Elvis Presley, January 8, 1935,, 4:35 AM CST, Tupelo, MI (AA).
Col. Tom Parker , June 26, 1909, 11:0 PM, Breda, Netherland (B).
Elvis Presley and the man who made and drove his career have a fascinating synastry. I suggest, in particular, you put Parker's planets around the outside of Elvis' chart.
Their Sun's were in opposite constellations, Sagittarius to Gemini. Parker's Moon squared Elvis;' Sun (partile), as deep, responsive, and supportive a combination as for any married couple. Parker's Jupiter squared (a little widely) Elvis' Ascendant.
The closest aspect is Parker's Saturn square Elvis' Mercury within 0°01'. I suspect this brought discipline and business ways. An intriguing aspect is Elvis' Sun opposite Parker's Neptune °31' - this looks different to me depending on whose chart I view it from.
There is more, but I'll let you did it out for yourself.
Elvis Presley & Col. Tom Parker
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19571
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Elvis Presley & Col. Tom Parker
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19571
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Re: Elvis Presley & Col. Tom Parker
Progressing each chart to the other's birth. First, Elvis to the Colonel's birth. This is quite unlike what we would expect for Parker's effect on Elvis' life. The one angular contact is:
1°16' Tau - SNQ MC
1°564' Aqu - r Saturn
There is, however, a strong sense of connection and affection, plus an indication of what might be termed business connection:
3°00' Vir - r MC
3°13' Pis - p Moon
3°27' Sag - p Venus
17°55' Sco - p Mercury
18°32' Sco - r Asc
Progressing Col. Parker's chart to Elvis birth: Again, how accurate is his 11:00 PM birth time? If we take it as exactly correct, we get Elvis' Mercury on an angle; but with small differences in the time several planets could possibly be angular. Parker's progressed Moon at 2°36' Virg ties into the 3° cluster shown above and is perhaps the strongest connection (i.e., it's also on "transiting" MC) but also exactly square natal and progressed Pluto - this progressed Moon is the main active factor for him.
There are a few other small things (progressed Venus trine natal Saturn is interesting), but I think these are the main ones.
1°16' Tau - SNQ MC
1°564' Aqu - r Saturn
There is, however, a strong sense of connection and affection, plus an indication of what might be termed business connection:
3°00' Vir - r MC
3°13' Pis - p Moon
3°27' Sag - p Venus
17°55' Sco - p Mercury
18°32' Sco - r Asc
Progressing Col. Parker's chart to Elvis birth: Again, how accurate is his 11:00 PM birth time? If we take it as exactly correct, we get Elvis' Mercury on an angle; but with small differences in the time several planets could possibly be angular. Parker's progressed Moon at 2°36' Virg ties into the 3° cluster shown above and is perhaps the strongest connection (i.e., it's also on "transiting" MC) but also exactly square natal and progressed Pluto - this progressed Moon is the main active factor for him.
There are a few other small things (progressed Venus trine natal Saturn is interesting), but I think these are the main ones.
Jim Eshelman