Outer Planet Transits to the Natal Angles Related to Solar Arcs

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Outer Planet Transits to the Natal Angles Related to Solar Arcs

Post by SteveS »

The more work I do with Noel Tyl’s Book “Solar Arcs”, the more I come to realize what Noel (RIP) realized. Whenever you have an Outer Planet partile transit to the Natal MC or ASC axis, it is very important to check your Solar Arcs to see if a major “Life Development” cycle is occurring. This includes partile transiting outer planet squares to the ASC-MC axis. The definition of a Major Solar Arc “Life Development” Cycle is:

When the Natal Angles receives a partile Solar Arc Direction from a Natal Planet (0,90,180); or, when a Solar Arc Directed Natal Angle partile aspects (0,90,180) a Natal Planet. IMO, the 0 & 180 aspects are more important than the 90, but the 90 is not to be ignored.
Last edited by SteveS on Wed Oct 06, 2021 4:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Jim Eshelman
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Re: Outer Planet Transits to the Natal Angles

Post by Jim Eshelman »

The single most "turn my reality inside out and set my life on a significant path" event occurred December 9, 1987, 5:15 PM PST, Santa Ana, CA. It's also the most precise event related to a major transit to an angle that I have recorded (close enough that it's worth listing everything to seconds of arc).

16°45'47" Libra - t Pluto
1°45'56"Gemini - r MC
1°45'58" Sagittarius - t Uranus

Transiting Uranus exactly crossed my IC 0°00' as it was 0°00' from semi-square transiting Pluto. If 5:15 PM were taken as exactly the time (it was the closest I could grab from the clock in my car), then Ascendant at that moment was 1°41' Gemini!

I've mentioned this event many times, but no need to detail it again now. The main point of this post is that it was big!!! Probably the biggest, most pivotal single event of my life.

The solar and lunar returns and quotidians all showed it (some showing just a piece or one perspective on the event, some showing the whole more vividly), but nothing came through like the overwhelmingly strong transits.

My main point is that the biggest, most pivotal event of my life, though shown by more historically conventional means, was was not shown by a solar arc direction involving natal or directed angles.
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Re: Outer Planet Transits to the Natal Angles

Post by SteveS »

I understand Jim, the single most malefic event in my life happened in a Stock Holders meeting July 1985 when t Saturn was stationed on my Natal ASC, let me check my Solar Arcs. Thanks for the feedback.
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Re: Outer Planet Transits to the Natal Angles

Post by SteveS »

I want you guys-dolls to see this if interested, but first I want it clearly understood I am not trying to deemphasize the importance of stand-alone outer planet transits to our Natal Angles, of course they are most important as major life happenings. What I am trying to get across is what Noel Tyl is emphasizing in his book Solar Arcs, when Solar Arc Directions fire off involving our Natal Angles synchronizing with outer planet transits to our Natal Angles. Noel is teaching us when this type transit happens it allows a tremendous clue as to how a Major “Life Development” Solar Arc involving our Natal Angles will manifest, either neutral, benefic, or malefic. And AFAIC, it helps measure potency of a Major “Life Development.” I will attempt to explain with the single most important event of my lifetime as a bussinessman. .

Below is a link to a tri-wheel with Natal Inner Wheel; Solar Arc Directions calculated to July 8th 1985 as Middle Wheel; Transits calculated to July 8th 1985 as Outer Wheel. Note two Major Solar Arc “Life Development” hits according to Noel Solar Arc teachings involving my Natal Angles:

1: Solar Arc Natal Mars partile conjunct my Natal MC
2: Solar Arc Natal Mercury partile conjunct my Natal ASC

Noel teaches in his Solar Arc book the above two Major Solar Arc angular hits will manifest a major "life development" in my life, and OMG--it did! But you see, I didn't really know how this double Mars-Mercury Solar Arc hit to my Natal MC & ASC would have manifested until I put the transits up as a third outer wheel.

What do we see with the transits? Transiting Saturn is partile conjunct my Solar Arc Natal Mercury and my Natal ASC. If we want to get technical about this with Fagan teachings, even though he was not working with Solar Arcs, my Solar Arc Mercury & Mars are in adjacent Paran formation with My Natal ASC & MC. Noel has taught me with his book Solar Arcs, if I wanted to know when I encountered this major "life development" event if it would manifest as neutral, benefic, or malefic, possible transits will clue me to its type manifestation, benefic or malefic. And we clearly see t. Saturn is partile conjunct my Solar Arc Mercury & Natal ASC. Actually, t Saturn is forming a transiting Paran to my Solar Arc Mercury & Mars, because both Solar Arc Mercury and Mars are on (partile) my Natal ASC & MC. It really doesn’t matter to me how we label all of these combo planetary partile hits. All I know is: Fagan said Paran formations are the most potent aspects known in the field of Sidereal Astrology and I have never read where he refuted this, and that is good enough for me to put a-lot of faith into what he said about Paran formations. My life experiences with Paran formations proves to me Fagan was right.

Anyway, this Stock Holders meeting on July 8th 1985 timed the worst malefic experience in my entire life. But, this terrible experience eventually set me up to become an Independent Theater Owner on Halloween 1987, “no pain-no gain.” But that is another story.

Also note another partile transit: t Neptune partile conjunct my Solar Arc Jupiter! I was paid well with a new position with the Company (a commercial theater company). The Stock Holders tried to elect me as new CEO of a Company that I had resigned from 3 years prior to July 1985. I turned down the CEO position because I would be replacing a CEO who the Stockholders fired on Jan 8th 1985. This ripped my heart out because the fired CEO was the CEO who hired me as an executive for the Company in 1971. He put a-lot faith in me as young man growing up in the Theater business since I was 6 years old, I owe my business career to this fired CEO, he taught me so much! I actually loved the CEO! Note transiting Venus (love) was partile 90 my Solar Arc Mars and Natal MC on July 8th 1985. AFAIC, Noel has proven to me along with my limited research/observations, there are synchronicities happening involving transits with our Solar Arc Natal Planets and Natal Angles, and these transits synchronicities with our Solar Arc charts are important, or the very least—not to be overlooked at certain times, and Noel has figured out how we can calculate these certain times in our lives. I will try to offer further examples later.

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Re: Outer Planet Transits to the Natal Angles Related to Solar Arcs

Post by SteveS »

Jim wrote:
I've mentioned this event many times, but no need to detail it again now. The main point of this post is that it was big!!! Probably the biggest, most pivotal single event of my life.
Jim, could you link me up to the details of this event? Thanks
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Jupiter Sets at Dawn
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Re: Outer Planet Transits to the Natal Angles Related to Solar Arcs

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

SteveS wrote: Wed Oct 06, 2021 4:43 pm Jim, could you link me up to the details of this event? Thanks
Steve, use the search box at the upper right of this page and search on "Santa Ana."
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Re: Outer Planet Transits to the Natal Angles Related to Solar Arcs

Post by SteveS »

Thanks Jup.
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Re: Outer Planet Transits to the Natal Angles Related to Solar Arcs

Post by SteveS »

Simply stated, in the calendar year of 1985, my Natal Solar Arc Mercury and Mars directed and formed a Paran to my Natal Angles, and t Saturn was partile conjunct my Natal Asc. This is the type of angular activity Noel Tyl in his book Solar Arcs is saying is very important for the astrologer to recognize. This type angular activity calculates the times for major "Life Developments."
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