Patricia, Apr 22, 1970, 5:22 PM EST, Portland, ME
I'm not sure why Millard posed a question of why Molly lived and Patricia died. This would have been a reasonable medical expectation. Both twins were born two months premature, both had brain damage that brought cerebral palsy, and the second one delivered is always at greater risk - especially, as in this case, due to respiratory complications (the delivery process at the time placed the second baby at greater risk of hyaline membrane disease aka infant respiratory distress syndrome.Dr. Millard wrote:They were approximately two months premature. Patricia died at the age of two days of hyaline membrane disease, and Molly survived, but will never be able to walk properly. She has cerebral palsy due to lack of oxygen either at birth or, more likely, in the newborn nursery. She has spastic diplegia [a type of CP]. Her right leg has been operated on, and she has physical therapy twice a week and gets around on crutches.
As the charts of the twins are almost exactly the same, how do we explain why one died and one lived?
...Both infants sustained brain damage... but only Patricia died...
Nonetheless, it's always fun to play "what are the slight differences here?" with twins charts. In the four minutes separating their births, meaningful differences are hard to see. Here are some of my thoughts, though:
ANGLES: No differences that mean anything.
VERTEX: Here we find some interesting details. Unlike return charts and ingresses, nativities do seem to have Vertex sensitivity, especially (as in this case) where there are no close angularities. Patricia had these azimuths:
270°31' Saturn
271°00' Mercury
Thus, a 0°29' Mercury-Saturn azimuth conjunction within a degree of Vertex with no Mercury-Saturn aspect in longitude or PVL. The problem is, the surviving twin, Molly, has it in a stronger way:
269°50' Saturn
270°19' Mercury
The aspect is 2' closer, Saturn is 10' from the angle instead of 31' off, and their midpoint is within 5' of the angle - all of which are exactly the opposite we would expect. As Mercury-Saturn symbolism is consistent with both brain damage and breathing impact, I would have thought it would show stronger for the one who died. - The one way it seems to express in the surviving twin is restricted mobility, the fact that she will live a life of never walking well.
HOUSE CUSPS: Are exact contacts with house cusps meaningful? These would be taken in PVL, of course - the way that actual Campanus house placements are shown. Looking only at partile contacts for such a narrow birth time difference, Patricia (who died) had Mercury 0°06' past the 8th cusp. Molly, who lived, had Mercury 0°38' before the 8th cusp. I don't think we can draw a distinction from these, even though the one who died (arguably from Mercury causes) had the slightly closer contact.
FIXED STARS ON ANGLES: Patricia (who died) had Pollux 0°05' from MC (using the Star Paran report, i.e., its difference in RA). In PVL, Pollux is 0°04' from MC and Alphecca 0°55' past Ascendant. - Molly, who lived, using the Star Paran report, has Alphecca 0°16' from Asc, Procyon 0°22' from MC, and Deneb 0°59' from Dsc. In PVL, Deneb is 0°44' past Dsc, Procyon 0°27' past MC, and Alphecca 0°11' past Asc. This is a different fix star pattern, with the biggest difference being that Patricia had Pollux (a Mars star) 0°04' from MC and died. This is worth remembering as an interesting example for future star research.