Jim teaches on this forum with a free “Report on 50 Super Bowls” implementing Sidereal Mundane Astrology (also a free book-report), the Capsolar Quotidian (Cap Q), which is a Daily Chart with CapQ angles progressing app 1 degree per day---the CapQ is the best forecasting tool for predicting outcome of major sporting contests. Last night at app 8:00 PM in the World Series of NCAA Baseball, disaster struck totally unexpected (Uranus) with Stanford University. Jim teaches that the best thing to do for predicting the outcome of a major sporting contest is to look for angular Saturn to predict a loser. Being a recreational sports gambler since I was of legal age—21. I have proven to myself that on those occasions when the CapQ shines through with angular CapQ clarity with either CapQ or transiting Saturn on the CapQ angles, a looser is predicted with a high degree of probability.
Never in my life have I seen such Saturn disaster suddenly strike a sports team. Stanford was winning this game 5-4 with two outs in the bottom of the 9th inning with no one on base, with one of the best Pitchers in the nation on the mound for the Stanford Cardinals. 3 minutes later Stanford lost the game in a most highly unexpected (Uranus) Saturn manner.
Stanford California CapQ DSC: 18,48 Aries
Transiting Uranus: 18,29 Aries
CapQ Nadir: 18,42 Capricorn
Transiting Saturn 17,41 Capricorn
In other words, there was a partile square of transiting Saturn-Uranus in the Heavens and this partile square of Uranus-Saturn fell on the CapQ angles of Stanford, California. The Players of Stanford were in a state of psychological shock (Uranus), with the sickening feeling of an unexpected (Uranus) sudden Saturn loss. To put this in better % perspective: There was only one day out of the entire year of 2021 where this partile Saturn-Uranus square fell on Stanford’s CapQ angles with an important game being played, and that day occurred yesterday (last night). There is only one branch of Astrology that I know in my 38 years of studying Astrology that offers this type of daily timing precision and that is Jim’s teachings on Sidereal Mundane Astrology.
Sudden Unexpected (Uranus) loss (Saturn) hits the Stanford Cardinals
Developing & testing the application of Sidereal Mundane Astrology to Picking Winners in sports competitions.
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