with the Sun-Mercury(4°12') relationship though, even if it is a little bit wide).

I also have Mars aspects to Mercury (0°17'), Pluto(1°51"), Moon(2°45'), and more widely Saturn(5°19').
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Re: Mars in Gemini sign project

Post by James Condor »

I have known my mother all my life , John for 17 years, Leigh for 7. All Mars in Gemini.
Both John and L are active and don’t mind driving long distances. Both stay busy with lots of breaks from action but yet lots of quick movements and intent. Specific movements. But hurky jerky too. Like choppy not fluid. My mom isn’t active much at all but doesn’t mind car travel.
They all like to change the subject or put an end on something and move on. Don’t stay too long on a subject. Like control. Like to think they no better. Practical for sure. Intent.
Both guys look at you right in the eye, put out their hand for a shake and ask what you’ve been up to.
Leigh needs to be right. John not so much. Both have loud speaking voices.
All are like directors or I initiators in the next move of action. Maybe need control or think they know better
None I consider curious or scientific because they don’t act like it. If they are it’s not coming out. None I consider piercing minds. Mom and John have strong options. Mom argumentative
John is always sober and doesn’t smoke. Leigh is a former smoker and drinks but is not an addict or doesn’t have substance abuse problems. Mother is sober.
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Re: Mars in Gemini sign project

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Mars in Gemini examples from my Example Charts Catalog:
  • Pres. Calvin Coolidge, Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt, Queen Isabella I, Pope Benedict XVI, Sen. John Glenn, Rep. Liz Cheney, Justice Anthony Kennedy, Marie Antoinette, Prince Consort Albert, William Penn, Gov. Chris Christie, Gov. Jesse Ventura, Barbara Bush, Margot Honecker
  • Patsy Cline, Diana Ross, Barbra Streisand, Dolly Parton, Sheena Easton, Susan Boyle, Ricky Nelson, Peter Yarrow, Wolfgang A. Mozart, Johannes Brahms
  • Josephine Baker, Vivian Leigh, Jane Russell, Ruth Gordon, Liza Minnelli, Ruth Buzzi, Sandra Bernhard, Reece Witherspoon, Divine, Kris Kristofferson, Robin Williams, Kenneth Branagh, Steve Carrell, Kathleen Kennedy
  • Carole Feuerman, Pattie Boyd, Georgia Bonesteel
  • Lord Byron, Honore de Balzac, H.G. Wells, Virginia Woolf, Philip K. Dick, William Burroughs. Joyce Carol Oates, Immanuel Kant
  • Celia Franca, Coco Chanel, Giorgio Armani, Barbara Minty, Helene Boucher, John F. Kennedy Jr., Malcolm X, Karen Silkwood, Karl Marx, Marion Jones, Mother Meera, Petrarch, Roger Ailes, Wm. Randolph Hearst, Warren Buffet, John Flamsteed, Simon Newcomb
  • William Heirens, Leslie Van Houten, Robert Strack
  • Michel Gauquelin, Edith Wangemann, Donald A. Bradley, Carl W. Stahl
Jim Eshelman
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