AriQ for Wounded Knee massacre

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Jim Eshelman
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AriQ for Wounded Knee massacre

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Individual cases are seeming to support an early finding regarding the Arisolar. In a chapter in SMA's appendix, I compare Washington vs. Location for major U.S. events a few days after the Arisolar set up, and one conclusion was that the Arisolar itself (and theoretically the Libsolar, but that wasn't tested) act more like local/regional charts. Overall, they performed really poorly for Washington, but really well for the actual location of an event in the U.S.

For example, it was worthless for Washington for the Ludlow massacre, the Oklahoma City bombing, the Waco siege, and the Boston Marathon bombing, but showed exceptionally well (respectively) for Ludlow, Oklahoma City, Waco, and Boston for this event - even though Washington showed far better for other charts. (E.g., on general the Boston Marathon bombing showed poorly for Boston and exceptionally for DC - the Arisolar was the main exception.)

One example I just came across is the Wounded Knee massacre, which you can study in Chapter 23 of the current (v10.5) edition of SMA. The event showed well enough for Wounded Knee Creek (if treated as a military victory of the conquering U.S. army) and showed exceptionally, with much richer details, for Washington, DC.

This isn't true when we look at the Arisolar, though. Normally, we wouldn't stop and look at the prior Arisolar because this was a December 29 event with perfectly workable Capsolar and Cansolar (but a dormant Libsolar). However, since I'm checking them all... I found the following.

Data: December 29, 1890, working time 8:00 AM, at the location of the current city of Wounded Knee, SD.

For Washington, DC, the Arisolar is dormant, there are no transits to the Arisolar, and the AriQ is dormant - nothing going on at all.

For Wounded Knee, though:

Neptune on Dsc (0°27')
Pluto on Dsc ((3°18')
-- Neptune-Pluto conj. (2°42')
Mars widely foreground
Moon-Sun-Mercury-Jupiter-Uranus complex mundane T-square with Moon-Uranus closest

Transits to Arisolar
23°58; Leo - t. Saturn
25°17' Leo - s. MC

16°12' Aqu - t. Mars
15°20' Tau - p. MC

18°51' Leo - p. Asc
19°25' Sco - s. Mars

Interesting, no?
Jim Eshelman
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