Autism/Asperger's in a natal chart
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Autism/Asperger's in a natal chart
Jim, perhaps one cannot really answer this question since so many factors play a role but are there any indications of autism and/or asperger's in a natal chart? Some of the traits are not being able to read others well, poor social skills, often gifted in a specific area, diminished eye contact and a harder time fitting into society. It seems high functioning autism usually comes with high intelligence. I wonder if some of the planets play a role?
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Re: Autism/Asperger's in a natal chart
Jim Eshelman wrote:I know of study that's been done in that, so anything I say would be speculative (i.e., fiction <g>).
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Re: Autism/Asperger's in a natal chart
Venus_Daily wrote:One of the leading theories is an extremely male brain, possibly Mars and Mercury in the foreground with a highly afflicted Uranus thrown in for neurological disease?FlorencedeZ. wrote:Jim, perhaps one cannot really answer this question since so many factors play a role but are there any indications of autism and/or asperger's in a natal chart? Some of the traits are not being able to read others well, poor social skills, often gifted in a specific area, diminished eye contact and a harder time fitting into society. It seems high functioning autism usually comes with high intelligence. I wonder if some of the planets play a role?
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Re: Autism/Asperger's in a natal chart
jamescondor wrote:Famous people with autism/aspergers (Sun signs):
Einstein-autism: Sun in Pisces
Mozart- autism :Sun in Cap
Tim Burton- aspergers: Sun in Leo
Warhol-autism: Sun in Cancer
Dan Harmon-aspergers: Sun in Sag
Daryl Hannah- aspergers : Sun in Scorpio
Marty Balin- autism: Sun in Cap
Lewis Carroll-aspergers : Sun in Cap
Courtney Love- autism: Sun in Gemini
Temple Grandin-autism: Sun in Leo
Dan Aykroyd-aspergers : Sun in Gemini
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Re: Autism/Asperger's in a natal chart
Jim Eshelman wrote: Types of autism should be separated and assessed independent of each other. In particular, Asperger's shouldn't be mingled with the rest.
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Re: Autism/Asperger's in a natal chart
Bogdan574 wrote:I haven't been officially diagnosed with Asperger's, but I am in the autistic spectrum. I am socially awkward and have a limited interest in things but they are very specific things and I am obsessive about it (like astrology).
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Re: Autism/Asperger's in a natal chart
jamescondor wrote:My father, December 19th 1956, is the same way.
He's only interested in a few things and does them well. Work, grilling, watching sports and music trivia. That's about it. Doesn't read. Doesn't golf, doesn't hang out with friends. Only friends are family and coworkers. Real simple.
Socially he talks too loud, repeats himself often, and stands too close to people. When talks face to face he always stares at you with both eyes. Animate eyes. He is always in a hurry and hardly relaxes. He is a workaholic. Very disorganized. Has a short fuse. Is happy and excited, whistling and singing at one moment, then gets mad right after. High frustration tolerance unless somethings gets in his way like at work or driving. Road rage big time!
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Re: Autism/Asperger's in a natal chart
Venus_Daily wrote:That's really broad except for the friends parts, I was very socially and talkative when growing up, until my anxiety and depression became worse, at about 18. Now, I've developed a chronic fear of rejection which impedes my socialization.He's only interested in a few things and does them well. Work, grilling, watching sports and music trivia. That's about it. Doesn't read. Doesn't golf, doesn't hang out with friends
I really don't have a broad range of interests myself either, I love music, plants, animals, astrology, studying, and learning about spirituality and life. Sometimes, I think I'm autistic, and I discuss it with family members, and they remind me that even as a child I was very perceptive about feelings, rules, and I could inherently learn the reasons behind those rules, and I was an early talker and walker.
. The first two could be related to ADD/ADHDSocially he talks too loud, repeats himself often, and stands too close to people
. ADHD or Bipolar, For about a week or so when my ADHD meds were working, I had an alleviation from these symptoms: Short Fuse, Always Rushing, Never Relaxing ect.He is a workaholic. Very disorganized. Has a short fuse. Is happy and excited, whistling and singing at one moment, then gets mad right after. High frustration tolerance unless somethings gets in his way like at work or driving. Road rage big time!
I don't really believe anyone is totally off the spectrum 100 percent, this is why it's called a spectrum, we might all have a little autism in our brains, just like no one is genuinely 100 percent straight.
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Re: Autism/Asperger's in a natal chart
jamescondor wrote:My father has never been diagnosed with anything probably b/c either he isn't or he doesn't communicate or express himself well. Not good at opening up. Not good at conversation. Won't go to the doctor for mental issues and physical only if he has to.
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Re: Autism/Asperger's in a natal chart
I have seen a lot of Uranus/Aquarius with autism/aspergers. It's not absolute, but it seems to be an abnormally high trend. Also, I've seen about 5 planets in retrograde at the time of birth with a lot of Autism/Asperger's in natal charts.
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Re: Autism/Asperger's in a natal chart
I am providing birth data for my severely autistic second born son David:
March 8, 2001 8:15 a.m. Torrance CA first breath personally timed by me in the delivery room (delivery was by C-section in case that has any significance).
David was severely impaired and never really learned to speak, though he used an occasional single word. He spoke a reasonably full sentence once in his life: in response to his mother calling him "Mama's little boy", he indignantly replied "Not a little boy, BIG BOY!" over and over. His non-verbal communication was quite eloquent--so much so we sometimes nearly forgot he didn't talk.
David was very largely indifferent to pain but very conscious of his dignity--one once occasion when I was changing his diaper, he squired out of my grip and got pretty banged up falling off the changing table but acted as if nothing had happened--he knew it was an accident was unperturbed. OTOH, on one occasion his mom was feeling very frustrated and handled David roughly during a change while causing no pain or injury whatever and he responded with obvious anger at the disrespect.
As is not uncommon among the severely autistic, his behavior was quite chaotic and he required supervision 24/7/365. But surprisingly, he possessed a very deep empathy and compassion (more than the average nuerotypical). I can't count the number of times he just knew I needed a hug before I knew it myself. But what really got my attention was this: on the way into a shopping mall, our family was passing a homeless man sitting on a bench. David sat down beside him and gave him a big hug while my wife and I were freaking out. The man burst into tears. When he stopped crying, he testified that (though people gave him money now and then) this was the first time in years beyond count that someone had shown him genuine human compassion. It was then I knew had fathered a living saint. (I am not now nor have I ever been Catholic--but I know of no other words that capture that moment.)
My stroke was only the second worst event in my life--David passed away in the summer of 2010. Apologies, but I am leaving out the information about his time of death. I have never cast a horoscope for it and never will, nor will I permit anyone else to do so: the pain is simply too great.
March 8, 2001 8:15 a.m. Torrance CA first breath personally timed by me in the delivery room (delivery was by C-section in case that has any significance).
David was severely impaired and never really learned to speak, though he used an occasional single word. He spoke a reasonably full sentence once in his life: in response to his mother calling him "Mama's little boy", he indignantly replied "Not a little boy, BIG BOY!" over and over. His non-verbal communication was quite eloquent--so much so we sometimes nearly forgot he didn't talk.
David was very largely indifferent to pain but very conscious of his dignity--one once occasion when I was changing his diaper, he squired out of my grip and got pretty banged up falling off the changing table but acted as if nothing had happened--he knew it was an accident was unperturbed. OTOH, on one occasion his mom was feeling very frustrated and handled David roughly during a change while causing no pain or injury whatever and he responded with obvious anger at the disrespect.
As is not uncommon among the severely autistic, his behavior was quite chaotic and he required supervision 24/7/365. But surprisingly, he possessed a very deep empathy and compassion (more than the average nuerotypical). I can't count the number of times he just knew I needed a hug before I knew it myself. But what really got my attention was this: on the way into a shopping mall, our family was passing a homeless man sitting on a bench. David sat down beside him and gave him a big hug while my wife and I were freaking out. The man burst into tears. When he stopped crying, he testified that (though people gave him money now and then) this was the first time in years beyond count that someone had shown him genuine human compassion. It was then I knew had fathered a living saint. (I am not now nor have I ever been Catholic--but I know of no other words that capture that moment.)
My stroke was only the second worst event in my life--David passed away in the summer of 2010. Apologies, but I am leaving out the information about his time of death. I have never cast a horoscope for it and never will, nor will I permit anyone else to do so: the pain is simply too great.
Time matters
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Autism/Asperger's in a natal chart
As I began reading this, Mike, my first thought was I'd find a prominent Jupiter. Indeed I did, but not in the at I expected.
David was an Aquarius-Leo. Your description of his character was consistent with this from top to bottom. Perhaps this was even obvious because he doesn't have a single foreground planet.
But Moon squares his Jupiter within half a degree (and is closely sesqui-square Venus). A Leo Moon strongly aspecting Jupiter and also dynamically with Venus - there, and with the Aquarius Sun, you have it.
I'm always amazed how charts of people like David show marks one would normally attribute to pure genius. An Aquarius, double Hub, with a near-partile Mercury-Uranus conjunction? Add a close Sun-Pluto square to make him "outside the normal herd," outside the statistical norms. I really think there is something big being missed on the topic of these children being exceptional.
He was born as Saturn conjoined your Pluto, and as Jupiter crossed your Ascendant. A burden (I'm sure more of one than you like to mention) AND a blessing
David was an Aquarius-Leo. Your description of his character was consistent with this from top to bottom. Perhaps this was even obvious because he doesn't have a single foreground planet.
But Moon squares his Jupiter within half a degree (and is closely sesqui-square Venus). A Leo Moon strongly aspecting Jupiter and also dynamically with Venus - there, and with the Aquarius Sun, you have it.
I'm always amazed how charts of people like David show marks one would normally attribute to pure genius. An Aquarius, double Hub, with a near-partile Mercury-Uranus conjunction? Add a close Sun-Pluto square to make him "outside the normal herd," outside the statistical norms. I really think there is something big being missed on the topic of these children being exceptional.
He was born as Saturn conjoined your Pluto, and as Jupiter crossed your Ascendant. A burden (I'm sure more of one than you like to mention) AND a blessing
Jim Eshelman
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Re: Autism/Asperger's in a natal chart
Dear Mike,
Thank you for sharing. I admire your courage. This must have been so hard.
Jim's reading your son's chart is truly a blessing knowing he was an exceptional child.
It's quite amazing isn't it that we find some of the greatest answers in life by studying Sidereal astrology.
Nice meeting you here and I hope you will continue to find the inspiration like many do find on this wonderful forum.
Thank you for sharing. I admire your courage. This must have been so hard.
Jim's reading your son's chart is truly a blessing knowing he was an exceptional child.
It's quite amazing isn't it that we find some of the greatest answers in life by studying Sidereal astrology.
Nice meeting you here and I hope you will continue to find the inspiration like many do find on this wonderful forum.
Re: Autism/Asperger's in a natal chart
I have Mercury, Venus, and Uranus all in tight conjunction. And I have an angular Pluto. Everything checks out.coolcoolwcr wrote: Tue Jul 04, 2017 4:32 am Doctors judge someone as aspergers on a superficial basis, which leads to many error in their judgement.
for a lack of social connection, look for Venus in aspect to Pluto, Saturn or Uranus.
And for special interest or super intelligence check mercury placement. Probably Mercury Uranus .
When you combine this two traits together you get an typical asperger kid.
Someone with Venus afflicted by said planets can be easily identified as asperger because of their isolation behavior or strange relationship pattern. But most aspergers are only moderate or above moderate in intelligence ,only a few possess super intelligence. This is because most of them do not have a outstanding mercury.
Generally such kids have a strong Uranus or Pluto placement in their chart. Aspecging to angles or personal planets.
Pluto is fesponsible for a lack of social connection and fanatic obsession. Uranus special interest or out of ordinary talents.
- Sidereal Field Agent
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Re: Autism/Asperger's in a natal chart
I have a chart for a person who is considered "High Functioning", which I totally question. Although he can read, write, communicate, and drive, he understands very little about society. He's a double Aquarius with a Moon/Jupiter trine. He is a terrible driver, and his English is almost that of a non-native speaker. I am in no way trying to insult this person, but he is also frightfully unintelligent, to the point where you wonder if Autism is not his only problem. His problems don't keep him from thinking he's an expert on everything, though.
I don't know what it is about Moon/Jupiter aspects, but I have always found these people to be bordering on delusional. I hate to judge so harshly, but Moon/Jupiters seemed to live in a world of confirmation bias or magical thinking.
His Sun and Luna are somewhat close, which could be reflective of his desperation for attention and fame.
One last thing, I can't emphasize how alien this person seems to even people with autism or other neurological disorders, he also has Uranus square Sun, which is also square and opposite the Vertex. He was also born under a Sun/Uranus Period/Subperiod.
This person's father was a very intelligent, well to do engineer, who probably had slight Asperger's and also happened to be a Leo.
Sorry, forgot to mention, this was also the chart that had 4 planets retrograde, and one planet Stationary retrograde.
I don't know what it is about Moon/Jupiter aspects, but I have always found these people to be bordering on delusional. I hate to judge so harshly, but Moon/Jupiters seemed to live in a world of confirmation bias or magical thinking.
His Sun and Luna are somewhat close, which could be reflective of his desperation for attention and fame.
One last thing, I can't emphasize how alien this person seems to even people with autism or other neurological disorders, he also has Uranus square Sun, which is also square and opposite the Vertex. He was also born under a Sun/Uranus Period/Subperiod.
This person's father was a very intelligent, well to do engineer, who probably had slight Asperger's and also happened to be a Leo.
Sorry, forgot to mention, this was also the chart that had 4 planets retrograde, and one planet Stationary retrograde.
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Re: Autism/Asperger's in a natal chart
The diagnosis criteria for autism and aspergers is fluid, and people who are given other diagnoses will claim aspergers because aspies are often treated with less stigma. Some people label themselves as well, in order to suggest they deserve special treatment when they're just jerks. Criteria pointing to multiple diagnoses are not uncommon, although clinicians often insist only one can be valid and the rest must be ignored.
High functioning just means his IQ is over 70. Means nothing about his ability to function in society.
High functioning just means his IQ is over 70. Means nothing about his ability to function in society.