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U.S. Presidents natal birth place angularity

Posted: Wed May 10, 2017 5:11 pm
by Arena
Arena wrote:In this thread I've gathered information from Jim's spreadsheet about all the president's natal birth place angularity. The spreadsheet did not indicate the degrees from angles, so Jim needs to tell us which rule he used, 3° or 5° from angles?

Here is the thread that Jim has gathered all the president's angularity in DC. ... 811ea23b51

In the list below I've replicated all that from his thread and then I add into it the natal birth place angularity.

Barack Obama
Pluto sq Asc (0°56')
Moon on Asc (1°24')
Sun 4+° from IC

Natal birth place angularity
Sun on DSC
Moon on IC
Uranus on WP

Bill Clinton
Jupiter on EP (1°10')
Venus remains distantly foreground

Natal birth place angularity
Venus on ASC
Mars on ASC
Neptune on ASC

George W. Bush
Jupiter on IC (1°17')
Moon on IC (1°22')
-- Moon-Jupiter mundane conj. (0°05')
Pluto on Asc (4°40')
Mercury and Saturn distantly foreground

Natal birth place angularity
Moon on IC
Mercury on ASC
Jupiter on IC
Pluto on ASC

Jimmy Carter
Saturn on Asc (0°37')

Natal birth place angularity
Saturn on ASC

George H.W. Bush
Mars on WP (0°59')
Mercury on MC (2°10')

Natal birth place angularity
Jupiter on IC

John F. Kennedy

Natal birth place angularity
Saturn on MC

Gerald R. Ford
Venus on Asc (3°05')
Mercury on IC (4°37')
-- Mercury-Venus mundane square (1°32')
Moon, Saturn, and Mars more distantly foreground

Natal birth place angularity
Sun on IC
Mars on ASC
Neptune on IC
Mercury on NP

Richard M. Nixon
Neptune on MC (0°44')
Sun sq. Asc (1°25')

Natal birth place angularity

Ronald Reagan
Sun on Asc (0°04')
Venus sq. MC (0°27')
Moon sq. Asc (1°36')
Jupiter sq. Asc (2°44')
-- Moon-Jupiter op. (1°08')

Natal birth place angularity
Sun on EP
Mercury on ASC
Uranus on ASC
Neptune on DSC

Lyndon B. Johnson
Moon on EP (1°21')
Mercury on EP (1°48')
-- Moon-Mercury conj. (0°27' in RA)
NB. It would be hard for Johnson's chart to get more eminent than it was for birthplace.

Natal birth place angularity
Jupiter on ASC

Dwight Eisenhower
Moon sq. MC (0°17')
Jupiter on MC (2°11')
-- Moon-Jupiter sq. (0°03')
Venus on Dsc (2°55')
Neptune very distantly foreground

Natal birth place angularity
Sun on DSC
Mars on MC
Uranus on DSC

Harry Truman
Jupiter sq. Asc (0°27')
Moon on EP (1°09')

Natal birth place angularity

Franklin Roosevelt
Uranus on EP (0°54')
Mars distantly foreground

Natal birth place angularity
Mars on MC
Uranus on ASC

Herbert Hoover
Pluto on Asc (1°42')
Sun on IC (2°59')
-- Sun-Pluto mundane sq (1°17')

Natal birth place angularity
Moon on IC
Mars on IC
Saturn on MC
Pluto on ASC

Calvin Coolidge
Pluto on MC (2°03')

Natal birth place angularity

Warren G. Harding
Jupiter on MC (4°08')
Neptune distantly foreground

Natal birth place angularity

Theodore Roosevelt
Jupiter on Asc (1°12')
Uranus on EP (1°11')
Venus more widely foreground

Natal birth place angularity
Venus on DSC
Jupiter on ASC
Uranus on EP
Neptune on Zn

William H. Taft
Jupiter on Asc (1°06')
Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Pluto distantly angular
-- Uranus-Pluto mundane conj. (0°49')

Natal birth place angularity
Jupiter on ASC
Saturn on IC
Pluto on ASC

Woodrow Wilson
Mercury on IC (0°29')
Saturn distantly foreground

Natal birth place angularity
Mercury on IC
Saturn on MC

William McKinley
Moon on IC (2°46')
Jupiter on IC (2°55')
-- Moon-Jupiter mundane conj. (0°09')
Sun more widely foreground

Natal birth place angularity
Moon on IC
Jupiter on IC
Pluto on DSC

Grover Cleveland
(None; or, Venus somewhat widely angular.)

Natal birth place angularity
Venus on MC

Benjamin Harrison
Neptune sq. MC (0°26')
Moon & Jupiter distantly foreground
-- Moon-Jupiter mundane op. (0°51')

Natal birth place angularity
Moon on N
Jupiter on Z
Neptune on DSC
Pluto on MC

James Garfield
Pluto on Dsc (2°13')

Natal birth place angularity

Chester Arthur
Sun on EP (0°48')
Pluto & Moon widely foreground
-- Moon-Pluto mundane sq (0°32')

Natal birth place angularity
Sun on ASC
Neptune on IC
Pluto on DSC

Rutherford B. Hayes
Uranus on Dsc (1°07')
Neptune on Dsc (1°16')
-- Uranus-Neptune mundane conj. (0°14')
Pluto sq. Asc (2°22')

Natal birth place angularity
Moon on EP
Jupiter on EP
Uranus on DSC
Neptune on DSC

U.S. Grant
Jupiter sq. MC (1°55')

Natal birth place angularity
Sun on EP
Mars on N
Jupiter on ASC

Abraham Lincoln
Mercury on Asc (2°55')
Saturn sq. Asc (1°12')
Neptune sq. Asc (2°21')
-- Saturn/Neptune sq. MC (0°35')
Pluto sq. MC (1°58)
Sun & Jupiter widely foreground

Natal birth place angularity
Sun on ASC
Saturn on MC
Neptune on MC

Andrew Johnson
(None; or somewhat widely foreground Mars.

Natal birth place angularity
Mars on ASC

Franklin Pierce
Pluto on Asc (1°55')

Natal birth place angularity
Saturn on DSC

Millard Fillmore
Mercury on Asc (0°02')
Jupiter on Dsc (0°18')
-- Mercury-Jupiter mundane op. (0°20')

Natal birth place angularity
Mercury on ASC
Jupiter on DSC

James Polk
Moon on Dsc (1°47')
Jupiter on Asc (3°28')
-- Moon-Jupiter mundane conj. (1°41')
Venus widely foregrund

Natal birth place angularity
Sun on MC
Moon on DSC
Venus on MC
Jupiter on ASC

James Buchanan
Jupiter on IC (4°48')
Moon on Dsc (5°11')
-- Moon-Jupiter mundane sq. (0°23')

Natal birth place angularity
Moon on DSC
Jupiter on IC
Saturn on Z

John Tyler
Sun on Asc (0°53')
Saturn on Asc (2°34')
Mercury distantly foreground

Natal birth place angularity
Sun on ASC

Zachary Taylor

Natal birth place angularity
Mars on MC

Martin Van Buren
Sun on Asc (1°06')
Jupiter on EP (1°47')
Venus & Neptune distantly foreground

Natal birth place angularity
Sun on ASC
Jupiter on EP
Uranus on WP
Neptune on MC

William H. Harrison
Mercury on MC (1°47')
Uranus on Asc (2°26')
-- Mercury-Uranus mundane sq. (0°39')
Mars distantly foreground

Natal birth place angularity
Mercury on MC
Venus on MC
Mars on IC
Uranus on ASC
Pluto on MC

John Quincy Adams
Saturn on MC (1°38')

Natal birth place angularity
Pluto on IC

Andrew Jackson
Uranus on Asc (2°33')

Natal birth place angularity
Uranus on ASC
Pluto on MC

James Monroe
Mars on Dsc (0°57')
Saturn on EP (0°40')
Neptune on Dsc (3°35')

Natal birth place angularity
Mercury on N
Mars on DSC
Saturn on EP

James Madison
Sun on IC (2°52')
Saturn & Pluto more distantly foreground

Natal birth place angularity
Sun on IC
Saturn on ASC
Pluto on ASC

Thomas Jefferson
Mars on WP (1°07')
Uranus on Asc (2°44')
Pluto on MC (4°01')
-- Uranus-Pluto mundane sq. (1°17')

Natal birth place angularity
Mars on WP
Uranus on ASC
Pluto on MC

John Adams (for NYC)
Uranus on IC (0°44')
Neptune more distantly foreground

Natal birth place angularity
Uranus on IC
Neptune on MC

George Washington (for NYC)
Mars on Dsc (0°48')
Pluto on Dsc (2°42')
Mercury more widely foreground

Natal birth place angularity
Mercury on MC
Mars on DSC

Re: U.S. Presidents natal birth place angularity

Posted: Wed May 10, 2017 5:12 pm
by Arena
by Arena on Thu Nov 12, 2015 4:23 pm

It is evident that angularity plays a HUGE role, both in natal charts and in DC in my opinion. The common theme is that they do have angular planets.

And to break it down I just counted how many angularities each planet has at birth place:
Jupiter 13
Mars 12
Sun 11
Uranus 11
Pluto 11
Saturn 10
Neptune 10
Moon 8
Mercury 8
Venus 5

For comparison here is the frequency for DC angularity
10 Jupiter
8 Moon
7 Sun Uranus Pluto
6 Mercury
5 Saturn
4 Mars
3 Neptune
2 Venus

Also, 7 charts had a partile or nearly-partile foreground Moon-Jupiter aspect.

Re: U.S. Presidents natal birth place angularity

Posted: Wed May 10, 2017 5:13 pm
by Arena
by Jim Eshelman on Thu Nov 12, 2015 5:22 pm

Arena wrote:
The spreadsheet did not indicate the degrees from angles, so Jim needs to tell us which rule he used, 3° or 5° from angles?
Horizon & Meridian: 7° in PV longitude
EP & WP: 3° in RA
Z & N: 3° in longitude