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July 7: Robert Heinlein & Florence Farr

Posted: Sun May 23, 2021 12:29 pm
by Jim Eshelman
Farr, Florence. July 7, 1860, 6:27 AM LMT, Bromley, England (A).
Heinlein, Robert. July 7, 1907, 3:15 PM CST, Butler, MO (B).

Starr, Ringo. July 7, 1940, 12:05 AM BST, Liverpool, England (A).

Re: July 7: Robert Heinlein & Florence Farr

Posted: Sun May 23, 2021 12:59 pm
by Jim Eshelman
Ringo, besides being a native-to-rhythm Gemini, has Moon, Mercury, Mars, and Pluto conjoined in Cancer within about 3° - a powerful measurement of his high-drop drumming innovations and more. Add the angular Venus (I heard him once say he's only ever sung about love) and the naturally entertaining Cancer Moon, and you've got a lot from a very few factors. Neptune, though, is within 1° of Descendant.