Experimental bodies
Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2021 6:45 am
Danica, I find your response a bit sexist. I am one severely disabled human being without unlimited time to program. Many people here at Solunars.com help me test, including you for which I thank you, but no one else is writing code--anyone who knows Python is welcome to per this thread: viewtopic.php?f=60&t=5561. The reason I included the node is not because Steve wanted it (though I knew he would appreciate it), it was because many astrologers of both genders since time immemorial have used it (though neither Jim nor I). By definition that has not been true of Chiron, given it's discovery date of 1 November 1977. I recall reading articles alleging its astrological significance in 1978 (rather premature, and based solely on the mythological significance of it's name ).Danica wrote: Tue Nov 16, 2021 11:50 pmOh, nothing to be sorry about.mikestar13 wrote: Tue Nov 16, 2021 8:32 pm
I'm still not convinced about Chiron, sorry Danica. I may add an experimental bodies option set someday, but not planning it for 0.4.2.
It's not the first time that I need to work with incomplete data, going with estimation instead of precision, where/when precision is not available; nor is it the first time my words are considered worthless because they are not coming from a male mouth, and there is nothing in particular authoritative in the outer visible expressions of my being.
That is the last word it have to say about sexisim is this context save by PM should you so desire. I would have written the above paragraph in a PM had you stated your concern in a PM. However, you called me out publicly, and I respond in kind. I find doing so by lumping me into a generic
statement more offensive than if you had called me out by name.
Thank you, JSAD for your spirited and well written response. Reading it cooled my anger to eye-for-eye rather than three-fold return (and I have been knows to do ten-fold return for challenges which touch my core identity).
All that said, Danica has made a legitimate feature request that wouldn't require complex code (though a fair amount of simple code).
For verision 0.4.1, no: it's nearly ready and has many improvements that users have shown enthusiasm for.
For version 0.4.2 also no. I want to add midpoints (which I haven't even stated writing) and do the long postponed transit module.
For version 0.4.3, I am taking a poll of users:
1. Should the option be given (which I will recommend in the documentation that beginners not use) to include additional bodies.
2. Which bodies should they be.
Minmum criteria for bodies:
1. Observed astronomically (no hypotheticals)
2. Has a name (to keep the number of bodies manageable--I won't do thousands of space rocks)
When voting for a specific body, I would appreciate a suggestion of a two-letter abbreviation for that body. I will also accept votes for the general concept of additional bodies, without specific bodies being suggested. I use the term bodies, because suggesting points (such as the vernal equinox) is also in order.
I will count Danica's post as one vote for yes, Chiron.
For version 0.5, I very likely will add the facility where a user can add any body they can provide a long form Swiss Ephemeris file for (freely available at https://www.astro.com/ftp/swisseph/ephe/longfiles/).