Jun 20: Brian Wilson & Nicole Kidman
Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2020 6:29 pm
Wilson, Brian. June 20, 1942, 3:45 AM PWT, Inglewood, CA (AA).
Kidman, Nicole. June 20, 1967. 3:15 PM AHST, Honolulu, HI (A).
NOTE: The closeness of Brian Wilson's birthday to Paul McCartney's (born two days apart) should not be missed. Brian also has an unusual number of debilited planets: Venus in Aries, Mars in Cancer, Jupiter in Gemini, and Neptune in Virgo. (Some might add Uranus in Taurus.)
Kidman, Nicole. June 20, 1967. 3:15 PM AHST, Honolulu, HI (A).
NOTE: The closeness of Brian Wilson's birthday to Paul McCartney's (born two days apart) should not be missed. Brian also has an unusual number of debilited planets: Venus in Aries, Mars in Cancer, Jupiter in Gemini, and Neptune in Virgo. (Some might add Uranus in Taurus.)