My Latest Hospital Misadventure
Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2021 11:32 am
Got home about an hour ago from my latest medical misadventure. Woke up to a terrible ringing in my right ear and pain from the toothache that been bothering me off and on for the last two months (getting dental care thru Medi-Cal takes forever if you are an adult). Due to fear that my symptoms might be a stroke precursor (definitively ruled out on examination) I was sent to the ER at about 10 (to San Antonio hospital in Upland CA which has a deservedly poor reputation for patient care). The doctor saw me around noon, gave me some prescriptions and released me. However I couldn't get transportation home until this morning due to my insurance company being unreachable. I needed non-emergency gurney transport as insurance definitively won't pay for an ambulance ride for the trip home, nor for gurney transport not arranged through them. In order to get any assistance with regard to food and water or other matters I had to resort to persistent screaming. Terry also bent a few ears on my behalf via phone. I was however treated well when any attention at all was being paid to me.
I'm rather curious about the astrology of all this, and I will be going on for the transits and the my current SLR now that I have internet access again. Most significant moment was awakening at 5:58 am, turning to the left (where Terry's bed would be were I home), seeing where I was and saying aloud (to no listeners save God), "I'm in Hell." Terry and are very conscious right now of how bad the other will hurt when one of us dies--given our ages and general health, any ambulance ride may be the last.
I know not the number of my days, and cannot even with the help of the most advanced astrological techniques -- terminus vitae is notoriously hard to spot except in retrospect. Though I did accurately predict my grandma's death (but in a context where death was medically certain within a probable two week time frame). In any event, I have no desire to know the number of my days, but I am content to leave that in God's capable hands. However I think it likely that I'll still be on this side for my 2022 SSR and maybe several more. At any rate, as God is my witness, I will live every moment until God calls me home, notwithstanding whatever the world throws at me.
I'm rather curious about the astrology of all this, and I will be going on for the transits and the my current SLR now that I have internet access again. Most significant moment was awakening at 5:58 am, turning to the left (where Terry's bed would be were I home), seeing where I was and saying aloud (to no listeners save God), "I'm in Hell." Terry and are very conscious right now of how bad the other will hurt when one of us dies--given our ages and general health, any ambulance ride may be the last.
I know not the number of my days, and cannot even with the help of the most advanced astrological techniques -- terminus vitae is notoriously hard to spot except in retrospect. Though I did accurately predict my grandma's death (but in a context where death was medically certain within a probable two week time frame). In any event, I have no desire to know the number of my days, but I am content to leave that in God's capable hands. However I think it likely that I'll still be on this side for my 2022 SSR and maybe several more. At any rate, as God is my witness, I will live every moment until God calls me home, notwithstanding whatever the world throws at me.