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Pluto & the Galactic Center

Posted: Wed May 10, 2017 10:32 pm
by Jim Eshelman
Pluto conjoined the Galactic Center (2°06' Sagittarius) last Saturday. With this having come and gone over the last year, it still isn't at all clear what the meaning might be.

Here are the years since 1 AD when Pluto conjoined the G.C. Usually there were three, and sometimes 5, conjunctions, but it was in close orb for most of the year(s) in question. I'm posting them here to see if anyone wants to dig into the history books and see what these years have in common.


Re: Pluto & the Galactic Center

Posted: Wed May 10, 2017 10:32 pm
by Jim Eshelman
I've been over these years and can't find any commonalities. Anyone else have any better luck?

There are a few things consistent with the early years of Pluto in Sagittarius - particularly big steps in educational institutions. Cambridge was founded on one pass, and then, two and a half centuries later, made Erasmus a professor or the next pass. Etc. (Sight-reading of music was invented on one pass!) And, of course, there was political intrigue at every turn, as there is nearly always. - But, as I said, I can't find any distinctive commonalities.

Possibly calculating the antipodal transits - Pluto opposite the G.C. - might give some counterpuntal or confirming ideas to focus it?