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upcoming May 9th SSR

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2023 1:19 pm
by dflow
Jim wrote on my natal chart discussion thread:
[Anchorage] makes for quite a nice solar return this coming year. Transiting Jupiter is most angular, 0°16' from WP in RA, with Mars close to MC (1°26') and a little Pluto. Among natal planets, natal Mercury and Mars are most tightly angular, but with natal Venus quite close and a smidge of Jupiter. Wherever you are in the world, Moon opposes Venus 0°11'. Benefic heavy but with enough Mars to keep the adventure up. In the foreground, Jupiter and Pluto (which are in near-partile mundane square) both aspect your Mercury, Mars, and Jupiter, while transiting Mars aspects your natal Venus-Mars.
Edinburgh is one of the worst places to be on your birthday. transiting Saturn is 0°31' from Asc and natal Saturn 1°25' from Descendant - the two in partile mundane opposition. Don't go until after your birthday. (Have the SSR somewhere else, with good angles, then it won't matter where you move.)
Definitely going to be in Edinburgh in the next few weeks, but one place I might be able to hop off to for my birthday is Tallinn, Estonia. Looks like a party on the AC (natal personal planets and transit Su/Ur/Me/Ju) and tr. Moon near DC. Better than Scotland, no?

Code: Select all

 +------------- 0Cp12-----------24Sg46-----------20Sg10--------------+
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 |tPl  5Cp17 25º12|                |                |                |
 |                |                |                |                |
 |                |                |                |                |
 14Cp 2-----------+----------------+----------------+-----------12Sg58
 |                |                                 |                |
 |                |                                 |                |
 |                |      Transiting (t) Chart       |                |
 |                |           Dflow	            |                |
 |tSa 10Aq53 15º42|          Solar Return           |                |
 |tNe  1Pi54 19º27|     9 May 2023  2:40:12 UT      |                |
 |   tEp 28Pi 7   |         Tallinn, Eesti          |                |
 |rMa 30Pi 0 23º15|      59N26'14"  24E44'43"       |                |
 |rVe 24Pi26 23º22|           UT  2:40:12           |                |
 |tJu  3Ar11 24º03|         RAMC 291º27'16"         |rNe 25Sc30 09º52|
 |rMe  2Ar 4 25º21|          OE 23º26'18"           |rPl 22Vi36 08º52|
 |tMe 12Ar 8 25º46|         SVP  4Pi56'11"          |                |
 |rSu 23Ar11 26º21|         Sidereal Zodiac         |tMo  6Sg47 04º10|
 |tSu 23Ar11 26º21|         Campanus Houses         |                |
 |tUr 23Ar50 26º50|                                 |                |
  8Ta41-----------+                                 +----------- 8Sc41
 |                |        Radical (r) Chart        |                |
 |tEr 29Pi46 03º21|        Dflow                    |rUr 24Li36 27º02|
 |                |              Natal              |                |
 |                |    8 May 1979 10:57:00 AHDT     |rMo 14Vi21 22º11|
 |tVe  6Ge36 09º43|        Anchorage, AK USA        |                |
 |rEr 20Pi12 10º10|      61N12'39" 149W49'42"       |                |
 |                |           UT 19:57:00           |rSa 12Le38 16º48|
 |                |         RAMC 15º28' 9"          |                |
 |                |          OE 23º26'22"           |                |
 |                |         SVP  5Pi32'59"          |                |
 |                |         Sidereal Zodiac         |                |
 |                |         Campanus Houses         |                |
 |                |                                 |                |
 |                |                                 |                |
 |                |                                 |                |
 12Ge58-----------+----------------+----------------+-----------14Cn 2
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 |                |                |                |rJu  7Cn24 22º46|
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 |                |                |tMa 28Ge26 27º32|                |
 |                |                |                |                |
 +-------------20Ge10-----------24Ge46----------- 0Cn12--------------+

Pl Longitude   Lat   Speed    RA    Decl    Azi     Alt     PVL    Ang G
                           Transiting Planets                           
Mo  6Sg46'46"  4S27 +14º11' 272º 5' 27S53 197º 3' + 1º13' 184º10'  95% D 
Su 23Ar10'37"  0S 0 +58' 1"  45º47' 17N16  60º38' + 3º11' 356º21'  96% A 
Me 12Ar 8' 6"  1S19 -25'53"  35º18' 12N40  71º45' + 4º 2' 355º46'  95% A 
Ve  6Ge35'35"  2N39 + 1º 6'  91º51' 26N 5  17º34' - 2º58'   9º43'  76% A 
Ma 28Ge25'34"  1N41 +33'30" 115º39' 23N 3 356º 6' - 7º26' 117º32'  46%   
Ju  3Ar10'39"  1S 4 +14' 0"  26º37'  9N51  80º33' + 5º52' 354º 3'  91% A 
Sa 10Aq53'11"  1S26 + 3'42" 338º16' 10S40 133º13' +10º31' 345º42'  95% Z 
Ur 23Ar49'51"  0S19 + 3'29"  46º32' 17N 8  60º 3' + 2º45' 356º50'  97% A 
Ne  1Pi53'38"  1S11 + 1'35" 357º41'  2S18 111º53' + 9º48' 349º27'  72%   
Pl  5Cp17'16"  2S31 - 0'12" 303º 8' 22S32 169º 8' + 7º28' 325º12'   2%  b
Er 29Pi46' 6" 10S58 + 0'36"  27º 0'  0S37  85º32' - 3º21'   3º21'  97% A 
                            Radical Planets                             
Mo 14Vi20'50"  2N 0 +12º24' 189º26'  1S53 279º26' - 7º43' 172º11'  84% D 
Su 23Ar10'37"  0N 0 +58' 1"  45º47' 17N16  60º38' + 3º11' 356º21'  96% A 
Me  2Ar 4' 9"  2S32 + 1º38'  26º 6'  8N 5  81º53' + 4º36' 355º21'  94% A 
Ve 24Pi26'28"  1S42 + 1º12'  18º39'  6N 3  89º19' + 6º38' 353º22' 100% E 
Ma 29Pi59'52"  0S45 +45'29"  23º30'  9N 0  83º39' + 6º42' 353º15'  97% Ea
Ju  7Cn23'59"  0N40 + 7'20" 124º54' 20N16 347º13' - 9º32' 142º46'   4%  b
Sa 12Le37'35"  1N58 - 0' 5" 160º 7' 10N31 311º27' - 9º58' 166º48'  59%   
Ur 24Li35'46"  0N21 - 2'32" 227º19' 17S19 239º19' - 2º33' 177º 2'  98% D 
Ne 25Sc29'55"  1N27 - 1'18" 259º50' 21S39 209º16' + 4º51' 189º52'  76% D 
Pl 22Vi35'30" 17N38 - 1'23" 203º 1'  9N23 273º28' + 8º51' 188º52'  99% Wa
Er 20Pi11'53" 19S13 + 0'34"  21º31' 11S44  95º59' -10º 6'  10º10' 100% Ea
    Class 1 Aspects      Other Partile Aspects                          
tMo op tVe  0º11'100%                                                   
tMo op tEr  0º49' 99% M                                                 
tSu co tMe  0º36' 99% M                                                 
tSu co tJu  2º18' 90% M                                                 
tSu co tUr  0º29'100% M                                                 
tMe co tJu  1º42' 94% M                                                 
tMe co tUr  1º 5' 98% M                                                 
tJu co tUr  2º47' 85% M                                                 
tSu co rMe  1º 0' 98% M                                                 
tSu co rVe  2º59' 83% M                                                 
tSu op rUr  0º40' 99% M                                                 
tMe co rSu  0º36' 99% M                                                 
tMe co rMe  0º25'100% M                                                 
tMe co rVe  2º23' 89% M                                                 
tMe co rMa  2º30' 88% M                                                 
tMe op rUr  1º16' 97% M                                                 
tVe op rNe  0º 9'100% M                                                 
tVe op rPl  0º51' 99% M                                                 
tVe co rEr  0º27'100% M                                                 
tJu op rMo  1º52' 93% M                                                 
tJu co rSu  2º18' 90% M                                                 
tJu co rMe  1º 7' 98%                                                   
tJu co rVe  0º41' 99% M                                                 
tJu co rMa  0º48' 99% M                                                 
tJu op rUr  2º59' 83% M                                                 
tUr co rSu  0º29'100% M                                                 
tUr co rMe  1º29' 96% M                                                 
tUr op rUr  0º11'100% M                                                 
tEr co rMe  2º18' 90%                                                   
tEr co rMa  0º14'100%                                                   
rMo op rVe  1º11' 97% M                                                 
rMo op rMa  1º 5' 98% M                                                 
rSu co rMe  1º 0' 98% M                                                 
rSu co rVe  2º59' 83% M                                                 
rSu op rUr  0º40' 99% M                                                 
rMe co rVe  1º59' 92% M                                                 
rMe co rMa  2º 4' 92%                                                   
rMe op rUr  1º41' 95% M                                                 
rVe co rMa  0º 7'100% M                                                 
rVe op rPl  1º51' 93%                                                   
rNe co rPl  1º 0' 98% M                                                 
rNe op rEr  0º18'100% M                                                 
rPl op rEr  1º18' 97% M                                                 
                              Cosmic State                              
                           Transiting Planets                           
Mo Sg   | op tVe  0º11'    op tEr  0º49'M   
Su Ar+  | co tUr  0º29'M   co tMe  0º36'M   op rUr  0º40'M   co rMe  1º 0'M   
        | co tJu  2º18'M   co rVe  2º59'M   
Me Ar   | co rMe  0º25'M   co tSu  0º36'M   co rSu  0º36'M   co tUr  1º 5'M   
        | op rUr  1º16'M   co tJu  1º42'M   co rVe  2º23'M   co rMa  2º30'M   
Ve Ge   | op rNe  0º 9'M   op tMo  0º11'    co rEr  0º27'M   op rPl  0º51'M   
Ma Ge   |
Ju Ar   | co rVe  0º41'M   co rMa  0º48'M   co rMe  1º 7'    co tMe  1º42'M   
        | op rMo  1º52'M   co tSu  2º18'M   co rSu  2º18'M   co tUr  2º47'M   
        | op rUr  2º59'M   
Sa Aq   |
Ur Ar   | op rUr  0º11'M   co tSu  0º29'M   co rSu  0º29'M   co tMe  1º 5'M   
        | co rMe  1º29'M   co tJu  2º47'M   
Ne Pi+  |
Pl Cp   |
Er Pi   | co rMa  0º14'    op tMo  0º49'M   co rMe  2º18'    
                            Radical Planets                             
Mo Vi   | op rMa  1º 5'M   op rVe  1º11'M   op tJu  1º52'M   
Su Ar+  | co tUr  0º29'M   co tMe  0º36'M   op rUr  0º40'M   co rMe  1º 0'M   
        | co tJu  2º18'M   co rVe  2º59'M   
Me Ar   | co tMe  0º25'M   co tSu  1º 0'M   co rSu  1º 0'M   co tJu  1º 7'    
        | co tUr  1º29'M   op rUr  1º41'M   co rVe  1º59'M   co rMa  2º 4'    
        | co tEr  2º18'    
Ve Pi+  | co rMa  0º 7'M   co tJu  0º41'M   op rMo  1º11'M   op rPl  1º51'    
        | co rMe  1º59'M   co tMe  2º23'M   co tSu  2º59'M   co rSu  2º59'M   
Ma Pi   | co rVe  0º 7'M   co tEr  0º14'    co tJu  0º48'M   op rMo  1º 5'M   
        | co rMe  2º 4'    co tMe  2º30'M   
Ju Cn+  |
Sa Le   |
Ur Li   | op tUr  0º11'M   op tSu  0º40'M   op rSu  0º40'M   op tMe  1º16'M   
        | op rMe  1º41'M   op tJu  2º59'M   
Ne Sc   | op tVe  0º 9'M   op rEr  0º18'M   co rPl  1º 0'M   
Pl Vi   | op tVe  0º51'M   co rNe  1º 0'M   op rEr  1º18'M   op rVe  1º51'    
Er Pi   | op rNe  0º18'M   co tVe  0º27'M   op rPl  1º18'M   
Created by TMSA (30 Mar 2023)
I'm attaching SSR chart images I made to debut my rudimentary TMSA-output TXT-to-SVG script.

Re: upcoming May 9th SSR

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2023 1:26 pm
by Jim Eshelman
Look at that pileup by the Ascendant! - and natal Venus exactly angular among other things to join the exact Moon-Venus opposition. Nice. (Saturn's square to Ascendant looks close on an astro-map but isn't very close when examined.

r Neptune on Dsc -9°52'
t Venus on Asc -9°43'
t Saturn on Z -2°12'
r Mars on EP-a -2°03'

r Pluto on WPa -1°34'
t Moon on Dsc -4°10'

r Venus on EP +0°20'
r Uranus on Dsc +2°58'
t Uranus on Asc +3°10'
r Sun on Asc +3°39'
t Mercury on Asc +4°14'
r Mercury on Asc +4°39'
t Jupiter on Asc +5°57'

r Moon on Dsc +7°49'

Too many aspects to list..