My Class 1 Angular Natal Aspect of Jupiter-Node
Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2021 3:30 am
I wanted to explain a few simple reasons why I think the most important aspect in my Natal is my angular Class 1 Jupiter Node aspect. Here are all of Ebertin’s COSI tones for Jupiter/Node:
The most important Business “connection” in my life was a CEO of a company (Commercial Theaters Company) who I started working for (not knowing) when I was 6 years old on the weekends for 50 cents a day. After working 11 years for this Company in the Theater Business, he offered me an executive position in this Company before I began 5 glorious years of partying (College). I never graduated from College because I already knew I had an Executive Position waiting for me before I went to College.
The second most important Business Contact (by chance) in my life was a retired Admiral from the Navy (WW11 Air Craft Carrier). He sat in on the Breton Woods agreement after WW11 when the Powers to be were financially reconstructing the West. On 12 consecutive Wednesdays in a Public Merrill Lynch area he taught me more economic knowledge even if I had taken College seriously and went on to get a PHD in economics. He told me college professors were a joke, and told me the only reason he was spending time with me was because when he asked me about my educational background I told him I did not take College seriously and was a party animal. He said good—he would be able to teach me some economic things which would become most important to my life. He mapped out my entire economic life based on my meager economic standing and told me what not to do and what explicitly to do. This Admiral literally saved me and my wife’s economic lives and saved us a-lot of economic grief by following his very modest-simple economic plan/advice. He basically told me the economic system was corrupt and a sham and we all were slaves to it.
Another very important “connection” in my life was a Professional Gambler I met by sheer coincidence on my first free Junket trip to Vegas n the mid 70's (The first MGM Grand). He taught me how to successfully gamble recreationally with Sports Betting by only choosing the correct odds to bet on and how to keep historical betting % on my side. Sidereal Mundane Astrology has taught me more adeptship with my recreational sports gambling.
The Principle for Ebertin’s Node (The Dragon’s Head):
The Dragon’s Head is a most important point in my Natal related to my Destiny.
I have had many fortunate “connections” in my life. The first and most fortunate is my wife of 50 years. The second is my Mother. The third is my best friend in life who introduced me to my wife. Without my wife I never would have come into contact with two high-grade psychics (now gone), and one of these psychics explained to me how my destiny was wrapped into the field of astrology. The other psychic explained to me (without me asking) when I first bought the book “Interpreting Solar Returns”, that a few years later, I would come into closer contact with the author of that book, Jim Eshelman, and how important his work would become to me.Principle:
Good relationships and connections, an agreeable or pleasant contact.
Psychological Correspondence:
+ A harmonious relationship with others, adaptable, meeting other people halfway.
_ A lack of good fellowship, tendency to first look out for one’s own gain.
C Good fellowship, sociable.
Biological Correspondence:
The flow of force in the living organism
Probable Manifestations:
+ Entering into advantageous associations, getting engaged or married, gaining advantages in business with other people, the good luck to find a good partner.
_ Disharmonious or antisocial contact in associations.
The most important Business “connection” in my life was a CEO of a company (Commercial Theaters Company) who I started working for (not knowing) when I was 6 years old on the weekends for 50 cents a day. After working 11 years for this Company in the Theater Business, he offered me an executive position in this Company before I began 5 glorious years of partying (College). I never graduated from College because I already knew I had an Executive Position waiting for me before I went to College.
The second most important Business Contact (by chance) in my life was a retired Admiral from the Navy (WW11 Air Craft Carrier). He sat in on the Breton Woods agreement after WW11 when the Powers to be were financially reconstructing the West. On 12 consecutive Wednesdays in a Public Merrill Lynch area he taught me more economic knowledge even if I had taken College seriously and went on to get a PHD in economics. He told me college professors were a joke, and told me the only reason he was spending time with me was because when he asked me about my educational background I told him I did not take College seriously and was a party animal. He said good—he would be able to teach me some economic things which would become most important to my life. He mapped out my entire economic life based on my meager economic standing and told me what not to do and what explicitly to do. This Admiral literally saved me and my wife’s economic lives and saved us a-lot of economic grief by following his very modest-simple economic plan/advice. He basically told me the economic system was corrupt and a sham and we all were slaves to it.
Another very important “connection” in my life was a Professional Gambler I met by sheer coincidence on my first free Junket trip to Vegas n the mid 70's (The first MGM Grand). He taught me how to successfully gamble recreationally with Sports Betting by only choosing the correct odds to bet on and how to keep historical betting % on my side. Sidereal Mundane Astrology has taught me more adeptship with my recreational sports gambling.
The Principle for Ebertin’s Node (The Dragon’s Head):
Sociological Correspondence:
Meetings, alliances, societies (Sidereal Astrology), contacts, blood ties, kindred and related people.
The Dragon’s Head is a most important point in my Natal related to my Destiny.