"Planets on the Various Angles"?

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Joaquim Macedo
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"Planets on the Various Angles"?

Post by Joaquim Macedo »

Hi all!

I've bought "Interpreting Solar Returns", by James Eshelman, and I have the following doubt.
On second edition, page 56, Chaper 3 ( "Interpreting Planetary Angularity" ), he says:

"The capsule interpretations below are meant to be supplemental to the interpretations given previously, not to replace them. They were written to apply equally well to natal and solar planets."

Is it the same, for example:
natal Jupiter conjunct Lower Heaven on Solar Return
solar retunr Jupiter conjunct Lower Heaven on Solar Retrun?

Thanks a lot in advance!

Best Regards,
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Jim Eshelman
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Re: "Planets on the Various Angles"?

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Joaquim Macedo wrote: Tue May 30, 2023 3:00 am I've bought "Interpreting Solar Returns", by James Eshelman, and I have the following doubt.
On second edition, page 56, Chaper 3 ( "Interpreting Planetary Angularity" ), he says:

"The capsule interpretations below are meant to be supplemental to the interpretations given previously, not to replace them. They were written to apply equally well to natal and solar planets."

Is it the same, for example:
natal Jupiter conjunct Lower Heaven on Solar Return
solar retunr Jupiter conjunct Lower Heaven on Solar Retrun?
Simple answer: yes.

Loner answer: The key is that these interpretations are meant to supplement the full angular planet interpretations, not replace them.

Therefore, natal Jupiter on IC starts with the "Natal Jupiter Foreground" interpretation:
It then adds the ideas uniquely related to Jupiter on IC:

In contrast, transiting Jupiter on IC starts with the "Transiting Jupiter Foreground" interpretation: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=227#p1540
and then adds the ideas uniquely related to Jupiter on IC.
Jim Eshelman
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Re: "Planets on the Various Angles"?

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Joaquim Macedo wrote: Tue May 30, 2023 3:00 am I've bought "Interpreting Solar Returns", by James Eshelman, and I have the following doubt.
On second edition, page 56, Chaper 3 ( "Interpreting Planetary Angularity" ), he says:

"The capsule interpretations below are meant to be supplemental to the interpretations given previously, not to replace them. They were written to apply equally well to natal and solar planets."

Is it the same, for example:
natal Jupiter conjunct Lower Heaven on Solar Return
solar retunr Jupiter conjunct Lower Heaven on Solar Retrun?
Simple answer: yes.

Loner answer: The key is that these interpretations are meant to supplement the full angular planet interpretations, not replace them.

Therefore, natal Jupiter on IC starts with the "Natal Jupiter Foreground" interpretation:
It then adds the ideas uniquely related to Jupiter on IC:

In contrast, transiting Jupiter on IC starts with the "Transiting Jupiter Foreground" interpretation: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=227#p1540
and then adds the ideas uniquely related to Jupiter on IC.
Jim Eshelman
Joaquim Macedo
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Re: "Planets on the Various Angles"?

Post by Joaquim Macedo »

Hi Jim!

Thanks a lot for the explanation!

Best Regards,
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