Bruce Willis
Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2022 8:19 am
March 19, 1955, 6:32 PM CET, Idar-Obserstein, Germany (A)
Bruce Willis is in the news this week: His daughter announced that he's retiring as an actor because he's been diagnosed with aphasia, a cognitive impairment that impairs or blocks one's ability to use language - to understand it and to use words. Aphasia usually is caused by head damage such as blows to the head or stroke (but also has other causes).
Willis' chart is worth study, not necessarily for this detail as for its atypical structure: It's unusual to have so few strong, individual factors in a nativity. Aside from his being a Pisces - the actor, the malleable figure, the great love of sensation and drama - he is an unusually pure example of Sun and perhaps should be kept as a favorite example of the solar personality. To be more specific, with his exactly angular Sun (0°35' from Descendant), he has nothing else foreground, no close (Class 1) luminary aspects, and only fairly wide and soft Class 2 luminary aspects. He has no staggeringly close non-luminary aspects, either, though some are close enough to emerge as his strongest drivers. He seems driven most by relationship (by love and connection). He's not the typical Piscean actor prone to masks - his own face is the face of actor Bruce Willis - but it's as if the absence of other very strong driving forces increases his Piscian malleability.
Here is his chart summary from TMSA:
Bruce Willis is in the news this week: His daughter announced that he's retiring as an actor because he's been diagnosed with aphasia, a cognitive impairment that impairs or blocks one's ability to use language - to understand it and to use words. Aphasia usually is caused by head damage such as blows to the head or stroke (but also has other causes).
Willis' chart is worth study, not necessarily for this detail as for its atypical structure: It's unusual to have so few strong, individual factors in a nativity. Aside from his being a Pisces - the actor, the malleable figure, the great love of sensation and drama - he is an unusually pure example of Sun and perhaps should be kept as a favorite example of the solar personality. To be more specific, with his exactly angular Sun (0°35' from Descendant), he has nothing else foreground, no close (Class 1) luminary aspects, and only fairly wide and soft Class 2 luminary aspects. He has no staggeringly close non-luminary aspects, either, though some are close enough to emerge as his strongest drivers. He seems driven most by relationship (by love and connection). He's not the typical Piscean actor prone to masks - his own face is the face of actor Bruce Willis - but it's as if the absence of other very strong driving forces increases his Piscian malleability.
Here is his chart summary from TMSA:
Code: Select all
Pl Longitude Lat Speed RA Decl Azi Alt PVL Ang G
Mo 08Cp23'30" 02N36 +12°43' 304°10' 17S04 303°53' -45°40' 129°03' 26%
Su 04Pi13'19" 00N00 +59'39" 358°29' 00S40 268°18' + 0°35' 180°35' 100% F
Me 08Aq16'16" 01S46 + 1°19' 335°01' 12S17 278°43' -23°23' 156°23' 11%
Ve 23Cp12'06" 00N08 + 1°10' 319°44' 15S32 289°21' -35°26' 142°58' 3%
Ma 20Ar41'18" 00N34 +41'22" 42°10' 16N49 243°42' +41°24' 224°31' 16%
Ju 25Ge46'27" 00N29 + 0'33" 111°36' 22N27 135°23' +56°30' 294°56' 50%
Sa 26Li46'16" 02N27 - 1'50" 229°08' 15S37 55°20' -44°18' 49°52' 7%
Ur 29Ge32'55" 00N32 - 0'41" 115°38' 21N54 130°15' +54°07' 298°55' 43%
Ne 03Li30'24" 01N46 - 1'23" 206°17' 08S59 72°35' -25°41' 26°45' 47%
Pl 00Le41'43" 10N32 - 1'12" 150°55' 23N09 93°36' +34°01' 325°56' 1%
Class 1 Aspects Class 2 Aspects Class 3 Aspects
Ve sq Ma 02°31' 88% Mo sx Su 04°10' 67% Mo op Ur 08°51' 20%
Ve op Pl 02°57' 88% M Mo sq Ma 05°28' 44% M Su tr Sa 07°27' 1%
Ju tr Sa 01°00' 98% Mo sq Ne 04°53' 55% Me op Pl 07°35' 40%
Ju sq Ne 01°50' 94% M Su oc Ma 01°28' 63%
Sa tr Ur 02°47' 85% Su tr Ur 04°40' 59%
Ur sq Ne 02°09' 91% M Me tr Ne 04°46' 57%
Ne sx Pl 02°49' 85% Ve sq Sa 03°06' 82% M
Ma sx Ju 05°05' 52%
Ma op Sa 05°21' 60% M
Ju co Ur 03°46' 85%
Sa sq Pl 03°55' 71%
Cosmic State
Mo Cp- | sx Su 04°10' sq Ne 04°53' sq Ma 05°28'M op Ur 08°51'
Su Pi F | sx Mo 04°10' oc Ma 01°28' tr Ur 04°40' tr Sa 07°27'
Me Aq B | Su Pi-
| tr Ne 04°46' op Pl 07°35'
Ve Cp B | Su Pi+
| sq Ma 02°31' op Pl 02°57'M sq Sa 03°06'M
Ma Ar B | Mo Cp+
| sq Ve 02°31' oc Su 01°28' op Sa 05°21'M sx Ju 05°05'
| sq Mo 05°28'M
Ju Ge- | Mo Cp-
| tr Sa 01°00' sq Ne 01°50'M co Ur 03°46' sx Ma 05°05'
Sa Li+ B | Mo Cp+
| tr Ju 01°00' tr Ur 02°47' sq Ve 03°06'M sq Pl 03°55'
| op Ma 05°21'M tr Su 07°27'
Ur Ge | sq Ne 02°09'M tr Sa 02°47' co Ju 03°46' tr Su 04°40'
| op Mo 08°51'
Ne Li | Su Pi+
| sq Ju 01°50'M sq Ur 02°09'M sx Pl 02°49' tr Me 04°46'
| sq Mo 04°53'