Priceless Solunar Information

General Discussion on Solar & Lunar Returns matters for which a specific forum does not exist
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Priceless Solunar Information

Post by SteveS »

I have 3 paying clients in my life. They all have successful businesses. Never do I charge them a set fee for my services, I never know what my services are worth. They only want to know one thing: when I see TIMES for “outstanding incidents’ stuff, good or bad, due to be timed for their lives. I use Jim’s “outstanding incident” criteria for my client’s solunars. I have been doing this type analysis for over 20 years and my paying clients absolutely love this service, and this service could not be performed without Jim’s solunars teachings. AFAIC Jim’s “outstanding incidents’ criteria for solunars is priceless, both for my paying clients and for myself. Jim’s criteria for “outstanding incidents” solunars is simple:
Partile aspects (1 degree orb or less) reign supreme. It is when angularity and aspect partility coincide that outstanding incidents are most likely to come about.
Not only do I use Jim’s above criteria for solunars, but for all Sidereal Astrology charts! Next I will explain how I do rapid Solarfire calculations in order to isolate these “outstanding incident” charts.
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