Re: "Since Pluto's latitude is small, it is indeed angular, about 2 degrees above Descendant in PV longitude or altitude"
I had noted that as well. Right on the Descendant, it seems all that "Pluto energy" is channeled towards the public and no doubt, overdone with significant others. There's a lot more to this story.
Re: "and so much that you describe fits Pluto's partile square with Mars"
One of my catchphrases for Mars-Pluto aspects is "brutality," and in some form or another, it is on target. I think as he was a policeman, it was a circumstance where he could deal with the "dregs" and likely get some of his brooding anger out. Good for him, perhaps, but not good for them. It wasn't that he was spoiling for trouble, it's just that when he felt diminished or challenged in some way, he approached it as life-or-death, even though it likely could be deescalated. He wasn't crazy like some of his fellow policemen. One guy carried the evidential skin bullet-hole that was removed from someone he had shot dead as if it were a trophy of some sort. Another one beat a homeless Indian (vagrant) until he needed hospitalization. The doctors noted there were no large portions of bone in his skull. (blackjack) Though Dad thought it was wrong, wrong, wrong; he seemed to enjoy telling the story a bit too much!
Re: "He must have been quite a character!"
Yes, enough so that he got known for several things. It's a pity that more of those "things" weren't wholesome, life-affirming things.
Re: "With Aquarius-Gemini luminaries and a closely angular Pluto, we'd expect him not to care much for social conventions and other people's rules and to strike his own path (breaking an occasional thing along the way and taking a quiet comfort in how he was shaking up others' neat worlds)."
This is relatively correct. Whether we start with a 26 year old man connecting with my 17 year old (at the time) Mother, or if we accelerate to an Assistant Chief of Police that lost that job, because of taking bets for co-workers. He wasn't actually a bookie, since he did actually buy the tickets, as if the person themselves were at the track, but still, it's illegal...and really, does it even
sound like something from someone who should be setting at least a legal example?
Re: " With Aquarius-Gemini luminaries and a close Moon-Mercury-Mars Grand Trine (Mercury-Mars 0°00' with the planets in each others' signs), I'd expect an exceptionally interesting, curious, inquiring mind"
That's one of his main drawing-points, that he has quite a way of telling a story and through his personality, it becomes more humorous. He was a crossword puzzler for most of his life and always kept notebooks of the inning-by-inning results (as a coach would keep) from baseball games, etc. Additionally, with his money, he was like a master accountant. He loaned me money on a few occasions and was always mindful of the paying back. I didn't have a problem paying him back, but he commented that he would always help, until we didn't pay him back, and then the bank is closed. I can understand it, and didn't have a problem, but his stating of it sounded entirely too Ebenezer Scrooge-ish.
Re: "Most of what you attribute to Pluto is stuff I see in his ferociously powerful partile (and closely angular) Mars-Pluto square. All of the power and control and "gangstery shit" of Pluto seems to me to be hold-overs from the 1930s and '40s when astrologers were first trying to sort it out and World War II raging."
That can be, but I still feel that since Pluto is often a "who has power here, in this circumstance?" planet, that all of the underworld/thuggery type stuff *is* inherently Pluto's domain. I guess what I'm trying to say is...there is often a "might makes right" element to Pluto that is right at home in underworld activity...or even suspicious police activity, due to the unbalanced power dynamic and tendency to extreme levels of violence in a show-of-force.
Re: "But for all of his community connections, I bet he was mostly at odds with community standards and others trying to provide their moral standards for his life."
Being 26 and getting a 17 year old pregnant can definitely put you at odds to community standards!
By the way, my Dad found the love of his life relatively young, but cheated on her and then spent the rest of his life half-hating women. (expressed in some disguised form or another)
Thanks for your comments, Jim. (by the way, we're talking about a "Jim")