Chesley Sullenberger (Sully)
Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2023 1:17 pm
Jan 23, 2015
SteveS wrote:Chesley Sullenberger (Sully) AA rated: 1/23/1951 5:06 AM Denison, Texas
We can clearly see his Natal Signature of Mercury oppose Uranus angular with the EP-WP axis. His intellect (Mercury) is wrapped around aviation (Uranus).American commercial airline pilot who became celebrated when he landed his USAirways jet bearing 155 passengers and crew in the Hudson River in New York City with no casualties and very few injuries. The son of a dentist and a teacher, he became fascinated with aircraft at an early age and earned his pilot's license as a young teen. In 1973 he earned his bachelor's degree from the Air Force Academy, graduating with a major in psychology. After serving in the Air Force for seven years as a fighter pilot who had attained the rank of captain, he turned to the commercial airlines. In the meantime he had earned two master's degrees, the first from Purdue University in 1973 in industrial psychology and the second in public administration from the University of Northern Colorado in 1979. In 1980 he joined US Airways. In additon he has worked as a flight instructor, safety expert, and accident investigator, investigating accidents for the National Transportation Safety Board and developing safety protocols. In 2007 he established his own safety-consulting firm.
Some words from Ebertin about Mercury-Uranus:(Sully’s astuteness saved the lives of 155 passengers and his crew)Principle: Astuteness
(It was his ‘sudden (Uranus) cognition in the mind’ (Mercury) which was responsible for preventing an aviation disaster.)Psychological Correspondence: Interest in or ability for technical science or engineering.
Probable Manifestations: The stage of sudden cognition or perception in the mind. ... 2C_Chesley