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aspects to the angles in synastry

Posted: Sat May 13, 2017 12:48 pm
by FlorencedeZ.
Dear Jim,
In synastry do only conjunctions count like in natal charts or can one also consider the square/opposition aspects to the angles?

Re: aspects to the angles in synastry

Posted: Sat May 13, 2017 12:49 pm
by FlorencedeZ.
Jim Eshelman wrote:
FlorencedeZ. wrote:In synastry do only conjunctions count like in natal charts or can one also consider the square/opposition aspects to the angles?
Oppositions to angles are other angles. That is (for example), an opposition to the Ascendant is a conjunction with the Descendant.

Most squares to angles are the same way: The squares to the Ascendant are conjunctions with the Zenith and Nadir. (The orb should be 3° for these.) Ecliptical squares to the Midheaven also seem valid (within a 1° orb, roughly), but the best way to measure squares to the Midheaven are along the equator instead of the ecliptic: These are the same as conjunctions with the Eastpoint-Westpoint, again within 3°.

So... now (without worrying you) I can give the main answer: There aren't really any such things as aspects to (or from) angles. Angles don't make aspects. Angles are positions, not objects. But those things which look like oppositions and (in most cases, and with smaller orbs) squares to the angles are, in fact, other valid angles.

Re: aspects to the angles in synastry

Posted: Sat May 13, 2017 12:49 pm
by FlorencedeZ.
Thank you Jim. Many thanks for your explanation.